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Arquivo: Acervo Ingl�s.

1: When it's a verb, you'll put it in infinitive.
2: When it's a substantive/noun you'll put it in masculine.
3: When it's a linguistic class that don't have variations, just put it.
4: Put how mutch meanings you think you should put.
5: Each meaning, needs a phrase.
Vou come�ar a usar o acervo ingl�s n�o s� nos estudos, mas quando aprendo palavras
em m�sicas, v�deos etc. Acho que devo adicionar isso na rotina matinal
6: When we have different meanings to the same term, use this model:
Spring[01]: molas; |The springs are sillys
Spring[02]: primavera;
7: You can use the phrases as revisions, since phrases are a quick and good way to
recall the information.

Palavra |Frase
Hence: por isso; |Hence, the climate is bad.
Spring[01]: molas; |The springs are sillys
Spring[02]: primavera; |I like springtimes.
Abide: Permanecer/residir; |I want to abide in this house.
Statements: declara��es; |Logic statement.
Bogged: atolado; |He are bogged in the mud.
Eerie: estranho; |Eerie silly boy
Avestruz: Ostrich; |Ostriches eats too mutch
Claim: Alega��o/reivindica��o; |He claims that he doesn't
killed she's partner.
Compound: Composto; |Non-compound premise.
Procedure: Procedimento; |The same procedure daily. Bad job.
rule of thumb: "regra pr�tica"; |This rule of thumb have
Well: bom/po�o; |Water from the well
Conjunct: conjunto; |Conjuncts theory
Mail: correio/correspond�ncia; |If it rains today, my mail will be late
Omen(ou(men)): Press�gio; |Omen of death
Mattress: Colch�o; |A bunkbed is two beds, with two
To accrue: Acumular; |Accruing interest(acumulando
Cliff: Penhasco; |To jump of the cliff
To soothe(suuth); Acalmar, suavizar, amenizar |I was soothing my momma.
Hazy: Nebuloso; |Hazy moonlight
Hazel: Avel�; |Hazel eyes
To commence: come�ar; |I'll commence to study mathematics
Soarin: Voando alto; |I was soarin 2022

Dorm/dormitory: Dormit�rio; |He was sleepin at the dorm.

Dormant: Dormente/inativo; |Dormant volcano.
To evict: Despejar; |I'll evict the coffee on the cup(x�cara)

Bules: Teapot; |Teapot is a beautifoul object.

To lurk: Espreitar; ' |He was lurking the room to call the
To chase: Perseguir; |Chase your ambicions
To stall: Parar; |He stalled the car next to my house.
The stalls: Barracas; |The stalls on Harry Potter are poggers.
To linger: Permanecer; |He is a lingering people;
Crumb[01]: Farofa; |Bolsonaro likes crumb.
Crumb[02]: Migalha; |Crumbs of bread.
Grudge: Rancor; |Grudge is negative. Forsake the grudge.
Tan: Bronzeado; |Tan guy;
Bail: Fian�a; |To pay the bail;
Cooped up[01]: Confinado; |I was cooped up in the hospital
Cooped up in[02]: Enfiado em; |The nail/preach is nailed/preached.
Coop[03]: Cooperar; |i'll coop with my friends.
To entreat: Suplicar; |i'll entreat to God.
To refuse: Recusar; |to refuse a promise
troublesome: problem�tico |he is a troublesome guy.
you must [pardon] me: perdoar |you must pardon me
To belie: desmentir; |you'll belie all your lies.
desirous: desejoso |i am very desirous
ill[01]: doente; |He is ill. Pervert.
ill[02]: mau; |The ill wolf.
foul: falta; |The foul of a father
lame: muito ruim; |Whos is volutarily lame isn't lame.
to deem: considerar; |Do you deem that being lame is bad?
brat: pirralho; |This is a brat kid!
nostrils: narinas |I steal air with my nostrils.
rudder: leme |...
steer: dirigir/conduzir; |Ill steer him to the falsity.
abroad: fora do pa�s/no exterior; |I'm abroad of Brasil.
to wander: vagar; |I was wandering through the corridors
Witness: testemunho; |The witness of a man
outcomes: resultados; |The outcomes of the cases
toss: sorteio; |We made a bad toss.
squirt gun: arminha de �gua; |kids playing with squirt gun
hose: mangueira; |I use thes hose to wash my body
heath: sa�de; |The heath is poggers
purports: pretende; |An argument purports to be bad
accent: sotaque; |You have a good accent
pertains: pertence; |I't pertains to another thing
muster: reunir; |I'll muster authorities

solely: unicamente/exclusivamente; |To reject solely by lack of

to crumble: desmoronar; |Society will crumble without safe
neither: nenhum/a |The response is neither.
settling: resolver |Arguments are sometimes useful in
settling disputes.
looseness: frouxid�o; |The looseness in his soul
ascribe: atribuir |We may ascribe different significance
hoary: velha |

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