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Frequency / Vibrations

We’re All Evolving into Heightened Sensitivity. We are all born sensitive and
empathic, but through lack of validation and training, the ability often shuts
down or is placed on a shelf labeled “For Use at a Later Date.”
That energetic information then surfaces in me as though I am them, and all at
once, I know a complex pattern that includes their earthly desires, soul intentions,
permissions, blockages, life lessons, talents, and how it’s likely to feel when they
attain their potential.
I know it through my own body sensations and feelings. The challenge then is to
articulate the body of information in a logical, sequential way that makes sense to
the other person. I have experienced many times how, at these deeper levels, it is
impossible for us to truly be separate from others.
what exactly is your personal vibration and how does it function?
1. Your personal vibration is the overall vibration that radiates from you in any
given moment.
2. The vibration of one aspect of your makeup affects the vibrations of the other
3. Your personal vibration is affected by vibrations in the world and in other
4. Your personal vibration is generated from inside you by your own choices.
5. Your personal vibration improves dramatically the more you allow your soul
to take charge of your life.
The Benefits of Being Consciously Sensitive to Vibrations
Your intuitive ability and clarity are high. You make good decisions.
Your creative and innovative abilities are high.
You can easily materialize what you need and use what you’re given.
You cooperate easily and draw the best out of others.
You have deep insight into others’ motivations and sources of pain and what they
need in order to grow and heal. You can offer people the help, advice, or
understanding they need.
Your capacity to feel into the inner dynamics of anything brings data and insight
that give you an advantage in achieving happiness and success in your
relationships, personal life, and business.
You can dissolve feelings of separation and isolation, and understand how
connected and mutually sourced everything in life really is. This helps you
experience the soul in things and become more spiritually enlightened.
Your transformation
If you are to fully understand the emerging energy reality with its high frequency
and unlimited perception, it helps to know there’s a good reason you may feel
shaken up, ultrasensitive, or rudderless.
The reality of the Intuition Age will be the result of a gradual but fairly rapid
process of personal and societal transformation. It can put you through the
wringer emotionally and energetically but will eventually deliver you to an
amazing destination you’ll love.
As the vibratory rate of your emotions and physical body increases, subconscious
blocks, which are fearbased emotions of low frequency, can no longer remain
stored and suppressed. Low frequencies cannot exist in a field of high-frequency
energy and awareness.
If you allow the higher energy to flow through you and deal patiently and
lovingly with situations that arise, you learn that you can’t avoid polarities you
don’t like, but must allow every option to be part of life. You embrace the
concept of “mirroring,” where what’s in you is also in me in some way, and vice
versa. You learn to own both sides of any polarity, feel how they feed each other
and how you can receive energy and information from parts of yourself you’ve
rejected. You gain awareness about your previously unconscious emotional
You’re likely to experience sudden breakthroughs in all areas of your life,
including healing insights about your wounds. Problems stemming from a
difficult childhood can actually evaporate, isolation can give way to nurturing
cooperation with others, and things that used to make you react vehemently now
hardly bother you. You see through the chaos that others are caught in, don’t buy
in to the seductions, and find your own way forward with greater clarity.
As you learn to clear your fear-based past, many things you thought were
important and ways you made life meaningful become useless, even boring,
and you let them go. Relationships based on codependence end. Old methods fail
to produce results. Old habits die and old institutions become hamstrung and
collapse. You notice more lies, disbelief, hollow stories, boring opportunities,
untalented people, artless art, and pathetic attempts to cover personal
weaknesses. You may feel disgusted. Your pet ideas, beliefs, and worldview
won’t hold water. You’re sick of hearing yourself recite the litany of your own
history and feel limited by it.
If you allow the dissolution of the things you don’t need, you find that external
rules aren’t so necessary, that you’re being directed from inside yourself and
you see that you’re living by inherent universal principles of natural harmony and
order. You experience being guided effortlessly by your own highest wisdom.
The failure of old structures is a natural way that life is preparing you for your
new self.
In the relative stillness, you may feel that your priorities, belief systems, and
molecules are being rearranged, that you’re being “rewired.” You recognize
the last remnants of what’s untrue about your life and determine to disengage
from participating inauthentically in the world. It may be obvious that you don’t
fit well with the rest of society and you must resist the pressure from others to
revert to familiar habits.
As you see others who haven’t yet made the shift, you don’t fear them as
powerful wet blankets who can bring you down. Instead, you take the role of
teacher, healer, or mentor and use your higher frequency for the greater good.
You are hopeful, enthusiastic, optimistic, faithful, and inspired. Innovation
abounds. You’re motivated to recognize your destiny, engage with it fully, and
live I
Healthy Feeling Habits
You allow yourself to feel, think, and act without self-judgment or self-sacrifice
in accordance with a natural inner sense of ethics and harmony.
You allow others to feel, think, and act as they do without needing to sacrifice
their authenticity for you. You consciously notice the frequencies of other
people, places, and situations and don’t change yourself to match them,
especially if they are lower than yours. You merge with other frequencies (in
people, places, or situations) intentionally to activate new knowledge and ideas,
then come back to yourself and determine how, or if, you want to implement the
You keep your awareness open and in the present moment, receptive to subtle
signals that come from your body. By remaining centered and alert, you have
no need to separate yourself from the world or defend yourself from the world;
you simply adjust your frequency to the vibration that most nourishes or
entertains you in any given moment.
You withdraw inside yourself, not to escape feeling something, but to see what
feels right for you in each situation and to find your own ideas. You find the
insights and messages in various feelings, seeing every sensation and perception
as useful.
You trust and enjoy yourself so there’s no need to impress others; the resulting
ease facilitates increased clarity. You trust you’ll know what you need to know
just when you need to know it. You share energy and awareness easily with
You allow yourself to experience the full range of sensations, from the most
contracted to the most expanded, knowing that this is what life is all about.
Even contractions contain useful information and energy.
You know that life and the mind naturally oscillate, so you allow yourself and
others to have polarities and change often while penetrating to the core to find
You know your experience is up to you and the choices you make. You know
that by adjusting the frequencies you run in your body, emotions, and thoughts,
you can change your reality and create or dissolve the “stuff of your life.”
You’re excited about having a live connection with the world, and you engage
fully with discovery and creativity. You accept that you and the world are
made of many dimensions and frequencies of awareness and that you have access
to all of them.
1. Take stock of what you have; appreciate and use it; this is what you already
2. Clear unhealthy feeling habits and negative thinking, and dissolve any existing
forms that are in the way of your new expansion.
3. Collect your energy, recenter in your soul’s love, attune to your home
frequency, and check to see what your highest vision looks and feels like.
4. Notice the idea, pay attention, imagine it, and feel into it.
5. Optimize your personal vibration and connect your personal field with the
unified field.
6. Include all beings in your materializing process.
7. Keep paying attention to the materializing idea.
Questions to Ask When Reading
People and Relationships
Are they congruent within themselves? Is their presentation aligned with their
fear or soul?
Are they projecting a false front or relating to me with their ego?
Am I reading the energy accurately? Do we have any matching blind spots?
Am I reacting from a hidden agenda or responding from a neutral place?
What do they bring out in me immediately?
How does my body respond to them?
Do I pick up sensory clues: Do they “smell” fishy or sour? Or “sound” tinny,
screechy, or hollow?
What might I be learning from this person? What might I be drawing my
attention to in myself?
Are they trustworthy? Are they honest? Are they withholding or lying about
Do they have a personal issue that will sabotage the relationship or the flow of a
Do they have a need to control, and if so, what and how do they do it?
Is this a beneficial relationship for me? Why?
Is it time to update or change this relationship? Is it time to end this relationship?
Formula for Successful Flow in Relationships
1. You’re simultaneously drawn to the other person because you frequency-
match issues both souls want to focus on. You experience attraction, love, and
2. The love draws everything that’s in the way of more love into the relationship
space so it can be cleared. Both people’s subconscious fears surface. You play
opposite roles, have differing opinions, blame and punish each other, resuppress
your problems to get along, or break up. This usually repeats, drags on, and can
often end the relationship. To be successful, the relationship must progress to
Phase Two and Three.
3. You choose to recenter in the relationship’s home frequency, find a way to
reopen your hearts, and communicate about what you’re feeling without blame
or projection (no sentences starting with “You...”).
4. You look for common vulnerabilities, understand your misperceptions, and
choose to turn the unhealthy feeling habit in yourself around (your partner
chooses at their own speed).
5. You reaffirm what you value in the relationship and in the other, restate your
goals for being together, and remember that you want to cherish the other
person. 6. More interferences to greater love now surface from the subconscious
minds of both people.
7. Repeat Phase Two! Each time love conquers fear, your bodies get more used
to the higher-frequency relationship and you stop choosing negative vibrations
because they’re too boring and difficult.

Problem solving
1. Reframe the problem so you see it as helpful.
2. Your problem is really a question. The question helps you discover an
experience your soul wants you to have.
3. Solve the problem internally first, in your imagination.
4. Once you have the internal experience the problem was pointing to, the
external physical problem may resolve quickly.
5. Problems always indicate a “turn” of the wave and a new vibration that
pertains to your destiny.
5. Problems always indicate a “turn” of the wave and a new vibration that
pertains to your destiny.
6. If many problems occur at once, there’s usually just one underlying theme.
7. Even very mundane problems contain your soul’s guidance.


You notice an idea and invest attention into it.
Your body experiences the idea as real and normal.
You radiate your high home frequency through your personal field to the unified
You honor all the other beings and particles that are cocreating with you.
Your personal vibration frequency-matches with the item, people, situation,
place, or experience you’re seeking.
You trust the outcome will be perfect.
You see what you want as separate from you.
You want out of fear; you worry and doubt.
You try to force the outcome or use too much of your own energy to make things
You don’t feel entitled, or you lack imagination.
What you want is not on purpose for your soul, or your soul knows about a future
impact of the result that would be harmful to you.
Your mind tries to do more than its share of the work.

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