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Zadanie angielski 16.I.


Revision A

Str. 32, ćw. 1

1. Articulate
2. Rambling
3. Succint
4. Extrovert
5. Coherent
6. Persuasive
7. Eloquent
8. Fluent
9. Interrupted
10. Digress
11. Engage
12. Listen

Ćw. 2

1. Bush
2. Grapevine
3. Stick
4. Mouth
5. Wall
6. Wavelenght
7. Loop
8. Picture

Str. 33 Skills

Ćw. 1

1 g, 2 c, 3 h, 4 i, 5 b, 6 j, 7 a, 8 k, 9 m, 10 f, 11 l, 12 e, 13 n , 14 d

Ćw. 2

1 j, 2 a, 3 e, 4 b, 5 i, 6 h, 7 d, 8 g, 9 f, 10 c,

Ćw. 3

1. We are launching a really impressive product range

2. The sales forecasts are very good
3. We want ot increase brand awarness.
4. We’re doing extremely thorough market research.
5. They created a hugely successful advertising campaign.
6. We.he just introduced a new customer loyalty card.
7. He thought of an absolutely brilliant advertising slogan.
8. They are entering the highly competitive online shopping market.

Str 34

Ćw 1 Skills

1. Purpose
2. Achieve
3. Think
4. Suggest
5. Great
6. Best
7. Back
8. Mind
9. Stage
10. Absolutely

Ćw. 2 Vocabulary

1. Cement
2. Create
3. Begin
4. Endanger
5. Promise
6. Disrupt
7. Establish
8. Allow

Ćw.3 Muliword verbs

1 c, 2 h, 3 d, 4 b, 5 g, 6 a, 7 f, 8 e,

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