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Inheritance in PEGA

Pega has two types of Inheritance.

1. Pattern Inheritance 2. Direct Inheritance

Patten Inheritance:-

After We create Implementation application, PRPC has created many classes out of these the three
important classes are


ALLS – Org , AllState – Div , Work – Unit

Here If AllState Class wants to Utilize the Components of ALLS Class, AllState Should be a child of ALLS.

Similarly If Work Class wants to Utilize the Components of AllState and ALLS Class, Work Should be a
child of AllState.

Pattern Inheritance :- Pattern Inheritance used call name Pattern.

ALLS-AllState-Work : - This is 3 different classes.

2. ALLS-AllState (AllState)
3. ALLS-AllState-Work (Work)

Here the ‘-‘ Sysmbol represents Inheritance Relation between Two Classes.

For Example :-

A-B , means B is Child of A.

A-B-C, here C is child of A-B

In PRPC the class definition is a Pattern of Multiple classes separate by ‘-‘.

For our Classes

1. ALLS-AllState-Work (Work)
Parent of Work class is ALLS-AllState
2. Parent of AllState is ALLS.

Summary :- By means of Pattern Inheritance PRPC utilizes the properties of Org, Div into Unit.

Direct Inheritance :- The parent class in direct inheritance is specified in the class rule form under the
dropdown “Parent class Directed”
For testing

Remove the parent class and try click on save.

It says mentioning direct parent is mandatory.

As that is mandatory try choose a class Assign-Archive

Now, click on save

We got a different error message

“Class Group should inherit from Work- or any of its subclasses.”

This means, for a class group the direct parent class must be “Work- or Work- child classes”.

Now try changing the option as shown below

Save. Done.

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