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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu
Cogon, Compostela, Cebu

District Summative Test in Research Project

Fourth Quarter – Phase 1
S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Name: ________________________ Grade & Section: _________ Date: _______ Score: ____

Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the purpose of the conclusion in a research report?

A. It contains a useful review of the relevant literature.
B. It explains how concepts were operationally defined and measured.
C. It outlines the methodological procedures that were employed.
D. It summarizes the key findings in relation to the research questions.
2. What does the introductory section of a research report aim to?
A. Identify the specific focus of the study
B. Grab the reader's attention
C. Provide a rationale for the dissertation, or article
D. All of the above
3. Which of the following is not normally included in a written account of qualitative research?
A. A decision to accept or reject the hypothesis
B. A discussion of the main findings in relation to the research questions
C. An explanation of the design of the study
D. An introduction, locating the research in its theoretical context
4. Before submitting your research study, what should you ensure first?
A. Other people have read your final draft.
B. You have completed the curriculum vitae.
C. You have proofread it thoroughly
D. Your writing is free of sexist, racist and disablist language.
5. Which of the following should not be a criterion for a good research project?
A. Is dependent on the completion of other projects
B. Demonstrates the abilities of the researcher
C. Demonstrates the integration of different fields of knowledge.
D. Develops the skills of the researcher
6. Which form of reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from a set of
A. Deductive reasoning B. Inductive reasoning
C. Objective reasoning D. Positivistic reasoning
7. Why do Ethical problems arise when researching the Internet?
A. Everyone has access to digital media. B. Internet research has to be covert.
C. Researchers may fake their identities. D. Respondents may fake their identities.
8. When interpreting a correlation coefficient expressing the relationship between two variables,
which of the following instances must NOT be considered?
A. Assume causality
B. Check the direction of the relationship
C. Choose X and Y values that are normally distributed.
D. Measure the values for X and Y independently
9. Which of the following is not an example of an ethical practice in research?
A. Informing participants that they are free to withdraw at any time
B. Gaining informed consent
C. Maintaining participants’ anonymity Maintaining participants’ anonymity
D. Requiring participants to continue until the study has been completed
10. In preparing for a presentation, which of the following must be avoided by the researcher?
A. Get to know more about your audience
B. Ignore your nerves
C. Practice the presentation
D. Take an advanced look, if possible, at the facilities
11. Which of the following can be used by the researcher to add creativity during the
A. Maximizing the use of animation effects B. Reading from notes
C. Using bullet points D. Using metaphors
12. In preparing for a viva or similar oral examination, what should the researcher have done?
A. Avoided citing the examiner in your thesis
B. Made exaggerated claims on the basis of your data own article(s)
C. Published and referenced your
D. Tried to memorize your work
13. When using content from external sources in presentation materials, it is necessary to
A. Acknowledgments B. Citations and references
C. Copyright disclaimer D. Trademark symbol
14. What is NOT a good strategy if you are unable to answer a question from the panelists
during your presentation?
A. Ask others in the audience if they could answer the question
B. Acknowledge you don’t know the answer and would think and get back to the
C. Acknowledge you don’t know the answer and say that the question was irrelevant to
the topic of the presentation.
D. Ask the audience member to see you after the presentation so you can understand
the question better and answer it.
15. When rehearsing a presentation, it is helpful to recognize and prevent:
A. Criticism from friends in the room B. Fillers such as umm and ahh
C. Possible gestures D. Possible questions from the audience
16. Which of the following is a requirement that a presenter should know to prepare effectively
for a presentation?
A. Available attire
B. Presentation duration
C. Number of bullet points allowed per slide
D. Foods the presenter can eat during the presentation
17. What is generally NOT a good practice in delivering a presentation?
A. Reading the entire presentation line by line
B. Mentioning the highlights of what is on the screen
C. Paraphrasing what is on the presentation materials
D. Elaborating each bullet point on the presentation materials
18. Which of the following is the best thing to do first before the presentation?
A. Walk into the room just before the presentation
B. Hydrate yourself by drinking a lot of water before the presentation
C. Ask the audience write down their questions and give them to you in advance
D. Introduce yourself to the audience before the presentation and get to know them
19. Which of the following is true about conclusions drawn from experimental data?
A. Conclusions are always factual.
B. Everyone will agree on the same conclusions.
C. Conclusions are based on your interpretation of the data.
D. The process is only reserved for when scientists disagree.
20. You run an experiment to test which brand of food your dog prefers. You offer her three
different brands of food at each meal, presenting them all at the same time (so that she does
not just prefer the one that comes first!). Three weeks of data collection indicate that she ate
Brand C more often than Brand A or Brand B. What can you conclude from these results?
A. Brand C is the healthiest food.
B. Brand C is the cheapest food.
C. Brand B and Brand A taste bad.
D. Your dog preferred Brand C but you do not know why.
21. How do you categorize a research instrument wherein it utilized a tool from previous related
A. adopted instrument C. modified instrument
B. open instrument D. self-made instrument
22. This is to achieve the consistency of the measures or results of the instrument. What test it
is by giving the same test to the same group of respondents twice?
A. External test B. Internal test C. Reliability test D. Validity test
23. Research instrument is considered valid if it measures what it is supposed to measure.
What type of validity of the instrument is done by checking the statements or questions, with an
expert in the field of interest to elicit the needed information?
A. Concurrent Validity B. Content Validity C. Construct Validity D. Face Validity
24.What does it mean to apply ethical standards to research?
A. Avoiding harm to participants
B. The researcher is anonymous
C. Selected informants give their consent
D. Deception is only used when necessary
25. Which of the following is an ethical issue in scientific research?
A. When the research study takes place
B. The benefit versus the harm to humanity
C. How much money the researcher makes versus other researchers
D. How many research studies the researcher has performed versus other researchers
26. In research writing, what do you call the part when we transcribe to offer to solve or improve
the negative findings of the study?
A. Analysis B. Conclusion C. Recommendation D. Summary
27. What unifies your research results, discussions, and elaborates their significance to your
A. Analysis B. Conclusion C. Recommendation D. Summary
28. Which of the following isn't really valid about the research proposal's function?
A. What is proposed to be done in a study?
B. How answers will be found to what is proposed?
C. Why proposed strategies of investigation selected?
D. What answers have been found to what is proposed?
29. Which of the following speaks of the relevance in the research study that is being proposed?
A. Study on the practical side of the project.
B. Study on data and methods are thought about well.
C. Study that shows the current state and have a deep understanding of the literature.
D. Study that is original, interesting, and essential for a research field you’re working in.
30.What is the goal of the research proposal?
A. to improve writing abilities
B. to submit for academic approval
C. to show the existing situation and have a thorough comprehension of the problem
D. to present and justify the need to study the problem and practical ways in conducting
31. Which of the following measures the internal consistency reliability test of the research
instrument, the researcher will use the following …
A. Cronbach’s alpha B. Kuder-Richardson formula C. A only D. A & B
32. Where should a research paper's overall conclusion first be seen by a reader?
A. Abstract B. Conclusions
C. Introduction D. Theory and Hypotheses
33. What is the name of the process used to obtain a minor child’s agreement for participation in
the study?
A. Assent B. Consent of a minor C. Inform Consent D. Minor agreement
34. Which of the following is not a measure of variability?
A. Median B. Range C. Standard deviation D. Variance
35. Planning as a step in the quantitative research process ends when the data collection has
begun. Which is the true statement about planning in the qualitative research process?
A. The researcher may adapt strategies for data collection or analysis well into the study.
B. There is no planning in the qualitative research process; it all emanates from the data
C. Everything about a qualitative study is planned ahead of time, except for analysis of
the data.
D. Since sample size is not usually decided upon ahead of time, there is no practical
reward to planning the qualitative research study ahead of time.
36. A researcher working for Google collects data on fair treatment in the workplace. He
attempts to attach one of the raw data forms to a message to himself, so that he can finish the
data analysis at home that evening, but accidentally sends it to another employee who had
provided data for the study. The two employees, coincidentally, have an identical opinion about
fair treatment in the workplace. What best describes an example of a violation of which of the
following human rights?
A. Confidentiality
B. Fair treatment
C. Protection from harm
D. None has ethical violation occurred, because the two subjects share a point of view
37. Which of the following principles best defines taking positive action to prevent any harm to
the research subjects.
A. Beneficence B. Justice C. Privacy D. Respect
38. An institutional review board (IRB) ensures that (1) the rights and welfare of the individuals
involved were protected, (2) the appropriate methods were used to secure informed consent,
and (3) the potential benefits of the investigation were greater than the risks. Which of the
following is an example of how an IRB determines the level of potential risk?
A. It compels the researcher to disclose his consenting process.
B. It provides for a supervisor from the IRB to be present for all data collection.
C. It reviews the researcher’s description of the study’s potential risks and compares
them with everyday risk
D. It requires the researcher to provide a list of potential benefits to the clients, as well as
the results of a pilot study verifying this.
39. How would a teacher who wants to have his students provide data for a research study go
about achieving this without involving coercion?
A. Mention that participation provides extra points.
B. Offer extra points to the whole class if 50% of them act as subjects.
C. Have a research assistant consent to all subjects and collect all data.
D. Open the study to all students on campus and provide a nonacademic incentive.
40. A researcher summarizes the findings and then makes generalizations. Why does the
researcher refer to the literature before making generalizations?
A. If there is no previous research in this area, no generalizations can be made.
B. If the current study is a replication of previous research, its generalizations will be
identical to those of the study it replicates.
C. If there is a lone study in this area, generalizations are narrow; if there is previous
research of a parallel nature, more widespread generalization is in order.
D. If the current study is the second by this researcher, its generalizations will be to the
population from which the second sample was drawn, and will specifically exclude the
sample from the first study.
Prepared by:

Teacher 2

Reviewed by:

Compostela STHS – SHS Coordinator


District - SHS Coordinator

Checked by: Approved by:


School Head - Compostela STHS District Supervisor
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. B
14. C
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. C
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. B
24. A
25. B
26. B
27. C
28. D
29. D
30. D
31. D
32. A
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. A
37. A
38. C
39. D
40. C

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