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This image is mainly about _____.
This is a very informative picture and I have to speak for 40 seconds about it.
I can see < point 1 > and < point 2 >.
I can also see < point 3 > and < point 4 >.
I can also see < point 5 > and < point 6 >.
I can also see < point 7 > and < point 8 >.
I can see the maximum and also the minimum.
In conclusion, this image is very informative.

Essay Templates


An increasing number of people around the world believe that < title >. Some people
are in favor of this controversial claim, while others are against it. There are
plenty of convincing reasons on either side of this issue. After thorough
consideration of all the relevant factors, I believe that the advantages outweigh
the disadvantages.

First and foremost, when viewed from different perspectives, it is obvious that <
positive point 1 >. It offers many satisfactory benefits that directly influence
our lives. In addition to this, some experts in the related field claim that <
positive point 2 >. For example, according to one of the most reputed universities
in the world, 70 percent of the students there believe this fact.

On the contrary, some people strongly believe that this topic has a lot of
drawbacks. One of them is that < negative point 1 >. It is absolutely true that
this topic has some downsides, but not to a large extent.

In conclusion, people are on either side of this argument. In my opinion, < main
thing > offers a lot of benefits to us. Considering all the relevant claims that
support both sides of the argument, I strongly believe that < main claim >.

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