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English Assignment

Name- Kamran
Roll no- 2020 043
Section- A
(chapter 1) I am selecting the paragraph From the given book In
which the lady talks about Her dream That her son should get in
to the university
(Chapter 2) The second paragraph which i have selected is
where the author talks about feels compelled give her self a
explanation for why a racist comment has been hurled her way.
A women wants to meet a person whom she do not know and
person is visiting in the campas. And in the café both ordered a
Caesar salad. If you think that it was just mere coincidence as it
was just start. Seating in the café she recalled that her self ,her
father, her grandfather, and a person used to attend the college
she was willing to admit the son into the same college but
because of some minor issue her son wasn’t allowed to. The
person now puzzled whether to apologize her for incident
because of which her son wasn’t allowed to admit into alma
mater legacy program so he asked her about his were about
further. But as she mentioned about her son prestigious school
she doesn’t seen to be happy, showed here irritated face this
exchange let to in effect and salad arrived.
This is one of the first situations in which the narrator feels
compelled to give herself an explanation for why a racist
comment has been hurled her way. Her justifications are no
straw men, either. The feeling of being outside of 'black people
culture' and wanting to show solidarity by utilizing the
communication modes that this interlocutor has identified as
appropriate is clearly well-intentioned, but it misses the mark.
Perhaps, as the narrator notes, the speaker is trying to stir
emotions in the narrator because of jealousy or a desire to
express a part of an argument. In the end, though, the narrator is
understandably annoyed by the speaker's attempts to engage her
with what she thinks is 'black people language'. No justification
overcomes the stirred emotions of a direct insult.

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