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1. In troduction of P roject

2. Requirments of project

3. ER Digram

4. Data flow digram

s. Coading

6. Output

7. Module

8. Conclusion

9. Future Scope

11 Reference

Mini-projec1descriplion -"Guess ie number"game

One of the sin11>lest t vo player gan1es is "Gue!is 1he nu111bcr'". Tite first J'>l a)'Cr
1hinks of a secret nuntber in sonte kno\vn range \Vhile the second J>layer attcn1pts to
guess the nun1bcr. A Iler each guess, the first 1>layer a11s,vcrs either "liigher..,"Lo\
vcr"or ··correct!"depending on \vhcther the secret nu111bcr is higher, lo\vcr or equal
to the guess. In this \Viii
build a simple intcrJctive progr::un in Python \\lherc the con1pu1cr \\•ill take tJ1c role of
the first
player while you ploy us the second player.

You \viii in1crac1'vith )Our prognu11using an i11pu 1 field :and several bu ttons. l;or this
\VC'viii ignore 1hc canvas and print the c.on1pu1cr's res1>0nscs in the console.Bui lding an
ini1ial version of your 1>roject that prints infon1lation in the console is a developnlent
strategy that you should use in I nter projects as'''ell. Focusing on getting the logic of
1hc progran1 correct before trying 10 nu1ke i1 display 1he infon11a1ion in son1c "nice"\
Vay on lhe can,1as usually saves lots of 1in1c since debugging logic errors in graphicnl
output can be tricky.

TI1e first player thinks of nn integer \Vi lhin a kno,vn range.

l> The second player tries 10 g11css the nu 1nbcr.

l> lf 1he guessis incorre<:1. 1hen 1he firs1player tells 1he second player whether
1he guess
'vas 100 hig.h or coo lo,v.

l> Eventually.the second player guesses 1he correct number.

};;- The second player's score equals 1he n1111ber of guesses he n1ade.

> The players then reverse their roles and repeat the game.

> The ''inner is the player \vho gets 1he correct nns\ver \\lith the fe\\lest guesses.

1. Projec1Ti lle :

"Guess The Nun1ber Gan1e"

2. Technology :


3. Hardware and software Requ i m1enl :

Oprea ting sys1e111- \Vindo\vS xp,7.8 or above .

Rant - I Gb or above .
Soll\varc -Visual studio oodc or pychsnn .
;,.. proccssor -2.0 GH2 or abllvc .
Hurd drive !>puce I Gb or ub-0,•c ,
ER Dia!mlln

Please ente(
h gher number -· Plt ase
enter l

! •

Guess was



import random

· "Welcome to Number

QuessCheclr--=Wong• ?


print("Thankyou for response=mt(1t1put

playing Number ("Pfease lflput a
Guess. oomber between
See u ain") 0and 100 ')]

print("Th1s 1s
Exctptio.n not a va11d
inttger Please try

Yes IJo

ptinl{"This 1s lcw.-
er than ac-
Please <:1gain")
prirt{"Th s 1s higher
prlnt(is i5 the correct
number") number.
Please a arn") uessCheck="correcr

Enter a ntnnbcr bct,•1ccn I and 7 6

your guess \Vi1S higl:,please enter a lo\ver nu 1nber

Enter a nun1bcr bct·vccn I and 7 5
You \Von!

Nun1bcr of turns you hnvc used; 2


Guess the nun1ber

. Enter the
nun1ber. You are
vrong .
Enter 1\- gain.
You are r
ght. You \
VOil .

rvty guessing gnn1c ''orkcd correct ly as ii lbllo·.vcd n1osL of the object ives.IL told you
if your guess \Vas too high or too lo' ' and if your guess'vas right it told you that also.It
had a lin1it bct,vccn 1-07 so that it \vasn·, too hard for people 10 g·ucss. As \veil as this
the linal
con1pletcd guessing game didn'1coruc up'''ith error 1ncssagcs as it rnn through the
c-a ach ti1nc n nu1nbcr \VOS entered \vhich sho,vs 1hn1 it \VOS correct. It'vas only n
basic version and \vasn 't expanded but it \vorked fine.

• Create a guessing gan1e that told you if the nun1bcr you J>UI in \vas too high or
too lo\v and then congratulated you '1hcn the nun1bcr \vas correct

• To use Crocodile Clips corn'C. tly and lean> obout the differe111 things
(edit boxes. inputs) you use.

• To n1oke sure your guessing game \vas correct ly \vorking through the \\ ho1c1


• ·ro hnvc ncorrect 1001> thnt '"orkcd in the righ1'vay.


);;- Flex i bi l i ty - You can 1>ut ns n1uch tin1e into the business as you'd like. I
f you
l ike the \VOrk an<I ha\•c son c initial cx1>cricncc, you can start sn1alland
Oil 3SpeClS or thC bosinCSS On your O\Vn.

, Abi lity to start your business from home - It's not necessary to
have o physical s1orcfront or office space to get your business sinned. You
can do everything from the con1fon of )<>ur O\Vn hon1c. at least in the

).. Little Startup costs required - The cost to smrt a number guessing game
business costs signi ficantly less n1oncy 1.han n1ost businesses. ranging
anY'vhcrc from 12 to I 1,659.

)... llt\\1ardi ng \VOrk - Starting o nurnbcr guessing garnc business cnn be

reolly re'vardinJ.?.'vork . Aler arc solvinJ?, an i1l1111edkue issue ror
your custon1er and you're \VOrking onson1c1hing you truly care about.

,. Scal able - \Vith businesses and processes changing doily, Lhcn: \Viii
nl,vays be dcn1nnd ror nc'v tC:atutes.proclucts nnd services for your
busi11ess. Addhionrtlly. 1here nre sever.ii di llerent business n1odcls and
pricing tiers you can in11>len1ent that \Yill allo'v you to reach all typesof

, Traffic to your \Vebsi te ·A 11un1bcr guessing gan1c business gives

people a
reason 10 \•isit your \Vcbsitc and 10 kcc-p con1ing back 10 you!

' No ovcr11ec1d costs - To get your nun1bcr guessing ga111c business

stuncd, there are no costs associated \\•itb overhead, storage.packaging,
etc. This \Viii save you a lot of tin1cand n1oney!

Mca 11i1lgfttl bl1Si11css co11r1cctio11s - You never kno'v'vho you \

viii n1cc1 as a nun1bcr guessing gan1e business. This could be the start of
an incredible business 01>portunity!
,.. 1-1igl11nargi11s .. TI1e gross n1argi11s for )'our nun1ber guessing
ga1r1e business arc 1ypic:ally arouncl 65%.\vhich is considerably high nnd
allO\VS you 10 gro\v your business and n1anuge costs easily.

,. Qu ick bu i ld time - The average time it takes to build your product is

quick - IYJ>ically around 7 n1011ths.This \Viii allo\v you 10 bring your
product 10 n1arkc1 faster.

,.. Control of \VOrk load .. \Vilh taning R llunbcr guessing g-a1ne have the unique ubility 10 choose hO\V l illlc or hO\v n1uch
you \VUtU 10''Ork.
You ulso have 1hc frecdon110 <ICl.)ide \\'hich projects you \\'a111 10 \vork on. and
con 1urn do,vn 1hc ones thllt do no1 in1eres1 you.

;;. Unl i mited i ncome potential - With stoning a number guessing game
business there is no cap as 10 how 1nuch ineon1c you can rnakc. 1hc
stronger your business skills und 1hc n1ore cncrgy/1i1nc you pui io10 your
career. the
111orc you'll rnakc.

;.... Si111µlt;Uui1u: 111u<lcl A nun1bcr guessing guntc business has lite

adva111agcor a sin1plc businc-ss rnoclcl. \vhich n1okcs launching ond
building the
business niorc sean1lcss.

,. Minima l experience required - Stoning A Number Guessing Game

Business requires little experience und no spcci lic ccnifications or
qualifica1ions. To be successful. you need hard \VOrk. dctennination and the
desire 10 achieve greatness!

;.. You get to do something yo·J cruly love - With srnning a number
guessing gan1e business, you get to put your energy into son1cthing you
are truly passionate about! You'll find you rself devoting as n1uch tin1c and
energy as 1><>ssiblc into the business to nu:i kc it successful.

, Express you r opi11ions • \Vith s11.1rting a nu1nbcr guessing game

business. you can express your opinionsand kno,vlcdgc 10 your
audience.'vhich allo'vs you co build youro'vn repu1a1ion an<I identity.
);. You can work from anywhere - Not only can youstart your
number uessing gatnc bui nss frorn can also n1n your
business frorn any\\lhcro in the \\'Orld. 'fhis is the entrepreneur

,Easy to Learn The Business - When starting your number guessing

game business.1hcrc is a ton of info1111ation readi ly availabli.: 10 you Onl ine
( groups. Youtubc \•idcos.Starter Story etc). TI1is \viii help you get
the business started and unS\V('r :any qutions.doubts or concerns you may

;.. Yo11 get to inspire others - Your busincs. is one 1ha1cncoumges and
inspires others.\vhich in itsel f. can be very fulfilling.

,You estnbl ish yourself as an expert - With starting a number guessing

ga1nc establish yourself as anex.pen in your niche,''hich
builds your credibility. In re1un1.customers arc n1orc likely 10 1rust
you and refer you 10 other Cl' cnds and f. 1nily.

,Various difforcnt ways LO make money - With starling a number

guessing gn1nc business. lhcrc isnotjust one business 1nodel lo choose
frorn. L J11s 11cld 1s an1az1ng 1n thal tl1cre arc various dtllcrcnt \vuys
10 1nakc money.
AlthousJ1this n1ny con1plicatc things. it's great to hnvi; di lTercnl options
and soun:cs of revenue.

,Make money while you sleep - The ndvanmgc ofstarting a number

gue. sing gan1e business is that you have the abili1y to hn\'C passive inco1ne
n1nke 1noney \vhile you slel.'p. This is the drca111 for 111any entrepreneurs.

• \V3school.co1n
• Pru101@JITK
• You1\1bc
Code \Yi th harry

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