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 Target population

People interested in, know about Coca-Cola beverage products Coca-Cola company is the
target audience in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Age:

- Youth between the ages of 10 and 35

- Middle-aged and elderly people who are diabetic or who are diet-conscious by
providing diet soda.

- Gender: individuals as per their gender

- Geographically: Coca-Cola markets its goods internationally and caters to various

climatic conditions, cultures, and traditions.

- Income and Family Size: It targets students, middle-class families, and low-
income individuals and families by introducing packaging and sizes priced at
various levels to promote affordability.

 Sample size

For online survay: There will be 200 respondents in the sample, representing a range of
ages, incomes, and income groups.
For interview: There will be between 5 and 7 participants.

 Sampling frame

- List of youngsters aged 10 to 35

- Both middle-aged and older persons who are diabetic or interested in diet drinks
providing Diet Coke are aware of Coca-Cola's current digital marketing approach.

 Sampling Test Method

- Sampling Frame: Both probability and non-probability sampling techniques will

be used to build the sampling frame. An inventory of Ho Chi Minh City
households will be included in the sample plot.
- Probability sampling: involves random selection, allowing you to make strong
statistical inferences about the entire group.
Simple random sampling: In a simple random sample, every member of the
population has an equal chance of being selected.
- Non-probability sampling: To select people who drink Coca-Cola products, non-
random selection based on convenience, allowing us to collect information easily
Convenient sampling: A convenience sample simply includes the most accessible
individuals.We're researching how impactful Coca-Cola's recent digital marketing
campaigns have been, so after each class, we ask students to complete a survey on
the topic. This is a convenient way to collect data, but because we only surveyed
students who were in the same class as you at the same level, the sample is not
representative of all students at the university.

 Data collection process:

- Survey: Information about Coca-Cola digital advertising campaigns that users
recently seen will be gathered using a standardized questionnaire. Online surveys
and in-person interviews will be used to conduct the survey.

- Interview: they are relatively quick and easy to administer and may be of
particular use if clarification of certain questions are required or if there are likely
to be literacy or numeracy problems with the respondents

- Focus group conversations: In order to learn more about the elements that
influence Coca-Cola's digital campaign, customers will be the subject of focus
group discussions.

 Errors and solutions:

- Sampling error: This might happen when a frame used for sampling is not
representative of the target population. A representative sample frame will be
utilized to get around this.

- Non-response error: This mistake might happen if some respondents decline to

take part or cannot be reached. This will be fixed by making a follow-up call to
promote participation.

- Measurement error: The following can occur when participants provide incorrect
or mistaken data. Questions that are open-ended and triangulation will be utilized
to validate the data in order to get around this.

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