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R epublic of the P hilippines

D epartment of Education
Surigao City
SY 2023-2024

Name : _________________________________________________ Score: ___________

Grade & Section:_________________________________________ Date: ____________

General Directions: Read the test stem carefully. For every item, choose the
letter of the correct answer, and write it on the space provided before each

1. What listening technique makes you a better listener?

A. eye contact C. deferred judgment

B. paying attention D. proper manner and etiquette

2. The listening process involves five stages. Which of the following is NOT part of the

A. attending B. understanding C. responding D. activating

3. Which is true in listening?

A. It is possible to hear without listening.

B. It is possible to listen without hearing.

C. Listening and hearing are remarkably similar.

D. Listening is physical; hearing is psychological.

4. To listen, we need to make a conscious effort not to just hear what people are
saying but to take it in, digest it and understand. What factors affect the ability to
listen effectively?

A. Not concentrating C. Focusing on delivery or appearance

B. Jumping to conclusions D. All of these are possible correct

5. Which of the following behaviours is part of active listening?

A. asking for clarification C. both A and B are incorrect

B. maintaining eye contact D. both A and B are the correct answers

6. How can you be a good listener?

I. By asking thoughtful question to show you are paying attention

II. By being more eager to share your viewpoints than listen to the speaker

III. By being prepared to learn something new and changing one’s perspective during
a conversation

IV. By getting distracted by side conversations or being tempted to reply to a text


A. I and II I B. II and IV C. III and IV D. I, II, III, and IV

7. The teacher is playing a song to the class and noticed one of his students, Miguel,
who is giving his undivided attention to the song. After listening, the teacher asked
questions about the song listened to and only Miguel answered correctly. What
listening technique did Miguel use?

A. Pay Attention B. Defer Judgment C.Provide Feedback D. Show That You're


8. Who among the following is a critical listener?

A. Cynthia enjoys listening to her favorite Blank Pink, BTS, and other KPOP

B. Michelle analyzes and evaluates what the cell phone salesperson says before
buying the product.

C. Trisha cries along as she sympathizes with the sad testimonies of the abused

D. While diligently taking down notes, Sophia listens attentively to her teacher
during online class.

9. What is a program that searches for words or phrases in documents, web pages .etc
in the Internet?

A. online search engine B. library C. metasearch engine D. world

wide web

10. What is an online access of libraries from all over the world through the
mechanisms of online search engines?

A. online public access catalog B. library C. metasearch engine D. world

wide web

11. Which of the following statements is TRUE about online search engine?

A. A search may still work without the Internet.

B. A website is another term for a search engine.

C. An online search engine is similar to a webpage.

D. Search engines make our access to the information we need possible.

12. What is the most important thing to remember when navigating a webpage?

A. Secure a valid URL.

B. Make sure your browser is open.

C. Familiarize the parts of a webpage.

D. Make sure you are connected to the Internet.

13. When you click a _______, it will usually take you to a different webpage.

A. link B. browser C. website D. world wide web

14. How can you tell if a site is legit?

A. It takes you an ad.

B. It will ask your bank account.

C. It will prompt you to download app.

D. It will go directly to what you need to visit.

15. Which of the following is the most commonly used search engine?

A. Amazon B. Bing C. Google D. Yahoo

16. Why are search engines important?

A. They sort through information; like a library card catalog.

B. They make it easier to find information rather than linking it to yourself.

C. You can narrow your search down to the exact information you need with
search engine.

D. All of the above.

17. What is an opening page of a webpage that welcome the website visitors?

A. footer B. header C. homepage D. sidebar

18. What is a collection of webpages usually grouped and connected together in a

number of different ways?

A. browser B. search engine C. webpage D. website

19. Font size and font style matter does matter when designing a website. The
statement is ______.

A. True B. False C. Maybe D. Not sure

20. What is the content area at the top of the website which bears the logo as well as
the navigation menu?

A.footer B. header C. homepage D. sidebar

Directions: Read carefully the scenario below and answer the following questions.

Carissa is from Davao City, and she wants to go to Surigao City for a vacation. She
asks her friend who is a resident there about where she could stay. Her friend
recommended her a nice hotel in Surigao named Gateway Hotel. She wants more
information about the place, so she searches for it on the internet.

21. Which link should Carissa click if she wants to make a reservation at the hotel?

A. Accommodation B. Contact Us C. Facilities D. Reservation

22. If Carissa wants to go to the website’s home page, which button or link should she

A. Accommodation B. Contact Us C. Facilities D. Home

23. What are the sources of information including firsthand accounts, raw data, and
other original materials on which other researchers are based?

A. Primary B. Reference C. Secondary D. Tertiary

24. Which of the following choices below is an example of primary sources?

A. diaries B. magazines C. newspapers D. textbooks

25. Almanacs and commentaries are example of ___________.

A. Primary B. Reference C. Secondary D. Tertiary

26. Which of the following choices below is an example of secondary sources?

A. diaries B. magazines C. poems D. speeches

27. What are the sources of information that used to organize and locate primary and
secondary sources?

A. Primary B. Reference C. Secondary D. Tertiary

28. Chelsea wants to know how to celebrate this coming Lunar Chinese New Year.
What sources of information will she used to help her?

A. diaries B. magazines C. poems D. websites

29. Athena has a hard time in understanding the lesson in Science because there are
words that she find it difficult to understand. What sources of information will she
used to understand the words in Science?

A. almanac B. dictionaries C. indices D. newspapers

30. What is the purpose of summary?

A. Share your opinions about it. C. To briefly recount what a text is about.

B. Explain every detail of the text. D. Tell your audience with every minor details.

31. Which statement best describes a summary?

A. A long-detailed piece of writing.

B. The whole text told in your own words.
C. Rephrase all the sentences found in the text.
D. The main ideas and important details in the text.

32. Which of the following statement about “Summarizing” is true?

A. The summary is what mostly the passage is about.

B. The summary is always found in the first sentence of the passage

C. The summary is a thought that is true but not found in the passage.

D. The summary is specific, detailed information and contained in the passage.

33. Which is NOT a tip for summarizing?

A. Use your own words. C. Point out the main idea of the text.

B. Keep your summary quite long. D. A summary should be based from the
original piece.

34. What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

A. paraphrasing and summarizing is the same thing

B. summarizing rephrases, whereas paraphrasing shortens

C. summarizing shortens, whereas paraphrasing only rephrases

D. paraphrasing always lengthens whereas summarizing only sometimes


35. Read the text below and answer the question.

Bernard was very excited and confident that he was going to win the basketball
match because he is one of the best players. During the game, he tried hard
and worked with his team, but nothing went his way. The other team worked
harder and scored more points that Bernard’s team.

Which sentence is the best summary of the text below?

A. They were excited. C. Bernard’s team was defeated.

B. They won the victory. D. After the game, Bernard’s team got

36. Which of the following is the best possible paraphrasing of this statement “We
were able to save the day thanks to teamwork and innovative thinking”?

. A. We were able to save the day together.

B. We saved the day with teamwork and creative thinking.

C. Because we worked together and used innovations, we made it work.

D. Thanks to innovative thinking and teamwork, we were able to save the day.

37. What is a literary technique that involves comparison of how things are alike, but
with the ultimate goal of making point about this comparison?

A. Analogy B. Hyperbole C. Metaphor D. Simile

38. What is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things that is often introduced by
like or as?

A. Analogy B. Hyperbole C. Metaphor D. Simile

39. Which of the statement is TRUE about analogy EXCEPT one?

A. just a term for simile

B. compare relationships

C. can be used to explain a point

D. can show comparisons between unrelated things

40. Which of the following is an example of a metaphor?

A. Her cheeks like roses.

B. Life is a rollercoaster ride.

D. Life is like a bag of candies- you never know what you’re going to get.

Directions: Read each items carefully and fill in the missing words to complete
the sentence. Choose the appropriate words and encircle the letter of your

41. My bestfriend has an ultimate crush named Edward in our classroom. She likes
him because his__________________________.

A. likes white pearl C. as pearl as white teeth

B. as white pearl teeth D. teeth is as white as a pearl

42. My bestfriend is the muse of our classroom because she her beauty is

A.a rose C. rose among the thorns

B. blooms as a rose D. like a rose that blooms

43. What is a linear text?

A. It includes digital texts.

B. It presents graphs and maps.

C. It contains information that is found in a graphic organizer.

D. It is a traditional text that needs to be read from the beginning to the end.

44. Which of the following is an example of non- linear text?

A. Journals B. Charts C. Letters D. Stories

45. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Linear texts are also called graphic representation.

B. Non-linear texts are oftentimes accompanied by explanations.

C. Examples of linear texts and blog entries include articles, e- mails, and blog entries.

D. A bar graph is a non-linear text that consists of bars representing numerical data.

46. Which of the following non-linear texts may be used to present the topic” How to
Bake a Cookies”?

A. bar graph B. flow chart C. line graph D. pie chart

47. Charibelle’s daily allowance is distributed into five items, 40 % of her money is
used for buying snacks and 30% is consumed for her fare. As for her load, Charibelle
spends 20% of her allowance and the remaining 10% allotted for her savings. What
non-linear text will you used to show visual representation of her daily allowance?

A. Pie Chart
B. Line Graph
C. Bar Graph
D. Biography Graphic Organizer

Directions: Read and analyse the pie chart below. Encircle the letter of your choice.

Every week, the town of Capitol collect trash for recycling. The pie chart below shows
what kinds of items are collected. Use the pie chart to choose the best answer to each
question below.

Items Collected For Recycling

other plastic glass cardboard aluminum

12% 10%

29% 25%


48. What percentage of the recycled items are cardboard?

A. 12% B. 24% C. 25% D. 29%

49. What percentage of the recycled items is aluminum?

A. 12% B. 24% C. 25% D. 29%

50. One half of the items in the “other” category were batteries. If batteries were shown
on the graph, what percent would they represent?

A. 10% B. 12% C. 25% D. 29%

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