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The history of Christianity is closely linked to the history of Rome, Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus Caesar, and he died when Tiberius was Emperor. Growth of Christianity When Christians first began to spread their faith, Roman rulers paid little attention as there were many religions within the Roman Empire, but when Christians refused to take part In Emperor worship and spoke against gladiator contests and cruelty to slaves, they ran into trouble, ‘The first persecution of the Christians took place in 64 AD when Nero blamed them for the great fire of Rome. Many were crucified or torn to pieces by wild animals or burnt, but the Christian faith continued to grow. Both Peter and Paul died in this first persecution. Although the persecutions continued, many Romans turned to Christianity because of its teachings of love and charity. The first Christians had been slaves and poor people but later tich and powerful men joined them. Christians met in private houses each Sunday as they were not allowed to build their own churches. During the persecutions, Christians met in catacombs - underground passages dug by thé Romans for burial. Why Christians were persecuted 1. They refused to burn incense before the statues of Roman Emperors, To Christians it was like worshipping idols. This refusal was considered treason by the Romans. 2. Christians, because of their secret meetings, were considered as a subversive organisation, 3, Christians were blamed for floods, disease and drought because people did not understand what they did/discussed at their meetings. Marcus Aurelius (Emperor 161 AD - 188 AD) + Aperiod of peace in the Empire, ~ -Was not a Christian but belonged to the Stoics group. - Was harsh to Christians when M, Aurelius thought that their teaching was harsh to Rome. During this time Christianity spread quickly. a hristianity spread quickly . Educated Greeks and Romans began to doubt the myths and legends about the old gods. 2. Christianity brought new hope to the poor and weak with the promise of happiness after death. 3. Teachings of the Christian faith gave people a spiritual ideal which the old Pagan religions lacked. 4, The first Christians were Jews and so they were listened to by the Jewish communities throughout the Empire. 5. Common languages throughout the Empire helped the work of the first missionaries ~ Greek or Latin. Peace within the Empire also enabled people to think about spiritual matters. 6. Travel and communication was easy within the Empire because of the good roads so it was easy for Christians to keep in touch, help and guide each other. Diocletian = Became Emperor in 284 AD. - Restored order and reorganised the government - Proclaimed himself the sun god and demanded that:he be worshipped. - When Christians refused, Diocletian made a deliberate attempt to wipe out Christianity through the worst persecutions. He was not successful, + He divided the Empire into dioceses and each diocese was ruled by a strong man directly responsible to the Emperor. - He appointed another Emperor to govern the-West while he looked after the East. Nicomedia in Asia Minor became his new capital. - He retired in 305 AD. Constantine After Diocletian retired various people claimed the right to be Emperor. Among these was Constantine who was proclaimed Emperor by his soldiers in York. Legend says that while marching on Rome to fight his rivals he had a dream in which he saw the sign of the cross in the sky and written under it “In this sign you will conquer.” He had the cross painted on his soldiers’ standards and went on to defeat his rivals and became Emperor. In gratitude he gave full civil rights and toleration to the Christians although the old gods were stil worshipped. Later he made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and all pagan temples were closed. Once Christianity was protected by the state it was able to strengthen Its organisation and officially establish its beliefs. It spread to other countries. ALK MORE = ROM TEXTROOK Effects of Christianity on Roman life. Christian lives were examples of brotherly love and consideration for one’s neighbour. Christianity encouraged purity and honour in family life, Christianity put an end to the cruel sport of gladiators. Conditions of life for the poor people were improved. Christianity brought a new dignity to manual labour because Christ himself had worked as a carpenter. eeu ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire Constantine had moved his capita! to Constantinople previously known as Byzantium leaving the West without a focal point. Outside the Empire lived people whom the Romans called barbarians whom were uncivilised, cruel and lived in tents. These included the Angles, Saxons, Goths and Franks who were nomadic people. When these nomadic people came under threat from the Huns, a fierce tribe from the East, the barbarians invaded the Empire and the Goths invaded Greece and captured Athens. In 410 AD the Goths left Greece and marched to Italy and later captured and burnt Rome. In order to defend themselves Roman soldiers from all over the Empire were recalled, leaving the areas open to invasion. The Angles settled in England, the Franks in France, the Vandals in Spain and North Africa. In the meantime the Huns continued to press from the East and now led by a deadly warrior called Attila, but he was defeated in Gaul saving Europe from total destruction. In 453 AD Rome was captured and burnt by Vandals and later the Goths forced the Emperor in the West to hand over power, and Rome became part of the Gathic kingdom. The barbarians hated and despised civilised tiving. They led primitive and rural lives. They destroyed the towns and elegant villas in the countryside. Science, learning and other skills were forgotten. Europe had entered the Dark Ages,

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