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General Degree College Kushmandi

Department of English
Internal Assessment 2024

Full Marks: 14

1) Greek Tragedy developed in

a) Athens
b) Sparta
c) Crete
2) Greek Tragedy originated from the
a) Epic
b) Dithyramb
c) Ode
3) The Greek god associated with Tragedy is
a) Phoebus
b) Athena
c) Dionysus
4) The legendary inventor of tragedy is
a) Archimedes
c) Thespis
d) Aeschylus
5) The first tragedian to use two actors was
a) Thespis
b) Aeschylus
c) Sophocles
6) The first tragedian to use three actors was
a) Aeschylus
b) Sophocles
c) Euripides
7) The device Euripides was fond of is
a) deus ex machina
b) dominus in machina
c) deus in oikos
8) Aristotle discusses tragedy in
a) Poetics
b) Politics
c) Rhetoric
9) The Aristotelian principle of art is
a) Ascesis
b) Mimesis
c) Exegesis
10) According to Aristotle the plot of Oedipus Rex is
a) simple
b) complex
c) compound
11) The Irish poet who translated Oedipus Rex into English is
a) WB Yeats
c) Sean O’ Casey
d) James Joyce
12) The psychoanalyst who formulated the Oedipus Complex is
a) Sigmund Freud
b) Carl Gustav Jung
c) Alfred Adler
13) The writer who wrote The Infernal Machine after Oedipus Rex is
a) Jean Christophe
b) Jean Racine
c) Jean Cocteau
14) Oedipus Rex was written by
a) Aeschylus
b) Sophocles
c) Euripides

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