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Movie Review of "The Pursuit of Happiness"

Objective: Every student in the group has to Watch, Analyze, and Evaluate the movie "The Pursuit of
Happiness" focusing on the soft skills portrayed, their significance, and the overall message conveyed.

1. Give a Brief Summary of the Movie:

Provide a concise summary of the movie, covering the main storyline and key characters. Highlight the
challenges faced by the protagonist, Chris Gardner and his pursuit of happiness.

2. Identification of Soft Skills:

Identify and discuss various soft skills demonstrated by Chris Gardner throughout the movie.

Some examples are below you could elaborate on these or choose your own:

• Resilience: Chris faces numerous challenges but persists in his pursuit of a better life.

• Adaptability: He adapts to various situations, showcasing his ability to think on his feet.

• Communication Skills: Observations of how he communicates with others, especially in

professional settings.

• Problem-solving: Analyze instances where Chris tackles problems and finds solutions.

• Time Management: Explore his time management skills, given the demanding circumstances.

3. Significance of Soft Skills:

Examine how these soft skills contribute to Chris Gardner's success and personal development. Discuss
the importance of these skills in real-life scenarios and professional environments.

4.Applicability in Real Life:

Discuss how these skills can be applicable in your academic pursuits, personal growth, and future

5.Overall Message and Learning:

Identify the central message of the movie and the key lessons viewers can take away. Discuss how Chris
Gardner's journey inspires and imparts valuable life lessons.

Conclude your review by expressing your personal recommendation. Would you recommend this movie
to others? Why or why not? Consider its motivational value, the portrayal of soft skills, and its potential
impact on viewers.

Note: Every team can select a team lead and divide the above 5 tasks among the team. Each and every
team member has to talk for at least 3 minutes minimum and 5 minutes maximum. Team lead has to
ensure that the task is completed within 15 minutes Maximum. Every team member will be evaluated
based on their genuine contribution, communication skills and rapport building with the audience.


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