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11) American holidays

There are 10 federal or national holidays in the US. These are designated by the federal
government, but each state can decide if they want to honor them or have different ones. In
the US, most federal holidays don’t have specific dates, but are celebrated on a certain day.
That way, states and companies who celebrate it will have a long weekend.

On the first of January NEW YEAR´S DAY is celebrated. It’s a day of new resolutions.
THE MARTIN LUTHER KING DAY is also celebrated by Americans in January, specifically on
third Monday of the month. This day remembers a civil rights leader and activist, who
worked for equal rights among all races.

In February, the third Monday of the month is PRESIDENT’S DAY, which honors all American
Presidents. It was originally held in honor of the birthday of first president of US, George
Washington, on February 22.

The next holiday is in May, when Americans celebrate MEMORIAL DAY on the last Monday
of the month. This is also the unofficial start of summer. This holiday is held to remember
the American soldiers who were killed in Civil war.

July brings INDEPENDENCE DAY, or as it is more commonly known, the Fourth of July.
American people celebrate the ratification of the Declaration of Independece, which was
singed in 1776. The Declaration announced the political separation of the 13 American
colonies from Great Britain. Independence Day is always held on July 4 and it is the most
patriotic and most enthusiastically celebrated holiday. There are parades, barbeques, picnics
and fireworks throughout the country.

On the first Monday in September, they have LABOR DAY, which celebrates working people.
It is also an unofficial end of summer and the start of a new school year for students.

The second Monday in October is COLUMBUS DAY, which takes honor to explorer
Christopher Columbus’ landing in the New World and discovering America in 1492.

VETERAN’S DAY is celebrated on 11th November, and was originally established to honor
American veterans, who served in World War I. Now, it honors all veterans of any war.

In November is also one of Americans’ favourite holidays - THANKSGIVING. It’s held on the
4th Thursday of November and was historically held as thanks for a good harvest. The
Pilgrims wanted to start a new life in America. The first winter was very cold and they didn’t
know how to grow food. The Native Americans helped them and showed them how to grow
corn and other vegetables. They also showed them how to build better houses. The Pilgrims
wanted to thank the native Americans, so they invited them to a special dinner to celebrate
their friendship. This special dinner was the first Thanksgiving.
Americans still get together with friends and family for a good meal. Traditional meal
includes mashed and sweet potatoes, turkey, corn, cranberries and pumpkin pie.
The Day After Thanksgiving is known as Black Friday.
Thanksgiving also brings the unofficial start to the Christmas season.

Other non-federal holidays are:

HALLOWEEN is an autumn festival. It is celebrated on the night before All Saints Day. It is
one of the oldest holidays still celebrated. It is believed that history of Haloween stems from
a pagan holiday. The pagan Celts believed that on that night, the boundary between the
world of the living and the dead overlapped. People often have parties on the day. Children
dressed up to costumes as ghosts, witches or monsters. Many people carve Jack-o‘-Lanterns.
It is a pumpkin, usually with a face of a monster cut into it. A candle is put inside to light it at
night. In the USA people decorate their houses and yards. The traditional colours for
Haloween are black and orange. Black symbolizes evil and night, and orange symbolizes
autumn, harvest and fire. Children go from house to house in their costumes, they knock on
the doors and play trick-or-treat (either you give them a treat or they will play a trick on you!
A treat is a small gift: something sweet – candy or apples. A trick is something bad done to
you) A traditional game is "apple bobbing" - you have to pick apples out of a bowl of water
with your teeth.

- St. Patrick’s Day

- Easter
- Election Day
- St Valentine's Day is a lover's day. On 14th February people give presents to the
people they love.
- Mardi-Gras (pancake day in the UK)

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