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Good afternoon classmates good afternoon ms kath and today I am going to present a speech about-


In this chaotic world, many of us experience different sort of problem that leads some people to
depression, anxiety, sadness and sometimes loss of lives. Poverty and being taken for granted by the
society and the government are just some of the reasons why many feel7 sad and depressed.

Most of the rich and fortunate ones usually have access to everything that they desire. Some use their
money to buy things that make them happy and forget about the things that make them sad. Some feel
pure happiness when they have the capacity to give what their love ones or those special to them
everything that they need. Some feels happy when they have money to give to charity and those in
need. Money, money, money…. Who will say that they are happy without a penny??

Few people that money can buy happiness, whereas others disagree, but for me it is a yes and a no at
the same time and my reason for that is most of the people that say money can’t buy happiness are the
unprivileged ones or those who can’t afford what they want and need, but those who can afford
everything that they desire are the ones that say money can’t buy happiness , both sides are valid but
we can’t just say one thing and expect everyone to agree with it, we all have different opinions and
perspective and most of the time your statement or opinion would base on your life status, and for that
everyone of us can have their own opinion.

That’s all thank you for listening everyone

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