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Q1: Which of the following provides the error code associated with this file upload??

a $_FILES['error']

b $_FILES->file->error

c $_FILES['file']['error']

d $_FILES['file']['errors']

e $_FILES->file->errors

f $_FILES['errors']

Q2: What is the correct way to add 1 to the $count variable??

a ++count

b None

c $count =+1

d None

e count++;

f $count++;

Q3: Referential integrity is directly related to?

a Unique Key

b Foreign Key

c None

d Primary Key

e None

f Relation Key

Q4: How do you create a new Docker image and store it on the local system??
a docker commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

b None

c None

d docker --commit <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

e docker add <conatainer id> <username/imagename>

f None

Q5: All HTML Tags must be enclosed In??

a < And >

b None

c ? And !

d # And #

e None

f { And }

Q6: Which of the following SQL statements is correct??

a SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders

b None

c None

d SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders ORDER BY cname

e None

f SELECT cname, COUNT(cname) FROM Orders GROUP BY cname

Q7: What do you need to specify in your Ansible playbook to stop gathering facts??

a facts: no

b None
c gather_facts: no

d None

e gather: no

f facts_gathering: no

Q8: Which input type defines a slider control??

a controls

b None

c slider

d range

e None

f search

Q9: Following Docker command: eval $(docker-machine env default) is used to:?

a Access a running container

b None

c Commit changes done in a Docker image

d None

e Build an image

f Activate default VM machine

Q10: How to list the contents of a folder??

a print

b ls

c pwd

d list
e None

f None

Q11: Which of the following are core Kubernetes objects??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c Pods, Docker, Volumes

d None of the mentioned

e Pods, Services, Volumes

f Pods, Services, Droplets

Q12: What are the responsibilities of a node controller??

The correct Answer is: None

The correct Answer is: None

c All of the mentioned

d To assign a CIDR block to the nodes

e To maintain the list of nodes

f To monitor the health of the nodes

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