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Let's elaborate on each point:

### 3. Model Description:

The chosen model is logistic regression, a commonly used algorithm for binary classification
problems. Logistic regression estimates the probability that an instance belongs to a particular class,
in this case, fraudulent or not fraudulent. It's a simple yet effective algorithm that works well for
interpreting the influence of each feature on the predicted outcome. Class balancing is important in
fraud detection because fraudulent transactions are typically rare compared to legitimate ones.
SMOTE and Random Under-sampling are techniques used to address class imbalance.

### 4. Variable Selection:

The selected variables, or features, are chosen based on their potential relevance to identifying
fraudulent transactions. The features are:

- 'step': Represents the time of the transaction.

- 'oldbalanceOrg', 'newbalanceOrig': Capture the balance in the originating account before and after
the transaction.

- 'oldbalanceDest', 'newbalanceDest': Capture the balance in the destination account before and
after the transaction.

- 'diff_new_old_balance': Represents the difference between new and old balances in the originating

- 'diff_new_old_destiny': Represents the difference between new and old balances in the destination

These features are selected based on the assumption that fraudulent transactions may exhibit
unusual patterns in the changes of account balances.

### 5. Performance Demonstration:

The model's performance is demonstrated by employing a randomized search with cross-validation.

This technique explores different combinations of hyperparameters for the logistic regression model.
The F1 score is chosen as the evaluation metric, which is particularly useful in imbalanced datasets as
it balances precision and recall.

### 6. Key Predictive Factors for Fraudulent Customers:

The selected features are chosen with the assumption that certain patterns may be indicative of
fraudulent activity:

- Unusual changes in originating and destination account balances.

- Time of the transaction, which might reveal patterns in fraudulent activities.

### 7. Interpretation of Factors:

- 'diff_new_old_balance' and 'diff_new_old_destiny': These features capture abnormal changes in

account balances, which may indicate fraudulent transactions.

- 'step': The time of the transaction is relevant, as fraudsters may exhibit specific behavior during
certain periods.

### 8. Prevention and Evaluation:

#### Prevention Measures:

- **Regular Updates:** Regularly update fraud detection algorithms to adapt to evolving fraud

- **Anomaly Detection:** Implement advanced anomaly detection techniques to identify new types
of fraudulent activities.

- **Security Protocols:** Periodically review and enhance security protocols to prevent unauthorized
access and transactions.

- **Customer Education:** Educate customers about secure online practices to reduce the risk of
falling victim to fraud.

#### Evaluation of Prevention Measures:

- **Metrics Monitoring:** Continuously monitor key metrics, such as false positives and false
negatives, to assess the impact of prevention measures.

- **Model Performance:** Regularly evaluate the model's performance using relevant metrics
(precision, recall, F1 score).

- **Adaptation to New Patterns:** Analyze any emerging patterns of fraud and update the model to
address new threats.

In summary, the fraud detection model and prevention measures aim to adapt to evolving fraud
patterns, utilizing a combination of algorithmic sophistication, continuous monitoring, and customer
education to mitigate risks effectively. Regular evaluation and adaptation are crucial components of a
robust fraud prevention system.

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