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Happy happy happy, fun fun fun, pu pu pu! ‘Oh hello! You're wondering why we're all the ‘same blue haired magical girl? Oh no, silly, the question is why aren't YOU her? You must have slept through the end of the world. Somehow everyone started turning into this one specific otaku's: ‘The meme spread everywhere, and thousands of years of human civilization went poof in the span of a week. Now we can barely remember anything about what things were like before, but we don’t really care. We can hug and snuggle and sing, and because we're so durable, we can even shoot magic at each other and everything still okay. Everything is fine. Everything is love. Everything will be exciting for the rest of forever!!! Oh, you don’t think so? You'll think differently once you're covered in frills and hair. It's already started, just knowing about a meme lets it affect you! You'll be so cute!

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