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Clin Orthop Relat Res (2022) 00:1-10

DOI 10.1097/CORR.0000000000002264

Clinical Research

No Benefit to Platelet-rich Plasma Over Placebo Injections in

Terms of Pain or Function in Patients with Hemophilic Knee
Arthritis: A Randomized Trial
Weifeng Duan MD1, Xinlin Su MD, PhD1, Ziqiang Yu MD, PhD2,3, Miao Jiang MD, PhD2,3, Lingying Zhao BS2,3,
Peter V. Giannoudis MD4,5, Jiong Jiong Guo MD, PhD1,2

Received: 21 January 2022 / Revised: 18 April 2022 / Accepted: 11 May 2022 / Published online: 31 May 2022
Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons

Background Hemophilic knee arthritis is one of the most (PRP) may have short-term efficacy in the treatment of hemo-
common presenting symptoms of hemophilia, and its man- philic knee arthritis, but evidence for this treatment is limited.
agement continues to be challenging to practitioners. Questions/purposes What is the effectiveness of PRP
Preliminary research has suggested that platelet-rich plasma compared with placebo in (1) reducing pain and improving

The institution of one or more of the authors (JJG) has received, during the study period, funding from the National Key Research and
Development Program of China (grant number 2022YFE0199900) and Clinical Application-oriented Medical Innovation Foundation (grant
number 2021-NCRC-CXJJ-PY-09) from National Clinical Research Center for Orthopedics, Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation and Jiangsu
China-Israel Industrial Technical Research Institute Foundation.
Each author certifies that there are no funding or commercial associations (consultancies, stock ownership, equity interest, patent/licensing
arrangements, etc.) that might pose a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article related to the author or any immediate
family members.
All ICMJE Conflict of Interest Forms for authors and Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research® editors and board members are on file with
the publication and can be viewed on request.
Ethical approval for this study was obtained from the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
(number 2017-279).
This work was performed at the First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China.

The first two authors contributed equally to this article.

Department of Orthopedics and Sports Medicine, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University, Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
Department of Hematology, National Clinical Research Center for Hematologic Disease, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University,
Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
Jiangsu Institute of Hematology, Key Laboratory of Thrombosis and Hemostasis of Ministry of Health of the People’s Republic of China,
Suzhou, People’s Republic of China
Academic Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics, School of Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK
National Institute for Health Research, Leeds Biomedical Research Centre, Chapel Allerton Hospital, Leeds, UK

J. J. Guo ✉, 188 Shizi Street, Suzhou 215006, People’s Republic of China, Email:

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
2 Duan et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®

knee joint function (as measured by WOMAC, VAS, and placebo injections, did not improve hemophilic knee
Hemophilia Joint Health Score [HJHS]) and (2) improving symptoms, function, and quality of life over 24 months.
quality of life (as measured by SF-36 scores) in patients with The results of this study do not support the use of PRP
hemophilic knee arthritis through 24 months of follow-up? injections in patients who have hemophilic knee arthritis.
Methods This was a prospective, parallel-group, double- Level of Evidence Level I, therapeutic study.
blinded, single-center, placebo-controlled randomized
clinical trial that included participants from a tertiary care
center starting January 1, 2019, with follow-up completed Introduction
on November 30, 2021. Participants were older than 18
years and had hemophilic knee arthritis confirmed by MRI, Patients with severe Factor VIII or IX deficiency (hemo-
and they were randomly allocated to interventions in a 1:1 philia Type A or B) usually experience spontaneous joint
ratio. The investigators were not informed of the random- bleeding [3, 28]. Recurrent episodes of intraarticular
ization sequence generated by the computer. Patient groups hemorrhage often lead to hemophilic arthritis [29].
were comparable with respect to age, gender, BMI, he- Preliminary laboratory research has suggested that platelet-
mophilia type, and disease severity at baseline. Physicians rich plasma (PRP), which is derived from peripheral blood
delivered three sessions (one per week) of a standard with a concentrate of platelets and a natural concentration
intraarticular injection of PRP (n = 95) or placebo (n = 95). of autologous growth factors, may promote healing in
The rate of successful blinding was balanced across the several tissue types [1]. Some early animal research has
groups, which was assessed by asking participants which suggested that PRP may have a role in the treatment of
injection they thought they had received. The primary hemophilic knee arthritis by inhibiting the development of
outcome was the WOMAC score (range 0 to 96; higher synovitis and cartilage matrix loss in the affected
scores indicate more pain and worse function; minimum joints [33].
clinically important difference, 6.4 points) over 24 months. Investigation of PRP for hemophilic knee arthritis in
Among the 190 patients assigned to PRP or saline injec- humans is limited to three small case series and one open‐
tions (mean age 31 6 7 years), 100% (190) of patients were label trial [5, 20, 22, 32], which were generally supportive
men). There was no between-group difference in the pro- of its use, but biases that tend to accrue in those study
portion of patients who completed the trial; 97% (92 of 95) designs (in particular, selection bias and assessment bias)
of patients in the PRP group and 94% (89 of 95) of patients will tend to result in overestimation of the apparent benefits
in the placebo group completed the trial. The most common of treatment. Others have pointed out the substantial gaps
adverse events were injection site discomfort 8% (8 of 95) in what we know about this topic and have called for well-
in the PRP group and 4% (4 of 95) in the placebo group. An designed research to address those gaps [30]. To our
intention-to-treat analysis was planned, but there was no knowledge, no randomized trials have compared PRP with
crossover between groups. All patients were included in the placebo in patients with hemophilic knee arthritis, and
analyses. With 95 patients in each group, the study was without those, it is impossible to know whether this treat-
powered a priori at 90% to detect a difference in WOMAC ment will improve patients’ function or reduce their levels
score of 6.4 points, which was considered a clinically im- of pain.
portant difference. Consequently, we performed a randomized clinical trial
Results There were no clinically important differences in the to assess the efficacy of PRP injections in hemophilic knee
mean WOMAC, VAS pain, HJHS, SF-36, and MRI scores arthritis, in which we asked: What is the effectiveness of
between groups at any timepoint. Intraarticular PRP did not PRP compared with placebo in (1) reducing pain and im-
ameliorate function, symptoms, and quality of life in patients proving knee joint function (as measured by WOMAC,
with hemophilic knee arthritis. At 24 months of follow-up, VAS, and Hemophilia Joint Health Score [HJHS]) and (2)
the mean difference between the PRP and placebo groups in improving quality of life (as measured by SF-36 scores) in
the WOMAC score was -1 (95% CI -5 to 2; p = 0.42). The patients with hemophilic knee arthritis through 24 months
mean difference in the VAS pain score was -0.3 (95% CI -0.8 of follow-up?
to 0.2; p = 0.19), in the HJHS was -0.6 (95% CI -1.4 to 0.1;
p = 0.10), in the SF-36 physical component summary was
0 (95% CI -2 to 3; p = 0.87), and in the SF-36 mental Patients and Methods
component summary was -1 (95% CI -3 to 2; p = 0.64). The
mean differences in the MRI scores of soft tissue and Study Overview and Trial Design
osteochondral subscore were 0.1 (95% CI -0.3 to 0.5; p =
0.59) and -0.3 (95% CI -0.7 to 0.1; p = 0.19), respectively. This prospective, parallel-group, double-blinded, single-
Conclusion Among patients with hemophilic knee ar- center, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial was
thritis, three intraarticular PRP injections, compared with conducted at the National Clinical Research Center for

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 00, Number 00 PRP in Hemophilic Knee Arthritis 3

Hematological Disorders of China. Enrollment began on Baseline Data

January 1, 2019, and the last patient’s 24-month follow-up
occurred on November 30, 2021. A checklist of minimum A total of 714 adults with hemophilic knee arthritis were
reporting requirements for clinical studies of PRP [25] is assessed for eligibility; of these, 27% (190 patients) were
available (Supplementary Table 1; http://links.lww. enrolled in the trial. There was no difference between
com/CORR/A821). groups in terms of loss to follow-up; 97% (92 of 95) of
patients in the PRP group and 94% (89 of 95; p = 0.31) of
patients in the placebo group completed the trial (Fig. 1).
Study Participants The mean patient age was 31 6 7 years. All patients were
men because of the genetic sex linkage of hemophilia.
Patients with hemophilic knee arthritis were recruited Overall, 158 patients had severe hemophilia and 32 had
among inpatients and outpatients of our center. The study moderate hemophilia, classified based on residual co-
was conducted in the comprehensive hemophilia treatment agulant activity in blood. Patient groups were homoge-
center of a national clinical research institution. Patients neous with respect to age, gender, BMI, hemophilia type,
who were interested in participating in the study were in- and disease severity at baseline (Table 1).
vited to call a coordinator at the hemophilia treatment The platelet count in the PRP after centrifugation was
center, who scheduled screening. The patient screening higher than that in the whole blood by approximately 3.5
was performed in the outpatient department, where two times (751.25 3 10^9/L versus 213.42310^9/L) in the PRP
experienced physicians (ZY, JJG) evaluated patients’ eli- group. The leukocyte count in the PRP was lower compared
gibility for enrollment in this study through history taking, with that in the whole blood (0.36310^9/L versus
imaging examination, and laboratory tests. Patients were 5.39310^9/L). The concentration of tumor necrosis factor
included in this study only if they met all the inclusion [TNF]-a and interleukin [IL]-1b in peripheral blood de-
criteria. Inclusion criteria were patients with a diagnosis of clined after PRP injection in the treatment group; however,
Type A or B hemophilia, patients who were 18 years or there was no difference between the two groups
older, those who had radiographic and clinical evidence of (Supplementary Fig. 1;
hemophilic knee arthritis, those with no previous intra- Throughout the study, patient’s NSAID use was regis-
articular injections or surgeries in the target knee before the tered. There was no difference between the groups
procedure, and those who were able to understand and (Supplementary Table 2;
agree with informed consent.
Patients were excluded if they were had coagulation
factor inhibitors (had an inhibitor titer $ 0.6 Bethesda Intervention and Masking
units [BUs] using the Nijmegen modification of the
Bethesda assay on at least two consecutive tests [4]), The two groups were given either three weekly intra-
inflammatory disease or a condition that would affect the articular injections of PRP or three weekly intraarticular
joint, platelet count < 100310^9/L, a history of gouty injections of saline. All included patients received pro-
arthropathy or rheumatoid arthritis, treatment with sys- phylactic administration of Factor VIII or Factor IX con-
temic steroids, or use of NSAIDs within 5 days before centrate two to three times per week as is standard practice
blood collection for PRP. Patients were also excluded if for patients with severe Type A or B hemophilia. A study
they had recurrent joint bleeding during the 24-month nurse prepared the intervention in a separate room
follow-up period. according to the randomization result. Before the injection,
the syringe was appropriately covered to prevent patients
and physicians from discovering the contents of the sy-
Allocation to Treatment ringe. The patients, physicians, and coordinating re-
searcher were blinded to the allocation of the intervention.
After baseline data collection, participants were randomly The success of blinding was assessed by asking partici-
allocated by a 1:1 ratio. The independent statistician pants which injection they thought they received; this was
provided a computer-generated randomization sequence then recorded accordingly. The proportion of successful
concealed to the investigators. Participants were ran- blinding was balanced across the groups (Supplementary
domly assigned to receive a PRP injection (n = 95) or Table 3;
placebo injection (n = 95). Participants and researchers Blood was drawn from the arm of participants in both
were blinded to the data before trial completion. Written groups to ensure participant blinding. The nurse disposed
and oral informed consent was obtained from all of blood from participants in the placebo group in a sepa-
participants by the research assistant during a face-to-face rate location. The nurse extracted 50 mL of peripheral
inclusion visit. venous blood from each participant’s medial cubital vein.

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
4 Duan et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®

Fig. 1. This flowchart shows recruitment, randomization, and follow-up of patients in the

Then, 5 mL of blood was sent to the laboratory for cell using a hematology analyzer (MEK-6400, Nihon), and the
counting and cytokine (TNF-a and IL-1b) analysis, and the remaining plasma was used for treatment. According to
remaining blood was put into tubes containing 5 mL 3.8% MARSPILL Classification [31], the PRP in this study
sodium citrate. Two centrifugations were performed with a would be classified as M (H), A (A-), R (RBC-p), S (SP-2),
hematology centrifuge. The first centrifugation was per- P (PL[3-5]), I (G-), L (Lc-P), L- (A-) .
formed at 3200 rpm for 5 minutes, and the second centri- Venous blood samples were collected using vacutainer
fugation was performed at 3300 rpm for 3 minutes. After tubes and centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes to sep-
centrifugation, the tubes were gently agitated to ensure all arate the serum. The serum was placed into sterile
visible platelet aggregates detached from the separating gel Eppendorf tubes and stored in a refrigerator at -80°C for
and tube wall, and approximately 5 mL was gently with- laboratory analysis. The concentration of TNF-a and IL-1b
drawn into a syringe. We sent 1 mL of the plasma to the in serum was measured in the laboratory by using com-
laboratory for platelet and leukocyte counting analyses mercial ELISA kits (Absin Bioscience Inc), and a

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 00, Number 00 PRP in Hemophilic Knee Arthritis 5

Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the study populationa

Characteristic PRP group (n = 95) Placebo groupb (n = 95) p value
Age in years 30 6 7 31 6 6 0.61
Men 100 (95) 100 (95)
Weight in kg 70 6 10 69 6 9 0.55
Height in m 1.71 6 0.08 1.72 6 0.09 0.81
BMI in kg/m2 24 6 2 23 6 2 0.21
Left laterality 38 (36) 42 (40) 0.55
Hemophilia type 0.40
A 96 (91) 97 (92)
B 4 (4) 3 (3)
Hemophilia severityc 0.70
Moderate 16 (15) 18 (17)
Severe 84 (80) 82 (78)
Infected with HBV/HCV/HIV, n 3/10/4 4/7/0
WOMAC score
Pain 863 863 0.83
Stiffness 362 362 0.58
Function 32 6 7 34 6 8 0.20
Total 43 6 10 45 6 14 0.33
VAS score 5.4 6 1.3 5.5 6 1.3 0.74
HJHS 10.1 6 2.8 10.5 6 2.4 0.37
Physical component summary 34 6 9 35 6 8 0.68
Mental component summary score 51 6 7 52 6 9 0.71
IPSG - MRI score
Soft tissue subscore 4.2 6 1.2 4.0 6 1.3 0.37
Osteochondral subscore 2.8 6 1.5 3.0 6 1.4 0.35
Data presented as mean 6 SD or % (n unless indicated otherwise).
Categorical percentages may not add up to 100 owing to rounding.
Placebo indicates intraarticular injection of saline three times, once per week.
The classification is based on plasma procoagulant levels, with levels < 0.01 IU/mL (< 1% of normal) factor defined as severe, 0.01 to 0.05 IU/mL
(1% to 5% of normal) as moderate, and > 0.05 to 0.40 IU/mL (5% to 40% of normal) as mild; HBV = hepatitis B virus; HCV = hepatitis c virus.

microplate reader (BioTek) was used for detection. The passive extension and flexion of the target knee were per-
results are shown as mean values (pg/mL) with a standard formed to distribute PRP or saline throughout the joint
curve on a linear logarithm. cavities. Afterward, patients rested in the supine position
for 5 minutes. They were also recommended to avoid
putting weight on the target knee for the subsequent 24
Procedures hours.

Intraarticular injection in the target knee was performed by

the same physician using anatomic landmarks (injections Follow-up
were given lateral to the patellar ligament at the level of the
joint line). Each joint was injected with 4 mL of PRP or All clinical and MRI assessments were conducted by as-
isopycnic saline three times, once for 3 consecutive weeks. sessors blinded to treatment allocation. Two experienced
On the day of the intraarticular injection, all patients re- physicians (ZY, JJG) evaluated the clinical outcomes of
ceived an intravenous injection of clotting factor substi- each patient at baseline and 1 month, 3 months, 6 months,
tutes (30 IU/kg) in case of postinjection bleeding. The 12 months, and 24 months after injection. All patients
injection site was covered with a bandage without com- underwent an MRI examination before PRP injection and
pression. Immediately after injection, three repetitions of 24 months after injection.

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
6 Duan et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®

Primary and Secondary Study Outcomes WOMAC score (range 0-96) during the 24-month follow-
up period. In patients with hemophilic knee arthritis, there
The primary outcome was the WOMAC total score during is no formal consensus on the MCID for the WOMAC
the 24-month follow-up period. The WOMAC is used score. In patients with knee osteoarthritis who had com-
widely in studies of arthritis and includes five items for pain, parable disease-specific patient-reported outcome
two items for stiffness, and 17 items for assessing functional measures, a 6% to 14% change in the used scale was
limitations. Each question is scored from 0 to 4, with lower considered an MCID. Within this range, we specified an
scores indicating less pain and better functional status [24]. MCID of 6.4 points.
Secondary outcomes were the WOMAC total score at According to a pilot research study [20], WOMAC total
1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months (other time- scores in patients with hemophilic knee arthritis were ap-
points than the primary outcome). We assessed pain using proximately normally distributed with an SD of 12.3.
the VAS [16] (range indicated on a standard 10-cm line: With a 5% two-sided significance level, 90% power, 20%
0 cm [no pain] to 10 cm [worst pain]). Joint health was dropout rate, and a predicted SD of 12.3, 95 patients per
assessed using the Hemophilia Joint Health Score (HJHS) group were required (190 in total). Patient recruitment
[13] (range 0-20 points; higher scores indicate a worse joint terminated in all groups when the required minimum
condition). The HJHS evaluates six joints (bilateral elbows, number of patients was attained.
knees, and ankles) and originally included a global gait
analysis; only the knee score was evaluated in the present
study. Health-related quality of life was assessed using the Ethical Approval
SF-36 [19] (range 0-100 points; higher scores indicate
higher quality of life) at 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, This study was designed in accordance with the
12 months, and 24 months of follow-up and MRI findings, Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the National
which were scored according to the additive International Research Ethics Committee (2017-279) on February 27,
Prophylaxis Study Group (IPSG) MRI score [18] (range 2017. After detailed preclinical preparation, the study was
0-17; higher scores indicate more symptoms) at the 24- registered at the Chinese Clinical Trial Registry (number
month follow-up interval. The MRI score includes a soft ChiCTR1800018120), and the study followed the World
tissue subscore (scoring of effusion/hemarthrosis, synovial Health Organization’s guidelines.
hypertrophy, and hemosiderin deposition) and an osteo-
chondral subscore (scoring of surface erosions, subchondral
cysts, and cartilage degradation). The minimum clinically Statistical Analysis
important differences (MCIDs) were unknown for these
scores in patients with hemophilic knee arthritis. We spec- An intention-to-treat analysis was planned, but there was
ified 1.5 cm as the MCID on a 10-cm VAS pain score based no crossover between groups. All patients were included in
on available research [15]. We recorded all adverse events the analyses. The means and SDs of continuous variables
reported by the patient or observed by the investigator. were calculated and compared using Mann-Whitney U
tests. Categorical data are reported as frequencies and were
compared using either the chi-square or the Fisher exact
Adverse Events test. We used the Kolmogorov-Smirnov method to test
normality. We used a repeated-measures general linear
Adverse events were collected via patient self-report dur- model (GLM) with a Sidak test for multiple comparisons to
ing data collection and by asking the nurse after each in- analyze the differences in all clinical scores and objective
jection. No patients experienced severe adverse effects measurements at the various follow-up intervals.
such as wound infection, septic arthritis, fever, long-term Additionally, a GLM was performed as a multivariate
pain, or bleeding. In the PRP group, 8% (8 of 95) of patients analysis to determine the effect of therapy on the evolution
reported mild pain after injection that lasted within 48 of all clinical scores and objective measurements across
hours; these patients did not undergo treatment. Four per- time. We used ANOVA to determine between-group dif-
cent (4 of 95) of patients in the placebo group described ferences in continuous, normally distributed, and homo-
mild pain that resolved within 2 days. scedastic data; alternatively, we used the Mann Whitney
test. We compared whole peripheral blood and purified
PRP using a paired-samples t-test. Multivariable imputa-
Sample Size tion by chained equations was used to impute missing data
for the sensitivity analysis of the primary and secondary
The study’s statistical power was designed to detect an outcomes. For all tests, a two-sided p value # 0.05 was
MCID of 6.4 points [12] for the primary outcome of the considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 00, Number 00 PRP in Hemophilic Knee Arthritis 7

Table 2. Primary and secondary outcomes among the PRP and saline groups at different follow-up intervals
Outcome PRP group (n = 95) Placebo groupa (n = 95) Mean difference (95%CI) p value
WOMAC total score
1 month 43 6 13 43 6 12 0 (-3 to 4) 0.97
3 months 41 6 12 42 6 13 -1 (-4 to 3) 0.71
6 months 40 6 13 40 6 13 0 (-4 to 4) 0.91
12 months 39 6 12 41 6 12 -1 (-5 to 2) 0.41
24 months 40 6 10 41 6 13 -1 (-5 to 2) 0.42
VAS score
1 month 4.5 6 1.3 5.3 6 1.5 -0.8 (-1.2 to -0.4) < 0.001
3 months 4.3 6 1.4 5.2 6 1.4 -0.8 (-1.3 to -0.4) < 0.001
6 months 4.3 6 1.5 5.16 1.3 -0.8 (-1.2 to -0.4) < 0.001
12 months 4.3 6 1.6 5.0 6 1.4 -0.7 (-1.1 to -0.3) 0.001
24 months 4.3 6 1.7 4.6 6 1.5 -0.3 (-0.8 to 0.2) 0.19
Hemophilia Joint Health Score
1 month 9.6 6 2.8 10.2 6 2.4 -0.6 (-1.4 to 0.1) 0.11
3 months 9.6 6 2.8 10.1 6 2.3 -0.5 (-1.2 to 0.3 ) 0.23
6 months 9.6 6 2.8 10.1 6 2.5 -0.5 (-1.3 to 0.3) 0.20
12 months 9.5 6 2.8 10.2 6 2.5 -0.6 (-1.4 to 0.1) 0.11
24 months 9.5 6 2.7 10.1 6 2.3 -0.6 (-1.4 to 0.1) 0.10
SF-36 physical component summary
1 month 35 6 9 35 6 8 0 (-2 to 3) 0.92
3 months 35 6 9 35 6 8 0 (-3 to 2) 0.98
6 months 34 6 9 35 6 8 -1 (-3 to 1) 0.43
12 months 34 6 9 35 6 8 -1 (-3 to 2) 0.53
24 months 34 6 9 34 6 8 0 (-2 to 3) 0.87
SF-36 mental component summary
1 months 51 6 7 52 6 9 -1 (-3 to 1) 0.36
3 months 52 6 7 52 6 9 0 (-3 to 2) 0.71
6 months 52 6 7 52 6 9 0 (-3 to 2) 0.68
12 months 52 6 7 52 6 9 0 (-3 to 2) 0.72
24 months 53 6 7 53 6 9 -1 (-3 to 2) 0.64
International Prophylaxis Study Group MRI score
Soft tissue subscore 4.3 6 1.2 4.2 6 1.4 0.1 (-0.3 to 0.5) 0.59
Osteochondral subscore 3.3 6 1.5 3.6 6 1.4 -0.3 (-0.7 to 0.1) 0.19
Data are presented as the mean 6 SD; we specified 1.5 cm as the MCID on a 10-cm VAS pain score based on available research [15].
Placebo indicates intraarticular injection of saline three times, once per week.

were performed using IBM SPSS for Windows, version placebo group at 24 months after treatment (mean differ-
26 (IBM). ence -1 [95% CI 5 to 2]; p = 0.42). Between baseline and
24-month follow-up, the mean WOMAC score improved
by 3 points in the PRP group compared with 4 points in the
Results placebo group (Fig. 2A). The sensitivity analysis had no
substantial impact on the results (Supplementary Table 4;
Pain and Function In a post hoc analysis,
there was no between-group difference in PRP versus
With the numbers available, there were no differences placebo for the WOMAC total score over 24 months (mean
between the groups in terms of knee pain and function at difference -1 [95% CI -5 to 1]; p = 0.15) (Supplementary
any timepoint (Table 2). There was no difference in the Table 5; There were
WOMAC total score between the PRP group and the no differences in the WOMAC score between the PRP

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
8 Duan et al. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research®

Fig. 2. A-B These graphs show changes in the (A) WOMAC score from baseline to 24 months and (B) WOMAC score at all timepoints
in a study of the effect of PRP injections versus placebo on patients with hemophilia who have arthritis of the knee. The baseline
WOMAC total score for individual participants is connected using blue lines for the PRP group and orange lines for the placebo
(intraarticular injection of saline) group. Changes from baseline to 24 months are represented by vertical lines, with downward lines
indicating improvement in the knee and upward lines indicating deterioration. Box plots show the summary of baseline, 24 months,
and changes by group. The horizontal lines in the boxplots from bottom to top show the 25th, 50th (median), and 75th percentiles.
The dot in the boxplot indicates the mean. The whiskers indicate the highest and lowest values no further than 1.5 times the
interquartile range. Dots outside the boxplot indicate outliers outside the whisker range.

group and the placebo group at the 1-month, 3-month, 6- MRI score (Supplementary Fig. 2E-F; http://links.lww.
month, and 12-month timepoints (Fig. 2B). There were no com/CORR/A827).
clinically important differences in the VAS; the small dif-
ferences observed early favored PRP (Supplementary Fig.
2A;, but since they Discussion
were less than 1.5 cm on the 10-cm scale, they likely were
imperceptible or unimportant to patients based on pub- Platelet-rich plasma is seeing wider use because of its pu-
lished MCID values [15]. These small differences were tative regenerative properties, with an ever-growing range
observed at the 1-month, 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month of indications across multiple disciplines, even though its
timepoints (mean difference -0.8 [95% CI -1.2 to -0.4]; p < effectiveness is debatable, and its mechanism of action is
0.001, -0.8 [95% CI -1.3 to -0.4]; p < 0.001, -0.8 [95% CI unidentified. Given the shortage of existing RCT trials and
-1.2 to -0.4]; p < 0.001, and -0.7 [95% CI -1.1 to -0.3]; p = the absence of placebo comparisons, the effectiveness of
0.001, respectively). There was no difference in VAS PRP in hemophilic knee arthritis to this point has not been
scores at 24 months (mean difference -0.3 [95% CI -0.8 to well evaluated. In our randomized trial, we found no dif-
0.2]; p = 0.19) (Table 2). There were no differences in the ferences in WOMAC scores, HJHS, or SF-36 scores fa-
HJHS between groups at any time point (Supplementary voring PRP at any timepoint, and the small, early
Fig. 2B; The mean differences observed in VAS pain levels were below the
difference between groups in the HJHS was -0.6 (95% CI MCID of 1.5 cm on a 10-cm scale for that outcomes tool
-1.4 to 0.1; p = 0.10) at 24 months of follow-up. [15]; in fact, even the upper bound of the 95% confidence
intervals on the VAS scale were below the MCID. Based
on these findings, we recommend against the use of PRP in
Quality of Life and MRI Findings patients with hemophilic knee arthritis.

No between-group differences were found in SF-36 physical

component summary and mental component summary Limitations
scores at any follow-up timepoint (Supplementary Fig. 2C-
D; There were no This study has several limitations. First, the population
between-group differences in MRI findings such as de- recruited was from a single center. However, since critical-
creased synovial proliferation, diminished joint effusion, or illness insurance started to cover excessive medical costs
cartilage repair; specifically, no between-group differences for hemophilia in China in 2017, all included patients re-
were found in soft tissues (mean difference 0.1 [95% CI -0.3 ceived prophylactic treatments for that condition. Second,
to 0.5]; p = 0.59) or osteochondral defects (mean difference there was a high prevalence of blood-transmitted diseases
-0.3 [95% CI -0.7 to 0.1]; p = 0.19) according to the IPSG before the implementation of viral inactivating procedures

Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 00, Number 00 PRP in Hemophilic Knee Arthritis 9

and viral screening before 2000. In this series, four patients change in patients treated with PRP if PRP is having a
had HIV and 17 had hepatitis C virus, which may have structural effect on the tissues in these joints. None was
influenced the results. However, these patients were evenly observed here.
distributed between the two groups. Third, the follow-up Other short-term clinical studies found that PRP injec-
period might not have been long enough. However, we tions did not improve symptoms or function in patients with
suspect that if a benefit of PRP is not observed either ankle arthritis [26] or chronic Achilles tendinopathy [17]
clinically or on MRI inspection of the knee by 2 years after either. In a prospective study [2], three intraarticular injec-
treatment, it is unlikely to appear later. tions at weekly intervals of PRP did not result in improve-
ments in symptoms or joint structure at 12 months among
patients with knee osteoarthritis. However, another recent
Discussion of Key Findings study [7] found a better functional outcome of knee arthritis
after three PRP injections. Concentrations of growth factors
In this randomized trial comparing PRP to placebo, we and cytokines vary depending on the donor’s age, health,
found no benefit to PRP in terms of WOMAC scores (which and gender. The formulations, dose, and timing of PRP
measure pain and function), no benefit in terms of quality-of- application may influence its efficacy, if it has any [9], and
life scores (SF-36), no benefit on a disease-specific scoring differences in those parameters may explain some of the
system (HJHS), no benefit on MRI examination, and no between-study differences that have been observed. Cole
clinically important benefit in terms of knee pain. This is at et al. [8] found that patients with milder radiographic signs of
odds with some preliminary studies on this topic, which arthrosis (Kellgren Lawrence Grade 1) respond better to
reported a positive effect of PRP therapy [5, 20, 22, 32]. We intraarticular therapy than patients with more advanced ar-
note that these were short-term studies, and none of them throsis (Kellgren Lawrence Grades 2 or 3). According to
used randomization for treatment allocation. Those meth- Park et al. [27], the potential differences in the PRP sepa-
odological shortcomings typically result in overestimation ration methods, the follow-up period, and the degree of the
of treatment effects, and it is not unusual for randomized osteoarthritis may affect results. As for patients with he-
trials to report smaller effect sizes (or no effect) when case mophilia, the first bleeding episode can lead to irreversible
series appear to suggest treatment benefits. That was the case joint injury, and so prophylactic administration cannot en-
here. Based on our findings, we recommend against the use tirely prevent bleeding episodes and the progression of joint
of PRP for this indication until or unless future randomized destruction, leading to the progression of hemophilic ar-
trials identify a clinically important benefit of this treatment. thropathy in early childhood [23]. In our study, all patients
This is especially important considering the risks of serial were adults who already had arthritis, which might decrease
injections in patients with hemophilia. the likelihood that PRP will have a therapeutic benefit; of
Three injections of PRP were performed in the present course, the other explanation of our findings is that PRP has
trial. Previous clinical and experimental research has posited no benefit in patients with hemophilic arthropathy.
that multiple injections may be superior to a single injection of
PRP [6, 14], and so we used three injections to give PRP the
best chance to demonstrate a benefit. The concept of dose- Conclusion
dependent improvement in the chondroprotective effect with
PRP was suggested in a guinea pig model of early knee os- Among patients with hemophilic knee arthritis, three
teoarthritis [6]. Despite this, we found no clinically important intraarticular PRP injections, compared with placebo in-
reduction in pain in favor of PRP. The statistical differences in jections, did not meaningfully improve hemophilic knee
VAS scores were small (all less than 1.5 cm on the 10-cm symptoms, function, or imaging findings over 24 months.
VAS pain scale), even at the extremes of the 95% confidence The results of this study do not support the use of PRP
intervals; extensive prior research suggests that patients will injections in patients with hemophilic knee arthritis.
not perceive those statistical changes as clinically important
[21], and they may not perceive those differences at all.
Acknowledgments We thank the 714 hemophilia patients who vol-
In addition to evaluating clinical manifestations, MRI unteered to participate in the trial, their families, and the many nurses,
examination was used in this study to assess pathologic surgeons, physicians, and research staff members who helped to make the
changes to joint cartilage and synovium before and after trial a success. We dedicate this article to the memory of Ms Lingfen Zhou,
treatment. We found no visible changes favoring PRP on the mother of J. J. Guo MD, who made important contributions to the
MRI. Although a poor consistency between MRI findings development and realization of this project.
and the real extent of joint damage was found by Dobón
et al. [10], MRI is still a useful noninvasive approach to References
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Copyright © 2022 by the Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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