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Introduction: this assignment is aiming at providing the Biblical verse where Jesus speak to his disciples

and giving them example with himself as the vine and that the should bear fruit and the fruit should
remain, the assignment also outline some possible way that someone can bear fruit and it should
remain according to the same verse.

Question 1: The Verse

This passage or statement is found in "John 15:16"

Question 2: How can we bear fruit and the fruit will remain.

In John 15:16, Jesus says, "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might
go and bear fruit—fruit that will last." This verse is a part of Jesus' teaching about the vine and branches,
where he uses the imagery of a vineyard to illustrate the relationship between himself and his followers.

To understand how someone can bear fruit that remains, we need to consider the broader context of
Jesus' teaching in John 15. Here are some key principles that can help us understand this concept:

1. Relationship with Jesus: The foundation for bearing lasting fruit is having a personal relationship with
Jesus Christ. Jesus emphasizes that he chose and appointed his disciples. Similarly, believers are chosen
and called by Jesus to be his followers. This relationship is established through faith in Jesus, accepting
his grace and salvation, and surrendering our lives to him.

2. Abiding in Christ: Jesus emphasizes the importance of abiding in him, just as branches are connected
to the vine. This involves remaining in a close and intimate relationship with Jesus, relying on him for
strength, guidance, and nourishment. It means seeking him through prayer, studying his Word, and
cultivating a lifestyle of obedience to his teachings.

3. The work of the Holy Spirit: Jesus promises to send the Holy Spirit to empower and guide his disciples.
The Holy Spirit plays a vital role in enabling believers to bear fruit that remains. The Spirit transforms
and shapes us to become more like Christ, producing the fruit of the Spirit in our lives, such as love, joy,
peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

4. Bearing fruit through obedience: Jesus expects his followers to bear fruit. This refers to living a life
that reflects his character and teachings. It involves loving others, serving, and making a positive impact
in the world around us. Bearing fruit that remains requires obedience to Jesus' commandments and
following his example of selflessness, humility, and sacrificial love.

5. Perseverance and enduring impact: Fruit that remains suggests a lasting impact and influence. It
implies that the fruit of our labor and the effects of our faith will endure beyond our immediate
circumstances or even our lifetime. As we remain connected to Jesus, abide in him, and live according to
his principles, our lives can have a lasting impact on others, leading them to faith in Christ and bringing
about positive change.
6. Pruning for Fruitfulness: In John 15:2, Jesus mentions the concept of pruning. Pruning involves cutting
away the branches that do not bear fruit, as well as trimming and shaping the branches that do bear
fruit. This process of pruning is necessary for increased fruitfulness. Similarly, in our own lives, God may
allow circumstances or challenges that prune away things that hinder our spiritual growth and bear fruit.
It can involve removing unhealthy habits, attitudes, or relationships and cultivating a deeper
dependence on God.

7. Depending on God's Strength: Jesus emphasizes that apart from him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).
We must recognize our dependence on God and rely on his strength and grace to bear fruit that
remains. It is through our connection to him, through faith and prayer, that we receive the power and
resources needed to produce lasting fruit. We cannot rely solely on our own efforts or abilities, but
rather on the transformative work of God in us.

8. Fruit that Glorifies God: The ultimate purpose of bearing fruit is to bring glory to God. When we bear
fruit that remains, it reflects God's character and goodness. It testifies to the transformative power of
the gospel and draws others to him. As Jesus says in John 15:8, "This is to my Father's glory, that you
bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples."

9. Remaining Connected to the Source: To bear lasting fruit, we must continually remain connected to
Jesus, the true vine. This involves daily surrender, seeking his presence, and staying rooted in his Word.
It requires a willingness to abide in him and allow his life to flow through us. By staying connected to
Jesus, we can experience ongoing growth, spiritual vitality, and bear fruit that endures.

10. Trusting in God's Promises: Finally, as we seek to bear fruit that remains, we can trust in the
promises of God. Jesus assures us in John 15:16 that whatever we ask in his name, the Father will give
us. This is not a blank check for selfish desires, but a reminder that as we align ourselves with God's will
and seek to bear fruit for his glory, he will provide what we need.

In conclusion, bearing fruit that remains involves having a personal relationship with Jesus, abiding in
him through the Holy Spirit's work, living in obedience to his teachings, depending on God's strength,
and trusting in his promises. It is a lifelong process of growth and transformation as we seek to reflect
the character of Christ, impact others, and bring glory to God.

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