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A New Evolution 2

-Lopunny TG Transformation (Pokemon)-

The towering puffy-topped trees and their mingling branches shaded the ambitious Pokémon trainer
Jack as he made his way down the shunned path of the sacred forest. It wasn’t so long ago that it was a
common trail for trainers to take on their way to the big city. It was filled with rare Pokémon and had
been long regarded as a revered place by human and Pokémon alike. Legends spoke of the power held
there and that it may very well have been the origin site of the mega stones—their power said to be far
more potent here. That wasn’t what drew Jack here though. What drew him was the talk of a Pokémon
scaring people away, a powerful and unique Gardevoir.

Jack heard the trainers at the previous town talking of a strange Gardevoir that roamed the wood. They
said it looked eerily human, with large breasts and a human-like face. It had ridiculous power, far more
devastating than any average Gardevoir and made quick work of any trainer and their Pokémon who
came across it. What frightened them the most was the way it looked at them. It was a look of desire, as
if it wanted something from them.

What a bunch of scaredy cats, Jack thought as he strolled carefree down the dirt path. With his athletic
appearance and confident demeanor, Jack gave off the aura of a veteran trainer who was never one to
face down a challenge. He’d seen a lot since leaving home on his journey, had accomplished all he had
initially set out to do. The idea of a powerful Pokémon providing a new challenge for him was too much
to pass up. Jack had actually been feeling quite unfulfilled as of late. Perhaps something exciting and life-
changing awaited him within this otherworldly blanket of trees.

He had to admit that the forest gave off the vibe of a revered site, so mellow and serene. Heh, this
wouldn’t make that bad a place to settle down, he thought.

The sound of heavy amounts of moving brush caught Jack’s attention and he quickly got into a stance
ready to fight, his hand on one of his pokeballs. To his shock, what emerged from the bushes was the
rumored Gardevoir. He quickly eased up and took his hand away from his pokeball. Perhaps it was its
almost divine appearance, but he felt immediately calm around the creature and felt no urge to fight it.

The Gardevoir noticed his hesitation and smiled at him and made its way towards him.

Jack couldn’t believe it; it really did look human-like, some odd breed. It had the appearance of a typical
Gardevoir for the most part, tall, white—it’s body resembling a flowing gown past it’s hips—curly green
hair and green sleeved arms that seemed to cover its hands like long sleeves. It had the usual white
spikes protruding from parts of its body as well as the red speared tip from its chest. What was odd
though were its massive motherly breasts that drew all attention, the red spike wedged between the
two engorged pillows, its nipples trapped beneath a layer of white flesh. Aside from missing a nose, its
face looked much more human than any other Gardevoir, though its eye were still huge saucers, with
red ruby pupils that captivated Jack almost as much as its poketits.
“Gard… Gardevoir.” It spoke as it began to circle around Jack as if it were inspecting him, that look of
want in its eyes like the trainers described.

“A-A pleasure to meet you. Heh. You’re certainly something else aren’t ya?” he replied nervously, not
sure what to make of all this. But he wasn’t afraid, no he was fascinated. He was also admittedly a little
turned on. But who wouldn’t be with jugs that size staring dead at you?

The Gardevoir leaned in close to him with its penetrating stare. “Voir… Gard, Gardevoir.”

Did it know… know that he was captivated by it? Was that why it wasn’t attacking? Jack tried his best to
stare composedly back at it, er her. Clearly it had to be a female.

“So… do you protect the forest, or something? Uh… can you understand me?”

He was unsure what he hoped to accomplish by trying to converse with her, but he felt compelled to try.
This was an amazing, one-of-a-kind Pokémon here!

The Gardevoir said nothing and instead pulled a bright shining stone. It was a Mega Stone, specifically a
Lopunnite. Jack quickly became fixated on it, the glimmering light of the stone reflected in his glasses.

“Oh wow. That’s a Mega Stone! Shines a lot brighter than any I’ve ever se—”

Jack was silenced by the Gardevoir driving the stone into his chest. It didn’t feel painful; more like a
burst of heat was suddenly transferred into his body. He stumbled back, full of fear now like the trainers
before him, as an intense heat began to take over him.

“Gardevoir! Gardevoir!” the Pokémon called out as if to celebrate.

“What did you… d-do to… me, aghh!” Jack grunted. His whole body was shivering as the searing heat
created the sensation of melting skin. It was like he was caught in a sauna, the unceasing sweat making
his skin slick.

As he faltered about in confusion, he felt the bones in his body jittering and then breaking with blistering

“Agh, fuck! Ahh!!” he screamed out as his inner-frame began to quickly shatter and reform. He lost a
little height and his body became more thin and delicate. He held himself up against a nearby tree right
before the moment he felt his spine nearly snap in two, sending a wail of pain echoing through the silent

The overly pleased Pokémon approached and began to trace the shape of its victim’s body, noticing that
Jack’s butt was now sticking out much more nicely and that his sides had turned more inward around his

Jack tore himself away from her and screamed, “No! L-leave me alone! Agh, ahh!” he felt many of his
muscles begin to tremble and throb. His dick began to flutter as well, growing erect as an unwelcomed
pleasure rose within his body.
Two masses began to sprout from Jack’s chest, his nipples plumping up considerably and firing out hard
and sharp. He cupped one of his growing mounds and quickly realized what was happening. “Wait… no!
No, I’m growing boobs!?”

As if to confirm his suspicions, his two adorable tits billowed out with a resounding yes, their size filling
up his grasp rather quickly. Their increasing weight slowly brought his posture down.

Jack moaned nearly falling to his knees, the pleasure too much for him. The Gardevoir helped keep him
steady and held him close, never ceasing to smile.

“Stop it… please!” Jack begged before feeling his ass expand in several thunderous fits of flesh. “Uhn,
ahn! Oh god!” Gardevoir held him tight and felt his ass growing and pressing firm against her body.


“No, no my body! Ahn!”

His hips snapped out further and his midsection in tighter as his buxom booty reached unimaginable
size, throwing his bodily proportions severely out of whack. His body was taking on the undeniable
curves of a female now, slender shoulders, an hourglass torso, and sagging—still growing—succulent
orbs hanging from his chest.

“Oh, oh fuck! Ahn!” Jack moaned as he felt his legs quaking with new strength, tight muscles thickening
with fat meat encasing them like a cocoon. His thighs bloated out to an incredible size in order to match
his wondrous chubby bottom. His calves too became strong and plump, tugging at the skin as they

Gardevoir could see that her new friend wasn’t enjoying himself yet so she decided to do what she
could. Using her psychic abilities she carefully stripped the man of his clothing.

“No, what are you doing!? Hah… oh… my ears!” Jack panicked. His ears began to elongate, cartilage
crackling as the bones lengthened in dramatic fashion. They stretched wider and wider into giant oval-
shaped openings.

Gardevoir, once she finished stripping him, began to massage his growing breasts, pinching his nipples,
hoping to entice him.

“Ahn, you can’t! I-uh... oh… oh… ” the struggling trainer protested before being reduced to a softly
groaning mess. His new tits exploded in a violent expansion once again, settling as giant, nearly head-
sized globes. One of his own hands instinctively grasped at his bosom.

The power of the Mega Stone coursed through Jack. He could feel its power rooted within him now…
and he was starting to enjoy it.
“Ahn, yes… this power is, incredible! Ahn, Lo-Lopunny!’ W-What!?” He couldn’t believe what he had just
uttered. “What did I just… oh… oh no.” It was then it dawned on him what this all meant. The human-
like Gardevoir. She must have been transformed by a stone as well. Which meant he was…

“No, no!” He cried out, trying to fight against the change once more, but Gardevoir quickly silenced him
by grabbing hold of his pulsating cock that was jammed and looking undersized between his super-thick

He immediately succumbed to the pleasure once more, falling victim to the Gardevoir’s touch. He went
nearly limp and let the changes continue to wash over him. There was no use fighting, it felt too good.
The rising tide of power and warmth within him sent his heart racing in excitement. He could feel his
mind slipping.

His eyes fluttered and turned black as midnight, his pupils turning the same brilliant red as the
Gardevoir’s. A weak feminine voice broke free from his lips as he was ready to be taken by this ancient
energy. He could feel his inner Pokémon ready to let loose.

“It-it’s coming… oh…” Jack feebly moaned as the Gardevoir continued to pump his dick towards a
release. It was proving harder and harder though as it began to shrink in size, retreating in to the
grinding chasm of his thighs.

Jack’s nose softened and wetted, poking out into a rabbit nose, his glasses shifting a bit on his face
before falling off. A distinct line beneath his nose travelled down to his mouth which was tugged
forward a bit, making his nose even more prominent.

“Oh, k-keep going. Ah! L-Lopunny, Loo!”

What was left of Jack’s dick slid inside her as a slit opened up, her shriveled dick tucking itself into her
new folds as a small androgynous spot. A little more bloat came to her thigh as a new womb formed
inside her. Jack was all woman now, but she wanted more, wanted to become the Lopunny whose
visage was wrapping itself around his psyche.

As the brown hair of what she now wished to become sprouted across her body, she cried out, “L-Lo
forest is, c-calling me, Lopunny! Lopunny!” A wide smile crossed her face as she basked in her new
senses coming to life. She could acutely smell the crisp air and see more vividly than ever the tranquil
leaves—their every crack and detail—fluttering down from the canopy above. She felt at home and was
quick to cherish it, wanting to protect it with her friend Gardevoir. This was a sacred place.

“Lo, Lopunny! Looo!” she cried out, her fluids spilling onto Gardevoir’s hand which was fingering the
insides of her canal.

Gardevoir knew she had done what she need and released Lopunny so that her friend could experience
the rest of her release on her own. She smiled as she watched her friend fall to the floor in bliss,
writhing about as brown fur came in thick puffs around her body, her ears elongating out to nearly the
length of her body! They were enormous rabbit ears that folded over near the head. Giant tufts of
creamy vanilla fur decorated the ears—overtaking much of the brown mane—as well as popped up
around Lopunny’s wrists like furry bracelets. The cream-colored fur also sprouted from the calves down
on her legs, long strands jotting out a like spikes from the side near the knees.

The brown furry beauty squashed her breasts against the fertile dirt, feeling the natural earth entice her
rotund teats.

The final changes took hold as her thighs engorged to even bigger dimensions, looking nearly circular in
their shape. A small rabbit tail poked its way out from the flesh of her lower back and her eyebrows
grew outward over a foot long from her head, becoming long vanilla dyed bristles. She ecstatically
proclaimed to all the Pokémon of the forest she had arrived as her face rounded off, her chin flattened,
and her pussy quaked once more.

“Loooo, Lopunny!!!”

A cascading wave of cum spilled onto the forest floor beneath the quivering Lopunny, letting the sacred
woods know too that she had arrived. She would be ready to protect her new home.

As Lopunny, out of breath, stared ahead of her she could see her glasses lying there. She picked them up
as she rose to her feet and placed them on her face. Yup they still fit well enough. She thought they
made her look distinguished as she giggled and turned to her friend Gardevoir.

“Gardevoir!” Gardevoir cheered, as she saw her fellow guardian finally looking herself. “Voir? Gard,
Gardevoir!” She too agreed the glasses suited her.

“Lopunny!” Lopunny joyfully declared as she hugged Gardevoir tight in thanks. She was a foot or so
shorter than Gardevoir so her face landed tenderly in her pokefriend’s bosom. It felt warm and safe.

Gardevoir had been alone in protecting the forest for quite a while that she couldn’t help but shed a few
tears of happiness. “Gard, Gardevoir.” She hugged Lopunny back, both feeling each other’s probing

The two human-like Pokémon traveled back deep into the forest, to live their lives happy and at one
with the forest and the Pokémon that resided there. This ancient place and its power which had created
a new evolution in human and Pokémon kind would not be tarnished. Its two guardians—who may very
well have become extensions of the forest’s will—would make sure of that.

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