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The Important Of Reading

Basically, books are packed with knowledge. They give us life lessons, teaching us about adversity,
love, fear, and every little thing that is part of life. Books have been around for centuries and share
knowledge about our past, civilizations and culture.Talking about the importance of books, it cannot be
separated from reading habits which play a very important role.If children are accustomed to reading
books from an early age, they will never feel bored or lethargic. More importantly, they will never have
time for any negative emotions.

There is a lot of evidence that children who understand the importance of reading behave and
think better in their various school activities. Not only that, their communication is also smooth because
of their extensive vocabulary.If you don't have a good vocabulary, it will be difficult for you to do these
questions. You can do this way of increasing your vocabulary by starting to read. When reading, you will
find a lot of new vocabulary that you can use as a reference to convey something clearly.

The benefits of reading this book are still related to literacy. If you read a lot, you will become
familiar with words, sentences, and paragraphs. You can also understand the correct writing rules over
time. As a result, this will make it easier for you to write down what you think neatly and clearly.We can
observe a person's writing style when reading his writing. Knowledge of writing styles is increasing and
we can learn about writing styles. In addition, we get a lot of information when reading and this
information can be used for writing materials.

It has been emphasized that reading can improve the ablinty of the brain. Reading actiurties make
our brains think. There is a process of managing Information found, find relationship of each and look
for Solutions to problems. Indirectly, analytical skills are horned. And now in 2023, The goverment is
starting to Include literacy assesments at the senior high school level, selection to enter goal is that
future children Will begin to be able to analyze through existing words and sentences.

Someone who likes to read will have rich knowledge. This to because you get a lot of Information
and insight. The way of looking at something is more open because you can understand things from
various perspectives. You also become a person who "connects" when invited to decuss certain topics.
Reading is generally druidad into 2 types namely reading for pleasure and Reading Critically .Reading
critically is benefits to add insight ,you cannot undrestand knowledge without digging for deeper
information, and asking questions.

Based on the facts above, are you interested in reading diligently?We can start by reading books
that best suit our interests, such as fiction, history, fantasy.we just need to find the first suitable book to
continue to love reading books! To feel the various benefits, don't think of reading books as a
competition where we have to read as many books as possible in a short time. Read the book slowly and
enjoy the flow and knowledge, then we can feel empathy for what is written in it.Create an Indonesia
that likes to read and is broad-minded. Because, the various benefits of reading books are waiting for us
to get them soon. The impact is not only on ourselves, but for the people around us who associate with
us and even the progress of the nation.

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