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Characteristics of your zodiac sign

2. Your unique strengths and weaknesses and how to get the most

out of them

3. Deep analysis of the relationships with your partner based on a

unique birth chart matching system

4. Your horoscope and upcoming events for 2024



Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac and represents inventiveness and brilliance. The
ruling planets are Uranus and Saturn, which gives this sign a unique blend of a restricted
yet liberated personality. Saturn is associated with limits and boundaries while Uranus is
associated with rebellion and unpredictability. Their symbol is the water bearer,
representative of the genius mindset that Aquarius people like to pour out and share with


Aquarius is often associated with being unconventional and socially aware because of
their Uranian planetary influence which allows them to bring the future to the now. This
energy combined with Saturn’s need to structure society allows them to appreciate unity,
social improvement programs, and people helping people. This leads Aquarians into
fields that are related to social systems, social work, journalism, social justice, and reform.


Like most other areas of life, when it comes to love Aquarius takes a unique approach.
Just like the free-flowing energy of Uranus, they desire originality, freedom, and
unconventionality in their partnerships. At times, Aquarians can become critical,
demanding, and temperamental towards partners because of the Saturn-Uranus
dichotomy ruling their sign. It is hard for them to lose an argument as they prefer to get
the last word in.

90% | Relationship
Love - 100/100

Sex - 80/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 80/100


Patron planets of Aquarius are the planet of Karma, Saturn and the planet of rebellion,
Uranus, which endows this sign with responsibility, social awareness, and progressive
views. Aries is under the influence of passionate and fiery Mars and therefore they are
famous for their assertiveness and determination. When these two signs combine energy
it can be explosive, very exciting, and at times unpredictable.


Communication of these two signs can be interesting and delightful for both sides. As
Aquarius is the air element and Aries is the fire element, these two will feed off of each
other when it comes to spirited conversations and debates. However, the headstrong
fixed nature of Aquarius will clash with the cardinal mode of Aries when their views do
not coincide. They may have very different ideas, especially when it comes to freedom.
Freedom is an essential part of Aquarius’ Uranian nature. This sign is rather flexible but
will never betray themselves and will always follow their own path. As for Aries, since
theirs is the first sign of the zodiac and they are ruled by the impulsive Mars they will
push to lead and get their Aquarius partner to fulfill all of their wishes. They might feel
slighted by the fact that their partner does not always operate in their fast-paced time
frame. Subconsciously, Aries would like to take total possession of Aquarius, which is not
possible for the Aquarius to submit to, this can make them discontented and unhappy as
a couple.


Romantic relations between Aquarius and Aries can be rather successful if their
partnership is based on mutual devotion and interests, otherwise, conflicts are inevitable.
The headstrong nature of these two signs can put them at odds when it comes to love
because Aquarius is the symbol of the water bearer and wants to revolutionize and
change the world for the better while Aries, like the ram, has a tendency to butt-heads
and fight. Aquarius does admire the fiery temperament of Aries, their readiness to act
and achieve goals: Aries, in turn, respects the sharp intelligence and uniqueness of their
When it comes to sexual intimacy, these two signs tend to have no bounds. Both are
interested in expressing their passion and won’t shy away from kinky exploration in the
bedroom. They are the ones that will try out sexual fantasies with each other, they never
thought they would have the opportunity to try! Generally speaking, the friendship
between these two signs is a much wiser choice compared to love. Although sexual
chemistry is strong, the relationship aspect outside the bedroom can be tense because
of their strong personalities.

55% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 20/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 60/100


Aquarians are strongly influenced by the disciplined energy of their ruling planet Saturn
while Taurus is under the soft feminine impact of Venus, the planet of attraction and love.
These signs have quite different attitudes towards life but a very fixed modality, which
puts them in a square aspect within the zodiacal wheel. This can make the relationship
highly dynamic and growth-oriented, with the opportunity to enrich each other’s lives
with their unique viewpoints. Aquarius will teach Taurus how to stand out from the crowd
by being uniquely determined, disciplined and goal-oriented: Taurus, in their turn, will
acquaint Aquarius with the delights of hedonism as their earthy element allows.


This couple has a good chance to be happy together if they are ready to accept their
differences and respect each other’s opinions without attempts to change them. Their
fixed modality makes it so both signs will not budge on their point of view or opinions
very easily. This typically makes for an ‘agree to disagree’ approach within this
partnership. Both of them are independent individuals able to compose a harmonic
match, though it will take a lot of effort from both of them. They are well-matched in the
values of the fixed signs which include intense dedication, tenacity, and perseverance
against all odds. One of their main differences is that Taurus likes to live in their bodies
and is highly concerned with the comforts of the physical world while Aquarius lives in
the mind and is more focused on cerebral, imaginative, and intellectual matters in life.


These two signs rarely get attracted to each other as the air element of Aquarius and the
earth element of Taurus is a mismatch, they may consider the other strange and
uninteresting. And even if they fall in love, their mutual infatuation and affection usually
won’t last long once the novelty wears off. Aquarius cannot live without freedom and
independence, their nature is like air and water, which always finds a way to escape. As
for Taurus, this sign is famous for its earthy possessiveness, need for security and
stability. Taurus will be able to provide Aquarius with a more grounded sense of reality
and tend to the comfort and environmental needs of the pair, creating a nice atmosphere,
and homelike space for them. When it comes to sex they both need to be willing to see
the other person’s perspective in order to make sex pleasurable and enjoyable. The
tense dynamic can lead to an interesting exploration of power dynamics, who is on top,
etc. Overall, Aquarius and Taurus can form a harmonic match as long as they are open to
compromises and experimentation in the sexual sphere.

85% | Relationship
Love - 100/100

Sex - 100/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 100/100

Business - 80/100


Aquarius is ruled by the planet Uranus, associated with rebellion and revolution, while
Gemini is influenced by Mercury, the planet of ideas and information exchange. Aquarius
is famous for their openness, tolerance, and desire to serve humanity while Gemini tends
to analyze, think and generate new ideas. These two signs are definitely able to enrich
each other, as the combination of their strong cerebral focus and intellectualization of
emotions forms a harmonized alliance. When both signs are of the same element, as in
this case, the match has a much better chance of working out as both friends and lovers.


Although Aquarius and Gemini differ in many aspects, because they each have a unique
love of variety, they can be extremely happy together as they are both operating with the
air element. Spontaneous and generous Aquarius likes to surprise their partner and is
ready to give Gemini anything they want, whatever the cost. They are highly creative in
their relations with friends and loved ones. The only thing Aquarius will never sacrifice is
their freedom, but Gemini loves freedom as well so this is a match that can work if both
people can settle long enough to keep it going. Aquarius is a fixed modality sign but
remains somewhat flexible and eccentric due to their air element which can keep Gemini
from getting bored over the long haul. Inventing new ways to bond and develop new
interests together is a great strength of this partnership. As a zodiac sign ruled by Saturn
and Uranus, personal evolution and constant self-development is a value Aquarius
people hold dear, which will motivate their Gemini partners to bring out their best sides,
while Gemini can help Aquarius remember to relax and go with the flow.


Aquarius evokes sincere admiration by their frankness, justice, and readiness to fight for
their moral principles. No wonder that Gemini can fall in love with this sign very easily.
Their sex life often has no boundaries as both will be happy to explore the erotic with
each other. These signs like to experiment and are eager to know each other’s souls and
bodies. Together they can generate an all-consuming passion for each other and this
flame can burn for a long time. Aquarius will tend to take the dominant role in
relationships and has a set approach to the sexual and emotional bond which can be a
great balance for the chameleon-like and mutable Gemini, who won’t mind giving in to
their more assertive partner’s whims and desires. These two will never run out of things
to talk about or do, and will always find ways to keep the sexual relationship interesting,
spontaneous, affectionate, and loving. If other factors in the chart align, this is a match
that is complementary and meant to last!

35% | Relationship
Love - 20/100

Sex - 40/100

Family - 20/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 80/100


Aquarius is influenced by the planet of Karma, Saturn and the planet of rebellion, Uranus
while the patron planet of Cancer is the Moon. Energies of Saturn and the Moon are
opposite: firm, cold and strict from one side and soft, receptive, and emotional from the
other side. Aquarius is not overly emotive and often appears detached or aloof while
Cancer is highly emotional and extremely sensitive which can create mismatched
chemistry between these two signs. Relations of a Cancer and Aquarius are often fraught
with arguments and misunderstandings because they are both coming from very
different mindsets and wildly different approaches to life.


When it comes to values, Cancer and Aquarius may appear like complete opposites on
the surface, but digging a little deeper will reveal their desire to know, understand, and
gain wisdom about life, love, and relating. Both are signs that like to give of themselves,
just in different ways. With Cancer, being a water sign, they like to give by nurturing and
providing to others on a personal level while Aquarius likes to give back to society on a
larger scale through social activism and altruism based on their communicative and
social air element. These two signs also have a very different take on emotions and how
to display them. The highly emotive and heart-centered Cancer will be too much and
somewhat overwhelming for the more objective and airy Aquarius. As friends and work
colleagues they will be able to make each other laugh, if not only from the point of view
that one finds the other one’s beliefs and thoughts ridiculous or humorous — but this
sense of light-heartedness towards each other can actually help them get along when
the situation calls for it!


Romantic relations of this couple take the risk of being rather complicated, as their views
and personal beliefs can be very different. Being a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn,
Aquarius trusts logic, facts, and wisdom while Cancer, a cardinal water sign ruled by the
Moon, usually follows intuition and tends to believe strongly in unseen and spiritual
energy, which Aquarius would like some proof for. Contradictions of this kind are too
deep to be ignored and rather hard to overcome for this pair, especially in a romantic
situation. When it comes to sex and intimacy Cancer needs a deeply emotional bond that
Aquarius is too detached from to provide. Sex for Aquarius is typically seen as a social,
pleasant, and more playful part of life while Cancer takes a much more serious tone to
being in love or having sex. In addition, the cardinal quality of Cancer is too dominant
and forward in bed for Aquarius’ tastes and usual preference to be the lead. There will be
conflicts over who is initiating in love and sex, creating disagreements within the bond.

60% | Relationship
Love - 40/100

Sex - 80/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 80/100


The ruling planets of Aquarius are Saturn and Uranus while Leo is influenced by the Sun.
Alliance of these signs promises to be extremely prolific as Uranus is responsible for
creating and generating new concepts and ideas, and the Sun contains the energy to
bring these ideas to life. The personality traits of these two signs greatly complement one
another: Aquarius’ love of freedom and individualism in combination with Leo’s
assertiveness and a strong sense of self can create a dynamic duo! Both of these signs
are opposite on the zodiacal wheel, meaning they are like two different sides of the same
coin and are more similar than they may seem at first glance.


The fixed nature of both Leo and Aquarius gives these signs deep and penetrating
respect for individuality and determination. Neither will ever get in the other one’s way of
being themselves, even though they will often not see eye-to-eye because of their strong
personalities and set world-views. They often feel united and stronger when together,
able to show off the best sides of themselves. Leo is a fire sign that compliments
Aquarius’ air element very nicely and makes these signs fast-paced and quick
conversationalists. In addition, the combination of fire and air along with their fixed
mindsets creates a dynamic that can lead these signs to truly enjoy each other’s
company, complete with sarcastic and witty conversations and interactions. They make
the best of friends, which is often the preferable way for an Aquarius to start off a long
term or romantic partnership. As opposite signs in the zodiac, they both tend to share
some of the same shadows, pride, being one of them. This can be an area of life that
creates a unique bond and a deep understanding of how each one wants to show up in
the world as knowledgeable and respected.


When it comes to love, the fixed bold personalities of Aquarius and Leo may appear to
clash at first glance. Due to Aquarius’s airy and intellectual take on emotions they may
misunderstand Leo’s passionate and romantic leanings, especially their penchant to want
to talk things out, along with their magnanimous approach to love and sex. On the other
hand, both signs have trouble really getting to the heart of their inner emotions and
revealing their deepest feelings, which means neither will be opening up in this case. In
sex, their sexual chemistry can be truly intense, often beginning as a palpable sexual
tension that builds between them over time. The pressure of the fixed modality of both
signs bottling up their emotions has to find a way to come out at some point!

35% | Relationship
Love - 40/100

Sex - 20/100

Family - 40/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 40/100


The ruling planets of both Aquarius and Virgo give these two an interesting take on life
and achievement. With the ruling planets Saturn and Uranus, Aquarius has a strange
sense of duty to rebel and go against the grain while Virgo, with the ruling planet
Mercury, has a desire to put things in order and arrange life to perfection. These very
different approaches can lead to a clash in personalities between the two. Both signs
appreciate intelligence, realism, and data which can make them seem similar at first
glance, in addition to them both having a tendency to be rigid in their mindset, which can
make neither of them able to compromise or bend to the other’s will to keep the peace.


Virgo’s highly routine and pragmatic approach to being in the world may clash with
Aquarius’ idealistic mindset and spontaneous sense of eccentricity. Their differences
tend to be many when it comes to values. For example, Aquarius likes to innovate while
Virgo likes to work within the system and Aquarius is in search of the new, strange, or
taboo while Virgo tends to appreciate what is right there in front of them. Virgo is often
shocked by Aquarius’ way of life and Aquarius, in their turn, thinks that Virgo is dull and
uninteresting. They both like to converse and chat, so conversations between them will
be okay and both like to have a wide range of knowledge in topics that they like. The
earthy element of Virgo mixed with the airy element of Aquarius makes for a mismatch of
energies...this can definitely seem like an odd pair!


Love relations have a slim chance of being easy and comfortable for this couple. As an
air sign, Aquarius does not feel like discussing romance or analyzing feelings and is more
light-hearted and easy-going with love affairs while Virgo likes to know the boundaries,
expectations, and each other’s roles within the partnership. As a mutable sign, Virgo
needs a partner that will help tame that changeable energy and give them something
secure to hold onto which Aquarius, as an ungrounded air sign is unable to provide.
When it comes to sex it is hard for earth and air sign to find their sexual chemistry, it is
possible, but it will be quite awkward at times, especially when getting to know each
other’s sexual preferences. These two signs are not typically attracted to each other
physically or emotionally. Virgo has an earthy sensuality while Aquarius has a sexual
eccentricity and neither is attracted to the other.

80% | Relationship
Love - 100/100

Sex - 80/100

Family - 80/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 80/100


The best thing about Libra and Aquarius is that they tend to like and be interested in
each other very much! These two make great friends, business partners, or lovers. As
both are air signs they tend to be well-matched together because they operate with a
similar mindset and energy expression. The air signs are slightly less emotional, are good
communicators, and like to analyze, innovate, and are generally curious about the world
and the people in it, which means lots of socialization and opportunities for fun with this


The ruling planet of Libra is Venus, the planet of love, which can help soften any rough
edges created by the ruling planets of Aquarius which are Saturn and Uranus. Libra helps
Aquarius find ease and enjoyment in life, while both care deeply about society and use
their talents to make the world a better place. The cardinal modality of Libra paired with
the fixed nature of Aquarius means they will be able to create a strong alliance together
and achieve most anything they set their minds towards. Libra, as a Venusian zodiac sign,
tends to like to keep the peace and may at times be too indecisive for Aquarius liking.
However, their excellent communication skills will allow them to overcome any obstacles
these two might face. They can bring out the best in each other, being highly creative,
enthusiastic, and sociable: their moral principles can be a uniting factor in their relations.


The Romance between Aquarius and Libra is usually very balanced and amicable but not
necessarily intensely passionate. Libra’s symbol is the scales while Aquarius’ symbol is
the water-bearer, unlike some of the more animalistic symbols of the other zodiac signs,
this implies the less primal or wild sides of human sexuality will appear in the relationship.
They both prefer a more refined sense of intimacy, one free of messiness or
unpleasantness, however, they are willing to be creative and exploratory with each other,
if nothing but for the pure novelty and curiosity. The cardinal energy of Libra will help the
Uranian rebelliousness of Aquarius settle down long enough to create a lasting
partnership. Open discussion, which should be easy for these two air signs, can help
them overcome any challenges if they arise. Overall in love and intimacy, they will
complement each other’s energy as they both experience their feelings from a place of
intellectualization and objectivity. There may be times when they prefer to bond by doing
activities, going to events, or traveling together as opposed to creating a sexual
connection. They can compose an ideal match, each making the other one feel equal
and unique within the bond.

55% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 40/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus while Scorpio is directed by Mars and Pluto,
which means these signs have a complex way of being in the world. Each with two
planetary rulers, this implies an inner battle between one’s contradictions and an ultimate
goal to reconcile and balance these energies. This theme will bleed over into the
partnership, creating an opportunity for growth and evolution. Interaction of these two
signs can be rather fruitful if Aquarius can make fiery and impulsive Scorpio be a little
more patient and tolerant in uncontrollable situations. Scorpio, in their turn, might add
some passion and flame in the calmer emotional attitude of their airy mate.


As two fixed signs in a dynamic square aspect to each other in the zodiac, It may seem
that these two signs were created to be permanent antagonists because they are both
so determined to fight for their principles and views. Unfortunately, most of their values
do not coincide, as a result, a great part of their communication might be devoted to
quarrels, debates, and biting conversations. Being a water sign Scorpio deeply tunes into
the emotional undercurrents of the world while the air nature of Aquarius can see the
bigger picture and how information, people, and society all fit together. They will be able
to unite over their interests in psychology, social issues, and a general dislike of authority
and social hierarchies. The energy between them can lead to a powerful friendship
alliance and even successful business partners with the right approach.


It is hard to predict the probability of harmonic love relations between Aquarius and
Scorpio. On one side, their chances are low, as Aquarius needs freedom and will not
tolerate any boundaries enforced by Scorpio, who is famous for their possessive nature.
However, Aquarius may be intrigued by their jealous counterpart and try to make the
relationship work for a time. They are both fixed signs, which is harmonious while their
water and air elements can make them a mismatch, but this can lead them to open up to
exploring boundaries and sexual fantasies with one another. Both are extremely private
about their emotions, desires, and personal motivations. If they are willing to build trust
over time, they will be able to feel safe, secure, and free within the partnership to share
their deepest thoughts and erotic desires without fear of judgment. Hurdles in the
intimacy department may arise if Scorpio becomes too controlling over Aquarius’ body,
mind, or time.

90% | Relationship
Love - 100/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 100/100

Friendship - 80/100

Business - 80/100


Fireworks are likely when an Aquarius and Sagittarius get together. Aquarius will feel free
to embrace their wild, electric Uranian energy, spurred on by the mischievous and fiery
Sagittarius. With the ruling planet Jupiter, Sagittarius can play up and discuss all of
Aquarius’ favorite subjects: enlightenment, philosophy, the future, and intelligence. These
two will seem to have a lot in common, and in the vast majority of cases, the alliance of
these signs is extremely useful for both of them. Things can work out well for this
partnership in almost all areas of life, especially romantically or as the best of friends.


Aquarius and Sagittarius share most of their values and get true pleasure discussing
them with each other. They both respect the freedom and openness of the heart and
mind. Sagittarius is often associated with the ‘higher mind’ and higher learner while the
Aquarius archetype is associated with future knowledge and prophecy which gives this
pair a never-ending reel of topics to discuss. The extreme honesty of both signs, due to a
combination of being socially-minded because of their air and fire elements blend well
together. The mutable or changeable energy of Sagittarius will be able to bring
spontaneity to the relationship that the more fixed mode energy of Aquarius can stand to


Romance can totally absorb this couple: they have so much in common and often fall in
love with each other at first sight. This is one of the rare occasions where Aquarius will be
a little laxer and loose with their body, mind, and soul, allowing the warmth, optimism, and
passion of Sagittarius to lead them into love. In time their mutual admiration, devotion,
and respect only grow. Sex can become a one-up match between them. Sagittarius, as
the sign of the wild centaur, tends to be lustful, generous, and spirited in bed while
Aquarius wants to show off how eccentric, kinky, and experienced they are in sex.
Overall, their intimate life is usually active, delightful, and not possessive or jealous. The
fixed and objective Aquarius may feel at times that Sagittarius is being too over the top
for them or coming on too strong, but a quick conversation and open discussion can
solve the matter with ease. Their goal is to keep the emotional bond strong and not let
their longing for freedom get in the way of their happiness together.

50% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


As both Aquarius and Capricorn are ruled by Saturn there is an allure between these two
signs that stir up each other’s interest. Saturn inspires hard-work and dedication towards
a chosen goal which both of these signs seem to possess. On the other hand, Aquarius is
ruled by Uranus as well, which adds a wild card to this mix that is hard for tradition-loving
Capricorn to overlook. Aquarius can be more in touch with Saturn or more with Uranus
depending on their placement within the birth chart. This will strongly impact and
determine the probability of success or failure within this partnership. Aquarius and
Capricorn tend to make better friends than lovers, but a long-lasting love match is not
entirely out of the question!


Aquarius and Capricorn are often drawn to each other, mutually charmed by the other
one’s intelligence and quirkiness. Capricorn can bring more stability and rational attitude
to Aquarius’ life, and Aquarius is able to teach Capricorn to be braver in setting goals and
moving towards them. The cardinal modality of Capricorn means they will constantly be
trying to assert their needs and wants in the relationship which may clash with the
steadfast and resolute attitude of the fixed Aquarius. Neither will be very open to
compromise as they will feel that is a lose-lose situation as opposed to a win-win.
Although both these signs deeply respect each other, contradictions are inevitable, as
Aquarius cannot imagine their life without freedom, and Capricorn thinks that boundaries
are necessary for keeping life in order. Their attempts to convince each other can make
the situation even more complicated. However, they have some common values: for
example, they both adore fidelity and place a high priority on having integrity and holding
others, including each other, to very high standards.


The love life of Aquarius and Capricorn is a forlorn attempt. Their plans for the future
differ too much to give this match the greatest outlook. Aquarius is an ardent rebel and
may feel locked down by Capricorn’s bossy, cardinal attempt to control the relationship.
They both are outward focusing, paying attention to creating meaning and having a
sense of purpose, however, this can serve as a distraction for them when it comes to
romance and love. Capricorn has an earthy sensuality and a high sex drive that does not
always match up with Aquarius’ more refined sexual tastes. The symbol for Capricorn is
the sea-goat, demonstrating the receptive and sensitive need to connect on a physical
level while Aquarius is the symbol of the water bearer and tends to place more
importance on life outside the bedroom.

65% | Relationship
Love - 60/100

Sex - 40/100

Family - 60/100

Friendship - 100/100

Business - 100/100


Whenever two of the same signs get together, things tend to get pretty interesting.
Aquarius has a strong personality, often with a highly resolute and fixed mindset but is
communicative and social. Two Aquarians together are likely to find some common
ground. They are both ruled by the planet of discipline, Saturn, along with the planet of
sudden shocks, Uranus, which strongly directs their approach to life. Aquarius often
pushes the boundaries of conventional thinking: their mind travels far. Other people
sometimes do not understand their dreams and plans, therefore two Aquarians together
will have a mutual trust and understanding of each other. An Aquarius couple can
become highly productive in the business sphere or activity connected with study and


The fixed modality of Aquarius creates a complex tension for the pair. This energy is
determined, focused, and headstrong, which means there may only be room for one
person with this personality type in this situation. Compromise is extremely difficult to
reach unless the two have similar views on subjects such as politics, philosophy, ethics,
and morals, in which case they will have an easy go of things! When these two get
together they have the potential to bring out each other’s weirdest and most eccentric
sides. Whether as friends or lovers they will be styling each other, finishing each other’s
sentences, making art together, and the like. The rest of the world may not understand
their dynamic, but two Aquarians together could care less about what the outside
onlookers think about them. They both value freedom and will be able to respect each
other’s boundaries and need for independence and individuality.


This couple can hardly be called romantic. They resemble two business partners even
when in a long term partnership. Being that they are air signs means emotions and
passions do not play a very important role in their lives as they prefer to live more
through cerebral and mental energy. Detached and concentrated on their projects much
more than on intimacy, they can create a happy match both being on the same
wavelength. Surprisingly, these two unconventional loving types, tend to channel Saturn
when they get together in love, preferring a more traditional relationship structure and
bond. Sex can be fulfilling for them both, although, they may not have that much of it
together. An air sign like Aquarius needs a partner with more fire or changeable and
assertive energy to really get them in the mood. Overall, the eccentricity will follow this
couple, even into the bedroom, but their love relationships tend to be built on mutual
respect and admiration for each other’s minds and intellect.

45% | Relationship
Love - 20/100

Sex - 60/100

Family - 40/100

Friendship - 60/100

Business - 60/100


Aquarius and Pisces are next to each other on the zodiacal wheel, meaning their
relationship dynamic may take on an awkward tone. The Uranian energy ruling Aquarius
may perfectly match the dreamy glamour of Pisces while at other times it may make
Pisces feel wildly out of touch and ungrounded from reality. Aquarius will appreciate
Pisces’ imagination and creative mind but will end up getting fed up with their lofty ideals
and constant subtle longing for something more in life. Whereas they can have profound,
productive, and deeply enlightening conversations together, their views will differ so
widely that it can be hard to make a romantic partnership last, but an interesting
friendship or business partnership.


Aquarius is a fixed air sign, which means they are more intellectual than feeling and more
stubborn than flexible while Pisces is a mutable water sign, meaning they are more
emotional than thinking and more fluid. This can cause a mismatch in the relationship, but
if common ground is reached, both can help each other find a sense of balance within
their extreme tendencies. Although these two signs share many idealistic values it does
not guarantee unshadowed relations. Aquarius and Pisces can contradict each other
when it comes to the realization of their views and principles. Uranus ruled Aquarius is
idealistic and rebellious, ready to devote their whole life to fighting for humanity, and
cautious Neptunian Pisces prefers being more balanced and passive. Aquarius is more
movement-oriented to see their ideas manifest while Pisces likes to day-dream and
fantasize more about what could be, which might frustrate Aquarius in the long run.


The love sphere contains both delights and difficulties for this couple. Aquarius is
typically a more emotionally detached partner who does appreciate the sentimentalism
and affection that Pisces brings to the relationship while Pisces is very much dependent
on the sensitive side of personal relations. One major area of connection for these two
can be in discussing their private dreams and ideas together. Aquarius, which tends to be
more judgemental due to the Saturnian energy ruling their sign, will feel comfortable
opening up to the compassionate and non-judgemental Pisces, which can create a very
intimate bond and mutual trust. Sex is interesting for these two. With Aquarius being an
air sign and Pisces being a water sign their sexual intimacy tends to be more gentle,
flowing, and graceful. Together, the sign of the fish and the water-bearer can actually find
a romantic and easy-going approach in the bedroom.
This is the year where you will be starting the journey of your life towards becoming a
better version of yourself. You will receive various opportunities to grow and learn
professionally and especially individually, as a person. You will feel the need to preserve
and keep strong your friendships with people and with your environment. This period of
your life is ideal for you to take action and risks immediately without hesitation. 2024 will
make sure you have peace and stability in your life throughout the whole year. Make sure
you set yourself new goals and work deliberately to fulfill them because this is the time
for you to increase your career prospects and your area of expertise. This year is great
for new skills and learning.

This period will be easy and most suitable to keep your balance and maintain your
energy. When focusing on your work and goals, make sure you include and partner with
other people so the success will be even greater. It will be quite beneficial for you to
make a partnership and do some charity work, help the environment, and establish
yourself as a humanitarian. Stay friendly and connect yourself with other people instead
of falling into the temptation of withdrawal. Spreading joy and smiles around you will be
hugely satisfying for you.
Don’t be afraid to speak and consult about your professional problems with more
knowledgeable and experienced people. That will help you a lot with your career and will
strengthen your meaningful relationships in the professional field.

It is time to shed off insecurities and introduce your prospective partner to your family.

Planetary Influence: a look at the year ahead

Thanks to the influence of the planet Mars, it is very likely for you to become more
impulsive this year, effortlessly frustrated, and on the edge to snap from time to time. You
will need to find occupations and activities for you extra energy so that you’re not
upsetting everybody around you and with that to avoid creating more problems for
yourself. It is, however, a temporary state of mind, and as the year goes on, you will be
able to maintain your balance and be able to get your plans working out in your favor.

Jupiter enters your personal area in the year 2024. Sets the focus on you, making you
more concentrated and focused on expanding your horizons, as well as your skills and
mental state.

Monthly Horoscopes: Important Tendencies

January 2024 begins with Mercury in retrograde motion, increasing the chances for
miscommunication and misunderstandings if you are not clear and straightforward in
your communication. Stay organized and keep track of your schedule to minimize the
effect of this transit. Don't rush with your conclusions, and double-check before you
make any important decisions.

February 2024 is an ideal month to focus on education, learning, and building up

experience. Mercury in Aquarius makes your brain hungry for knowledge, and you will be
more open to new and visionary ideas. Leaving your comfort zone and trying out new
things is more accessible and will help you thrive and evolve in all areas of life!
March 2024 is bringing you romance and tranquility. With Venus in Taurus, you will focus
on achieving harmony and balance in your everyday life. Moreover, time spent with your
loved ones becomes a source of happiness and fulfillment. As a result, you'll be creating
healthy and strong relationships, favoring comfort and stability over chaos.

April 2024 begins with Mercury in Taurus, helping you keep both your feet firmly on the
ground. It is a transit that provides clear and pragmatic thinking, increasing your chances
to succeed in your plans as you will be more logical and calculated in your actions. It is
an ideal time to simplify your life in order to feel calmer and in balance with yourself.

May 2024 has Mars transiting in Leo, which increases your self-confidence and helps
you come out of your shell. Under this transit, it is easier to go after what you want, as
you will have solid goals and a clear vision. The passion for fully experiencing life with all
it has to offer is now amplified. You will focus on the big picture instead of losing time on
trivial details.

June 2024 is a game changer when it comes to love and personal relationships. With
Venus in Leo, you will take pride in your loved ones and ensure you show them how
much you respect and appreciate them. It is also a month of extravagance when you'd
want to show your generosity and greatness by buying everyone around you gifts that
will symbolize the tokens of your affection.

July 2024 is an energetic and vibrant month for you! Mars in Virgo will increase your
workforce, and you will easily tackle any challenge on your path to success. It is a great
time to focus on work that requires strong attention to detail. In the next 31 days, you will
be able to do more work than usual due to your increased productivity and extremely
good organization.

August 2024 is about introspection and reassessment. Venus is in retrograde motion

throughout the whole month, influencing you to reflect on your relationships and make
sure you have made the right choices. This transit will test your closest bonds, and if they
pass the trial, they will become unbreakable. You may also need to deal with loose ends
from your past in order to move forward.

September 2024 begins with Mercury in retrograde motion, requiring you to be careful
in your personal and professional affairs. Delays are much more likely to occur under this
transit, so you need to be very patient. Important contracts, documents, and papers must
be read with attention, focusing on details, especially the small letters at the end of a

October 2024 could make you a bit reserved and withhold your emotions as Venus
transits in Virgo. It is a time when you are more likely to express your affection in more
practical manners. Make sure to reflect on your emotions and process your feelings.
Although you would prefer all things to make sense, emotions are one part where you
may need to go with your heart instead of your head.

November 2024 opens your range of vision, and you will expand your horizons. Mercury
in Sagittarius is inspiring you to ask questions and seek answers. You are more curious
and open-minded under this transit, but you need to be cautious with your decisions.
During this month, your judgments may be overly optimistic, leading to taking tasks
beyond your capabilities.

December 2024 is when you will yearn for deeper and more profound relationships in
your life. Venus in Scorpio will influence you to look for people with whom you share the
same passion and lust for life. Shallow and superficial communications will no longer
interest you or keep your attention. Instead, things that are profound, mysterious, or
distinctive can be more appealing to you now.
Your Life
Career and finance

Your astrology predictions for the year 2024 suggest that Jupiter will help you to improve
your interpersonal relationships at work which will bring you success in your career. In
your workplace, try to concentrate on teamwork and working with others. Success is
more likely to happen if you make sure to ask for guidance and support from your
teammates, rather than trying to do it solo. All of your colleagues, both your higher-ups
and assistants will be happy to help you if you reach out to them for help.

Be careful with your finances this year. Neptune in Pisces can make it challenging to be
able to hold on to cash. Sometimes it will feel like your money is sliding through your
fingers. Don’t waste your money spending them on things that you don’t need. Although
shopping can make you feel good at the moment, however, that feeling won’t last for
long. Instead, try to save your money so you can invest them into something that will
bring back a bigger profit for you.

Your career will go upward this year. Nothing can possibly stop you from shining and
being the best. Count this as your year, and do whatever you need to do that will make it
a more prosperous year for you. This year professionally may bring you a bigger pay rise,
general work improvements, and probably will increase your number of projects and
duties that will help you feel important and useful at your workplace. Your seniors will be
consulting with you and asking for your opinion. Your hard work will be appreciated.
Between May and November be careful about who is honest with you and who is not.
Make sure you stay away from dishonest people that only want to use you. It could also
be a time when you will be confronting some legal issues. It will help if you take time and
devote this matter completely with your whole attention. You may also travel to a foreign
land, however, you need to be cautious about it as you may encounter some setbacks in
these traveling plans.

Love and relationships

Every time you face up obstacles and problems in your love life, remind yourself that
communication is always the key to resolving the issues. Make sure to be open and
honest about what bothers you and your significant one will know how to support you
and help. That way you can together overcome whatever it is the problem. With open
and honest communication at any time you and your partner will be able to enjoy
tranquility and harmony in your marriage or relationship. Try to be less clingy towards
your partner and control the jealousy, being that way can only push him away from you.

This year, your mind will be most focused on intellectual pursuit and growth, even during
the periods when Mercury will be in his retrograde motion. You can have some difficulties
handling something in your personal life. During this period, you may find it hard to reach
out to other people. You must try to overcome this by learning to deal with your own
problem and resolve them, and with that to improve your relationship with others.


The year 2024 guarantees to be a year of excellent health and cheer for you. Your
energy will be at its highest level and you would go through the days fast and easy,
completing all of your tasks. You are likely to be physically fit, as well. Be alert, as there
might be occasionally a period of immunity insufficiency, which can lead to some health
concerns. Seeking proper medical care and better health care for yourself would help
you to bounce back easier.

You might experience some stomach problems or digestive disorders throughout the
year, but nothing too serious. Just keep on following good diet habits and exercise
regularly. You should avoid overindulgence with junk food or spicy food. The outer
planets Uranus and Pluto will try to impact negatively on your health, but Mars will help
you fight them out. Being always in a good mood with a positive attitude towards life has
a very significant and important role in your overall health and well-being. Be careful
when taking trips as you might be prone to accidents this year.

Jupiter has enormous and significant control over your health this year. This planet
encourages you to seek and find new ways to enhance your health. When trying new
things that can improve your health state, make sure you have in mind, that it has to be
good for mental and physical health as well. Some of the new things you can try are new
workouts, meditation, yoga, or therapy.

You will be full of enthusiasm and vitality that will guide you throughout the whole year.
Both your mental and physical well-being will be intact. This will make you anxiety-free
and you can say goodbye to unnecessary hardship this year. In case any illness arises,
make sure you ask for medical advice right away. The year will be very busy for you, but
health is what matters the most, so never leave any health issue for later.

Family and Travel Zodiac Predictions

Pluto in Capricorn will inspire you to let go of anything that is holding you back. Even
though it doesn’t seem right, you don’t need to have a tight and close relationship with
every family member. Learn to let go of people who disturb you and your peace, even if
you are related to them. This can help you improve your emotional health. At moments
this year will seem tough and hard, but it will get better as it goes. If you are planning to
get pregnant and start a family, plan everything thoroughly in advance so you can stay
calm and don't rush with anything.

The 2024 travel predictions reveal that this year is great for traveling from the start, no
matter if the trips are short or long. It will be perfect for you to start planning your trip
abroad as luck is on your side this year. You will be attracted to extravagant and luxurious
traveling style, but you should stay away from that and not attract too much attention to
you while traveling.

For the year ahead, you are advised to put aside your self-centered intentions, stop
being selfish, and work towards becoming more humanitarian and caring about others.
This will open the path for prosperity and a good omen for you this year. Sharing and
caring for others will be a very meaningful mission for you this year. However, you need
to know that you are not asked to ignore and forget about yourself and your needs
completely. You can still indulge in your hobbies and pleasures. Learn a new skill, take a
long vacation, spoil, and treat yourself. In one word, permit yourself to be the source of
happiness and harmony all around you.

The annual Aquarius 2024 horoscope concentrates on personal and private relationships
and mental pursuits. Use this year to expand your social circle and make new friends. It is
an excellent time to grow your professional connections as well, to learn and progress,
but don't forget about your own needs and wants.

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