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PRESCHOOL Co- Curricular Activity (CCA)

1. CCA is COMPULSORY and the mark will be put in the Report Card.
2. Every student MUST at least join in 1 CCA. It can be any 1 Internal CCA (Free) or External CCA (Paid).
3. We purposely provide excessive choices of CCA to encourage students to take more than 1 CCA. We
believe this could maximise their multiple intelligence and academic skills by balancing the capacity of left
& right brain.
4. Student may do free trial of Internal CCAs from 1 - 5 August 2023, after that student must choose 1 or
more fixed CCAs for 1 semester.
5. Student may switch to another CCA in the 2nd Semester.
6. Student may join in more than 1 Internal CCA with additional payment of @IDR 1.800.000 per Extra
Internal CCA.
7. CCA will be held for the period of August to Mid December 2023 and January to May 2024.
8. CCA will not be held nor day-changed on public or school holiday.
9. Every student must fill in the Registration Form for the chosen CCA.
10. How to fill in the Registration Form?
a. Choose the most prioritised Internal CCA as the 1st Choice.
- Each class has a maximum capacity of 20 students.
- The school system will register the name based on the 1st choice then if available the 2nd, etc.
b. Make your payment for External CCA or extra Internal CCA to the appointed account
c. Attach the proof of payment to the Form and return it to the school (Ms. Imel).
d. Payment via transfer to: BCA Acc No. 840.012.5962 a/n Kristina Cynthia Pramita
e. For External CCA can be paid with 3 months BCA Credit Card 0% installment.


1. Internal CCA
All internal CCA will be taught by teachers from our school.

Maximum Capacity : 20 Students per class.

2. External CCA
All external CCA will be taught by teachers from outside (from outsourced institution).

Activity Provider Fee /Semester Time

1. Ballet Wishing Star IDR 1.925.000 Every Tuesday,

K1-K2 /semester 14.00-15.00 WIB
- Minimum of 5 students to
commence the class
- Limited to 20 students per class

- Learning Point: Coordination,
posture, confidence, mental
strength and focus.
- Location: Wishing Star Studio –
SDC Building
- Students must buy Ballet uniform

2. TAE KWON DO Mr. Sabam IDR 1.800.000/ TBA

K1-K2 Bagas semester
- Minimum of 5 students to commence
the class
- Limited to 20 students per class
- Learning Point : Strength, Self-
Defence, Health, Compassion
- Location : Growing Mind Preschool
- Student will get a certificate after
level completion.

For further information, please contact Ms. Evi at 021-5999982, Monday to Friday, 08.00-16.00 WIB.
Thank you.


Herewith, I the undersigned , parent of .........................................................(student’s name), from

class ................................... agreed to put my child in the CCA of:

(Please tick V the box of 1 of more chosen CCA below)

Internal CCA As 1st Choice

a. SINGING Free of charge

b. DANCING Free of charge

c. COLORING Free of charge


External CCA Fee

a. Ballet - Wishing Star IDR 1.925.000/ 6


b. Taekwondo IDR 1.800.000/6




1. Payment should be transferred to:

BCA: 840.012.5962 a/n Kristina Cynthia Pramita
2. A Printed copyof the transfer MUST BE attached together with this Registration Form and be
returned to Ms. Imel.
3. The receipt will be returned once signed by Ms. Imel. Thank you.

Tangerang, ........................................

(Name: ........................................)

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