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SECTION A: Objectives
Instruction: Choose the correct answer by

1. Applied Art can be 5. A court art means?

A. a furniture, lighting, dishes, hair weaving, A. The Oba controlled the art and the artist.
clothing. B. It was a large size
B. an acrylic on canvas. C. The heads are too small
C. a watercolour painting. D. The head is too large
D. pastel on Board. Pleroma International High School

6. One of the following is a sculpture made

2. Terracotta is by the Benin people?
A. a brownish red clay that is baked. A. Brass Plaque.
B. a brownish red clay. B. Oil on canvas.
C. a brownish red clay that has been painted. C. Watercolour.
D. a red clay. D. Charcoal on Board.

3. A clay sculpture was made by? 7. An ivory sculpture was made by?
A. The Nok People A. The Nok People
B. The Benin People B. The Benin People
C. The Ife people C. The Ife People
D. The Igbo people D. The Igbo People
4. The Nok sculpture was made with?
8. The Benin people worked with
A. Bronze
B. Oil on canvas. A. ivory
C. Clay B. oil on canvas.
D. Paper C. clay
D. paper

PIHS Autumn Term

9. The materials the Benin people used to
produce their artworks were 15. Which is definitely the oldest form of art
to be found in Nigeria and West Africa?
A. ivory, wood, clay, brass.
B. iron, plastic, wood. A. Nok Art
C. plastic, wood, clay. B. Nigerian Art
D. pencils, ivory, clay. C. Cave Art
D. Benin Art
10. Which of the following groups belong to 16. The Igbo-Ukwu people made
the secondary colour?
A. vessels
A. Red, Orange, Blue B. hats
B. Green, Orange, Purple C. stools
C. Red, Yellow, Blue D. beads
D. Blue, Red, Purple
17. The Igbo-Ukwu people made
11. A brownish red clay is
A. masks
A. terra cotta B. bronze hats
B. brown and red clay C. bronze stools
C. brown clay D. clay beads
D. red clay
18. The Benin people used a technique called
12. The Benin Plaque is Pleroma International High School


A. an ornamental tablet. A. cire perdue

B. a new tablet. B. folding bronze
C. a flat wood. C. bronze making
D. a flat metal. D. clay and bronze making

13. Nok art is characterized by life-sized

sculpting of humans, with a lot of 19. The Nok people worked with
attention given to
A. cire perdue proportions
A. beads and the hair pattern. B. less body proportions
B. the legs C. good body proportions
C. the body D. bronze body proportions
D. the fingers
20. Which of the following groups belong to
14. The sculpture has broken body parts the primary colour?
A. Red, Orange, Blue
A. None of the Nok art pieces survived fully B. Green, Orange, Purple
B. It was a large size C. Red, Yellow, Blue
C. The heads are too small D. Blue, Red, Purple
D. The feet are too large

PIHS Autumn Term

SECTION B 3a. Write down three characteristics of Nok
sculptures. [3 marks]
Answer only three questions
1a. Explain three importance of art. [3 marks]

1b. Mr. Hotaru took art lesson, how can Mr.

Hotaru use art for decoration? [3 marks]
3b. Give reasons why the Nok sculpture has
broken body parts. [3 marks]

Pleroma International High School

2a. Write down three characteristics of Ife

sculptures. [3 marks]

4a. What culture in Nigeria is known for this kind

of Art? [3 marks]

2b. State two materials the Ife people used to

create their artworks [3 marks]

PIHS Autumn Term

4b. Analyze the art in option 4a and list your
observations. [3 marks]

Answer question 1 [8 marks]
1. produce a simple sketch of an “eye” shade your drawing with any shading technique you know.

Pleroma International High School

PIHS Autumn Term

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