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Q1: The HTML <canvas> element is used to:?

a None

b create draggable elements

c manipulate data in MySQL

d None

e display database records

f draw graphics

Q2: How to define an array in bash?

a array=(“Hi” “my” “name” “is”)

b None

c array=[“Hi” “my” “name” “is”]

d None

e array=[[“Hi” “my” “name” “is”]]

f array=((“Hi” “my” “name” “is”))

Q3: What will be the output of the following query. SELECT * FROM `sales` WHERE amount
> 200.?

a the query will display all the sales records with amounts greater than 200

b the query will display all the sales records with amounts starting from 200 and

c the query will display all the sales records with amounts less than 200

d the query will output sales records with the amount equal to 200.

e None

f None

Q4: How to show the metrics for a given node in Kubernetes??

a kubectl uptime node my-node

b kubectl resources node my-node

c None

d kubectl top node my-node

e kubectl ps node my-node

f None

Q5: What is the function to parse a configuration file??

a parse_ini_file()

b None

c None

d parse_ini()

e None

f parseini_file()

Q6: Which of the following is used to add multiple line comments in PHP ??

a {/ \}

b None

c None

d /* */

e //

f {{ }}

Q7: BCNF Stands for _________.?

a Boyce Codd Natural Form

b Boyce - Codd Normal Form

c None

d Bit Code Normal Form

e Binary Coded Normal Form

f None

Q8: To use MySQL on your computer, you'll need?

a Some Sort Of Client Program To Access The Databases

b None

c FTP And Telnet

d A Browser

e Perl, PHP Or Java

f None

Q9: How to initialize a docker swarm??

a None

b docker init swarm --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

c docker master init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

d None

e docker init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

f docker swarm init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

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