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Jay C. BRown
Texas Wesleyan University

s the old millennium closed, there was a shift from TRENDS IN PSYCHOLOGY
A enor perspectives in psychology to cogni-
tive perspectives (Goodwin, 2004)—that is, a shift
from a strict reliance on empirical sources for knowledge to
an acceptance of rationality as a source for knowledge. In The American Psychological Association (APA)
the first decade of the new millennium, psychology is tak- declared the 1990s the “Decade of the Brain.” An accel-
ing on another new look, or perhaps it is simply returning eration of neuroscience research marked the 1990s. For
to whence it came. Psychology, and in fact all of society, example, researchers discovered that well over half of
is embracing spirituality, accepting faith as a once-again the human genes are devoted to brain-related functions
legitimate source of knowledge. The media is awash with and those genes can influence a range of behaviors. Brain
words such as intuition and faith (Malcolm Gladwell’s scans had long shown the structure of the brain. Crude
book Blink, a best seller, attests to the popularity of intui- neuroscience techniques of the past (such as ablation) had
tive thinking), thus reminding us of this acceptance of non- indicated which “areas” of the brain were responsible for
empirical sources of knowledge. Advances in information which behaviors. The major recent advance, however, is
technology, such as the Internet and the 24-hour news net- the ability to scan the brain while the participant performs
works, have made psychology in all of its forms accessible complex tasks. This technique reveals much more pre-
to everyone. This increased globalization of psychology is cisely which areas control which behaviors. At the turn
mirrored in the most recent edition of the DSM (Diagnostic of the century, a multidisciplinary initiative was formed
and Statistical Manual), which now acknowledges that (including the APA) creating the “Decade of Behavior” to
mental health practitioners should be aware of cultural bring social and behavioral science into the mainstream.
issues when diagnosing and treating mental illness. This initiative was founded under the assumption that
At the close of the previous chapter, Goodwin presented though an understanding of the brain is critical, it is ulti-
a section titled “At the Close of the 20th Century” and mately human behaviors that are at the root of all accom-
discussed four trends in psychology that have carried over plishments, problems, and solutions.
into the new century: neuroscience, evolution, computers, In addition to the recognition in the academic sphere,
and fragmentation. This chapter includes a discussion of there has been an increased understanding of the impor-
these four trends and concludes with a discussion of the tance of neuroscience research in the private sphere
future of psychology by examining the applications of as well Articles dealing with brain functioning appear
psychology in the world today. frequently both in magazines and the news; rarely does


a week goes by without some new neuroscience develop- A recent cover story in Time magazine asks, “What
ment being reported by the cable news networks. Moreover, makes us different?” and refers to those characteristics
the Allen Brain Atlas (2006), created to be freely available that separate us from other animals, namely chimpanzees
to all, was funded totally with private donations by the phi- (Lemonick & Dorfman, 2006). The human genome proj-
lanthropist Paul Allen. This project was created because a ect was launched in 1986, and a preliminary count reveals
private citizen realized the necessity for a comprehensive only about 30,000 genes in the entire human genome. Of
resource to which individual researchers could compare these 30,000 genes, we appear to share about 99 percent
genetic patterns. with chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), our nearest ances-
In an almost Orwellian development, it appears that tor. Similarly, as of this writing, work is in progress to
MRI scans of the brain can predict at least some psycho- reveal the genome of Neanderthal man (Homo sapien
logical characteristics. The brains of highly intelligent Neandertalis). It is expected that we will share even more
children develop in a unique pattern. Though this pat- genes than we do with the chimpanzee. Full understanding
tern is quite complex, the pattern for highly intelligent of the human genome should reveal important insights into
children is definitely different from that for children behavioral, mental, and physical illnesses. Early applica-
with average intelligence (Haier et al., 1995; Shaw et al., tions include the ability to screen for predispositions for
2006). Because of this different pattern, it should be (at certain disorders, such as breast cancer. Such “predictions”
least theoretically) feasible to “predict” the intelligence have opened other ethical debates that are being played out
of an unborn child. Brain differences in personality, in medicine today. For example, if a woman’s genetic test-
temperament, abnormal behaviors, and other cognitive ing reveals a predisposition for breast cancer, should she
functions have been reported for years, and more are have a radical mastectomy just to be safe? Taken further,
sure to be found shortly. Obviously, serious ethical dis- if genetic testing reveals predispositions for any number of
cussions need to be made in this area, particularly in the illnesses (or cognitive impairments) in a fetus, should the
potential for prediction. If a person’s potential is known fetus be given a chance?
beforehand, why waste precious resources on people who
cannot benefit from them? Similarly, if the potential for Computers
violence in an individual can be assessed through brain
scanning, should society prevent such “potential” vio- From the information-processing approach to memory
lence from occurring? Not surprisingly, such a scenario of the 1960s, to the connectionist models of language in
was proposed in the recent hit movie Minority Report, the 1980s, to the field of artificial intelligence and neural
in which crimes could be predicted before they occurred networks today, computers have been influencing the
and the criminals were arrested for crimes they had not way we think about and study the mind and its processes.
yet committed. Neuroscience may be the route that will However, there is a consensus among researchers that
allow psychology to finally fully advance beyond the current computer technology, which is very, very fast, is
realm of social science, where predictions are probabi- limited in its ability to truly imitate a human brain due to
listic, and into the realm of the natural sciences, where the current limit of serial processing. Until a true parallel
prediction is more of an absolute. Rather than merely processing system can be devised, the field of artificial
predicting the behavior of the “average” individual, neu- intelligence will forever remain artificial. In the words of
roscience may someday allow us to predict the behavior Donald Hoffman (1998), “You can buy a chess machine
of a specific individual. that beats a master but can’t yet buy a vision machine that
beats a toddler’s vision” (p. xiii).
Evolution Computers have also been shaping psychology via their
roles in research. For example, computerized presentation
Since its inception, the theory of evolution has been of test items allows for far more standardization and bet-
woven into the history of psychology. The Structural ter control in research than was ever possible in the past.
School of Psychology, which had asked about the “‘what,” Additionally, statistical software programs have allowed
“why,” and “how” of mental life, was supplanted by the researchers to pursue complex statistical relationships that
Functionalists, who incorporated evolutionary thinking might otherwise be lost.
to ask about the “what for” of mental life (Hergenhahn,
2005). In the 1960s, the field of psychobiology (currently
called evolutionary psychology), in an effort to explain
altruistic behavior, changed the basic driving force behind Long gone are the days of the “gentleman scientist” of
evolutionary thinking from the concept of “survival of the the 19th century. The trend of the past century, in which
fittest” (implying that characteristics that allow an indi- psychology has become more and more fragmented (spe-
vidual to survive and reproduce would be passed on) and cialized), looks only to continue into the future. The APA
replaced it with the propagation of an individual’s genetic currently has 54 divisions, with more inevitably to follow,
material (which could be enhanced by ensuring that ones each specialized in its own small slice of psychology.
with similar genetics survive and reproduce). We find that researchers in one area of psychology might
Psychology Into the 21st Century + 23

belong to a very specific society such as the Society for barded with new products (CS) being paired with people
Research in Child Development (SRCD), which uses very or places (US) that have positive feelings (UR) associated
specialized terminology that is unrecognizable to someone with them. Through constant bombardment (acquisition),
researching in a different area of psychology. Researchers the companies hope that the presence of the new product
in one area can hardly keep up with advances in their (CS) will eventually come to elicit positive feelings (CR).
particular slice of the research world. Human beings are When it comes to the development of new products,
incredibly complicated, and it feels hardly possible to no successful company would even attempt to market a
understand one area of psychology in isolation from any new product without testing it. The research techniques
of the others. However, evidence of an increased amount of polling and focus groups come directly out of psycho-
of interdisciplinary cooperation (particularly between psy- logical research. The availability of mass audiences via
chology, biology, and computer science) is encouraging. the Internet and e-mail makes this type of work faster and
Academic psychologists are often no longer fully recog- cheaper (though not necessarily better).
nizable as psychologists; the bookshelves of a psycholo-
gist might be filled with books written by anthropologists,
linguists, economists, paleontologists, and so forth. It has
been suggested that B. F. Skinner was perhaps the last Political strategists have taken the psychological tools
completely recognizable figure in the field of psychology. of polling and focus groups and created a new art form.
Sometimes it appears as though the image created by a poli-
The Future tician is more important than what is actually being said or
done (especially in the middle of hot political campaigns).
Psychology, like all sciences, must ultimately produce Everything a candidate plans is shown first to a focus group
useful knowledge, knowledge that can benefit all of to find how it would affect people’s opinion of the candidate.
society. Psychology’s usefulness and acceptance by the Newer techniques involving micro-polling allow political
general public has been rising. We have seen a trend of strategists to predict with much more precision which candi-
an increasing merger of psychological research and ideas date each household is likely to vote for. This knowledge is
into the mainstream of 21st-century life. Psychology then used for concentrated “get out the vote” efforts.
is being applied to almost all aspects of our daily lives
with little understanding by the general public that it
even is psychology. One particularly clever integration of PSYCHOLOGY AND THE LEGAL SYSTEM
psychological research into the mainstream would have
made B. F. Skinner very proud—the Fisher-Price Throne The presence of psychological principles in legal areas
of Their Own, a toilet-training chair that uses music to is hardly news. The insanity defense was one of the first
reinforce successful elimination. Similarly, Newsweek applied uses of psychological principles in any domain.
recently published an article titled “How to Read a Face” However, newer developments, such as the rash of
discussing an emerging new field called social neurosci- “recovered memory” trials in the 1990s, bring to light the
ence (Underwood, 2006). Perhaps the most interesting basic notion of the legal system—namely, that the words
part of this article is that the word “psychology” is not that come out of a witness’s mouth (for either the defense
mentioned even once! Reminiscent of George Miller’s or the prosecution) are supposed to be a valid reflection
impassioned plea in his APA presidential address that we of reality.
give psychology away, it seems that the very success of In a strange twist highlighted by the recent movie
psychology could lead to its demise as a separate disci- Runaway Jury, we are reminded that the truth of a situation
pline and its fusion with mainstream thinking. In the fol- is of little importance when considering the outcome of a
lowing sections, we briefly highlight a few of those areas trial. In the movie, psychologists were employed to ensure
in which psychology (and the research tools it has created) that the jury members who were selected from the pool
has gained considerable influence. of potential jurors were sympathetic to the prosecution or
defense, as the situation dictated. Situations such as these
remind us that as psychologists we must maintain high eth-
PSYCHOLOGY AND OPINIONS ical standards that go far beyond patient confidentiality.


The foremost name in the history of psychology related AND ASSESSMENT IN EDUCATION
to consumer behavior is John Watson (Goodwin, 2004). AND INDUSTRY
Watson was credited with implementing classical condi-
tioning principles at the J. Walter Thompson Advertising Beginning with the first large-scale use of psychological
Agency that he originally developed with Rosalie Rayner tests by Yerkes and his colleagues during World War I to
while studying Baby Albert. Today we are constantly bom- test draftees’ intellectual functioning (the modern ASVAB

[Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery] is a testa- Louisiana and New Mexico give clinical psychologists
ment to the ongoing efforts in this vein), employers and prescription privileges, but several other states have laws
academic institutions have been employing psychological in the making).
tests at an ever greater pace. Despite protests concerning
the “fairness” of aptitude tests (such as the SAT, ACT, or
GRE in higher education), they continue to remain useful SUMMARY
and valid predictors of job and academic success. Other
predictive uses of psychological testing, including the In the fast-paced world of the late 20th and early 21st
uses of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the centuries, in which economic decisions are made based
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), are on the “bottom line,’ it seems inevitable (i.e., the zeitgeist
also plagued with questions of validity and fairness (as is right) that Francis Bacon’s (1620/1994) notions at the
well as proper administration). It is likely that psychologi- beginning of the scientific revolution should come full
cal tests will have their largest future impact in the area of circle. “Human knowledge and human power meet in one;
assessment. More and more, employers and educational for where the cause is not known the effect cannot be pro-
institutions want “proof” that both new and accepted duced” (p. 43). All fields of science, in order to continue
techniques are working. Proper implementation of the to exist, must provide useful information. As seen in the
No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, the largest change in mission statement of the APA (2006), “The objects of the
education in a generation, requires assessment techniques American Psychological Association shall be to advance
in order to determine which schools reach their goals. psychology as a science and profession and as a means of
Such developments guarantee the future of psychological promoting health, education, and human welfare.” Perhaps
assessment techniques. psychology is finally starting to grow up enough to prove
its usefulness.

In therapy, changes have been brewing for several gen-
erations. Traditional psychoanalytic therapists are now Allen Brain Atlas. (2006). Retrieved December 12, 2006, from
a minority, their ranks being overshadowed by cognitive http://www.
therapists. The cognitive approach to therapy empowers American Psychological Association. (2006). About APA. Retrieved
patients by putting them in charge of their own recovery, December 12, 2006, from
Bacon, F. (1994). Novum organum (P. Urbach & J. Gibson, Eds.
though of course it can only be applied to a certain range
& Trans.). La Salle, IL: Open Court. (Original work pub-
of disorders.
lished 1620)
Similarly, there have been shifts in who provides
Goodwin, C. J. (2004). A history of modern psychology. Hoboken,
therapy. The cost of medicine has skyrocketed in recent NJ: Wiley.
years, and the rise of health management organizations Haier, R. J., Chueh, D., Touchette, P., Lott, I., Buchsbaum, M.,
(HMOs) brought with it a push for “cheaper” mental Macmillan, D., et al. (1995). Brain size and cerebral glucose
health care. Therapy, once dominated by psychiatrists, metabolic rate in nonspecific mental retardation and Down
is now practiced by psychologists and therapists as well syndrome. Intelligence, 20, 191-210.
as by physicians and members of the clergy. Also, a shift Hergenhahn, B. R. (2005). An introduction to the history of psy-
from individual therapy to group therapy is evident. The chology (Sth ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson-Wadsworth.
shift in mental health care to “cheaper” methods and Hoffman, D. D. (1998). Visual Intelligence. New York: W. W.
providers has allowed access to mental health care by a
Lemonick, M. D., & Dorfman, A. (2006, October 9). What makes
larger portion of the population than had ever been pos-
us different? Time, 168(15), 44-53.
sible in the past. Along with these shifts come further
Shaw, P., Greenstein, D., Lerch, J., Clasen, L., Lenroot, R.,
questions of cost efficiency driven by the HMOs, namely Gogtay, N., et al. (2006). Intellectual ability and cor-
prescription privileges. Traditionally only psychiatrists tical development in children and adolescents. Nature,
have been allowed to prescribe medications, but there is 440(7084), 676-679.
now a shift toward allowing these privileges to be pro- Underwood, A. (2006, October 23). How to read a face.
vided to licensed clinical psychologists as well (currently Newsweek, 148(17), 65.

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