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趴趴雅思小助手 5-8 月考试

紧急题库 第一版

说明:趴趴根据 1-4 月份目前的考试情况,预测接下来可能出现的 20 道 p2 新

题, 有一部分是老题重现,有一部分是完全的新题。这 20 道题是 5 月份第一



对于 5 月初的烤鸭,可以在优先整理保留题的基础上,对于这些可能出现的新题,






202 3 年 5- 8 月 口 语 P2 有 可 能 出 现 的 新 题 一 览 .............................................................. 6
人 物 类 .............................................................................................................................................. 6
1.Describe an interesting person you know who is of your age .................................................6
2.Describe one of your favorite martial arts stars ..................................................................... 6
3.Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem .................................................. 7
4. Describe a visitor in your home ............................................................................................. 8
5. Describe a sportsperson you admire ...................................................................................... 9
事 物 类 ............................................................................................................................................ 10
1.Describe an item you recently purchased ..............................................................................10
2.Describe what aspects of news and information you like to read most ................................ 10
3.Describe a song that means something special to you. .........................................................11
4.Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study .......................................12
5. Describe a city or a country where you want to live or work in the future ......................... 13
地 点 类 ............................................................................................................................................ 13
1.Describe your ideal park layout ............................................................................................ 13
2.Describe what you think the future of architecture will look like ......................................... 14
3.Describe a place of interest that has special meaning to you ...............................................15
4. Describe a party that you have join in ................................................................................. 16
5.Describe a situation where you have to be polite ................................................................. 16
事 件 类 ............................................................................................................................................ 17
2.Describe an experience of being misunderstood ...................................................................18
3.Describe the future of life with robots ................................................................................... 19
4.Describe an idea of vacation away from home ..................................................................... 20
5. Describe a special day out which does not cost too much ...................................................21
2023 年 1-4 月 P1 保留题 ................................................................................................................22
1. Stay up .......................................................................................................................................... 22
2. Jewelry .......................................................................................................................................... 22
3. Outer space and stars .................................................................................................................... 22
4. Small business ...............................................................................................................................22
5. Chocolate ...................................................................................................................................... 22
6. Schools ..........................................................................................................................................23
7. Music .............................................................................................................................................23
8. Weekends ...................................................................................................................................... 23
9. Keys .............................................................................................................................................. 23
10. T-shirt .......................................................................................................................................... 23
11.Happy ........................................................................................................................................ 24
12. Library .........................................................................................................................................24
13.Art ................................................................................................................................................ 24
2023 年 1-4 月 P2&P3 保留题 ........................................................................................................25
1.历史时期 ............................................................................................................................... 25
2.常用网站 ............................................................................................................................... 25
3.科技产品 ............................................................................................................................... 25

4.他城的短暂停留 ................................................................................................................... 26
5.不寻常的一餐 ....................................................................................................................... 26
6.放松的地方 ........................................................................................................................... 26
7.聚会上遇到的人 ................................................................................................................... 27
8.和别人一起做的事情 ........................................................................................................... 27
9.第一天上学 ........................................................................................................................... 27
10.爱豆的电影角色 ................................................................................................................. 28
11.童年喜欢的运动 ................................................................................................................. 28
12.教他人做事 ......................................................................................................................... 28
13.好消息 ................................................................................................................................. 29
14.让你骄傲的事 ..................................................................................................................... 29
15.有趣的老人 ......................................................................................................................... 29
16.收到想要物品 ..................................................................................................................... 30
17.迟到 ......................................................................................................................................30
18.居住地发展 ......................................................................................................................... 30
19.嘈杂地 ................................................................................................................................. 31
20.空气糟糕之地 ..................................................................................................................... 31
21.想要一起学习/工作的人 .................................................................................................... 32
22.投诉 ......................................................................................................................................32
23.想学的技能 ......................................................................................................................... 32
24.不喜欢的广告 ..................................................................................................................... 33
25.喜欢做的日常事务 ............................................................................................................. 33

2023 年 5-8 月 口 语 P2 有 可 能 出 现 的 新 题 一 览


1.Describe an interesting person you know who is of your age

You should say:

Who this person is
What kind of person he/she is
How do you like him/her
And explain why you think this person is interesting

One of the most interesting people I know who is of my age is my friend Sarah. She is a natural
leader and has an infectious energy (她是一个天生的领导者,而且富有感染力) that draws
people to her. Sarah is always involved in various extracurricular activities ( 课 外 活 动 ) and
organizations, and she is passionate about making a difference in the community.

Sarah has a unique sense of style and is not afraid to express herself through her fashion choices.
She is always trying out new trends and mixing and matching different pieces to create unique
outfits(她总是尝试新的潮流,混合和搭配不同的单品来创造独特的服装). Sarah also has a
talent for makeup and is skilled at creating bold and dramatic looks.

In addition to her leadership skills and fashion sense, Sarah is also a talented musician. She plays
multiple instruments and is part of a local band. Her love for music is contagious, and she is
always eager to share her passion with others.

What I admire most about Sarah is her confidence and positivity. She has a strong sense of self(有
强烈的自我意识)and is not afraid to be herself, even in the face of criticism or negativity. She
always sees the best in people and encourages others to pursue their passions and dreams.

In conclusion, Sarah is an interesting and inspiring person who has a bright future ahead of her.
I'm grateful to have her as a friend and to learn from her example of leadership, creativity, and

2.Describe one of your favorite martial arts stars

You should say:

Who he/she is

What movies was she/he in
What it is about
And explain why you like he/she

I’m going to talk about Donnie Yen, who’s a well-known martial arts star in the world. He was
born in a martial family, in which his mother was a great Tai Chi master. (他的母亲是个很厉害
的太极拳师)I think in one of his interviews, he once mentioned that he started to learn martial
arts at three years old! You’d think he would have a marvelous career start as a martial arts actor,
but in fact, he started as a walk-on. (他一开始只是个跑龙套的)For years and years of practice,
after acting in over ten movies or something, like New Dragon Inn, Wang Fei Hung and etc, he
finally earned himself a principles role in the movie IP Man(他终于在电影《叶问》中出演主角,
at the age of 45! For a movie actor, that’s a pretty late start! But he took the best advantage of that
opportunity and made a gorgeous turn in his career. (他抓住了那次机会并在事业上来了一场华
丽的转身)He became a movie director, which totally multiplied his career possibilities!

Apart from him being a great martial arts master, I really like him because he seems like a reliable
and decent person! Unlike some famous movie stars who talk big and do little, he’s so down to
earth and practical(他接地气又务实). He knows exactly what his job is and gives it his best
effort! Also, I noticed that he often shares videos and photos of his family on Tiktok and Facebook.
I always believe that a family-oriented man is a good man! Apparently, he’s an active charity
advocate too! He set up funds for children from the poor villages to help them get education and
life necessities. My point is, he is such a giving man! So, of course, he makes a good idol!

3.Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem

you should say:

Who the person is
What problem it is
How he/she solved it
And explain why you think it clever

This topic reminds me of a child prodigy(神童) during the Three Kingdom’s period. He is Cao
Chong, the son of Cao Cao who is an outstanding statesman(政治家) and military strategist in
Chinese history.

Once Cao Cao wanted to weigh an elephant sent by one of his good friends as a gift, all officials
and ministers made every effort to(想尽一切办法做某事) drive the elephant onto the scale(秤).
However, it wasn’t willing to cooperate with them and stood still all the time. After exhausting all
tricks( 黔 驴 技 穷 ), Cao Chong put forward a solution. He suggested that they should drive the
elephant onto a boat firstly and mark the spot on that boat. The second step was to replace the

elephant with some heavy stones and continue adding stones to the boat until water came to the
same level of that spot. Then the weight of those stones was that of the elephant. By doing so, Cao
Cao successfully knew the weight of that elephant.

It’s a clever way actually called equal amount replacement by people now. Instead of getting
himself into a dead end(钻牛角尖), Cao Chong made a flexible adaption. When we are stuck in
some difficult problems, changing our perspective is very necessary. There is no doubt that we
should work hard, but what’s more important is to look at the problem from another way when we
can’t figure it out. Success comes from a perfect combination of persistent endeavor and right
solution. Both of them are indispensable.

4. Describe a visitor in your home

you should say:

Who he or she was
When it happened
What you did
And explain how you felt about the visit

I'm going to talk about my friend Thomas, who spent his gap year (间隔年)in China and chose my
family as his homestay (寄宿家庭)last year.

I came to know him when I attended a summer school in Belgium and he was my classmate then.
He was very helpful and kind-hearted (善解人意). He helped me a lot with my study and
accompanied me to travel around Europe as a free tour guide.
In the trip I told him a lot about China. He seemed to be fascinated by (被...迷住)our country's
long history and colorful culture and had decided to spend his gap year in China.

I liked him a lot because he is always full of curiosity and very energetic. He cheered me up quite
often when I felt depressed and homesick(想家) in Belgium. What's more, I have always admired
his bravery. He is going to graduate from his school this year but he finds study tedious. In order
to find something more interesting and meaningful, he chooses to come to a foreign country alone
again. Gap year is not very prevalent in China. Even if some students want to spend their gap year
in another country, their parents would not allow them to do so. However, my parents always
support my decision; someday in the future I hope I can embrace an opportunity to spend my gap
year in a foreign country like my courageous friend Thomas.

5. Describe a sportsperson you admire

You should say:

Who is he/she
What did he/she do
What do you know about his/her life story
And explain how much do you know about sports

Have you ever seen the scene of Los Angeles at 4 a.m.? I see it often, because I have been starting
training at that time.” These words came from Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest basketball players
world-wide in National Basketball Association(NBA). He is the most brilliant, diligent, and
unyielding(自强不息的) sportsman that I’ve ever known of.

Why do I say so? Let’s get all the way back to 1996. At that time, Kobe Bryant was only arranged
as the 13th player among numerous fabulous rookies (新秀). Even though he had hardly been on
the ground in first few years, no one could stop his ambition on basketball. Day after day, he
trained hard than any others and did his best on the ground. Ultimately, Kobe managed to be the
2000 NBA gold medalist (金牌获得者), which was his first champion. In following career,
miracles achieved by Kobe constantly happened - 5-times NBA Championships, 18-times All-Star
Game player, as well as other countless impressive records.

As an aggressive(具有攻击性的) player, Kobe Bryant gave himself a nickname, Black Mamba,

to remind himself of(提醒自己) the characteristic of this snake. That is high concentration,
speed and accuracy in the basketball game. All of these contribute to his howling success of
shooting 81 points in one game, which is also the highest records he attained in Staples Center on
23 Jan 2006.

Frankly speaking(坦白来说), most people treat sports as a way of recreation rather than a
profession. However, according to athletes like Kobe, we can learn tremendous virtue. Just like
Kobe’s Black Mamba spirit I mentioned before, it teaches us how to build up ourselves towards a
persistent(坚韧不拔的) and determined person.


1.Describe an item you recently purchased

You should say:

What the item was
When you purchased it
Why you purchased it
And what you think of it

I recently purchased a new laptop for myself, and it has been a great investment (它是一项伟大的
投资). As a student, I rely heavily on technology to complete assignments and research. My old
laptop was slow and outdated, and I needed something more reliable and efficient.

After doing some research and comparing prices, I settled on a laptop with good specs and an
affordable price(我选择了一台规格好且价格实惠的笔记本电脑). When it arrived, I was
pleasantly surprised by its sleek design and lightweight build(光滑的设计和轻巧的结构). It was
easy to set up and had all the necessary programs installed.

Since using my new laptop, I have noticed a significant improvement in my productivity and
efficiency. It runs smoothly and can handle multiple programs at once without slowing down. I
also appreciate the long battery life, which allows me to work on the go without worrying about
charging it frequently.

Overall, I'm very happy with my purchase and would highly recommend it to anyone in need of
(需要...的人)a reliable laptop.

2.Describe what aspects of news and information you like to read most

You should say:

What type of news information
How you know it
When will you watch
And explain why you find it interesting

I’m going to talk about the science articles on psychology( 科 普 心 理 文 ) . Such articles quote

scientific findings, however, most of them are pretty readable(可读性很强)!

I developed this reading preference for psychological science because of my best friend.(我是受

我最好朋友的影响,养成了对心理科普的偏好) She studies psychology and often share with

me the reasons behind some interesting human behaviors, such as why people always end up
buying what they don’t need. Well, I found myself fit into many of her stories. That really
intrigued me to learn more about psychology to discover the hidden reasons behind my own

She recommended a few reliable and informative psychology Wechat accounts to me, in which the

feedings are often so interesting that I don’t want to miss any article.(那些公众号里面的推送太

有趣了,我一般会点开阅读里面的每一篇文章) I started to read such articles about a year ago.

Now I’m almost half of a social psychologist. I don’t get tricked easily in the supermarket

anymore! (我去超市再也不容易被诱导购物了!)You know, I used to go crazy on big sales in the

shopping mall and I ended up throwing so many packages into the trash bin. Apparently, a
common trick that most sales people would use is to offer you some small gifts, and then they
would fish you to return them a big favor!

In fact, now that I’m truly interested in this field. So I sometimes would go online to find free
online lessons delivered by some famous psychological professors. This has expanded my
knowledge to a great extent. And I really enjoy this learning process!

3.Describe a song that means something special to you.

you should say:

What this song is about?
When you listened to this song for the first time?
How often do you listen to this song?
And explain why you think it is special to you.

When I was a kid, my parents did not allow me to listen to certain(特定的) music. This song that I
am going to talk about is one of them. The singer of this song is now a benchmark(基准、重要标
志) of Chinese pop music, but back then, he was a newcomer(新来的) in the music industry(行业)
and disliked by a lot of parents. Parents think that he doesn’t speak Chinese clearly, nor does he
sing clearly, and that he takes away their children’s time and energy from studying. Not a long
time after his first albums, he was on the cover of the Times Magazine(时代周刊), and whether
you like him or not, you must have heard his song in China. His name is Jay Chou. The song that
was special to me was exactly the first song I had heard from him, called An Jing, in English, it

meant silence.

I first heard it from my classmate’s walkman(随身听), and then tried to listen to it over and over
again(一遍又一遍) when my parents didn’t notice. Even now this song is still in my play list(播
放列表), though walkmans have turned into ipods as many years had passed by. I believe it is not
just me, there must be millions of people out there who have this song with them. I didn’t
understand the lyrics(歌词) back then, because it was about a person losing his/her love but cannot
say a thing to complain or ask him/her to come back. But even in that circumstance(在…的情况
下), also with his bad pronunciation(发音) back then, I could still feel the sadness within the song
and his singing, as well as fall for(爱上) the beautiful music.

Jay Chou and his music is the memory of my teenage(青少年时期)years. He is now married with
a child already. He might as well speak much more clear now, but we all miss the young boy who
couldn’t speak properly but so talented in music, just like how we miss our teenage times.

4.Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study

you should say:

What it is
How does it help you
What do you think about it

Well I think the only thing that can keep me concentrated is to keep my mobile phone away – or
better still, to shut it down. You know how those smart devices lure and enslave us nowadays.(宾
语从句,两个精确词汇,引诱和奴役)Total abyss I’d say. There are so much fun in them, like
social networks, you know, weibo and douyin and such and such, or those RSS apps like quora
and zhihu. It’s really hard to keep your eyes and hands off it if it’s within your touch(在能拿到的
地方), and you can easily waste – alright, spend – hours on those stuff.

Now, when I decide to do something serious, like my dissertation or intern job, I just mute my
phone and put it in another room. The method is, so far, quite effective to me. I believe my
efficiency triples as I get rid of my mobile. Like, there was a time before I applied this method,
and actually I think I spent a whole day on a really simple report I had to finish, barely before the
deadline(勉强赶上截止时间). I guess this really makes you think what technology can bring us.
Convenience? Yes, but that’s not the whole picture. With convenience comes um… shall I say
enchantment?(倒装句,精确词汇,魔咒) People become puppets, and the strings are the Internet.
The problem is that these smart devices are more than a hex, they are drugs! Even if we know the
cons they lead to, we still can’t really live without them. We say a coin always has two sides(恰当
使用谚语), perhaps this is a perfect example of the proverb.

5. Describe a city or a country where you want to live or work in the future

you should say:

Where the country or city is
Why you want to live or work there
Who you like to live or work with
And explain what you do to achieve your dreams

Speaking of(说起) a city that I want to live in, the first place that comes to my mind(令某人第一个想到的) is

Xiamen, my hometown. And my choice is based on the following reasons.

Xiamen is a sub-provincial city in Fujian province with ports and scenic spots on the southeast coast. With

subtropical maritime monsoon climate(亚热带海洋性季风气候)and an annual average temperature around 21 ℃,

it is never too cold in the winter and never too hot in the summer, and as a result, it is a very suitable place to live.

Gulangyu Island is located in the southwest of Xiamen and it is named "the first of the five most beautiful cities in

China", by the National Geographic magazine. Gulangyu is the EXPO(世博会) of magnificent buildings. Many

buildings there share a typical European style. The three classical orders from ancient Greece: Doric, Ionic and

Corinthian, are easy to find here.

Different from the atmosphere of big cities like Beijing or Shanghai, Xiamen's environment is more suitable for

people to live in. There are not many people here, and the temperature is suitable.

Last but not least, Xiamen is my hometown. I was born and brought up in this beautiful city and I love Xiamen
with all my heart and soul(全心全意地热爱). All my family and friends are living in this lovely city. And that is
actually the most important reason for which I want to live in Xiamen forever.


1.Describe your ideal park layout

You should say:

What would be in there

How it would look
What people could do there
And explain why it is ideal to you

My ideal park layout would include a combination of natural elements and recreational spaces (自
然 元 素 与 休 闲 空 间 的 结 合 ) . It would have plenty of greenery, including trees, flowers, and
grassy areas for people to relax and enjoy the scenery. The park would also have a small lake or
pond with ducks and other wildlife.

In addition to the natural elements, the park would have several recreational areas for people of all
ages(所有年龄段的人). There would be a playground for children, with swings, slides, and
climbing structures. There would also be a basketball court, a volleyball court, and a soccer field
for people to play team sports.

The park would have several picnic areas with tables and benches, where families and friends
could gather for meals(聚餐)and snacks. There would also be food trucks and vendors selling
snacks and refreshments.

Finally, the park would have a small amphitheater for outdoor concerts and performances(一个小
型 露天 剧 场 ,用 于 户外 音 乐 会和 表 演) . It would be a great space for local musicians and
performers to showcase their talent(展示才华).

Overall, my ideal park layout would be a space for people to connect with nature and each other
while engaging in various recreational activities.

2.Describe what you think the future of architecture will look like

You should say:

What build it is
What does it look like?
How tall/big is it
And explain why you think it was

I want to talk about the future residential buildings which will probably combine traditional
Chinese elements in the style. Well, you see, in the past years, buildings with western elements
were pretty popular. Any buildings in western style would sell like a hot cupcake!(只要包含西方
元素的建筑都卖的热火朝天的) People, especially the rich class, were willing to pay a big price
to live in a building with Gothic or Baroque elements.(哥特式和巴洛克式元素)

But the trend seems to have changed in recent years, more and more people are starting to steer
their attention to traditional Chinese architectures. Unlike western characteristics which usually

seem bold and unrestrained,( 西 式 风 格 大 胆 而 奔 放 ) Chinese buildings contain explicit and
moderate characteristics.(中式建筑的美含蓄而平和)In most Chinese buildings, you would find
the walls with black and white bricks. On the eaves, people like to decorate it with animal moscots,
such as the lion, the sea horse, or the bull. Yeah, we believe these animals will bring us good luck!
These Chinese elements are making a turn-back!(这些中国元素正在人们的审美观上卷土重来)

I noticed that many newly built buildings already used these elements! In the foreseeable future,
there will definitely be more buildings with Chinese elements in the cities! But it will take some
creativity to transfer the traditional characteristics to the modern buildings, for sure. And I imagine
these buildings will stand very tall, since we have a huge population. Also, I suppose the building
materials being used will be quite environment friendly. Yeah, I tell you, this new trend will
become reality pretty soon.

3.Describe a place of interest that has special meaning to you

You should say:

What kind of place it is
Where it is
When you first visit it
And explain why is it special for you

I want to talk about Beijing, which is a really special city to me. Well, it all started when I first
visited Beijing with a bunch of friends in my senior college year.(一切都始于我大三时和一帮朋
友第一次参观北京) Before that visit, I always assumed that Beijing was just like any other
metropolitan in the country- tall buildings, busy shopping malls and great traffic jam. You know
what I mean? Besides, since it’s the capital city, I saw it on TV literally every time I turned the TV
on! I really thought I had seen enough of it and genuinely had no interest in exploring it, not to
mention living there!

Interestingly enough, I was captured the minute I arrived there. The city architectures were totally
breathtaking!(这个城市的建筑物美得令人惊艳)And I loved the cold! We arrived in the middle
of December. You could smell ice in the air!(空气中都凝结着寒冰) I have to admit the city
itself had some unexplainable attraction to me. I can’t describe it in words. It’s more like a sort of
magic connection(一种神奇的缘分). We spent seven days there checking out all the well-known
tourist spot. And guess what? When we were dining in an Internet-famous restaurant(一家网红餐
厅), I met a lovely boy! Now we’re boyfriend and girlfriend. Actually, we’ve agreed to move to

Beijing as soon as we finish our study. Yeah, well, we both believe that Beijing could offer us a
prosperous career future! So yeah, I think Beijing is my lucky city.

4. Describe a party that you have join in

You should say:

when did the party hold?
Where did the party hold?
Whose party?
What you did at the party?

This topic is really my cup of tea(正对我的胃口)! And it does bring back some good
memories with my fellows in Association of Photography Lovers. It was a Friday
night two weeks ago, when the association held a welcome party for the newcomers.
The leading team in our association took charge of ( 负 责 管 理 ) almost all the
preparation stuff(准备工作) from venue leasing to the goods shopping. When we
finally arrived at the house, which is located in the south part of our city, in front of us
was already a well-decorated site.

The stars of the party, without any doubt, are those newcomers. To show our
enthusiasm towards(展示出热情) these guys, we were asked to prepare a solo show
in advance. Since I was an amateur magician, I successfully livened up the party with
a short magic show, which won a round of applause. During my stage time, the dinner
was served up(开饭了). It was a Barbeque buffet(烧烤自助) which meant that we
could taste dainties(美食、珍馐)as much as we wanted! After the dinner, the crowds
spread out to different game areas. I went to the video game room. What’s worth
mentioning is that that was my first time to try the somatic games. I did understand
that a new technology could contribute to the atmosphere of the growth in your life
and also boost happiness(增加幸福感).

Since we are all shutterbugs, one thing that we would never miss is to flood the party
with photos of various styles. So I harvested numbers of precious production. What a
fancy night!

5.Describe a situation where you have to be polite

You should say:

What situation it was

Who were there
Why you had to be polite
And explain how you showed politeness

There are different occasions when we are required to be polite. Working in a

company as part of a team, I feel it is necessary for us to show politeness to others in
order to maintain a good working relationship (维持良好关系)and to work together.

Meeting is one of the working situations we need to be polite, My company just

released a document that clearly states how things should be done in a meeting. In
compliance with the rules (按照要求), we have to be in the meeting room on time,
mute all electronic devices, cannot bring or discuss any things unrelated to the
meeting, or else there will be a certain punishment. At first, we felt it’s a bit
troublesome considering we already have so many policy and procedures. But later I
found that with the new meeting procedure manual, it greatly increases the
productivity of the team ( 提 高 效 率 ). We no longer wait for 10 minutes at the
beginning of every meeting for everyone to arrive. We no longer need to pause the
meeting when someone leaves the room to answer a phone call. It creates a level of
uniformity. Without it, different employees usually have varying personal
standards(个人标准), like answering phone calls during the meeting. And because we
need to face a lot of clients every day, it projects a positive image(良好印象)of the
organization among the clients.

More importantly, by obeying those rules, we are showing our respect and politeness
to our coworkers. We now have a better working relationship as well as better
working environment.

1.Describe an experience of watching a movie with friends

You should say:

What the movie was

What you did while watching the movie
What you thought of the movie
And explain how you felt about the experience

Watching movies with friends is always a fun and enjoyable experience. One of my favorite
experiences was when my friends and I went to see the latest Marvel movie in the cinema. We
were all big fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and were excited to see the latest installment

Before the movie started, we grabbed some popcorn and drinks and found our seats in the theater.
We chatted and caught up with each other's lives(彼此叙旧)while we waited for the movie to
begin. Once the movie started, we were all on the edge of our seats ( 非 常 激 动 ) , eagerly
anticipating what would happen next.

As the movie progressed, we were all engrossed in the action-packed scenes and witty dialogues.
We cheered for our favorite heroes and booed at the villains(我们为我们最喜爱的英雄欢呼,对
反派人物发出嘘声). It was a truly immersive experience that brought us all closer together.

After the movie ended, we all stayed in our seats, discussing and analyzing the movie's plot twists
and cliffhangers(电影的情节转折与悬念). We even made plans to re-watch the movie together
to catch any details we may have missed.

Overall, watching a movie with friends is a great way to bond and create memories(增进感情和
创造回忆的好方法). I'm grateful for this particular experience and look forward to many more
movie nights with my friends.

2.Describe an experience of being misunderstood

You should say:

When it happened
What you did
Why you were misunderstood
And how you felt about it

I would like to share a personal experience where I was misunderstood. It happened a few years
ago when I was in college. I had a close friend who was a girl, and we used to hang out together
quite often.

One day, we were walking back to our dorms after a study session (一段时间的学习), and we
saw another friend of ours who was also walking in the same direction. He came over to say hi,
and we all started walking together. While we were walking, my female friend and I were having a
conversation about a movie we had watched the previous night. We were discussing the plot and
characters, and we both had different opinions about certain aspects of the movie.

Our male friend, who had joined us, didn't say much during the conversation. A few days later, I
found out that he had been under the impression that my female friend and I were in a romantic
relationship(谈恋爱). He had apparently misunderstood our conversation about the movie and
thought we were talking about our feelings for each other.

I was surprised and shocked when I heard this, as I had never thought of my friend in that way. It
was an awkward situation, and I had to explain to him that there was nothing romantic between
my female friend and me. I felt a little embarrassed, but I was glad that we were able to clear up
the misunderstanding(消除误会).

This experience taught me that sometimes people can misunderstand us even when we don't
intend to give off certain impressions(给人某种印象). It's important to communicate clearly and
clarify any misconceptions to avoid any awkward situations.

3.Describe the future of life with robots

You should say:

When it happened
What will robots do
What kind of life will lead
And explain how it influences you

I want to talk about a crazy future where robots and humans get along. Well, there are already
many scientists out there claiming such a world is not a fantasy, but the reality in twenty years or

I can already imagine robots getting busy in almost every corner of our world! They could help us
with housework, road planning, house construction and factory work. Even more wildly, (更疯狂
的是)it’s very likely that robots in the future will be wired to think like a human(未来的机器人
会被编辑地能向人类一样思考), which means, they will be able to build relationships with us!
You could start a romantic relationship or a friendship with a machine and you will actually be
emotionally attached to it! Can you imagine?

I mean, it’s frightening to think of young people getting addicted to this sort of virtual
relationships(虚拟关系). It will certainly cause a chaos to the world ‘cause people won’t have
interests in starting a real family anymore! They won’t be bothered to take any family
responsibilities, or make any effort to maintain any meaningful relationships with other humans.
Everyone will be accompanied, but everyone will also be isolated. How ridiculous!(多荒谬啊!)

To be honest, I have complicated feelings towards this future. I expect to see it happen ‘cause it

sounds exciting, but at the mean time, the idea of human isolation freaks me out!(人类各自被孤

4.Describe an idea of vacation away from home

You should say:

Where will you go
Who will you go with
When will you go
What will you do there.

When it comes to (提到) travel, Tibet always comes into my mind. Tibet is my ideal
vacation destination. The Tibetan plateau is a quarter of China. It has a unique
character (独特的风貌)shaped by Tibet Buddhism(藏传佛教). Though much of
this land is windswept and freezing, it has produced one of the most enlightened
cultures(开明的文化) on Earth.

I would like to go with my friend Jack. Jack and I watched “Paths of the Soul”, a
Chinese movie together. The movie tells of a journey taken by Tibetan villagers on a
1,200 kilometer pilgrimage to Lhasa. We are deeply touched by the main characters’
joy in the simple pleasures of life and the sense of serenity(宁静). Since then, we’ve
decided to go to Tibet together.

If we were gonna go, we would go there in September. We want to rent a car in Lhasa
and drive to Yamdrok Lake, which is among the most beautiful and highest lake in
Tibet. Therefore, we should avoid the rain season. September is one of the best
months for travel to regions far from Lhasa because rainfall decreases, but the weather
is still relatively( 相 对) warm and comfortable. At that time, there are grand natural
scenery, refreshing pure air(清新纯净的空气), golden barley valley, prosperous
farmhouses and fields.

We would like to spent 3 days in Lhasa to visit the elaborate temples(恢弘的庙宇)

and observe their customs(观察风土人情). Lhasa is a focus for a number of pilgrims
(朝圣者), who congregate(聚集) at the city’s temples each day. Maybe I will
watch them from a distance to acquire inner peace.

5. Describe a special day out which does not cost too much

You should say:

What day it was
Where you went
What you did
And explain who you were with

Well, I would like to talk about a cycling trip, which brought great joy to me. Three
months ago, I went on cycling with my brother to the West Lake. Since we rode
bicycles instead of driving a car and brought food of ourselves, it did not cost too

It began in the early morning, and the good weather contributed to the joyful trip. I
haven’t tried to wake up so early for a long time. So at first I was unwilling. But it
turned out to be(证实是)worthy. The fresh air and the bright sunshine refreshed(消
除疲劳) me. We cycled around the West Lake for about two hours, enjoying the
picturesque scenery(如画的风景) around. Sometimes we stopped to chat with other
visitors or take some pictures. Every flower and every leaf there seem to be vibrant
and lovely. When the lunchtime came, I was so hungry that the sandwich my mother
made for me became the most delicious food.

After the trip, I found myself more energetic and optimistic. I believe this is the magic
of sport. To be honest, I used to be a homebody (宅男)who enjoys staying at home.
However, this kind of lifestyle did harm to my health. So now I decided to switch my
lifestyle to a healthier one. And I couldn’t wait to(迫不及待) plan for my next
cycling trip.

2023 年 1-4 月 P1 保留题

1. Stay up
1) Do you often stay up late?
2) What did you do when you were staying up late?
3) Did you stay up late when you were a kid?
4) What does it feel like the next morning if you stay up late?

2. Jewelry
1) Do you often wear jewelry?
2) What type of jewelry do you like to buy?
3) Why do you think some people wear a piece of jewelry for a long time?
4) Do you usually buy jewelry?

3. Outer space and stars

1)Have you ever learned about outer space and stars?
2)Are you interested in films concerning outer space and stars?.
3)Do you want to go into outer space in the future?
4) Do you want to know more about outer space?

4. Small business
1) Do you know many small businesses where you live?
2)Do you prefer buying things in big companies or small businesses?
3) Have you ever worked in small businesses?
4) Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

5. Chocolate
1) Do you like eating chocolate? Why/why not?
2) What's your favorite flavor?
3)Do you think it is good to use chocolate as gifts to others?
4)How often do you eat chocolate?
5)Did you often eat chocolate when you were a kid?
6)Why do you think chocolate is popular around the world?

6. Schools
1) Do you go to a good school?
2)What changes would you like to see in your school?
3)Where do you go to school?
4) Do you like your current learning atmosphere?
5) What are the difference between your school and other schools?

7. Music
1)What music do you like?
2)Do you often listen to one type of music?
3)What music do your friends like? Do you enjoy the same type of music?
4)What's the most popular type of music where you live?
5)Which singer or musician would you like to see in person?
6)What music do you dislike?

8. Weekends
1) Do you like weekends?
2)What did you do last weekend?
3)What do you usually do on weekends? Do you study or work?
4)Do you make plans for your weekends?

9. Keys
1) Do you always bring a lot of keys with you?
2) Have you ever lost your keys?
3) Do you often forget the keys and lock yourself out?
4) Do you think it's a good idea to leave your keys with a neighbor?

10. T-shirt
1) Do you like wearing T-shirts?
2)Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
3)Do you think older people who wear T-shirts are fashionable?
4)How often do you wear T-shirts?
5)Would you buy T-shirts as souvenirs on vacation?

1)What made you happy when you were little?
2)What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?
3)Is there anything that has made you feel happy lately?
4)When do you feel happy at work? Why?
5)Do you feel happy when buying new things?
6)Do you think people are happy when buying new things?

12. Library
1) Do you often go to library?
2) Did you go to library when you were a kid?
3) Do Chinese kids often go to library?
4)What do you usually do in the library?

1) Do you like art?
2)Do you like visiting art galleries?
3)Do you want to be an artist?
4)Do you like modern art or traditional art?

2022 年 1-4 月 P2&P3 保留题
Describe a historical period you would like to know more
You should say:
When it happened
What you are interested in
What you know about it
And why you would like to know more

Part 3
1)Should everyone know history?
2)In what ways can children learn history?

Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
How you found out about it
What it is about
How often you visit it
And explain why you often visit it

Part 3
1)What are the most popular and least popular apps in China?
2)What's the difference between the Internet and television?

Describe a piece of technology that you feel difficult to use
You should say:
When you got it
What you got it for
How often you use it
And explain how you feel about it

Part 3

1)What technology do people currently use?
2)Why do big companies introduce new products frequently?

Describe another city you would like to stay for a short time.
You should say:
Where the city is
Why you want to go there
Whom you will go there with
What you will do there
And explain why you will stay there just for a short time

1)Why do people sometimes go to other cities?
2)Why are historical cities popular?

Describe an unusual meal you had.
You should say:
When you had it
Where you had it
Whom you had it with
And explain why it was unusual

Part 3
1)What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?
2)What fast food are there in your country?

Describe your favourite place in your house where you can relax.
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at this place

Part 3
1)Why is it difficult for some people to relax?
2)What are the benefits of doing exercise?

Describe a person you met at a party who you enjoyed talking with
You should say:
What party it was
Who the person is
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking with him/her

1)On what occasions would people be willing to get to know new people?
2)Where would people get to know new people?

Describe something that you did with someone/a group of people
You should say:
What it was
Who you did it with
How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it together

Part 3
1)How do you get along with your neighbors?
2)How do neighbors help each other?

Describe the first day you went to school that you remember
You should say:
Where the school was
How you went there
What happened that day

And how you felt on that day

Part 3
1)What are the reasons for job change?
2)Are big companies better than small companies Why?

Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire
You should say:
Who this actor/actress is
When you saw the film
What the character was like in this film
And explain why you admire this actor/actress

Part 3
1)Is it interesting to be an actor/actress?
2)What can children learn from acting?

Describe a sport you enjoyed when you were young
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed it

Part 3
1)Is it important to have a break during work or study?
2)What sports do young people like to do now?

Describe a time when you taught a friend/relative something
You should say:
Who you taught

What you taught
What the result was
And explain how you felt about the experience

Part 3
1)What practical skills can young people teach old people?
2)What skills can young people teach old people besides technology?

Describe a piece of good news that you heard about someone you know well
You should say:
What it was
When you heard it
How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it

Part 3
1)Is it good to share something on social media?
2)Should the media only publish good news?

Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
What it was
How you did it
What difficulty you had
How you dealt with the difficulty
And explain why you felt proud of it

1)Which is more important, personal goals or work goals?
2)Have your life goals changed since your childhood?

Describe an interesting old person you met

You should say:
Who this person is
When/where you met this person
What you did with this person
And explain why you think this person is interesting

Part 3
1)Do you think old people and young people can share interests?
2)What can old people teach young people?

Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
Who gave it to you
And explain why you wanted it so much

Part 3
1)Should employees have their own goals?
2)How should bosses reward employees?

Describe a time when you missed or were late for a meeting
You should say:
When it happened
What happened
Why you missed/were late for it
And explain how you felt about this experience

Part 3
1)Are you a punctual person?
2)Do you think it is important to be on time?

Describe a new development in the area where you live ( mall, park...)
You should say:
What the development is
When/where you noticed it
How long it took to complete it
And explain how you feel about it

Part 3
1)What transportation do you use the most?
2)Is public transportation popular in China?

Describe a noisy place you have been to
You should say:
What it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you feel it's a noisy place

Part 3
1)Do you think it is good for children to make noise?
2)Should children not be allowed to make noise under any circumstances?

Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted
You should say:
Where the place is
When you visited
Why the air was not good
And explain how you felt about the place

Part 3
1)In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?
2)Is there more pollution now than in the past?

Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with
You should say:
Who this person is
How you met this person
How long you have known him/her
And explain why you want to work/study with him/her

Part 3
1)Why should children be kind to their classmates?
2)Can children choose their deskmate?

Describe a time when you made a complaint and were satisfied with the result
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
And explain why you were satisfied with the result

Part 3
Which one is better when making a complaint, by talking or by writing?

Describe something you would like to learn in the future.
You should say:
What it is
How you would like to learn it
Where you would like to learn it
Why you would like to learn it
And explain whether it’s difficult to learn it

1)What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

2)At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?

Describe an advertisement you don't like
You should say:
Where and when you first saw it
What the advertisement was for
What you could see in the advertisement
And explain why you did not like the advertisement

1)What are the most advertised products in your country?
2)Which one is more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy.
You should say:
What it is
Where and when you do it
Who you do it with
And explain why you enjoy it

1)Should children have learning routines?
2)What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?


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