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Ramakrishnan College of Technology



1. Explain programmatically using C, how to perform the different traversals in a binary tree. CO3

2. How to locate an element in an array using CO5

a) linear search b) binary search
3. Write a simple C program to narrate the execution of sorting using insertion sort, selection CO5
sort and bubble sort
4. a) Try coding the hashing function using linear probing in C language. CO5
b) Write a C program to sort the n elements using Shell sort.
5. a) Write a C Program to implement to find the element in a list in a sequential order CO5
b) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Bubble sort:
57, 83, 62, 5,17,9, 111
6. Create a node for BinaryTree and implement the following operations: Create, Search, CO3
Preorder and Postorder traversal using C program.
7. Write a C program to implement the hashing with hash table of size 10 using separate CO5
Chaining for the following numbers 17, 22, 11, 12, 45, 27, 33, 44
8. Write a C program to implement the following operations in a binary search tree: CO3
a) Create a BST with the elements 10, 20, 5, 17, 18, 11
b) Insert a node with the element 6
c) Delete the element 11
d) Display the elements of the BST in preorder.
9. a) Implement the DFS to perform depth first search on the graph using C. CO4
b) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Bubble sort: CO5
41, 37, 6, 15, 23, 99
10. A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and then wants to visit every CO4
vertex till it finishes from one vertex, backtracks and then explore other vertex from same
vertex. What traversal methodology suits best for him and implement it using C?
(Depth First Search)
11. a) Implement the priority queue using binary heap property. Use the two categories of CO4
binary heap for implementation
b) Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Insertion sort: CO5
16, 43, 92, 9, 71, 88, 7, 3
12. Write a C Program to implement the search operation on a binary search tree, after CO3
performing insertion operation using C.
13. Write a C Program for BinarySearchTree with the following operations: Create, Insert, CO3
Findmin and Findmax.
14. Write a C Program to sort the following numbers using Insertion and Selection sort: CO5
234, 17, 48, 6, 19, 8, 21, 56, 90, 64, 82, 26.
15. Implement MIN Heap property using C. CO4
16. Code a C program for the implementation of priority queue using the following heap CO4
operations using Maxheap i.) Insert ii.) Delete
17. Write a C program to find the shortest path using PRIMS algorithm. CO4
18. Write a C program to implement Kruskal’s algorithm in-order to find the MST of a graph. CO4
19. Input an adjacency matrix to represent a graph and find the indegree and outdegree of each CO4
node in the graph.
20. a) Implement the DFS to perform depth first search on the graph using C. CO4
b) Code a C program to implement the hashing with hash table of size 10 using open CO5
addressing for the following numbers 11, 32, 63, 18, 46, 5, 123
21. A person wants to visit some places. He starts from a vertex and then wants to visit every CO4
place connected 18. to this vertex and so on. What traversal methodology suits best for
him and implement it using C? (Breadth First Search).
22. Write a C program to implement the graph traversal methods. CO4
23. Code a C program to implement the hashing with hash table of size 10 using open CO5
addressing for the following numbers 7,12,41,61,75,2,5,8
24. a) Write a C program to sort the elements using the efficient sorting technique whose CO5
complexity is O(n log n) where n is the number of elements in the array.
b) Implement the BFS to perform breadth first search on the graph using C. CO4
25. a) Substantiate the importance of MAX Heap in insertion and deletion by programming CO4
using C.
b) Write a C program to search the element in a list by using binary search. CO5
26. Write a C Program to create a binary tree and obtain the order of the nodes by applying CO3
various tree traversal methods.
27. Implement a C program with the criteria, every descendant node's value in the left subtree CO3
of n is less than the value of n and every descendant node's value in the right subtree is
greater than the value n.
28. Write a C program to create a binary search tree by satisfying the property, the balancing CO3
factor for every node is at most 1
29. Write a C program to implement self-balancing tree with nodal height difference of l unit. CO3
30. Write a C program to represent the graph using adjacency matrix representation. CO4
31. Input an adjacency list to represent a graph and find the indegree and outdegree of each CO4
node in the graph.
32. a) Describe programmatically, how to find the shortest path as an application of graphs. CO4
b.) Write a C program to sort the n elements using Shell sort. CO5


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