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Frame Your Design Challenge

By group 8
Osl 5th

What is the problem you’re trying to solve?

-Ensuring education for all underprivileged and uprooted citizens.
Design Question: How might we create a sustainable education system that ensures reliable
access to education for underprivileged citizens?
-The aim is to establish a system where all individuals have consistent access to proper
education and schooling.

Possible Solutions:

 Community Involvement and Engagement:

1. Establish community learning centers and involve local leaders.
2. Encourage parents’ active participation in their children’s education.

 Targeted Scholarship Programs:

1. Identify and support underprivileged students with financial aid.
2. Tailor scholarships to cover various educational expenses, including books and

 Collaborations with NGOs:

1. Partner with non-profit organizations to extend educational outreach.
2. Pool resources to enhance infrastructure and teacher training in underserved areas.

 Leveraging Technology for Remote Learning:

1. Implement accessible e-learning platforms and apps.
2. Provide training for educators to effectively use and integrate technology into the
Context and Constraints:
-Technological limitations; in some regions might hinder advanced Solutions.
-Socioeconomic factors; Affordability and distribution of education can be harder than we think
for this socioeconomic group.
Revised Problem Statement: How might we create a sustainable education system that
mitigates all the issues and constraints and easy access to education for underprivileged
-This revised frame focuses on a systemic solution that addresses both access to education and
the gap between the underprivileged citizens and our already established education system,
acknowledging the multifaceted nature of the challenge.

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