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God’s purpose for you & me

Psalm 100:2-3 Worship the Lord with gladness; come into his presence with singing. Know
that the Lord is God. It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep
of his pasture.

Have you ever wondered, ‘why God made me, why am I even here?’ ‘Why am I seeing
this, why am I living?’

Tonight we shall try to learn and listen about the soul’s purpose of us being alive.

So the question arises, what is your soul’s purpose? What is my soul’s purpose?

The purpose of human kind is being studied in various disciplines, philosophically,

psychologically, socially, but most importantly spiritually........

A psychologist Dian Raab said in one of her article, “Your soul’s purpose is why you’re
here on this earth at this time. What you’re looking for or seeking is probably connected to
your soul’s purpose. It is an aspect of your life that drives you and moves you forward.”

Your purpose of being here on this earth is to live according to the teachings of our
living God.

Sometimes we see others and feel that, ‘Oh! God is using him/her so purposefully, what
am I even doing? He/she is so lucky’.

And sometimes we see their achievements in live, ‘they are doing so well with their life.
I can’t even get a job nor do something that is worthy’

You start to compare your life with others whom we see as better than us. But what do
you get in return? You are depressed. You feel lonely. You feel weak. You feel terrible
about yourself.

But is that how God wanted you to be? Ask yourself.

Sometimes, you see other families seem so happy in their life. You want it. You see
others wearing good clothes with better gadgets. You want it.

You see others praising God so peacefully, you want it.

The ‘WANT’ without action is pulling you to the ground. It is making you weak.

So, what do we do?

But before we go to ‘what do we do’ let’s see what we are doing that is making us so
weak and worthless.
1. You are living in sin: But how, you live your life aimlessly, God did not put you
in this world to be aimless. God gave you the most precious gift of all time, what is
that? Your life. Do you think he gave you that for no reason? No..

2. You seek for apathy or dread: You look for something that is saddening you and
your life. Why are you doing that? When you can find so much happiness in your

3. You work so that you don’t have to work: You are doing you part of duty as
duties and wait for it to end. You go to class just so you complete your task and
wait for the weekends to relax. That is all you think about. God does not allow
that mind-set. You commanded us to be happy and cheerful with every other
things in our life.

Eccesiastes 8:15 ‘So I commend enjoyment, for there is nothing better for people
under the sun than to eat, and drink, and enjoy themselves, for this will go with
them in their toil through the days of life that God gives them under the sun.’

4. You feel stuck: You feel like you are stuck in this life with lots of negativity. Lots
of harms and nothing to be happy with. Did gave His beloved Son just so you feel
stuck? Let your life glorify His death. Let yourself feel free for the kingdom of God.

What do we do to fulfil God’s purpose for us.

1. Find your strength: God has given us unique talents. He has given each and
every one of us the gift to be different than others. Your strength and your ability
is different.
2. Find your passion: What is your passion if I ask. You all are going to say
different varieties of passions. But some may not be able to say what your true
passion is. Your passion can be your greatest strength to find God’s true purpose
for you. Use it for god’s mission.
3. Lastly: Trust in the Lord..... Keep your 100% faith in Him and let Him guide you in
your life. And I guarantee you that you won’t feel sorry about your life anymore.

1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do
everything for the glory of God.

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