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Ime i prezime: Aleksandra Lazin

Br. Indeksa:200119/2019

People have different hobbies and interest. My biggest hobby is traveling.

I loved traveling since l was a child, and l started traveling when l was very young.
My parents also love to travel so l think l inherited that from them. Because of that, as a child they
often took me on trips mostly around Serbia. We visited various mounteins and lakes. My first big trip as
well as adventure was when l was 10 year old. We went to Montenegro and climbed the highest peak of
Lovćen which is 1749 masl. There is a beautiful view of the Montenegro from the top. We also visited
the mausoleum of Njegoš and learned the story of how it was built.
My grandparents live on the mountain Rudnik and that's why l often went there. Whenever l stayed
there l enjoy to explore the surrounding of the mountain by myself.
I also loved school trips as a child. I had the opportunity to go to different destinations with children of
my age.
I had the opportunity with folclore as well. I have been training from very young age. One of the reasons
for training was that we often had tours all over the world. We had the opportunity to visit cities in
Serbia every weekends and to exchange experience with the people who hosted us and to socialies with
them while visiting their city. The tour that l remember the most is the one that we stayed in Dubai for a
mouth , there,for the first time, l got to know a completely different culture from ours, as well different
buildings that l had never seen before.
When l was 10 year old my grandmother moved to Vienna, and since then l have stayed every winter
vacation with her. And if l prefer seas and mountains l have to admit Vienna is one of the most beautiful
destinations l've been to. St. Stephen's cathedral, Vienna operahouse, Hunderwasser's are just some of
the buildings that l liked in that city. In anddition to the interesting architecture, they also have a
butterfly house, the Schonburnn Zoo, and the sea house which l have never been before, perhaps the
most interesting travel experience l have had.
Considering the fact l like to travel a lot, in hight school l sighed up for a tour guide course because it
allowed me to travel on weekends,earn money and if didn't interfere with my schooling. Doing what i
love and earning money was very fulfilling.
I met my boyfriend at one of those trips and have been traveling with him ever since. At age of 19 I
went to a cours for police and since then i haven't had as much free time as before, but i try to make the
most of every weekend and annual vacation.
On of the last trips i went on was rafting which is one of the extreme sports that interest me the
And Tara is the mountain i return to most often because of beautiful untouched nature.

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