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Pleroma International High School

Lesson Note

1 THE FAMILY A. Define Family

B. List types of family
C. State the roles or responsibilities of each family member.

2 THE HOME A. Define a home and a house.

B. Explain the meaning of violence and domestic violence
C. List types of domestic violence

3 HOUSING THE FAMILY & A. State the meaning of housing.

CARE OF THE FAMILY B. List types of housing in rural and urban area.
HOUSE C. Mention Factors influencing the choice of house
D. Ways of obtaining a house

4 HOUSING THE FAMILY & A. State reasons for care of the house.
CARE OF THE FAMILY B. Mention equipment and tools for care of the house.
HOUSE CONTINUES (2) C. Care for different area of the house.

5 ENTERTAINMENT IN THE A. Meaning or definition of entertainment, host, hostess, guest.

HOME B. Qualities or responsibilities of a good host / hostess.
C. Reasons for entertainment.
D. Meal service.
E. Types of ways of serving meals
F. Reasons or importance of entertainment.
8 PERSONAL A. Define clothing.
CLOTHING/LAUNDERING B. State reason for wearing clothes.
OF PERSONAL CLOTHING. C. Outline ways of caring for clothing
D. Define the term laundry.
E. List laundry aids and equipment.
F. Mention steps in laundering personal clothes.

9 SIMPLE SEWING TOOLS & A. Identify sewing tools and equipment.

EQUIPMENT B. State the use of each sewing tools and equipment.
C. Define stitches
D. List types of stitches



PIHS Summer Term

Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note
Subject: Home Economics WEEK: 1

WALT [We Are Learning To] Keywords

A. Define Family Polygamy: The practice or custom of having more
B. List types of family than one wife or husband at the same time.
C. State the roles or responsibilities of each
family member. Monogamy: The practice of marrying or state of
being married to one person at a time.

 Meaning of family
 Types of family
 Roles and responsibilities of or functions of family members

Meaning of Family
A family is a group of persons who live together and are united by ties of marriage, blood or
Family members are each other’s kin.
The family is the basic unit of the society. Everybody belongs to a family. Every family member has
a role to play. You as a family member have some roles to play.


1. The Nuclear family: The nuclear family is also called natural family or the restricted family.
It is made up of parents (Father and mother) and children (brothers and sisters). It’s is also
sometimes called a monogamous family because it arises from one man and one wife only.

2. The Extended family: The extended family is made up of the relatives of the parents in the
nuclear family. These are grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, first cousins and
second cousins.

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Pleroma International High School
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3. The Polygamous family: This is made up of a man, his wives and their several children. In a
Polygamous family a man is legally married to more than one wife.


What is family?
List and explain two types of family.
 The Father:

Father’s play an important role in parenting.

1. He is the head of the family
2. He works and earns money for the for the family.
3. He provides for the family’s needs such as shelter/house, food, clothing, school fees, etc.
4. He disciplines family members.
5. He teaches his children the culture of the society e.g. respect for elders.
6. He shows love to family members and protects them.

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7. He acts as a model for his children by showing them good examples.
 The Mother:

A mother can greatly influence child’s growth and development. She has an extremely important
role to play when it comes to boosting child’s development.

1. She bears the children.

2. She prepares food for the family.
3. She loves and cares for the family members
4. She teach her children how to live life to the fullest.
5. She is there for her children when they need her.
6. She teaches her child the importance of self-worth.
7. She provides food, shelter, and love.
8. She sets a good example to her children.
9. She makes time to have fun with her kids
 The Children

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Lesson Note
1. Keeping the house clean.
2. Taking Care of Younger Siblings.
3. Assisting with Special Events.
4. Learn the culture of the society.
5. Packing school bags at night before sleeping.
6. Putting the toys back where they belong after they’ve been playing with them.
7. Organizing their play shelves and bookshelves.
8. Respect and obey their parents.
9. Love themselves and their parents.
10. Put dirty garments in the container for a wash.

1. State five roles of a father
2. State five roles of a father
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Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note
3. State five roles of children

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Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note

WALT [We Are Learning To Keyword.

 Define a home and a house
 Explain the meaning of
. violence and domestic violence.
 List types of domestic violence.

 Meaning of a Home
 Meaning of Violence and Domestic Violence
 Types of Violence


A HOME is the place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or
A House is a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or
more upper storeys.

Types of Houses

Houses can be built in a large variety of configurations. Following are useful types of homes.

 House
 Hut
 Hotel
 Building
 Farmhouse
 Barn
 Dormitory
 Log cabin
 Lighthouse
 Nursing home
 Castle
 Block of Flats (U.K) – Apartment building (U.S)
 Terraced houses
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 Villa
 Skyscraper/high rise
 Semi-detached houses
 Detached house
 Cottage
 Igloo
 Tent
 Camper van


VIOLENCE is the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy something or

Domestic violence (also called domestic abuse or family violence) is violence or other abuse that
occurs in a domestic setting, such as in a marriage or cohabitation. Domestic violence is often used
as a synonym for intimate partner violence, which is committed by one of the people in an intimate
relationship against the other person, and can take place in either heterosexual or same-
sex relationships or between former spouses or partners.

In its broadest sense, domestic violence also

involves violence against children, parents, or the elderly. It can assume multiple forms,
including physical, verbal, emotional, economic, religious, reproductive, or sexual abuse.
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Types of violence

 Physical abuse
 Psychological abuse
 Domestic abuse
 Economic abuse
 Verbal abuse
 Elder abuse
 Child neglect
 Economic violence
 Forced marriage
 Child marriage
 Gender violence
 Bullying.


Explain the meaning of a home


Explain the meaning of violence and domestic violence


List five types of violence


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Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note


Discuss five effects of domestic violence on the children.


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Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note

WALT [We Are Learning To Keyword.

 State the meaning of housing Bungalow- a small house with a
 List types of housing in rural single story
and urban area Corrugated- a shaped into
alternating parallel grooves and
 Mention factors influencing
the choice of house
 Ways of obtaining a house.

A. The meaning of housing.
B. Types of housing in rural and urban area.
C. Factors influencing the choice of house
D. Ways of obtaining a house


Housing means dwellings provided for people. Housing is also defined as buildings or building
structure complying with requirements of laws and regulations where individuals may live with their

Types of houses.

Every family lives in a house. There are different types of houses. Each type is known by the kind of
material used in building it. Certain factors must be considered before choosing the type of house we

Types of houses in Nigeria.

We have different types of houses in Nigeria. These include:

1. Mud houses – usually built with red mud and roofed with thatched or corrugated iron sheets. These
types are mostly seen in rural areas.

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Lesson Note
2. Wooden houses – They are built with bamboo sticks or wood and have thatched or corrugated roofs.
They are mostly found in rural and fishing community i.e. riverine area.

3. Modern houses – These are built with cement blocks, bricks or stones. Their roofs could either be
corrugated iron sheet, (zinc), or asbestos roofing.

Modern houses can be storey buildings, bungalow or modern skyscraper. They are found in towns and
big cities. Skyscrapers, Bungalow


Some factors are responsible for the location and choices of family house. These are:

1. Economic factors – The type of house a family builds or chooses depends on the financial
strength of the family. The high income earning family can build big houses while low income
earners can only afford smaller ones.

2. Site/Location of the house. The family should choose to build or rent a house that is near or easily
accessible to:
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 Children’s school
 Market or shopping centre
 Place of work
 The location must also be safe in terms of health and security

3. Size of the family – A large family will require a larger house than a smaller family

4. Family life cycle: the number of people in the family will determine their choice of a house. This

o The beginning family: this is a stage when a young couple needs a small apartment.

o The expanding family: this is a stage when the family increases in size, they will need a bigger

o The contracting family; this is a stage when only the couple are left alone, so they need a small

5. Special needs of family members. A person with arthritis or leg problem may need to live in a
bungalow and not in storey buildings.

6. Design of the house: The layout or plan of the house must suit the family

7. Ventilation and lighting – A good house for any category of family should be well lighted and

8. Lifestyle of the family – This consideration is based on the interest and activities of the family.


 By inheritance.
 By legal purchase or acquisition.
 By constructing or building.

Explain the meaning of housing
State three types of housing in rural and urban area

PIHS Summer Term

Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note
List and explain (discuss) two factors influencing the choice of house
List three ways of obtaining a house


PIHS Summer Term
Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note

WALT [We Are Learning To Keyword.

 State the care for the different Bungalow- a small house with a single
areas in the home. story
 List the various equipment and Corrugated- a shaped into alternating
parallel grooves and ridges.
tools for care of the home.


 The care for the different areas in the home.

 The various equipment and tools for care of the home.

Care of the Family House

The family house is very important for the well-being of the family members. It plays many important
roles in the lives of the members.
Care of the family house is very important if the house is to meet the needs of the family. It is important
for you to know the reasons for care of the family house, the equipment and tools needed for that and
how to care for the house.

Reasons for Care of Family House

1. To maintain clean appearance.
2. To maintain good hygiene.
3. To maintain good health.
4. To prevent the spoilage of household equipment, tools, furniture, linen, etc.
5. To prolong the life span of the house and its content. For instance, a neglected carpet will wear more
readily than one that is cleaned regularly.
6. To make for orderliness in the house.
7. To prevent household pests and disease-carrying insects, such as mosquitoes.

Equipment, Tools and Materials for Cleaning the House.

Brooms and Brushes: Brooms are commonly made from palm fronds. Brushes can be made of horse
hair, vegetable fibre or nylon.

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Uses of Brooms and Brushes:

There are different types of brooms and brushes used for different purposes.
i. Short or hand brooms and long brushes are used for sweeping the floor.
ii. Long-handled soft brooms and brushes are used for removing cobwebs from walls and ceilings.
iii. Long-handled stiff brooms and bushes are used for sweeping the yard outside the house.
iv. Toilet brushes are used for cleaning the water closet (WC) toilet.
v. Stiff hand brushes are used for cleaning upholstery rugs and carpets.
vi. Polishing brushes are used for polishing different surfaces e.g. Shoe brush.

Guidelines for Choosing Brooms and Brushes

1. Consider the use to be made of the broom or brushes.
2. Choose the right broom or brush for the right work.
3. Choose good quality brooms and brushes.
4. Check the handles. They should be smooth and of the right length for easy use.
5. Check the broom sticks and brush bristles. They should be plentiful, closely set together and film. Pull
the sticks and bristles to ensure that they are film.

Care Of Brooms And Brushes

1. After each use shake off any pieces of dirt that have collected on the broom sticks or brush bristles.
2. Wash the broom or brush by holding the handles and beating the sticks or bristles up and down in a
warm detergent water.
3. Rinse in clean warm water.
4. Put out to dry in open air.
5. When not in use hang brushes on hooks by their handles and keep brooms upright. This prevents
bristles and sticks from bending.

These are normally made from soft non-fluffy or lintless cloth.

Uses of Dusters
i. They can be used dry, for gathering and removing dust from surfaces.
ii. They can also be used slightly damped with water or suitable oil. This helps to gather dust and
prevent it from flying about.
iii. After using a damp duster the surface should be rubbed with a clean dry duster to restore the polish
and shine.
iv. During dry dusting, shake the duster outside properly from time to time.
Guidelines For Choosing Dusters
i. Choose soft lintless or non-fluffy cloth.
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ii. Choose soft cloth that can absorb moisture.
iii. Provide more than one duster for the home.

Care Of Dusters
1. After use, shake to remove loose dust.
2. Wash with soap and water.
3. Rinse well and hang out on the line to dry.
4. Fold neatly and put away properly.

Mop heads are made of twisted cotton yarns. These are attached to a long or short handle. Dry mops can
be used for dusting surfaces. Wet mops can be used for washing floors. Long-handled mop makes
washing of floor easy because the worker can stand while working.

Care Of Mops
1. Wash the mop with soap after use.
2. Rinse out in clean water.
3. Wring out water and shake thoroughly in open air.
4. Place upright in the sun to dry.
5. Wash mop-pail and dry in the sun.

Other Common House Cleaning Tools Include:

i. Dust pans which are metal or plastic. They are used for gathering dust and dirt.
ii. Buckets or pails which can be plastic or metals. They are useful for carrying water.
iii. Dust bin which is used for disposal of refuse.

Simple Daily, Weekly And Seasonal Cleaning Of The House

In order to clean the house you need to sweep and dust the different functional areas, surfaces and
objects in the house.
The functional areas are the sitting room, the dining room, kitchen, bedroom, toilet and bathroom. You
will learn more about this room in Year Two. In this chapter you will learn about sweeping and dusting,
as well as the guidelines for daily, weekly and seasonal cleaning of the house.

Sweeping And Dusting

Cleaning is the process of removing dust, dirt, tarnishes, stains and other foreign matter from articles
and surfaces. The methods of cleaning to use, depend on the nature of the dirt, methods of cleaning
include sweeping and dusting.
Dust is fine dry loose particles blown about by air. It often contains powdered earth, dry vegetable and
animal matter, bacteria, etc.

Characteristics of Dust
i. It is light and settles readily in any surface.
ii. It will adhere or fix to any damp surface.
iii. It can be easily held by greasy, moisture or rough surface.
iv. It is easy to remove on smooth surface than on a rough surface.
v. Greasy-held dust is not as easy to remove as loose dust.
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Dirt is dust that has become firmly held by moisture, grease or rough surfaces. It is fixed dust. It cannot
be removed by currents of air. It is therefore not removable by dusting alone. It requires water for the
water-soluble dirt and special cleaning solvents for the non-water-soluble dirt.

This is the process of removal of dust using a cloth or duster.

Guidelines Or Rules For Dusting

1. Use clean dusters. When possible use two dusters, one for removal of dust and the second for the
polishing the surface.
2. Begin at the highest point and work downwards. Work in orderly manner.
3. Gather up the dust into the cloth carefully. Do not allow it to scatter in the room.
4. Shake the dust frequently out of doors.
5. Take care that dust is not blown black into the house.
6. Polish wooden surfaces along the grain.
7. After dusting, shake the duster thoroughly outside. Wash it if dirty, dry and put away properly.

Guidelines For Sweeping The floor

1. Use good broom.
2. If it is a mud floor or very dusty concrete floor, sprinkle water on the surface to prevent dist from
3. Sweep with the broom towards the door reaching all corners.
4. Prevent the dust from scattering by putting off the fan and/ or shutting the windows and doors.
5. Gather the dust up at frequent intervals, using a dustpan.
6. Wrap the dust in newspaper and put it in the dust bin.
7. The broom should be used with short, even strokes.

Daily And Weekly Care Of The Home

A dirty house breeds disease germs. It is therefore important to take good care of our houses on daily
and weekly basis.
Daily involves the removal of surface dust fro the ceiling, walls, floors and other surfaces in the home.
This is done by sweeping and dusting.

General Rules And Guidelines For Daily Cleaning Of The House

1. Gather all the materials required for cleaning such as brooms, brushes, dusters, and dust pan.
2. Sweep all the rooms in the house every day. Follow the rules for sweeping.
3. Sweep down the cobwebs from the ceiling and wall.
4. Sweep the floor, reaching all corners.
5. Brush the carpet if in use.
6. Collect dust with dust pan or old newspaper.
7. Dust furniture and ornaments.
8. Arrange furniture neatly.
9. Dispose of refuse properly.
10. Change flower if necessary or add water.
11. Shake the duster thoroughly, wash, dry and put away neatly.
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Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note
Weekly care involves more through cleaning of all surfaces, pieces of furniture and other items in the
home. Weekly cleaning is generally carried out on weekends when we have enough time to do so.

General Rules Or Guidelines For Weekly Cleaning Of The House.

1. Weekly cleaning should be made more thorough than the daily cleaning.
2. Prepare for the work by gathering all the materials need for cleaning.
3. Decide which part of the house to clean first and work in an orderly manner.
4. Open the windows and doors to air the room.
5. Remove small articles and group larger pieces of furniture to make floor space accessible for
6. Clean the curtains that are dusty or take them down or pin them back and clean the windows.
7. Remove as much dust as possible from each room reaching all corners.
8. Dust all pieces or furniture and fixtures.
9. Polish wooden furniture as necessary.

Seasonal Care Of The House

There are some cleaning operations that should be carried out seasonally in the home. These include:
1. Washing or dry-cleaning the curtains.
2. Cleaning the carpet or rug.
3. Polishing the furniture.
4. Cleaning the wardrobe.
5. Cleaning the food store.

Disposal Of Household Waste

Families consume different goods and services. In the
process of consumption, families generate different kinds of
wastes such as green leaves, waste food, pieces of papers,
empty tins and bottles, ashes, pieces of cloths, etc.
These need to be properly disposed of in order to keep our
surroundings or environment clean and safe. When
wastes are not properly disposed different problems can
occur, such as:
i. Blockage of water channels.
ii. Breeding places for disease carrying paste like mosquitoes.
iii. Air pollution from decomposing wastes.
iv. Wastes can provide food for rats which in turn endanger our lives.
v. The wastes can cause different types of accidents.
vi. Dirty surroundings that are not attractive.
vii. Different types of disease out-break.

Materials For Waste Disposal: These including refuse bins, refuse bags and baskets, etc. These come
in different sizes, colours, materials, and prices. Some bins are made of metals, wood or plastics.

Waste Disposal Sites: These are places, centres or spots approved by relevant government authorities
for households and individuals to dispose wastes. In many areas in the country, these sites are not often

PIHS Summer Term

Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note
provided by government. The result is that people dispose the wastes they generate in the wrong places
such as:
i. Gutters.
ii. Along the highways.
iii. In any open spaces they see.
iv. In front of their houses.
v. Inside streams.
All these sites (i)-(v) are wrong places to dispose refuse. They should be discouraged.
Proper Or Correct Sites For The Disposal Of Wastes: Only the government approved waste disposal
sites are the right places to dispose waste. Such proper waste disposal sites.
i. Are properly constructed for waste disposal.
ii. Often have roof to prevent rain from falling on the wastes.
iii. Have some government attendants who collect the waste regularly for final disposal sites.
iv. Are cleared by government agents on regular basis.

Use Of Refuse Bins

In many large urban towns, household refuse and street sweepings are collected and removed by
sanitation authorities.
Household refuse is dumped into bins which are emptied into covered refuse disposal Lorri’s or carts.

Points To Consider In Choosing Refuse Bins

1. The size of the family.
2. The type of refuse produced by the family.
3. The quality of the bin.
4. The money available.

Qualities Of A Good Bin: A good refuse bin should:

i. Be strong and durable.
ii. Have a good fitting cover.
iii. Have strong handles.
iv. Be leak-proof.
v. If possible have small holes at the bottom so that any liquid or water can drain off easily.

Cleaning Of Refuse Bins

Each time the bin is emptied:
i. Rinse it out with plenty of water. Add disinfectant.
ii. Let it dry in the sun.

Once Every Week:

i. Empty the bin and rinse.
ii. Scrub it with hot soapy water containing small quantity of disinfectant.
iii. Scour the bin with fine scouring powder or ash if necessary.
iv. Rinse with disinfectant water.
v. Leave in the sun to dry.

Other Points On Care Of Refuse Bins:

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1. Cover the refuse bin properly.
2. Dispose of the household refuse regularly.
3. Wrap all food scraps and entrails of fish or meat with old newspaper before throwing them into the
dust bin.
4. Replace the dust bin when it is worn out or damaged.
5. If possible keep a small bin in the kitchen and bigger one outside the house.
6. Different bins can also be kept for different types of refuse.

Methods Of Waste Disposal

The method of disposal is determined by the type of waste and the facilities available to the household.
The methods include:
1. Burying: Waste such as broken plates, bottles, cups, old tins, are buried in the ground where enough
land space is available. These wastes cannot decay. They are called non-biodegradable waste.
2. Burning: Dry waste materials such as; old newspapers, dried, leaves, rags can be disposed by
burning. In some cities it might not be possible for households to burn the wastes they generate.
3. Feeding Animals: Some wastes are very useful for feeding animals. Pigs and chickens can feed on
food wastes, such as cooked rice, yams, plantain or any other food. Dogs can eat bones, while goats and
sheep can feed on some vegetables wastes.
4. Making Compost: Wastes which can rot or decay such as vegetables and some animal remains can
use for making compost. Compost is used for vegetable gardening or in farms. Such wastes are said to
be biodegradable.
Sorting Of Waste: This is the process of separating wastes according to their types. This can be done
by keeping different types of wastes into different containers, so that each can be disposed of differently.


State five reasons for care of the house


Mention three equipment and three tools for care of the house
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Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note
State two care for three different areas of the house


Class: Year 7
Week: 5

WALT [We Are Learning To Keyword.

 Definition of entertainment, Formal –represented in simplified or
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host, hostess and guest. symbolic
 Qualities of a good host or Informal- not officially recognized.
Course- part of a meal served at one
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Lesson Note

Entertainment in a home means receiving people in the home and giving them food and drinks.e.t.c. A
female who entertains is a hostess, while a male is a host. The person who is entertained is a guest.

Importance of Entertainment.

 Entertainment is a way of building good relationship among people.

 It is a way of showing and sharing love.
 It makes people happy.
 It helps people learn how to serve others.
 It gives the host /hostess opportunity to prepare different types of dishes and snacks.
 It can help develop interests and acquire skills needed in
hospitality industry, such as hotels and restaurants.

Ways of preparing for entertainment.

There are ways of preparing for entertainment these are the
things which the host/ hostess has to do, namely:
 Preparation and sending out invitation letters or cards.
 Preparation of the house or hall.
 Collection and arrangement of equipment and materials.
 The amount of preparation needed depends on the type of party and number of people invited.

Responsibilities of a host or hostess.

 Plan the party thoughtful and prepare in advance.
 Decide on the date of the party
The number of people invited
The kind of food to serve.
The activities of the party.
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 Plan the menu and activities for the party
 Make a comprehensive shopping list.
 Shop wisely.
 Introduce guest to each other and to your parents. An
introduction helps strangers to feel at ease.
 Involve all guests in the activities.
 Serve food smartly and ensure that each guest has enough.
 At the end of the party see guests off to the door band thank
them for attending.

Responsibilities of a Guest.
 Reply to the invitation.
 Dress properly for the party.
 Do not be late for the party.
 Do not misbehave during the party.
 When they party is over, thank the host and go

FORMAL PARTIES _ are often by cards while

INFORMAL may be verbal or by telephone.
This is a careful presentation of food or drink to an individual.
There are two main ways of serving food.
1. Formal meal service.
2. Informal meal service.
 Formal meal service____ it is the service given to
very importance person.( v.i. p.). In which the table is
decorated specially and meals are served by skilled
person. It is used for meeting and special occasions.
 Informal meal service___ this is the kind of service we
give to ourselves or family members.
Types of meals service.
 Plate service
 Tray service
 Traditional
 Kitchen service
 Family style service
 Buffet service
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 Silver service.

TRAY SERVICE. - Here food and drinks are served in individual tray.
PLATE SERVICE. – The food is placed in each person’s plate in the kitchen.
TRADITIONAL SERVICE- The food is dished into a plate or tray and the family gather round to eat.
FAMILY STYLE SERVICE- Dinner plates are arranged at each person’s place. The foods are in
serving plates or dishes on the table and are passed around from person to person to help themselves.
BUFFET SERVICE- plates, napkins, serviette, food and drinks are arranged on the buffet table and
guest help themselves to the food.
SILVER SERVICE. - one color of cooking wares are used to serve food and decorate the table.
KITCHEN SERVICE- The food is cooked and serve in the kitchen.
Table laying is the process of setting a table. It means the
arrangement of table ware, plates, glasses and cutlery for
each person who will be eating a meal.
Importance of Table laying.
 It makes the dining table more attractive.
 It makes the meal more convenient to eat.
 It helps to make the meal more enjoyable.
 It helps in training younger children on table

A cover refers to the place set for a person on the table, the
cover contains the table mat, glass cup, side plates and
napkins for each person.
Guidelines and processes of table laying.
 Make the table design simple and natural.
 Choose and use colours and materials to achieve an attractive table design.
 The table setting should complement the meal. The materials used for table setting should suit the
meals and method of serving it.
The dining room table linen and all other materials required for the meal must be properly cleaned.

Materials for Table setting.

The following materials are necessary for Table setting.
 Table cloth
 Side plates
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 Meat forks
 Soup spoons
 Tumbler or glass cup
 Table napkins
 Place mats.
 Bread knife
 Meat knife
 Dessert spoons
 Wine glass

A three course meal is made up of soup as a first course. E.g pepper soup, broth, onions soup.
Jollof rice or any main meal as second meal.
Dessert. E.g fruits salad, vegetable salad, Cakes as third meal.

1. Define entertainment, host, hostess and guest

2. List five qualities of a good host or hostess

3. List five reasons for entertainment

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4. Outline four importance of entertainment



Class: Year 7
Week: 8

WALT [We Are Learning To Keyword.

A. Definition of clothing. Detergent: a water-soluble cleansing agent
B. Reason for wearing clothes. which combines with impurities and dirt to
C. Ways of caring for clothing make them more soluble, and differsSummer Term
from soap
D. Definition of the term laundry. in not forming a scum with the salts in hard
E. Laundry aids and equipment. water.
Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note


A. Definition of clothing.
B. Reason for wearing clothes.
C. Ways of caring for clothing
D. Definition of the term laundry.
E. Laundry aids and equipment.
F. Steps in laundering personal clothes.

Definition of Clothing

Any of a wide variety of articles, usually made of fabrics, animal hair, animal skin, or some
combination thereof, used to cover the human body for warmth, to preserve modesty, or for fashion
Reasons for wearing clothes
1. Protection-clothes safeguard our bodies, preventing harm from the harsh climate and the

2. Adornment- we wear clothes to add more decorations and beauty to our bodies.
3. Modesty- this refers to covering your body depending on what society has said. We will wear
clothes depending on how we were brought up.
4. Identification-this is establishing who someone is or what they do. For example, chefs have their
special attire as well as students.
5. Status- some people wear clothes to show their social class compared to others in the society.
These clothes are what you identify them with.


Caring for Clothes:

1. Think twice about washing. Wash clothing only when necessary (many items can be worn
multiple times before they need to be washed). Each washing shortens the life of a garment.
Clothes will suffer less wear and tear from over washing
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 First, sort clothes and then observe care labels. Get to know the fabrics you wear.

 For more fragile fabrics like silk and linen, wash on delicate cycle.

 Wash shirts less often if you wear them with a layer between them and your skin.

 Brush suits after every wear to eliminate dust and grime which can damage fabric.

 Wash clothing, especially jeans inside out to keep colour from fading.

2. Use laundry detergent without harmful, petrochemicals (petroleum-derived). Switch to minimal

packaging laundry products and cleaning solutions.

3. For stains use stain removal.

4. Avoid ironing frequently, hanging clothes in the bathroom when you take a hot shower will help
reshape them.

5. Drip dry. Hang clothes to dry outdoors on a clothing line or a drying rack (or on a drying rack in the

6. Hang clothes properly. Hang on wooden hangers to avoid misshapen shoulders. Fold arms cross-wise
over the shoulders. For woollens, avoid hanging and fold instead to avoid sagging.

7. Reuse and repurpose worn or unwanted clothing. Use old t-shirts and other worn items as rags.


Laundry is defined as clothe and linen that need to be washed or that have been newly washed.

Reasons for care of clothing

1. To make the clothing last longer. Dirt can damage fabrics.

2. To kill any disease-carrying germs and pests in the fabrics.
3. To keep the clothes looking clean or better, dirty clothes are unpleasant to look at.
4. To save money since clean clothes last longer.
5. To ensure that whatever clothes you have will be available for wearing anytime.

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Definition: laundry agents are substances which aid the removal of dirt
from fabric articles. They are;

1. Water; used for soaking, washing and rinsing clothes. Water can be
cold, warm or hot, depending on what is to be washed. Towels and under-wears are best washed
with warm water. Grease stained clothes are best washed with hot water.
2. Soaps and detergents; detergent is any substance that cleanses or
aids the removal of dirt. Soap is made up by the reaction between
fats/oil of animal/vegetable origin, and alkalis. Examples of
detergents and soaps in Nigeria include Viva, Ariel, Sunlight, etc.
USES: to lower the surface tension of water, remove certain stains,
kill carrying germs in fabrics.

3. Bleaches; make white cotton and linen fabrics whiter,

remove certain stains, kill disease carrying germs in fabric.
Examples of bleach in Nigeria include Jik, Hypo, etc.

4. Stiffening agents; this include different types of laundry starch such as hot
water starch, cold water starch, spray or aerosol starches; gum Arabic, glue,
USES: to stiffen cotton and linen fabrics, to give the fabrics a smooth surface
and fresh look.

5. Stain removers; a stain is a spot or mark made on a fabric which gives a colour that is different
from the rest of the surface of the fabric.
USE: to remove stains from fabrics.

1. Equipment and tools for collecting dirty clothes;

these include linen baskets or bins, laundry bags.

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2. Equipment and tools for washing; these include basins, buckets and laundry tubs or trays,
they can be made of plastics, stainless steel or porcelain. We also have washing machine.

3. Equipment and tools for drying; clothes lines, movable clothes, horses or hangers, pegs e.t.c.

4. Ironing or pressing equipment; these include the iron, ironing board, ironing pads e.t.c.


What are the types of laundry aids?

The important laundry agents or aids are
 Water
 laundry soap,
 detergents,
 bleaches, alkaline agents,
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 acid agents,
 Organic solvents.

Laundry Equipment:

Washing machine

Washing machine

Clothes dryer

Clothes iron

Ironing board

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Drying rack


Garment Steamer



1. Sorting: this involves separating/arranging the clothes in categories which include; white and
coloured, heavily soiled and lightly soiled underwear and normal clothes, etc.
2. Mending: all tears should be mended to prevent further tears from occurring during laundry
3. Stain removal: all stains should be removed before washing proper commences. This is where
bleaching plays a major role.

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4. Soaking and steeping: : heavy articles such as bed sheets, pillow cases and white cotton, should
be soaked for long time (20mins and above) before washing. Do not soak fabrics that are not
5. Washing: use soap or detergent suitable for the set of articles to be washed.
6. Rinsing: this is the process by which dirty soapy water is washes off the clothes. Rinse the
clothes till the water is clear and soap less.
7. Boiling: Do not boil wool, silk and synthetic fabrics like nylon. Boiling helps to whiten articles
and kill germs. This is most suitable for cotton and linen articles.
8. Bluing and stiffening: if desired, add blue to the last rinsing water. Cotton's and linens can be
stiffened with starch.
9. Drying: dry coloured articles under a shade to prevent them from the bleaching effect of the sun
and avoid fading of colours. Dry white cotton and linen articles in the sun. Secure articles with
clothes pegs.
10. Finishing or ironing: it is best to iron laundered articles when they are slightly damp.
11. Airing: this is the drying of the steam that may be left in the article after ironing. This is done by
putting the article in the sun to dry or hanging it briefly outside the wardrobe.
12. Folding and storage: clothes should be stored by folding and putting into boxes or hanging in a


1. Define clothing

2. State three reasons for wearing clothes

PIHS Summer Term

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Lesson Note
3. Outline two ways of caring for clothing
4. Define the term laundry
5. List five laundry aids and equipment
6. Mention four steps in laundering personal clothes.

Subject: Home Economics WEEK: 9


WALT [We Are Learning To] Keywords

A. Identify sewing tools and . TOOL: A tool is an object that can extend an
equipment. individual’s ability to modify features of the
B. State the use of each sewing tools surrounding environment or help them accomplish a
particular task.
and equipment.
PIHS EQUIPMENT: The set of tools, itemsSummer neededTerm
for a
C. Define stitches particular activity or purpose.
D. List types of stitches
Pleroma International High School
Lesson Note

A. Identification sewing tools and equipment.
B. The use of each sewing tools and equipment.
C. Definition of stitches
D. List types of stitches

Identification of sewing tools and equipment

Measuring tape

Seam ripper

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Sewing needle


Pinking shears

Sewing machine

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Safety pin

Hand Sewing Tools: Main Uses:

1: Felt Fabric Fabric to hand sew on
2: Needles To sew stitches with
3: Sewing Threads To sew stitches with
4: Scissors Cut fabric, snip threads
5: Fiber Fill Fill toys, stuff plushies
6: Glass Head Pins Attach something to felt temporarily
7: Pincushions Pin storage
8: Marking Tools Mark stitch lines and pattern marks
9: Needle Threader Help thread the needle
10: Thimble Protect finger, push needle through
11: Tape Measure and Ruler Measuring, draw straight lines
12: Buttons and Beads Decorative embellishments
13: Cords, Ribbon and Trim Decorative, for hanging ornaments
14: Patterned Fabric Decorative embellishment
15: Sewing Box or Bag Storage for sewing tools


A stitch is the journey of two pieces of materials with a line of stitch. Stitches means the movement of
thread and needle in and out of the stitches.
Types of stitches
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There are broadly three types of stitches: the temporary, the permanent, and the decorative stitches.

TEMPORARY STITCHES- these pieces of fabric together temporarily, [ within a short period times ]
they are removed as soon as the served the purposes they were used for.

Examples are,
Even basting or tacking. ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
Uneven basting or tacking ________ ____ _______ ___ _______
Diagonal basting /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Tailors tacking. ___________.. ____________... _____________

These are used to joining two or more pieces of materials together permanently. A machine tread must
be used to join the clothes together. Examples are,
Running stitches
Back stitches
Over sewing stitch
Hemming stitch


They are used for decorating garment. They are used in well-made clothes. The decoration should be
suitable for the materials. Examples are
 Chain stitches
 Satin stitches
 French knots
 Stem stitches
 Herring bone stitch


A. Identify five sewing tools and equipment.

B. State the use of three sewing tools and equipment mentioned above
C. Define stitches
D. List two types of stitches
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Lesson Note

PIHS Summer Term

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