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Client: Mr. V, 72, diagnosed with terminal (Stage 4) lung cancer 2 weeks ago.

He has expressed a
desire to receive palliative care services at home. He has left-sided weakness due to a brain
tumour that was diagnosed 2 weeks ago. The family is aware that his condition is terminal and
that he will likely only live a few more months.
Health History
Immunizations – up to date.
Allergies – NKA
Medications – Metformin 500 mg PO TID, gliclazide 40 mg PO BID, Altace 10 mg PO daily, Lasix
40 mg PO daily, Lipitor 40 mg PO daily, Colace 100 mg PO BID, Senokot 2 tabs PO daily, ASA 80
mg PO daily, gabapentin 300 mg PO QID.
Accidents/injuries – none recent.
Serious/chronic illnesses – DM, hx of acute MI, CHF, peripheral vascular disease, diabetic
retinopathy, diabetic foot ulcers, recent diagnosis of lung cancer with metastases to brain.
Childhood illnesses – measles, mumps, rubella, chickenpox.
Hospitalizations – hospitalized for MI 18 months ago; hospitalized 16 months ago for CHF;
recently in hospital for 5 days due to lung cancer diagnosis.
Operations – double heart bypass 18 months ago; previous eye surgery
Social history:
Married x 43 years, ten children, 31 grandchildren. 3 sons and their families live in the same
city. Smoked 3 ppd x 38 years; quit after MI. Some exercise – walks 2x/week, has not been able
to walk recently due to weakness from brain tumour. Occupation – retired. Travel – born in
Holland; emigrated to Canada 45 years ago. No history of recent travel outside Canada.
Eating – independent.
Toileting – requires some assistance from wife due to brain tumour. Remains continent.
Hygiene – able to perform daily hygiene independently; difficulty with showering/bathing due
to brain tumour.
Dressing – requires assistance from wife due to left-sided weakness.
What do you think are priority needs from home care for Mr. V and his family?
What role could you as the LPN play?
As Mr. V’s condition deteriorates, what other services do you think will be required?

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