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NAGEL +855 76 310 3175

I am writing to express my sincere interest in the academic

position available at your esteemed institution. With a solid
educational background in the Events & Teaching Industry and
the additional qualification of a TEFL certification, I am confident
that my skills and knowledge align effectively with the
requirements of this role.
My dedication to the academic and marketing domains has
afforded me a comprehensive grasp of contemporary industry
trends and innovative solutions, thereby sharpening my attention
to detail and enhancing my creative approach to problem-solving.
As a driven professional, I am committed to contributing to the
success of your academic team.
I hold a strong conviction that my abilities and prior experience
render me a compelling candidate for this position. I eagerly
anticipate the opportunity to elaborate on my qualifications during
the forthcoming interview process.

I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to

receiving your response.

Juhan Nagel

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