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Crochet pattern

The Lamb Zina

My name is Nastya
I am a designer of this lamb.
Please, be free to ask me any
regarding this pattern through
or Instagram@nasie.knit.
Share the photos of your
ready items
with the hashtag #мк_nasie!

This pattern is a work of

authorship and it intends only
for personal use.
Full or partial reproduction and distribution, sales and publications of
this pattern on the Internet is forbidden.
The required materials:
Yarn YarnArt Jeans (55%
cotton, 45% acrylic, 50 g/160
m) in cream color, white, hook
size 2.25 mm, fiberfill for
stuffing, teething ring (section
7cm), rattle bead, black and
white yarn for embroidery,
stitch marker, yarn needle,

Terms and abbreviation (US):

MR – magic ring
CH -chain
t-ch – turn chain
SC – single crochet
Hdc - half double crochet
Dc4tog cluster - double crochet 4 together cluster - crochet four
unfinished double crochets in one place. You now have five loops on the
hook. And draw yarn through all five loops.
Inc - increase
Dec - decrease
х 6 times – repeat (or other number) as instructed
(*) – number of stitches in the round
This pattern is worked in continues rounds without joining the rounds
unless otherwise indicated.
Head: work with cream-
colored yarn
1. Start 6 sc in MR
2. 6 inc =(12)
3. (1 sc, inc)*6 =(18)
4. (2 sc, inc)*6 =(24)
5. 1 sc, inc, (3 sc, inc)*5, 2
sc =(30)
Change to white yarn
6. (Hdc, dc4tog cluster)* 15
7. (4 sc, inc)*6 =(36)
8. (Hdc, dc4tog cluster)* 18
9. (5 sc, inc)*6 =(42)
10. (Hdc, dc4tog cluster)*21
11. (5 sc, dec)*6 =(36)
12. (Hdc, dc4tog cluster)* 18
13. (1 sc, dec)*12 =(24)
14. (Hdc, dc4tog cluster)* 12 =(24)
Stuff the head with fiberfill and add rattle bead. Continue stuffing as you
15. 12 dec
16. (Hdc, dc4tog cluster)*6 =(12)
17. 6 dec
Fasten off, leaving a tall for sewing. Using your yarn needle, weave the
yarn tall through the front loop of each remaining stitch and pull it tight,
closing of the back of the head.
Weave in the yarn end.
Ears (make 2, cream color):
1. Start 6 sc in MR
2. (2 sc, inc)*2 =(8)
3-6. 8 sc
Fasten off, leaving a tall for sewing.
Sew the ears to each side of the head.
Embroider eyes and nose.
Crochet teething ring:
The rings is crocheted using
traditional turn rounds
1. 25 ch, 1 t-ch
2-9. 25 sc, 1 t-ch
Fasten off, leaving a tall for sewing.

Wrap the ring in the rectangle,

sew two sides together.
Sew the head to the ring.
The toy is ready!

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