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Effective Communication Coursework 2

Student Name: Mohamed Nurshafiq Bin Mohamed Ali

Student ID: 721F4D85
Lecture Name: Sharmila Goyal AL
Table Of Content:

1. Johari Window Personality Test Pg. 3

2. Raymond Cattel Personality Test Pg. 4

3. Personal SWOT Analysis Pg. 5

4. 2 Strengths Pg. 6

5. 2 Weakness Pg. 6

6. Smart Goals Pg. 7

7. Conclusion Pg. 8
MBTI Personality Results:

Raymond Cattel Personality Test:

Based on the personality test results, it shows that I am a Turbulent Protagonist with a role
as a diplomat and I have a strong strategy under social engagement. To explain further I am
someone who's extraverted, intuitive, feeling, judging and turbulent. After going through the
results given I can say that I can agree to the points that are relatable to my life. For
example, I can accept that i am a social engager for sure as I love to socialise and go out
into the world to meet new people and learn a thing or two from people out there as I have
so much to gain at my young age so i can highly say that I can socialise easily as I just find
comfort in it. I'm someone who spends most of my time with friends or family or with anyone
who loves to socialise rather than just staying at home.

Personal SWOT Analysis:

Strength: Weakness:

1. Strong Communication Skills 1. Impulsive

2. Analytical Thinking 2. Lack Of Technical Expertise
3. Adaptability 3. Perfectionist
4. Strong Work Ethics 4. Delegation
5. Time Management 5. Indecisiveness

Opportunities: Threats:

1. Professional Development Programs 1. Economic Instability

2. Networking Events 2. Competition
3. Market Demands 3. Technology Advancement
4. Collaboration Projects 4. Work Life Balance
5. Online Learning Platforms 5. Changing Industry Trends

2 Strengths:
1. Strong Communication Skills is one of my key strengths as I love to socialise with
anyone I tend to meet as I express my thoughts with clarity and confidence and I'm
also an active listener that engages wholeheartedly in conversation demonstrating
genuine interest in other perspectives.I show empathy and understanding by
carefully listening to others, then I thoughtfully and appropriately react. Strong
communicators are also good at nonverbal communication because I know how to
use my body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice to make my points.

2. Time Management is also another one of my strengths as I effectively allocate and

utilise my time to accomplish tasks, meet deadlines, and achieve goals. I'm someone
who plans ahead as and organises my time rather than dealing with my work at the
last minute. In order to maximise productivity and reduce squandered or
unproductive time, one must plan, prioritise, and organise their time in this way. I can
work productively, lessen stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance by using
effective time management.

2 Weaknesses:
1. Perfectionist one of my weaknesses as it often leads to a range of negative
consequences. First off, pursuing perfection can lead to me having unnecessary
stress and worry because the criteria are frequently arbitrary and impossible to meet.
Burnout and a decreased sense of my wellbeing may come from this. Furthermore,
perfectionism can result in a fear of failure, which prevents me from taking chances
or seizing new opportunities. This anxiety can hinder personal development and
innovation, keeping people from realising their full potential.

2. Impulsive is also one of my weaknesses as I have difficulties on self-control and

risky behaviour which is that I tend to not think about the potential dangers or
negative outcomes before carrying out any task. Impulsive behaviour without careful
consideration of the consequences can result in rash choices that might not be in my
best interests. It might prevent people from effectively planning and prioritising
because impulsive people could put short-term goals ahead of long-term ones.
Smart Goals

S Specific: I'll point out specific areas of my life, like work projects or my own artistic
endeavours, where perfectionism is getting in the way and stressing me out.

M Measurable: I'll keep track of my perfectionism by writing about it in a journal or

charting it with an app, noting the causes and effects.

A Attainable: I will embrace the idea of "good enough" and practise self-compassion by
setting reasonable goals for myself, understanding that perfection is unachievable
and can result in burnout.

R Revelant: I'll look for help from a therapist or counsellor to investigate the underlying
causes and notions that fuel my perfectionistic impulses and create more
constructive views on success and self-worth.

T Time-Based: I will confront my perfectionistic impulses over the course of the next
six months by doing things like sharing unfinished work with trustworthy people or
purposefully leaving jobs unfinished in order to build resilience.


S Specific: I'll pinpoint the exact areas of my life where being impulsive is harming my
relationships or well-being, such as impulsive spending or making decisions without
thinking through the repercussions.

M Measurable: I'll keep track of my impulsive decisions and acts by writing them down
in a journal or recording them with a habit-tracking app, noting the causes and

A Attainable: I will engage in self-awareness exercises, such mindfulness meditation or

journaling, to improve my awareness of my thoughts, feelings, and impulsive drives.

R Relevant: To comprehend the underlying causes of my impulsivity and create tactics

for impulse control and decision-making, I will seek the advice of a therapist or

T Time-Based: Within the following three months, I'll put a pause-and-reflect strategy
into practise, giving myself at least a few moments to mull about the possible
outcomes and other options before responding hastily to difficult circumstances.
In conclusion, personality is a nuanced and intricate part of who we are as people. It
includes a particular set of features, behaviours, and qualities that identify a person's unique
way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. Genetic predispositions, environmental experiences,
and social interactions all have an impact on personality. It affects our relationships,
decisions, and general well-being by altering how we view and react to the world around us.
Self-awareness, empathy, and successful communication are all fostered through
understanding and accepting our own personality qualities as well as recognising and
appreciating the variety of personalities in others. It enables us to live authentically, foster
wholesome relationships, and go after personal development and fulfilment. A more open
and understanding society benefits from embracing and promoting the diversity of individual

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