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* Who are the first white settlers in Canada?

Royal New France. In 1604, the first European settlement north of Florida was
established by French explorers Pierre de Monts and Samuel de Champlain, first
on Set. Croix Island (in present-day Maine), then at Port-Royal, in Acadia (present-
day Nova Scotia). In 1608 Champlain built a fortress at what is now Québec City.

* Who were the first British settlers in Canada?

In 1610, John Guy of Bristol, founded the well-known English settlement at
Cuper’s Cove, later known as Cupids, and from this point onwards, settlement
continued, with people from the English West Country outnumbering the Irish
immigrants two to one.

* Why did they move there?

The motives of those of English descent who emigrated from the US were
largely political, for most of them were Loyalists, although it is true that many
English-Americans immigrated to Upper Canada and later to the Prairies because
of the farming opportunities.

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