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A Thesis Proposal presented to





SY: 2023- 2024


Writing is a thinking process. It requests conscious intellectual effort, which

usually must be supported over an extensive period of time (Elsalahat, 2014).

Modeling and reinforcement In this step, the teacher introduces the genre

model and allows students to consider the social goals of the text, including the


Planning At this stage many activities are meaningfully active in student

schemes on topics, including brainstorming, discussion, and reading of related

material. The goal is to help students develop an interest in the topic by connecting it

to their experiences.

Joint development During this stage, which will then facilitate the preparation

of self-help, teachers and students work together to begin writing text. While doing

so, teachers use the process of writing brainstorming, composing, and revising.

Students contribute information and ideas, and teachers write generated text on the

board or computer. The final draft provides an example for students to refer to when

write down the result of thought.

Free development At this point, the students have examined the text model

and have compiled the text into the genre. They are now doing the task of putting

together their own text on related topics. F. Revise Students will eventually have a

draft that will undergo final revisions and edits. This does not mean the teacher

collects all the documents and marks them one by one. Students can examine, discuss,
and evaluate their work with colleagues A review of solution strategies suggested by

knowledgeable others, combined with an analysis of the problem setting, resulted in

the selection of a writing process approach, which employed a variety of instructional

strategies. These strategies include: administering pre- and post-student writing

prompts and writing attitude surveys, using writing rubrics, modeling the writing

process, exposing students to different varieties of writing, increasing writing

frequency and duration, facilitating real and meaningful writing, and journaling

weekly. Post-intervention data indicated increased student writing fluency, an

improved composite score, and growth in students attitudes towards writing.

Appendixes contain the fourth grade writing rubric, a survey instrument, a writing

prompt, consent letters, and a description of the writing process. cited in Yulianti, S.,

Nuraeni, S., & Parmawati (2019) state that “Writing is a process to be written.

According to Cahyo (2013:2), writing is one of the most difficult productive skills

that require special skills. Therefore, it can be understood that errors usually occur in

writing. In studying writing, the students should master how to write sentences,

paragraphs and essays. Sentence is a group of words which can express

people’s thought. When the students study sentence structure, they should know kinds

of sentences. They are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex

sentences, and compound-complex create some ideas of students’ knowledge to be a



This study proves that writing skills are not difficult for grade 3 pupils in

Catumbalon Elementary School. The researcher proves that writing skills are not

difficult. Hopefully, the findings of this study will benefit the following:

For pupils, we all know that there are pupils who do not participate in writing

For the teacher to teach the child how to write

For the parent, we all know that the parent how to write the child

For the community,


This study aims to determine the Challenge in the writing skills of grade III pupils in

Catumbalon Elementary School. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following


What are the challenges to the writing skills of the grade pupils in Catumabalon

Elementary school


The study will be conducted form challenges of cursive writing to improve

writing skills. The respondents will be the grade III pupils, specifically in Catumbalon

Elementary School. This research will be finished in the month of January to May

2023, with the findings and results provided. The researcher will use secondary data

therefore; data will be gathered from Catumbalon Elementary Grade III Teachers.

Due to the limited time and resources, the researchers will gather data throughout the

month and on weekends. For the collected, researchers will use the descriptive


WRITING G SKILLS- Skills like research, planning and outlining, editing,

revising, spelling and grammar, and organization are critical components of the

writing process. In the workplace, writing skills examples include: Documenting a

process for someone else to learn.

TEACHER WRITING - helping the writer find his/her voice and then helping

to shape that voice in a way that communicates effectively to others.



Writing In this section, the writer tries to discuss the definition of writing, the

importance of writing, teaching writing, and the problems in teaching and learning

writing. Each section is presented consecutively in the following section.

Definitions of Writing Writing is an activity or process to express idea or

opinion. The need to write in English has emerge to be the fundamental in the present

worldwide network since it permits subjects from diverse societies to convey through

letters, messages, business reports, site pages, and so forth (Gaviria, 2016; writing is a

thinking process. It requests conscious intellectual effort, which usually must be

supported over an extensive period of time (Elsalahat, 2014According to Buzan (2013:5)

Mind Mapping is a route map that allows us to organize facts and thought in such a

way.Writing is a talent that every human being has. Writing has many benefits one of whichis

sharing information, message, ideas and so on. Writing is one of the four abilities possessed

by every human being,its abilities include reading, speaking, listening, and finally writing.

Most students do not understand writing, students are often passive in writing. The teacher

often asks students to write essay, but these students cannot put their ideas into writing.

Students listens to music more often than he write. Because, according to them, writing is

boring. As with reading, students are often lazy to read their reading books. Because, students

are more often active in terms of talking about their vacation experiences.

e words, grammar, and unity between sentences with the topics in paragraph

(Wijayatiningsih 2013:564). Based on Wirawati.

et al. (2013:141), process in writing is very important for the students.

Through the process, the students can maximize their writing potential to produce a

good writing. He argues that students convey their message through the complex

writing process; prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing. Writing process is divided

into the following six steps, there are preparation, modeling and reinforcing, planning,

joint constructing, independent constructing, and revising (Yan 2005:20-22).

Modeling and reinforcement In this step, the teacher introduces the genre

model and allows students to consider the social goals of the text, including the


Planning At this stage many activities are meaningfully active in student

schemes on topics, including brainstorming, discussion, and reading of related

material. The goal is to help students develop an interest in the topic by connecting it

to their experiences.

Joint development During this stage, which will then facilitate the preparation

of self-help, teachers and students work together to begin writing text. While doing

so, teachers use the process of writing brainstorming, composing, and revising.

Students contribute information and ideas, and teachers write generated text on the

board or computer. The final draft provides an example for students to refer to when

write down the result of thought.

According to Cahyo (2013:2), writing is one of the most difficult productive skills

that require special skills. Therefore, it can be understood that errors usually occur in

writing. In studying writing, the students should master how to write sentences,

paragraphs and essays. Sentence is a group of words which can express

people’s thought. When the students study sentence structure, they should know kinds
of sentences. They are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex

sentences, and compound-complex

Moreover, handwriting is a complex human activity that entails an intricate blend of

cognitive, kinesthetic, and perceptual-motor components Children are expected to acquire a

level of handwriting proficiency that enables them to make skillful use of handwriting as a

tool to carry out their work at school. During their elementary school years, students spend a

significant portion, ranging from 31% to 60%, of their academic day performing fine motor

tasks, such as handwriting. In other word the activity serves as the primary means for students

to convey what they have learned to their teachers. In fact, elementary school students use

handwriting extensively in almost all subject areas, and their written output is a basis for

grading. Previous research has demonstrated that papers with better handwriting received

higher grades when evaluated by teachers who were presented with papers that differed only

in legibility (Hammer Schmidt & Sudsawas, 2014).

In the elementary school setting, writing tasks are a fundamental aspect of daily academic life

However, these tasks often come with the addedpressure of being performed under time

constraints, and a student's ability to write legibly and efficiently can significantly impact

their academic success and progress. As Garcia (2017) noted, legible handwriting is essential

for children to carry out academic activities, and difficulties with handwriting can interfere

with related processes such as planning and generating ideas. Furthermore, poor handwriting

quality can detract from a student's ability to convey information and ideas effectively, as

Marr and Cermak (2018) have observed.

Handwriting is a critical skill that children acquire and utilize throughout their school years,

and deficiencies in handwriting can have various negative consequences for academic

performance and social interaction, thereby limiting their success in everyday school
activities (Garcia, 2017). According to Tierney et al (2018), writing has been shown to lead to

improved reading achievement, while reading leads to better writing performance.

Additionally, they stated that writing is a constructive process that can lead to better grades

when taught with an understanding of the learner's needs.

The development of writing skills is a crucial aspect of a child's educational and

emotional growth. Poor handwriting skills can be a hindrance in this development, causing

children to struggle in various academic and social situations. Rosenblum et al (2003)

highlight the importance of handwriting and discuss the evolution of techniques for

evaluating handwriting challenges. Their article includes a review of existing handwriting

assessments and research on the use of computerized systems for assessing poor handwriting.

The conclusion of the article suggests that combining computerized analysis with the

evaluation of the final product may be a promising approach to evaluating handwriting in the

future.Another study by Volman et al 2006) investigated the role of perceptual- motor

dysfunction and cognitive planning problems in the handwriting quality of children with

handwriting problems (HWP). The study compared 29 children with HWP and 20 classroom

peers attending regular schools in grade 2 and grade 3. Results showed that the HWP group

had significantly lower scores on visual perception, visual-motor integration, fine motor

coordination, and cognitive planning compared to the control group. Visual-motor integration

was identified as the sole significant predictor of handwriting quality in the HWP group,

while fine motor coordination was the only significant predictor in the control group. The

findings suggest that HWPs are more likely to have poor handwriting due to visual-motor

integration deficits.

Previous research on elementary-grade handwriting revealed that pupils employ certain

strategies when writing or drawing. The relationship between these strategies and the use of

graphic rules has been documented, but very little research has been devoted to the

connection between the use of graphic rules and handwriting proficiency Khalid et al (2010).
Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the relative contribution of the use of graphic

rules to writing ability. A sample of 105 first graders who were average printers and 65 first

graders who might experience handwriting difficulty, as judged by their teachers, of a normal

primary school were individually tested on their use of graphic rules. It has been found that

pupils who are below-average printers use more non-analytic strategies than average printers

to reproduce the figures.

as a process that leads to the

development of student
knowledge that reflects student
feedback (Chen, Hand, &
Mcdowell, 2013, p. 748).
Therefore, before writing, the
writer must master the subject or
topic to be written so that
he is able to put the
problem/discussion into writing.
Kusmana revealed the basic
purpose of writing is to
communicate in writing, solving
problems, providing
explanations/information, and
pleasing the reader through
creativity in writing (Kusmana, 2014,
pp. 19–21).


The definitions of writing are variously state by some experts. According to

Brown (2001), writing is a thinking process. It requests conscious intellectual effort,

which usually must be supported over an extensive period of time (Elsalahat, 2014).

:1 41 Preparation Teacher begins preparing students to write by defining

situations that require written text and placing them in a particular genre. It activates

the schemata and allows students to anticipate the structure of this genre. 9

Modeling and reinforcement In this step, the teacher introduces the genre

model and allows students to consider the social goals of the text, including the


Planning At this stage many activities are meaningfully active in student

schemes on topics, including brainstorming, discussion, and reading of related

material. The goal is to help students develop an interest in the topic by connecting it

to their experiences.

Joint development During this stage, which will then facilitate the preparation

of self-help, teachers and students work together to begin writing text. While doing

so, teachers use the process of writing brainstorming, composing, and revising.

Students contribute information and ideas, and teachers write generated text on the
board or computer. The final draft provides an example for students to refer to when

write down the result of thought.

Free development At this point, the students have examined the text model

and have compiled the text into the genre. They are now doing the task of putting

together their own text on related topics. F. Revise Students will eventually have a

draft that will undergo final revisions and edits. This does not mean the teacher

collects all the documents and marks them one by one. Students can examine, discuss,

and evaluate their work with colleagues A review of solution strategies suggested by

knowledgeable others, combined with an analysis of the problem setting, resulted in

the selection of a writing process approach, which employed a variety of instructional

strategies. These strategies include: administering pre- and post-student writing

prompts and writing attitude surveys, using writing rubrics, modeling the writing

process, exposing students to different varieties of writing, increasing writing

frequency and duration, facilitating real and meaningful writing, and journaling

weekly. Post-intervention data indicated increased student writing fluency, an

improved composite score, and growth in students attitudes towards writing.

Appendixes contain the fourth grade writing rubric, a survey instrument, a writing

prompt, consent letters, and a description of the writing process. cited in Yulianti, S.,

Nuraeni, S., & Parmawati (2019) state that “Writing is a process to be written.

According to Cahyo (2013:2), writing is one of the most difficult productive skills

that require special skills. Therefore, it can be understood that errors usually occur in

writing. In studying writing, the students should master how to write sentences,

paragraphs and essays. Sentence is a group of words which can express

people’s thought. When the students study sentence structure, they should know kinds
of sentences. They are simple sentences, compound sentences, complex

sentences, and compound-complex

create some ideas of students’ knowledge to be a written



With this methodology, I conduct to incorporate the related review and

literature to improve the writing skills of grade 3 pupils. In the next phase of the

study, the research environment, respondents and sampling design, method of data

collection, data analysis, and statistical treatment will be considered.


This study employs descriptive research because it concentrated on

describing improve writing skills on. It is also an action process of discovering and

organizing your idea, putting them on paper, and reshaping and revising them.

Another definition comes from Harmer (2004:31)


This study will be conducted in Catumbalon Elementary School and the

respondents will be the two sections of grade III pupils with 65 headcounts, two class


Grade level Population

Male Female Total

Grade 3 Pupils
33 32 65

Classroom Teacher Population

Male Female Total

2 Teachers
0 2 2

Table 1. Pupils population and respondents of the study

Table 2. Teachers population and respondents of the study

Age Numerical Value

8 years old 48

9 years old 17

Total 65

Table 3. Age demographic profile of the respondents


The list of pupils will be collected to determine the total number of

respondents. A simple random sampling method will be used in this study to get the

overall sample size.

We will be using a random number generator to draw a simple random

sample. If the first number generated by the program is 25, this means that pupil #25

on your list should be selected to be part of the sample. You continue by matching

each number with the respective name of the pupil on the list.


This study Klein (1985), and McIver (2005, p.5) The researcher will be using

a survey questionnaire that will use to determine the grade III pupils reading

capabilities status. The researcher will be surveying the 30 randomly selected pupils

on what aspects of learning reading they will have to improve. It may be on their

phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and fluency. A

survey questionnaire is a form of checklist composed of 10 questions and they will be

rating themselves according to their reading capabilities status from 5 being the

highest and 1 being the lowest.


This study will be using a Self-administered questionnaire. In the survey, I

delivered a questionnaire to the pupils and I gave a format pen and paper and how to

answer the questionnaire The respondents were required to complete the questionnaire

without being helped or interrupted by the researchers conducting the survey.


This study is by Harmer, (2001) on writing skills to be measured using a

survey questionnaire with five Likert scales, which will be made through by specific

points for each question. Always has (5) five points; Often has (4) four points;

Sometimes has (3) three points; Rarely has (2) two points; and Never has (1) one


Rating Scale Desriptive rating

5 4.51-5.00 Always
4 3.51-4.50 Often
3 2.51-3.50 Sometimes
2 1.51-2.50 Rarely
1 1.00-1.50 Never

Direction: Put a check on the number that corresponds to your answer. Please rate
yourself on a scale of 1 to 5.

Sometime Alwa
Never Rarely Often
s s

1 2 3 4 5

1. I can write sImple letter.

2. I enjoy writing.


3. Teacher understand your writing

4. I can construct sentence

5. I can follow the write stoke of letters in writing

6. My writing are readable

7. It is simple and accurate

8 I can follow the correct usage of capital and small


9. I can use correct punctuation

10. My writing is accurate and properly constructed


(Harmer, 2001: 250). Writing is one of the productive skills which are closely bound
up with receptive skill work

(Gaviria, 2016; Weigle, 2001). Definitions of Writing Writing is an activity or process

to express idea or opinion

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