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Successfully unsuccessful recollection

As we entered, we were greeted by a church on a weekday. It was our time for recollection
wherein Mr. Hector stands as a speaker. Everything was going well; we had an activity themed “Life is
like a cup of coffee” as a recollection process—to reflect. As we went on, we were asked to describe the
cups we had, pick a category of the description; whether it was the color, shape, prints, scratches and
material, then make meaning of it by relating it to their high school experience and going deeper. As we
finished, Mr. Speaker asked us in to sharing our reflections and four students surely did not disappoint.
Nobody had the courage to go after them. Even I couldn’t share mine because I’m afraid of criticism
despite him telling us not to be for that is the reason of the activity which is to express oneself. Nobody
stood up so what he did was ask all of us to point to a classmate who we want to share. There were two
major points. My classmate was telling the others to point to the other but failed as they stubbornly
pointed to the other one and I was confused. I couldn’t understand what was happening but I shook it
off anyway. He was hesitant to go at first but soon did. He was confidently reading the paper and I
couldn’t believe it neither do my classmates. He wasn’t really the kind of guy who hit the books but the
construction of sentences and reflection had depth. Mr. Hector was in a good mood not until he read
the name on the paper. The name written contradicted with the person who came in front.

“Jose,” he read and all my classmates turned to the owner of the name while laughing

Some of the boys explained that it wasn’t Benhur’s paper but Jose’s instead.

“Your reflection was good I thought you made it but I guess not,” The look of disappointment shown
through his face little by little. I stopped laughing when I saw the look of contempt in his face as I felt the
tension building up.

“Benhur, do you plan to embarrass me?” he dropped the bomb that made everyone go silent.

“In my 3 years here, first time, it’s my first time getting disrespected,” emphasizing his words that were
like stones thrown to us.

“That’s why maybe if you can do that to your teacher, you include the visitors,” we were absolutely
dumbfounded as we were getting scolded. I didn’t expect it to be this big.

He then proceeded to ask Benhur to follow him in front of the rectory of the church. We were left in
awe for what just happened. My class adviser, cried in shock at the back. While another, asked how
Benhur got Jose’s paper when their seats are far apart and the accomplices admitted that they passed it
onto him. He told them to admit their mistakes later on when they come back. We then started to
murmur about what happened. They were out talking for about 10 minutes. Benhur came back in tears
and Mr. Hector interrogated on how Bruce—the person who passed the paper to the back got it and he
said that he took it from the seat and read it.

“Why would you read it when you obviously know that its personal?” Mr. Hector got heated up and
even challenged him. Everyone was under pressure

“This is not only about Benhur and Bruce but also about you” pertaining to everyone.

“I have nothing personal against you. I don’t know you,” he said and went back in front
“I no longer have the level to continue but I will still, for those who do not want to be here, you may
leave,“ I was expecting the two to leave but neither of them moved an inch.

“Go on, this is not a threat,” He said thinking that they might not be leaving because of it

He then continued by telling a sad story in which a boy has a drunkard father. Everyone got hooked with
the flow of the story also given that the emotion was portrayed better because of the previous situation.
One even related to the story so much that she felt the need to walk out crying. The story ended and he
said something taking everyone aback. The boy in the story was him. He then talked about second
chance relating it to the story and asked the students to define what second chance is but no one would
raise their hand. I was so pressured at the time

He was about to a class adviser to pick instead but I, who was pressured on whether to recite or not
thinking that the silence was just not right did it anyway that broke the tension. My classmates cheered
me up for doing something. I was so nervous that I just translated second chance in my native language.
I couldn’t help but cringe but at least I triggered chain reaction so the others followed. What’s shocking
was, Benhur went to define second chance and so did Bruce. The both of them was seemingly
apologizing, the only difference is that Benhur was doing it indirectly while Bruce did so in a direct

“Second chance is giving a person a chance to change” Benhur answered looking pretty calm

“Second chance is about learning from our mistake, just like what we did earlier sir, sorry Sir, sorry sir,”
Bruce said with his reddened eye about to cry in front

I was touched with the situation. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Some including me were
already tearing up with him because of this.

“Just like what i said, I have nothing personal against you because I don’t know you,” mr. Hector in a
calm tone. He was smiling, everyone was. Everyone was happy that they acted responsibly to their
actions. I couldn’t help but admire their actions as not everyone in their situation would have the guts to
apologize directly.

“How nice, what a coincidence that our topic was exactly second chance,” I said. The situation that had
happened earlier was definitely not planned yet he came to talk about second chance. How becoming!

After that, he read motivational quotes about leaving the past and moving on and explained them. He
flashed everything on the projector. We also had a little recitation. As the slides ended, he declared that
the recollection is now over.

My adviser took over the microphone and thanked him. She also claimed that she was shocked and that
the two boys were good people and Mr. Hector just nodded acknowledge her words.

Mr. Hector called both Benhur and Bruce to take a picture with him. A proof for the new motivational

“Thank you uh Benhur and Bruce for making my life more meaningful and colorful,” he said smiling
With that, our recollection ended with an applause from the crowd and a picture taking. It felt
like a real reflection. How beautiful it was to learn from. Some might find this shallow but in fact, there is
a much more deeper meaning in it. There’s a lot to see in this experience.

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