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A group of British teachers is going to visit your college for two days. The aim of their trip is to
learn about how technology is used in education in your country.
You have been asked to write a report for the group leader. Your report should:
include information about how technology is used to teach different subjects
recommend which lessons the teachers should watch to see technology being use
Write your report.

Use of Technology in education

This report is intended to inform how technology is used in common
lessons and recommend the most interesting technical developments to
be seen. I conducted a survey among teachers and students in order to
find out what is prefered to be used by them.

Technology in different subjects

The majority of the people claimed that the best thing were computers
and interactive boards. I was given these reasons:
1. They provide an oportunity to make the lessons more enjoyable
2. Everybody is able to find information on the internet whenever they
want to
3. Computer presentations can be easily given

However, use of another technical developments vary among students

and teachers depending on which subject they focus on. For instance,
people were interested in Science mentioned these points:
newly equipped chemical lab with its recently purchased
equipment suitable for teaching Physics (e.g. digital watches,

For most of the people who I asked for their reply were really important
computers and interactive boards in the classrooms. I would therefore
recommend seeing this. On the other hand, if you are interested
A group of students from the UK are going to visit your town or city next month as a part of an
exchange programme. Your teacher has asked you to write a report about shopping and dining
attractions in your town.
Now write your report for your teacher as outlined above (approximately 200 words). You
should use your own words as far as possible.

Shopping in Naples

This report is to inform and suggest the best shopping and culinary
spots British tourists ought to visit in Naples. The data presented in the
report was gathered from local citizens as well as former visitors.
Where to find the best souvenirs
According to local residents the best gifts can be found in small shops
around Porto Alba Road. Visitors can find anything from classical gifts
as cards or t-shirts to strange and bizarre presents like pasta in various
sizes, forms and colours. Moreover, these local shops are rather
inexpensive so they are ideal for students on a limited budget.
Where to eat under a fiver
Borini- famous for its strong coffee, is a tiny coffee shop that
everyone has to visit when in Naples
La Serbina- the house of greatest pizzas – a typical Italian pizzeria
that was featured in a few American blockbusters, hence two hour
queues to get in.
Da Mari – a tasty and popular bakery in the heart of Naples- ideal
place for anyone with a sweet tooth.
All things considered, a great number of Napolitan shops and
restaurants are rather cheap yet traditional. They are worth visiting
especially if one is unable to spend a fortune on souvenirs or food.

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