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Mahad Mustafa Iqbal

Global Topic:
Digital world
“Is the AI positively or negatively Impacting employment in the digital world”

An important topic that generates spirited discussions among specialists,
decision-makers, and the general public is whether AI is having a detrimental
impact on employment in the digital age. Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to
computer systems capable of performing complex tasks that historically only a
human could do, such as reasoning, making decisions, or solving problems.
This conundrum has several facets and merits a thorough examination. On the
one hand, automation brought forth by AI has boosted productivity, decreased
prices, and streamlined operations across many industries in the world.
However, concerns regarding job displacement have also been raised by this
technological breakthrough. As AI systems advance in sophistication, they
may eventually be able to take the place of humans in a variety of jobs, from
manufacturing and customer service to data analysis and even artistic fields.
This dislocation may lead to an individual loss, uncertain economic
conditions, and a rise in income disparity. In contrast, AI has also produced
new employment prospects. For the technology's development, upkeep, and
supervision, qualified experts are needed. Data scientists, robot trainers, and
AI ethics are just a few of the brand-new sectors and job categories that have
emerged as a result of AI breakthroughs.

Automation of jobs in industries like manufacturing and customer service has

resulted from artificial intelligence (AI) in the US, but it has also opened up
new opportunities in areas like AI research and development. China and
Canada have both made investments in AI research and development, which
has increased the number of AI-related jobs in industries including banking,
healthcare, and data analysis.

However, it is still unclear if the number of new employment created will

outweigh the number of jobs lost to automation. Additionally, many people
may find it difficult to make the move from traditional employment to
AI-driven work because it calls for upskilling and adaptability.

Analysis of issues:
By using AI it could lead to a major risk by not having enough privacy etc. AI
technology based on algorithmic applications intentionally collects human
data from its users and they do not specifically know what kind of data and
what quantities of them are collected. Using AI is very likely to increase a
human's laziness.

From a global standpoint, - Nearly every aspect of human life has been
profoundly impacted by the advent of artificial intelligence (AI). Speech
recognition is one use of AI that gains from the potential of AI to make
procedures simpler for its users. The most recent development can convert
your voicemails into text for you. Workers who are unable to adjust to new
positions when tasks become automated may have trouble finding
employment. - Increased unemployment and income inequality may result
from this. With the rise in AI, it has given new issues and occurrences in our
lives, - Such as the impersonation of world leaders to gain entry to classified
personal access. - Moreover it conducts inaccurate or insufficient training
data, which confers to False reports and such, as compared to a human
working which does not convey such misinterpretions.

From a National standpoint, - The remaining predictions split between an

increase and a drop in unemployment rates, AI is unlikely to have an impact
on employment rates in high-income countries. - AI could also be very useful
for countries with not a high population as AI could be used to replace human
beings jobs etc. - In addition country’s with low budgets are unavailable to the
use of artificial intelligence and its resources as it is of high costs. - A big
disadvantage of AI is that it cannot learn to think outside the box, it is only
programmed to an extent. - This knowledge can be used to make perilous
decisions and tasks important for high officials of countries and states.

From a Local perspective, - AI has the potential to increase productivity,

to create new jobs, and raise living standards. However, by its very nature of
performing their own tasks formerly thought to be strictly the domain of
humans, AI is likely to disrupt large swaths of jobs and tasks. - Many people
would also be no use anymore as and only if AI takes over. - A huge advantage
of Artificial intelligence is that it does not have any biases views, which
ensures more accurate decision making. - Co-creating AI systems can
empower local communities to address regional concerns. - Computers
Humans function as a team, and team management is essential for achieving
goals. However, there is no denying that robots are superior to humans when
functioning effectively, but it is also true that human connections, which form
the basis of teams, cannot be replaced by computers.
Analysis of Causes and Consequences:
AI is a powerful tool that has the potential to change the world in many
positive ways.However, we need to be aware of the negative impacts and work
to mitigate them. By understanding the benefits and drawbacks of AI, we can
work together to create a world where AI is used to enhance our lives and not
replace them. The consequences could be major as and only if AI becomes
powerful enough it could take over human life as a whole by not allowing
humans to interact with day to day essentials. Nationally this in turn may
cause the diversion of investments from developing countries to advanced
economies, which could cause a transitional decline in GDP in a developing
country. From a Local/Individual perspective the drawbacks of AI include job
displacement, ethical concerns about bias and privacy, security risks from
hacking, a lack of human-like creativity and empathy. The use of AI could lead
a person to be lazy, loss in skill and also cause a person to not be hard working
at all as AI would be an easy option out for an individual. Globally, AI has
most indeed made huge impacts on the digital world. As it has brought many
positive changes, improving efficiency and productivity in various industries.
AI- powered automation and machine learning algorithms have made tasks
faster and more accurate, along with opening up new possibilities in areas
such as healthcare, transportation and communication.

Suggested course of action:

Over the next twelve years, all sectors will profit from dramatically increased
decision-making efficiency and precision. Systems that use machine learning
will actively assist people as they work and play. Like electricity, this support
will be omnipresent yet invisible. Therefore Machines will make the line
between the physical and digital worlds more hazy as they become better at
sensing, learning, interacting naturally, and acting on their own. AI systems
will communicate with one another and collaborate to anticipate and adjust to
our requirements and emotions. Calls to enable the adoption of AI systems to
foster innovation and growth, assist in addressing global concerns, and
increase jobs and skill development are prompted by the growing consensus
that AI should benefit society as a whole. Consequently at the same time,
proper protections are also called for.Ensuring that these systems respect
human rights, democracy, culture, nondiscrimination, privacy and control,
safety, and security. Because our networks and the applications that operate
on them are fundamentally global, we need to strengthen international
cooperation among stakeholder groups in order to progress toward a shared
understanding and cogent answers to the major opportunities and challenges
that AI presents. This is not all that dissimilar from the post-war debate on
nuclear power. Therefore As we approach Artificial General Intelligence, we
should proceed cautiously and avoid making unfounded assumptions about
the potential of AI. Alongside, AI (Globally) has the potential to revolutionize
industries worldwide, from healthcare to education and even environmental
sustainability. As a result, a suggested course of action would be to continue
exploring and researching the potential impacts of AI, while also
implementing regulations and ethical guidelines to ensure responsible and
beneficial use of this technology. It is a complex topic, but by staying informed
and having open discussions, we can navigate the digital world in a way that
maximises the benefits of AI whilst also minimizing any potential downside.

Evaluation: (Still deciding whether to do it or not)

As artificial intelligence (AI) advances, the awareness of its profound impacts
on various aspects of society has likely increased. Initially, some may have
underestimated the potential consequences of AI developments on privacy,
ethics, and job displacement. However, with headline-making incidents and a
clearer understanding of AI's implications, opinions have likely shifted
towards recognizing the seriousness of these issues. A global mindset may
have emerged, emphasizing the need for international collaboration to address
the challenges posed by AI.

While localized responses may have been the initial reaction to AI concerns, a
global strategy likely underscores the transnational nature of AI challenges.
The realization that AI's influence transcends borders has likely led to a call
for coordinated global efforts and shared frameworks. The demand for
international agreements and legislation reflects an evolving understanding of
the imperative need for legal frameworks in navigating the AI landscape,
especially as AI applications impact elections, societal perceptions, and
national security.

The approach to AI-related problems likely underscores the dual role of

technology – it both raises challenges and provides solutions. The focus on
technological advancements in the plan highlights the recognition that AI can
both contribute to problems and offer tools for identification and mitigation.
There has probably been a gradual shift in acknowledging how technology can
exacerbate and address the issues associated with AI.

Additionally, the emphasis on public awareness campaigns and education

programs signals an increasing understanding that individuals play a crucial
role in navigating the impact of AI. Changing opinions may stem from a
growing realization that addressing challenges related to AI requires an
informed and vigilant public actively participating in the responsible use and
governance of these technologies.

In conclusion, the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in the
digital world has sparked intricate debates surrounding its impact on
employment, privacy, and societal dynamics. The nuanced analysis of global,
national, and local perspectives reveals a landscape shaped by both promises
and challenges. As AI evolves, the recognition of its profound implications has
grown, prompting a shift in attitudes toward the necessity of global
cooperation and legal frameworks.

Reflecting on the dynamic relationship between AI and society, it becomes

evident that technological advancements bring both risks and opportunities.
The dual role of technology highlights the need for informed public
engagement and responsible governance. While AI contributes to increased
efficiency and innovation, concerns over job displacement, biases, and security
risks persist. The delicate balance between embracing AI's benefits and
mitigating its drawbacks requires thoughtful consideration and international

The suggested course of action advocates for continued exploration, research,

and the implementation of regulations and ethical guidelines. Striking this
balance is crucial to ensuring that AI maximizes its potential for positive
impacts while minimizing potential downsides. The evaluation underscores
the evolving digital workplace, urging organizations to adapt, invest in
reskilling, and foster a culture that embraces the collaborative potential of AI
and human capabilities.


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