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Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts:

1. Starting Position:
 Hold a dumbbell in each hand with an overhand grip, and stand with your feet hip-
width apart.

2. Hinge at Hips:
 Keeping your back straight, hinge at your hips, pushing them back as you lower the
dumbbells towards the ground.

3. Maintain Slight Bend:

 Keep a slight bend in your knees throughout the movement, maintaining tension in
your hamstrings.

4. Stretch:
 Lower the dumbbells until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, but avoid rounding
your back.

5. Return to Starting Position:

 Engage your hamstrings and glutes to return to the upright position, bringing your
hips forward.

6. Repetitions:
 Perform 12 reps.

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