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Hidden treasure

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Relationship: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Min Yoongi | Suga
Characters: Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Min Yoongi | Suga, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim
Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Ninjas, Omega Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Alpha Min
Yoongi | Suga, Slow Burn, Enemies to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Jung
Hoseok | J-Hope Is Whipped For Min Yoongi | Suga, Min Yoongi | Suga
Is Whipped For Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst
and Feels, Resolved Sexual Tension, Possessive Behavior, Jung Hoseok |
J-Hope Has a Vagina, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, Min Yoongi | Suga
Has a Praise Kink, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope Has a Strength Kink, Light
Dom/sub, Min Yoongi | Suga Has a Big Dick, Blood and Violence,
Misunderstandings, Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Kim Seokjin | Jin is a
Good Hyung, Kim Namjoon | RM is a Good Friend
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-02 Words: 16,681 Chapters: 1/1
Hidden treasure
by Xiuminbae


Hoseok lives in the outskirts of his village where he grows, brews, and sells special herbs.
One night he woke up to a stranger in a white cat mask bleeding all over his garden, and
against all rational thinking, Hoseok helps the man out.


A/n: happy new years! I walk into 2024 with some sope for yall!

Taken heavy inspiration from Naruto with my own twist to the universe so I did my best to
explain some terms if you haven't watch the anime (:

This is a long one so enjoy :>

See the end of the work for more notes


Hoseok’s days were long but rewarding. He had daily tasks to accomplish, enjoying how
much he could provide the village with his assistance. He is up early, as dusk bleeds into
dawn. The moment the birds chirp, Hoseok stretches his sore limbs from his slumber and gets
to work. Living all on his own meant that he had lots to prepare before he hit the markets by
the time the shops opened. His garden served as a sanctuary and could not be left unattended
for long. His delicate plants and exotic herbs needed much attention, care, and love to grow.

The unique technique Hoseok did to make his herbs prosper was channeling his ki into them.
Ki was a natural phenomenon of soul chakra that every person was born with. Hailing from
nature it radiates from the core flowing into the body freely. Some people were naturally
gifted, and their ki oozed with excellence and raw power. It mattered only how one honed
their ki since it was limitless and could be used for the unimaginable. To achieve greatness or
to cause colossal destruction in the hands of the right or wrong person.

The omega had been taught how to channel and infuse his ki with special healing properties.
This was a gift bestowed upon the omega from his Sire.

Hoseok’s Sire was an old man gifted with many talents, a powerful ninja in his prime who
had retired from that life eons ago. He used his abilities to conjure different ways to heal the
people he encountered along his way. He was a traveler and a profound wise sage who
accumulated tons of knowledge in his years roaming the earth.

Ninjas were seen as the most honorable, what all the children aspired to become, and what
everyone respected highly. They protected the village from outsiders, acted like a specialized
task force, and operated mostly in the shadows. At the academy, they trained the best of the
best who would grow into fine ninjas. Hoseok used to have similar dreams, to be a ninja one
day and repay his duty to the village. However, his dreams were short-lived and crushed once
he dropped out of the academy. His parents had fallen ill with a sickness no one knew to be
curable. It was devastating and Hoseok lost motivation to do much, suffering such a tragic
loss at a young age. He had to find work, to provide for himself. The young omega was an
orphan, lost and alone.

It was then that Hoseok had crossed paths with his Sire.

Hoseok had heard through the grapevine that the man was a talented healer, and Hoseok
wanted to be his disciple. To learn how he could heal all types of sickness, so no child would
ever know the pain and loss of a beloved. His plan was not fruitful at the beginning stages,
Hoseok made camp outside of his Sire’s hut for days and weeks. He was shooed away many
times but Hoseok never gave up, he waited outside in the pouring rain, the long howling
nights, until he showed just how deep his determination ran.
His Sire eventually let him in, and the teaching began swiftly.

It was tough, and excruciating at times but made Hoseok strong. And the sacred teachings
were worth it in the end.

His Sire had left him a couple of years ago, telling Hoseok that his journey had not ended yet.
Hoseok insisted on accompanying him, but his Sire declined, telling Hoseok to stay and that
the omega’s journey had not begun. Hoseok asked how he would know when and how he
could ever be ready for his journey. The omega was not nearly as talented as his Sire, he had
never ventured out of the village on his own. Hoseok had even forgotten most of his basic
training from the academy and did not feel great about his physical strength. Omegas were
usually weaker than betas and alphas

However, his Sire assured him that he’d know when the time came and not to worry.

‘’Fate has great plans for you, my dear.’’ His voice still echoed in Hoseok’s head.

Hoseok let his Sire’s word ease his unruly heart, he decided to focus his might on all of the
teachings and knowledge that was bestowed upon him. This meant that the omega did
everything in his power to ensure that the village had only the best of his crop. He busied
himself with harvesting, drying, and pressing together his herbs by hand. And channeling all
of his ki, the processes draining and tiring to his psyche.

After Hoseok finished his batch, the correct amount of healing teas, bandages, and burning
smudge sage that the elder used at the temple halls, he packed his satchel and headed out. His
first stop was the busy morning markets, delivering the herbs to the elders who suffered from
bone aches and other minor injuries. Hoseok received many small offerings in return, and
compliments about his angelic nature. He blushed at their kind remarks and explained the
best ways to apply and use his herbs for optimal usage.

Once his business at the markets was done, Hoseok headed to the hospital. The sun stood
high in the sky signaling that it was past noon, and his stomach growled at him. He would
often have too busy of a morning, which meant that he forgot about eating any breakfast.

At the hospital, Hoseok dropped off the healing teas and herbs by the front desk. He made
pleasant small talk with Mrs. Woo, the receptionist. It was never a brief talk with the elder
woman, Hoseok felt stuck in a loop as he always had to deny the date she would offer with
her son.

‘’Did I mention that he is an instructor at the academy?’’ Mrs. Woo would brag, wanting to
find a suitable omega for her precious son, however, Hoseok was not interested in the

The omega had no time to pursue any romantic relations with anyone, his work took up a lot
of his day. There had been many who tried to make a pass at him or advantages towards him,
and he rejected them all. Hoseok was flattered but simply not impressed with anyone. His
standards of what love should feel and look like were set high by the example of his late
parents. They did everything together, even to the last breath they drew. His mother would
often tell him stories of how grandiose display of affection his father showed her when he
courted her. How many gifts he crafted by his own hands, how long he waited to hear from
her, how he traveled across villages to purchase her favorite treats.

His father was a stellar man, righteous and kindred. He was everything Hoseok wanted to be
and had every quality that the omega sought and longed for.

Nobody in this village ignited that spark within Hoseok. At times the omega thought himself
of an outsider somewhat, although he had lived his whole life here. His lavender hair and
pale eyes stuck out like a sore thumb. Hoseok had never seen any other person aside from his
parents who bore such striking features. And it was strange that both of his parents had no
other relatives who lived in the village. Some parts did not make any sense to Hoseok but he
did not give it much deep thought. He had other pressing matters on his hands, like how to
get out of this conversation with Mrs. Woo.

‘’Seokseok-ah, there you are.’’ A voice interrupts the one-sided conversation, and the omega
turns his head towards his savior.

‘’Oh, Doctor Kim. Handsome as ever.’’ Mrs. Woo swoons as the head doctor, Kim Seokjin,
walks towards them.

Hoseok lets out a sigh of relief.

‘’Hello, Mrs. Woo. Did you cut your hair? It looks wonderful at that length.’’ Doctor Kim
compliments, his voice sweet like honey and Mrs. Woo forgets all about Hoseok who slips

Her face blooms into a shade of pink, ‘’Why, I did actually, you see-’’

Hoseok takes the opportunity to exit the conversation, heading to the cafeteria. He gives
Doctor Kim a thumbs up, mouthing ‘Thank you’. Seokjin shakes his head fondly, paying
attention back to Mrs. Woo’s rambling as Hoseok disappears into the halls.

The omega takes a seat after obtaining his lunch, which was served to him for free. A
courtesy by the village chief in exchange for the free herbs Hoseok supplies regularly.

‘’You left me for dead, Seokseok.’’ Seokjin whines and slides down next to him. Hoseok
looks up at him, mouth stuffed with warm dumplings and roasted duck. ‘’Sowwy.’’ He tries
to say but the beta pinches his chubby cheeks.

‘’Do not speak with a mouthful.’’ He scolds, but there is no real threat behind his words as
Seokjin ruffles the top of Hoseok’s head.

The omega suppresses a blush, Seokjin’s warm hands always tend to have that effect on him.
He swallowed the food, ‘’She went on and on about her son again, even though I already
rejected him. Twice.’’ The omega said letting out an exasperated sigh, some people just did
not take a hint.

Seokjin wipes the corner of Hoseok’s mouth with a napkin, "Ah. That insufferable idiot with
the weird scent?"
Hoseok nods, tucking his hair back so it doesn't fall into his mushroom soup.

Seokjin gently gathered the loose strands of hair into a ponytail with a hair tie that he
conveniently had around his wrist. "Thanks, hyung, " Hoseok smiles, lips glossed by the oily
food he was devouring.

The doctor rested his chin on his palm, elbow propped up on the table. "You skipped
breakfast again?" The voice was accusatory, stern. His eyes narrowed and Hoseok swallowed
harshly, sweating at how Seokjin's calm demeanor changed. "Hyung. I know I have to eat but
I just forget easily!"

"Your health comes first, Seok-ah. The herbs can wait. " The beta’s voice was final, leaving
no room for discussion or disagreement.

A nurse walks up to them suddenly with hurried steps. ‘’Excuse me Doctor Kim, but you are
being requested to oversee the operation.’’

Seokjin lets out a breath, flashing the nurse a polite smile. ‘’I’ll be right there.’’ Her face
lights up, blushing profusely. She nods quickly as she turns on her heels walking away.

‘’See you tomorrow?’’ Hoseok says, looking up at Seokjin who raises from his seat

The doctor hums, gently patting Hoseok’s head. ‘’Take care of yourself.’’ That is all Seokjin
tells him before he is off. The omega watches how he disappears deeper into the hallway,
eating away the empty feeling that hallows in his chest.

To Hoseok, Seokjin was the closest thing to a family that the omega had left. When his
parents got sick, the omega spent a whole lot of time at the hospital. And that's where he met
with Seokjin who was a medical student at the time. He acted like a rock to the omega with
his silly goofy jokes turning Hoseok’s bleak days a little brighter. Like the sun peeking
through the gray clouds. The omega always looked forward to the time the two had together,
and his parents took a strong liking to the beta who kept their son occupied with some light
fun and away from the inevitable.

When they passed, Hoseok could not step foot into the hospital. The grief had a toll on him,
and Seokjin was there with him helping the trauma every step in the way. So, it was only
natural that Hoseok grew attached, a little too dependent on the beta. It was embarrassing,
Hoseok knew that the older one did not see him that way. In Seokjin’s eyes, Hoseok was an
orphaned pup who was desperate for any familiar bond. But that did not stop Hoseok’s heart
which ached whenever the doctor smiled at him or touched his hair.

The omega quickly slurped down the rest of his meal and made his way out of the hospital.
Sometimes if he stayed for too long, the memories crept back to him. The scent of death that
clung to him would linger and never fail to twist his stomach. His eyes stung, breathing
became harder and his mind recalled those last tragic moments. Hoseok did not feel like
bawling his eyes out and rushed down the street heading towards the academy.
At the academy, there was always student training day in and out. They always needed a few
extra hands to help patch up injuries, and scrapes at the infirmary. Hoseok was happy to help,
the old fond childhood memories flooded back to him as he watched from afar how the
children ran after each other bubbling with laughter.

Something tapped him on the shoulder and the omega almost jumped out of his skin in
freight. He swung his satchel as hard as he could at the perpetrator who countered the attack
easily, blocking with his thick forearm.

‘’Woah, easy there. You can seriously hurt someone with that weapon, Hobi.’’ Namjoon
chuckled. The tall alpha was an elite ninja who graduated from the academy on top of his
class. He excelled in each subject, and quickly learned any skill taught to him. He was
intelligent with a burning passion for the history of the world. The alpha had been offered a
spot as an instructor and worked closely with the village council. But most importantly to
Hoseok, Namjoon was his only childhood best friend. The alpha had stood by him throughout
everything, and they had a strong brotherly bond.

Hoseok lets out a shaky breath, ‘’Namu! Do not scare me like that.’’ He huffed out his
cheeks, slapping the alpha’s arm.

Namjoon simply smiled at him, throwing his hands up in defeat. ‘’Okay! Sorry, sorry.’’

‘’Jungkook asked about you again,’’ Namjoon told Hoseok as they walked out to the training
hall. Hoseok suppressed a giggle, the young student always eager to show off to him.

Jungkook was the son of the head village chief. And he had sworn he would grow up to
become the greatest ninja in the world before asking for Hoseok’s hand in marriage.

‘’Oh, he did? Well, I can’t wait to see what he has learned, he does have the best teacher ever
helping him.’’ Hoseok grinned at Namjoon who scratched the back of his neck bashfully.

The alpha had taken Jungkook under his wing a few months ago. That was a dream come true
as the young pup had always looked up to Namjoon idolizing him. Hoseok would often sit
idly by watching the two spar, aiding them with any assistance whenever Jungkook fell on his
face. Namjoon was a strict teacher but had a soft spot for the younger pup. Jungkook showed
the signs of a prodigy in the making. His raw potential dripped from his form, and his hunger
for learning was adoring. Hoseok had watched him grow from a meek-willed shy pup into a
poised and strong young teen.

Hoseok saw Jungkook practicing his shuriken throwing, each dagger a few millimeters away
from the targets hanging by the wall.

‘’Hiya, go Kookie! Go!’’ Hoseok yelled in an encouraging sing-song tone, cheering him on.
Jungkook, who was in the middle of highly concentrated training, dropped his aim and turned
towards the omega in a flash.

‘’Hobi-hyung!’’ Jungkook beamed, running to him with his signature toothy smile.
‘’Did you see that, I have almost perfected my throwing.’’ Jungkook excitedly told the
omega, ‘’I am already ready for the exam but Namjoonie-hyung won’t let me participate.’’
He pouts, and Hoseok feels his heartstrings tug.

The omega gently threads him through Jungkook’s sweaty black locks. ‘’I am sure you think
you're ready, but you gotta trust your teacher. Namu knows what he’s doing, right?’’

‘’Kook-ah, you are ready when I say so. You are almost there buddy, just a few more months
of training left.’’

Jungkook lets out a groan, ‘’But I wanna hurry up and ace the exam! I’m gonna be the next
chief of the village and then I’m gonna marry Hobi-hyung.’’

‘’I’m sure you are, now get back to training!’’ Namjoon rolled his eyes at the childish
rhetoric, but he did find it cute how determined the small alpha pup was at marrying Hoseok.
It was something Jungkook had been adamant about since he and the omega first met, and he
handed Hoseok a flower in promise.

He listens well, returning to his training, but then turns back to the pair.

‘’Watch this!’’ Jungkook yells, throwing a handful of daggers. A good half of them hit the
target but a few missed by a big distance.

They both laugh, and Jungkook slumps his shoulders as he blushes embarrassed.

Namjoon then looks at Hoseok, there is something he wants to say. Hoseok can guess by how
his jaw flexes, and the press of his tongue against his cheek. Something heavy must be on his
mind. But the alpha holds his tongue and smiles defeated. ‘’I can walk you back home after
you're done at the infirmary.’’ The alpha says, and Hoseok nods, ‘’Sure. I’ll wait for you,

Hoseok waves at them and hopes that Namjoon will tell him whatever is on his mind soon.

The walk home is a bit long, the hut where Hoseok lived resided on the outskirts of the
village. A perfect area to grow all of his plants and herbs, with a large field. It was right next
to the entrance to the forest, and Namjoon had pestered him about it many times. ‘’I don't like
you living there alone.’’ The alpha had an overprotective streak since he knew what dangers
lay out on the other side of the forest which served as a safety blanket for the village. It kept
them hidden from most harm and shielded them from intruders.

And Hoseok told him again, and again, ‘’It is fine Namu. I like the peace and the view is
The alpha wasn't convinced but he didn't try to push it knowing how stubborn Hoseok truly
could be.
After Hoseok arrived home, he stretched his limbs. Following a long day, the omega wanted
nothing but to soak in his tub. He quickly threw together some dinner, ate, and after a long-
deserved bath got ready to hit the bed. A brand new one awaited him in the morning.

While the omega slept peacefully, soundlessly in his bed, a bloody battle unraveled deep in
the forest.

A man barely conscious, rapidly losing blood from a deep wound in his stomach, leaps from
tree branch to tree branch. His breath labored, and his heart was staggering in his chest. His
head turns hazy while his vision threatens to fade into black.

‘’Fuck,’’ the man curses as he bites his tongue, trying to force himself awake. A mixture of
copper and iron coasts his mouth like acid. He has almost no strength left in his body, his ki
had taken an unsuspecting hit. His limbs grow numb, at the brink of going completely limp.
His legs burned, muscles lit on first trembling like leaves.

From afar, through the thick branches, he spots a small hut. He quickly heads towards it with
the little might left in him before his body shuts down.

Hoseok is not a light sleeper. It took much to awake him from deep slumber and much to
make him step out of his warm blankets.

He groans, tossing and turning but once Hoseok is up, it takes a while for him to fall back to
sleep again.

He swore he heard something, a loud thud coming from his garden. It was probably a lost
animal, they tended to stray from the forest and into his domain.

Shit, that meant his babies were in trouble and in fear of being eaten by a deer or something.
Hoseok sluggishly got up and headed outside to inspect and shoo away any unwelcome

To the omega's surprise, no animals were attacking his crop.

But, a man.

A man bleeding out all over his garden.

That had to be bad for the soil, Hoseok’s sleep-riddled brain thought to himself.
He quickly made haste in aiding the man, he crouched down to inspect the severity of the
injuries. He made a few observations, firstly the man was not from here. He had no scent
which was a first. He wore a strange white cat-like mask hiding his identity, and a strange
gray and black uniform.

A ninja? But there was no ninja clad in this unique attire from the village.

A spy from another village? It was likely, but how could he enter this easily through the thick
veil of the forest and navigate his way toward Hoseok’s hut without getting caught? He must
be skilled to not alert any of the ninjas guarding the village that patrolled at night.

Hoseok should report him then, that would be the right thing to do. He could be dangerous, a

But, why was his wolf acting strangely? Why is Hoseok’s heart beating loud, thumping in his

Hoseok goes against better judgment, he carries the man inside. He is heavy, his uniform vest
filled with strange trinkets and sharp weapons.

The omega lays him down, quickly grabbing the necessary tools to treat him. He gently pulls
the mask off and gasps at the sight. Hoseok’s face heats up with a blush, eyes scanning the
injured ninja's beautiful features. His skin was milky pale, smooth to the touch. He looked
like a sleeping prince, blessed by the moon goddess herself. His hair was blacker than
midnight, long and silky soft. He had a cute-button nose, plump pink lips, and sharp
cheekbones. Long lashes cast a flurry of butterfly shadows across his cheeks. Thin eyebrows
drawn in, a pained grimace on his face.

Hoseok scolded himself, this was not the time to be admiring. He slapped himself and
scanned the man's body, noticing oozing blood from his side.

The vest was hindering him, obscuring the view but it looked as if had taken most of the
impact. He had other cuts and bruises but those were minor. Hoseok quickly unfasted the
vest, pulling it off the other whose breath hitched. Carefully, Hoseok held pressure on the
wound. The man’s body suddenly jolted in pain and spooked the omega who was currently
freaking out. He should take him to the hospital, but then he would just bleed out on the way.

Hoseok murmured something, remembering his teaching. Something that his Sire had told
him in passing. He had never once directly channeled his ki, only infusing it to inanimate
objects like herbs and plants. It was a whole other ordeal to heal someone directly with your
ki, it could go wrong fast. There were no studies on it, his Sire had never taught him anything
remotely close to that. Some downsides scared the omega, having your ki infused with
another person’s ki was nothing to be joking about. It felt taboo almost like it was a crime
against nature.

But, there were no other opinions. It was either this or letting the man die. Hoseok would
never let that happen, he could never live with himself if he didn't exhaust every single option
He was not going to let him die that easily on him.

Slowly, the omega let out a shaky breath. He ignored the pained whimpers, the man’s face
sweaty and rapidly losing color. Hoseok focuses on an evening out of his breathing, finding
his inner core, and driving out his ki. It was a long shot, but it might just work if he was
cautious and deliberate.

A few minutes pass and Hoseok sees that the bleeding stops, and his heart feels much lighter.

Hoseok feels a bit woozy, channeling this much ki was tiring and took a lot out of him. He
continues, ignoring his fatigue. Then the bloody wound begins to close up, the skin repairing
itself, healing slowly. The man groans, but his breath evens out, his chest rising and falling in
steady motions.

‘’Just a few more seconds,’’ the omega rasped. His face was warm, heat rising to his
overworked limbs that shook violently. His body ached all over, screaming at him to stop but
Hoseok refused to listen. He poured every last of his ki until he physically couldn't.

The omega falls back onto his floor, exhausted beyond the point of recovery. He lets himself
catch up to his breath, his heart working overdrive in pumping blood into his burning veins.

Hoseok tries to stand up, but his limbs feel like wet clay. He forces himself to wipe the man
clean, wrapping his healing bandages around the wound after he applies a handsome amount
of salve.

He notices a strange mark on the man’s shoulder, it resembles something Hoseok saw on his
father’s palm.

A moon crescent.

Strange, Hoseok thinks to himself but he has no energy to mull it over as he quickly finishes
tending to the other bleeding cuts.

Once he is finally finished, Hoseok’s body begs for rest. His eyelids feel like they weigh a
ton, and the omega wants nothing more than to sleep.

So, he passes out right next to the injured man sprawled out in his living room.

Sunlight pools into the room, right onto Hoseok’s face and the omega groans. His body aches
all over like it used to whenever he would train for hours on end. His head is ringing, and
everything seems foggy.

There's someone laid out cold next to him, but the omega doesn't even register it.

Last night then floods back to him, and Hoseok jolts backward.
‘’Oh fuck!’’ Hoseok whisper-yells, careful not to wake the sleeping man and stranger who
could be a spy from another village, in his house.

This was bad, Hoseok stands up, looking over the other. He brings a finger to his nose.
Hoseok sighs in relief, he is still breathing. The omega had thankfully not slept next to a dead
body all night long.

He cannot leave the man unwatched, as his condition could worsen at any point. And also the
fact that he might be a spy of some sort. He had to keep a close eye on him, and there was no
way he could muster any energy to make his usual rounds today. Last night truly took the air
out of his lungs, and the wind out from his sail.

He should tend to and change the bandages too, probably hang the vest and weapons up out
of arm's length and give the man some cover. The thin material he wore underneath the vest
was torn, and Hoseok bit his lip, seeing as he had practically cut the material in half. Hoseok
gets to work, and his duties to the garden are put on hold for the time being.

The omega curiously brushes a stray lock away from the man’s face as he wipes him down
with a wet cloth. His face had returned most of his color, a healthy flush painted his cheeks
and lips an unfair peach pink. So inviting and tempting.

His wolf had not calmed down since he laid eyes on the other man.

What that meant, Hoseok did not feel like unpacking.

He didn't want to pry, so he left the man’s belongings untouched. He did see the same moon
crescent carved on the inside of the vest which still made no sense.

His parents had told him that they were travelers when they were younger, that they had met
on the road and fallen in love. They also told Hoseok that they returned home to have him
and wanted to raise the omega in a safe village where he could have the opportunity to
prosper into a fine ninja one day.

It all felt jumbled in his brain like nothing made sense anymore. Hoseok just left those
thoughts alone, there was no waste pondering about something he would never get the
answers to.

The omega had no heart to leave the unconscious man unattended for even a second. A
strange pull on his body, telling him to watch over the other. Hoseok couldn't explain it, but
his wolf became restless whenever Hoseok even looked away for a brief moment. He took a
seat next to him while eating as he was monitoring his breathing.

There was something off about the man.

His ki.

It was almost faint like Hoseok couldn't even tell it was there. Same with the scent, but his ki
felt like it had been darkened. Emerged in a shadow of sorts. That's why last night took
everything and then some for the omega to heal him. Like a blockade was hindering him
making it even harder to heal.

Even though exhaustion aches in his bones till this very moment, Hoseok’s wolf was nothing
short of ecstatic. Running around and howling, ‘Alpha, alpha, alpha!’

Hoseok chooses to ignore that, clearing his throat and suppressing the embarrassment that
fizzled in him. The omega felt almost drowsy since the other man was recovering quite well
and it satiated him. Just as Hoseok feels his head drop back into sleep, his body still very
much zapped, and someone knocking on his door awakes him.

Hoseok groaned but he got up to answer and was surprised to see a frantic Namjoon at his


‘’Yes?’’ Hoseok yawns, stretching his arms and smacking his lips.

Namjoon gives him a once-over glance, searching for something but he cannot find it. He lets
out an anxious breath, ‘’Are you okay?’’

Hoseok tilts his head confused, ‘’Yes? Why wouldn't I be?’’

Namjoon opts to stay silent, and Hoseok crosses his arms. There is a part of Hoseok that
wants to confine his best friend, to tell him about last night’s incident but there is an equally
growing part of him that halts him. Words get stuck in his throat and Hoseok feels like he is
at a crossroads. The man might be someone evil, or just someone innocent caught in an ugly
crossfire. Hoseok shouldn't judge too quickly, it might not be that important to dump on
Namjoon who already has so much on his plate.

‘’It’s nothing… Just be careful, yeah?’’ The ninja tells him, and Hoseok feels a bit wounded
that Namjoon would blatantly lie to his own best friends like that. While Hoseok was no saint
himself, practically omitting by not telling the alpha what happened, Namjoon was obviously
stressed and worried about something. It was clear as day, prevalent guessing by his face and
how he had rushed to his hut, hair swept back into a wild mess.

‘’...’kay.’’ Hoseok says, a bit abruptly, and shuts the door in the alpha's face before he
accidentally spills his guts.

He pressed down his hurt, rubbing the tears away until his eyes stung. Hoseok feels drained,
emotionally as well as physically now. He sits back down next to the unconscious wounded
man and falls asleep before more unwanted feelings begin to fester and claw away at him.

Day has bled into the night, and Hoseok awakes to rustling sounds next to him.

Sleepily, he tries to get up, finding it hard to get his body to listen as feels bone-weary.

Hoseok blinks, drowsy and before he can comprehend what happened someone has a blade to
his throat looming over him. A pointy knee on each side of his hips, pinning the omega
down. One large hand holding both of Hoseok's thin wrists above his head in a bruising grip.


All the omega can see is a fiery red.

It looks beautiful, glowing and shimmering in the moonlight like blood diamonds as the man
sneers at Hoseok who is justifiably confused and scared shit-less.

The blade felt cold as ice against his skin, Hoseok shuddered as his lips trembled.

‘’Who are you? What did you do to me?’’

The man spits angrily, the veins protruding from his forehead. He leans close, warm breath
fanning over Hoseok's face. The red eyes keep trapping the omega in a trance. Hoseok blinks
dumbly, desperately trying to calm down. His wolf soars, happily to submit to the other man.

‘’I healed you!’’ Hoseok somehow manages to mewl, breath hitched and tears welling up in
his eyes. It was so embarrassing, Hoseok threw away any pride left, he did not want to be
killed by this crazed maniac.

It seemed to work though, his words reached the other who looked like he was raging an
internal war within him. The blade was pulled back at a leisurely speed but he was still very
much straddling the omega and using his weight to hold him down. Hoseok’s heart jumped
into his throat, shudders coursing down his spine as he willed himself not to move.

‘’How do you feel?’’ Hoseok found himself asking without much thought, which seemed to
catch the man off guard who frowned at him. His thin brows furrowed, and those pink lips
jutted out like he was seizing the omega up to lurch at him if he dared move a muscle.

‘’I-’’ the man visibly struggles to find words to reply to that and Hoseok holds his tongue. He
looks like an alarmed kitten, Hoseok thinks.

The ninja groans, letting Hoseok go as he tries to rise to his feet but falls over at the sudden
movement. He loses his footing, eyes fluttering shut for a moment letting out a deep groan of
pain. He grabs onto the nearest object, throwing down the books from the shelf as he grips it
for balance.

‘’You’re still recovering, take it easy. ‘’ Hoseok tells him, trying to reach out to help but the
man glares at him, swatting his hand away dismissively.

‘’I am not weak. I do not need help from the likes of you.’’ His voice is venomous, laced with
a profound hatred that shakes Hoseok to his core.
Hoseok clicks his tongue annoyed, he has an urge to slap the man across his face. He was
way cuter when he was knocked out cold and not speaking.

‘’Listen here, asshole, your ki is blocked. You have no strength left in you to even stand.’’
Hoseok informs the other, his eyes have sunken in, and the bandages turned red as the
moving around re-opened the healing wounds. His face sweats as his skin turns gray,
squinting his eyes as he stares down the omega. He almost doesn't look like he believes the
word coming out from Hoseok’s mouth, brain-racking through it again.

He scowls, ‘’What? Undo it, now!’’ The man seethes at him, knees giving out and he slides
against the wall, gripping his wound tightly.

Hoseok gently tries to approach and gets hissed at so he stands back watching the man
continue to bleed out on his carpet. ‘’I don't know how… I could only have free pathways for
so long until I got too tired.’’ The omega tells him, and the man scoffs.

‘’Useless omega.’’

Every single nerve in Hoseok's body takes a critical hit and clenches both his fists. Anger
flares up in his system. ‘’Excuse me? If I hadn't saved your sorry ass, you’d be dead!’’ He
yells, not holding back the vexation that boils in him.

The man is silent and Hoseok rolls his eyes, ‘'I should have just let you bleed out. Less of a
headache.’’ The omega sighs, grabbing his shoulder and pulling him to lie down. ‘’Stay still
or else.’’ Hoseok threatened, harshly tugging at his arm.

‘’I don't take orders from a prissy omega.’’ The man coughs, blood dripping from his mouth.

Hoseok’s eye twitches and he is this close to relinquishing the small wish he has to aid the

He lets out a deep exhale, ‘’This prissy omega is the only thing holding you from imminent
death. So, shut it if you want my help.’’

That makes the man quiet as he concedes.

A silence falls upon them as Hoseok makes quick work of sealing his wounds. Hoseok tries
not to glare back at the man who looks at him, who supports a sullen look. He tries not to
think about how infuriating this man is, and how much he wants to smack him, instead he
thinks of his parents. How they always told him to help others and instilled those values in

Finally, after a few minutes pass, Hoseok sees that the wound has closed again. He wipes the
sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand.

‘’There, and lay still. Do not move around too much or else I ain't patching your sorry ass up
a third time.’’ Hoseok grunts, exhausted.

The man is opting to say nothing, just laying back still. He doesn't meet Hoseok’s eye.
Hoseok gets up and disappears into the kitchen. He is gone for a while and returns with a
bowl of steaming porridge.

‘’You must be hungry. Here, it has medicine in it. Drink it, all of it if you want your strength

The man only glares at him, apprehensive even after Hoseok healed him, showing that he
was no threat. If he truly wanted he could've had the man arrested or worse. The omega lets
out a frustrated sigh. ‘’Or don't. Starve for all I care!’’ He places the bowl down next to the
man and leaves to head to his bed. He was not killing his spine sleeping on the floor next to
that asshat a moment longer.

When morning comes, Hoseok has a sour taste in his mouth.

He gets ready in the bath and exits feeling refreshed. As he steps out and notices the man
occupying his living space, he immediately feels like shit again. It dampens his mood and he
rolls his neck, ready to argue but he stops in his tracks as he sees something shocking.

The bowl he placed next to the man was empty.

Hoseok steps into the room, the man’s alert red eyes trained on him.

He looks like he has gotten a good night's rest, the medicine has worked. It was used for
unruly patients with hysteria to help them calm down. A sedative of sorts.

He looks up at Hoseok, his face has melted into a more neutral look. The anger from
yesterday subsided, and hopefully his attitude as well.

‘’You saved me, why?’’ He asks.

Hoseok decides to give him an earnest answer. ‘’I won’t let anyone die on me unless I've
done absolutely everything in my power to help.’’

‘’Even your worst enemies?’’

There's a brief moment of silence that passes before Hoseok gives the other man an
unwavering glace. ‘’I won't let anyone die if I can help it.’’

The answer seems to be enough for the man who returns his gaze back at the roof.

After Hoseok makes himself something to eat, he takes a seat next to him.

‘’What are you doing?’’ His voice is gruff, not violent, just on edge. He tries to get up but
Hoseok pushes him down gently.
‘’Now lay down. I am trying to free more of your ki pathways.’’ He answers, taking in a long
and deep inhale preparing himself as the man gives him an unreadable look.

Hoseok can see those crimson orbs clear in the sunlight. It was still undeniably beautiful, and
the only kind the omega had ever seen. The man looks at him, distraught clouds his face, and
Hoseok feels a pang of sadness hit him. He looks almost terrified, he could easily overpower
the omega like he had done last night.

‘’Trust me?’’ Hoseok utters softly, his gaze softened momentarily, giving the other man a
sincere smile. It must be uncomfortable, being forced into a stranger's care and at their mercy.

The man relaxes himself, lying back down without much of a fight. His normal leer melted
into something else entirely. It should not make Hoseok’s heart do a silly flip that he listened,
but it did. Those red eyes had mystical powers of some kind, making it hard to tear his eyes
away and focus on the task at hand. Hoseok chooses to close his eyes, stilling himself as he
channels more of ki.

It is as exhausting as ever, wearing him out. But, the more Hoseok tries, the slightly easier it
becomes with more practice. His ki flows through the other man’s like water, pouring in like
a cup of tea down one’s throat. It glides, healing to the touch. Hoseok feels the other man’s
body melting underneath him, the tension arising from his muscles.

Hoseok almost loses himself, falling over as his eyes flutter shut.

A strong pair of hands grab hold of him. ‘’Hey. Take it easy.’’ A low voice tells him, and,
huh. Hoseok had not noticed just how deep the man’s voice was when he wasn't insulting and
yelling at the omega. Like smooth butter, almost melodic to the ears.

The omega swats the man’s hands away quickly, ignoring the subtle need to have those large
hands roam all over him. ‘’Which one of us is bed-ridden here?’’ Hoseok says, brushing his
lavender hair out from his face.

The man seemed almost offended.

‘’I can take care of myself.’’

Hoseok snickers dryly, ‘’Right. You won't get a step outside this hut before collapsing. And
you won't make it into the border without being tracked down and hunted.’’

That makes him evaluate his options as he quietly lays back down in the makeshift bed.

Hoseok lets his eyes shut in a brief moment of exhaustion. The omega’s body is drained, his
ragged breathing trying to even itself out. An ache he is familiar with teething at his bones,
and Hoseok winces, even if it had become somewhat familiar to him it still hurts.

The omega feels a pair of red eyes on him and he cannot concentrate on relaxing, suddenly
all too hyper-aware of his surroundings.

‘’What?’’ Hoseok stares down at the man who looks at him. There is something heavy on his
tongue but his mouth is drawn into a thin line. Hoseok raises a brow at him before standing
up, ignoring the man, and hears his bed calling for him.

‘’Thank you.’’

Hoseok whips his head around like he has just heard something utterly outrageous. He stares
dumbfounded back at him confused, letting it sink in that the man just thanked him.

‘’You're welcome, ‘’ the omega replies before turning back and heading to sleep with easy
and light steps. A small, tiny smile tugged at his lips.

The medicine had definitely worked wonders.

Hoseok awakes the next morning with less of an acidic taste in his mouth, and a mood
moderately pleasant.

He is currently busy changing the man's bandages, the ninja had insisted on doing this
himself but after watching him struggle for a few minutes the omega helped him. Hoseok’s
eyes scan the man’s face, his attitude has mellowed out and his outburst of fire has dimmed.
An air of tranquility had taken over the man, with no sign of any true emotion to be seen. It
was creepy at first, blank red eyes following the omega around, glued to his every move until
Hoseok had to leave the room to breathe.

It wasn't until Hoseok had gotten over his rudeness the other night that the omega realized he
didn't know his name. Hoseok has been referring to him as ‘ninja’ or ‘spy’ and even ‘asshole’
all this time and he refuses to call him alpha. Over his dead body would he ever.

‘’What is your name by the way?’’ The omega asks casually, breaking the loud silence that
has occurred between them. Hoseok looks up at the other man through the lavender curtain of
his hair. The man stares blankly at him and is sitting upwards, leaning his weight on his
forearms. The man's long, midnight strands had been tied back loosely into a low ponytail,
and Hoseok had a perfect view of his face, down to his moderately exposed abdomen.

Hoseok’s teeth sank into the meat of his bottom lip, he had to be hot underneath his vest as
well. His build was impressive, to say the least, his muscles bulged out of his torn shirt, and
Hoseok had half a thought to lend him something else to cover up with.

Yet, he hadn't.

Pale eyes roamed over those thick biceps, drooling a tad at how the muscles flexed, the long
blue-purplish veins that ran down to those ridicule rough paws of his. His fingers were thick,
long, and bony. It stirred something deep within Hoseok, and the omega had been
embarrassed to admit that he had dreams of them. How the tight grip around his wrist felt,
how the thick digits dug into his skin, leaving behind dark marks.

The man had a broad chest and delicious pectoral muscles that the omega shamelessly ogled
at. His frame seemed lean underneath the vest, yet the moment it was off, Hoseok understood
the term ‘sleeper build’. In contrast to Namjoon who was a muscle-riddled giant with an aura
that screamed masculine. His strength is unmatched and visible from a mile away.
However, this man was a mystery to be unwrapped. Everything about him seemed so
contradicting. How was he smaller in height compared to the omega, yet so big at the same
time? His aura was imposing, striking fear into Hoseok’s core, coiling his insides. His eyes
alone were hypotonic, a maze that left Hoseok dazed and astray.

How could he easily pin the omega down, while bleeding out at the same time?

The man’s stomach was rock hard, yet soft to the touch littered with scars. An ugly, deep,
scarred surface that told many painful stories. Some scars had gone long without being
attended to with care and attention causing them not to fade away properly. Left were nasty
craters like chunks of his skin bitten off. The omega's stomach churns at imagining the agony
of how they were inflicted upon him.

‘’...Agust.’’ The man, now known as Agust, tells him.

‘’Well, nice to meet you Agust. I’m Hoseok or Hobi.’’

Agust moves his mouth slowly, ‘’Ho-be?’’

Hoseok bites back a grin, ‘’Ho-bi. Yeah, it's a nickname, but only friends can call me that.’’

Agust quietly murmurs something faint, rolling the omegas nickname on his tongue, feeling
it out. ‘’Hobi, hoba, hob-ah…’’

Hoseok lets out an exhale through his nostrils, finishing up the bandaging.
‘’The good thing is that your injuries have healed a bit. No infections or inflammation to see,
but the bad thing is your ki…’’

Agust gives him a hard stare, ‘’I sense it, something blocking it.’’

Hoseok runs a hand through his hair, gnawing on his lip nervously. Those damn eyes, the
omega thinks.

‘’I can try to unblock it but it's draining. I am not too familiar but my Sire taught me well
enough that I can do something at least.’’

Agust eyes flicker down to his lips for a brief moment before the alpha looks away.

Hoseok stutters, ‘’B-but… It's gonna take some time before you get it all back.’’

The alpha flops back onto the floor, ‘’Great. I'm stuck here.’’
‘’Jeez, don't sound too excited now, asshole,’’ Hoseok says, rolling his eyes. The tension that
had risen, died back down quickly as it came.

The omega gets up and stretches his limbs, he had been too preoccupied with the alpha and
dismissed all of his other responsibilities. His garden hadn't been tended to in a few days, and
his herbs needed harvesting.

The omega pokes Agust in his side with his toe, the one not bandaged up. ‘’If you don't
wanna sit around, you can get up and help me.’’

Agust rolls to lay flat on his back, glancing up at the omega. ‘’With what?’’ His tone is lazy
like he would rather do anything else than help.

‘’My herbs, and plants need watering. A simple task that isn't gonna have you bleeding out,’’
the omega tells him, hands on his hips. ‘’I've been neglecting my babies because of you!’’
Hoseok purses his lips like a petulant child. ‘’That is the last thing you can do to repay me
back for saving you.’’

Agust groans, eyes narrowing dangerously. ‘’I didn't ask you to save me.’’

‘’No, you didn't but you still bleed out in my garden and house thus became my

The alpha doesn't seem to find any rebuttal to that statement and concedes once more. He
gets up slowly and heads to where the omega points with a smugness that the alpha glares at.
‘’The watering can is by the veranda.’’

Much to the omega's surprise, the alpha listens well and does his task without much

Hoseok catches a glance every now and then while preparing them a hardy meal. His eyes
drift towards the man’s torso which is bare, the remnants of his shirt discarded. Sweat and
water droplets drip from his naked body, sliding down his defined muscles that shine under
the heat of the sun. Hoseok knows that the warmth from the stove isn't the only thing making
him hot, heart pounding in his chest as he licks lips.

After the alpha finishes up, Hoseok looks away as he hands him a folded stack of fresh
clothing and a towel. ‘’Wash up, dinner is ready. Careful of the bandages.’’

Agust gives him a look hard to decipher, nodding in gratitude as he heads for the bathroom.
Hoseok feels like he can breathe again, letting out a deep exhale, and slapping his redding

When the alpha comes back from his shower he is all dewy and steamy. His cheeks striking a
resemblance to fresh dumplings, too cute and perfectly rounded. His wet hair is swept back
from his face and frames his glowing features in a captivating light. A pink flush paints his
cheeks, the tip of his nose, and pouty lips. Stray droplets travel down his neck, down to his
collarbones that peak through the low-cut shirt Hoseok purposely had lent him.
The table is set with an array of delicious food; warm rice with roasted vegetables and juicy
meat grilled to perfection.

Agust takes a seat and picks up the chopsticks. He takes a moment to clasp his hands
together, making a silent prayer before he begins to eat. Hoseok watches him, again
reminiscing about how his father would do the same before any meal.

They eat in silence, Hoseok finding it less uncomfortable as time passes. He cannot stop his
eyes from drifting towards the alpha and musing. It reaches a point where Agust stares at
him, with a blank expression with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

‘’What?’’ He says, taking a piece of the meat and layering it with a chunk of rice.

Hoseok fights back a smile. ‘’Oh, nothing… It’s just that you look kinda odd in my clothes.’’
The omega confesses he sees how the shirt struggles to fit the alpha's stature. Hugging him in
weird places and sitting tight across the large expanses of his muscles.

The alpha frowns, ‘’They're too small. That's why.’’

Hoseok hums, ‘’You're surprisingly broader than me. Even if you're shorter.’’

‘’Hey! I am not that short. Plus you're too thin.‘’ Agust rebuts, the comment seems to hit a
nerve and Hoseok is shocked there's a flash of emotion peaking through the guarded man.

‘’I work out daily, and I eat almost three meals a day.’’ Hoseok feels like he needs to defend
himself, he wasn't that thin, right? He knew he would often forget to eat, but the omega
wasn't a stick figure by any means. His thighs were quite the size and while his ass could use
a bit more squats, he for sure wasn't a plank.

Wait, why was he suddenly so insecure, too worried about whatever the alpha thought of

Agust hands him a piece of meat from his plate. ‘’You need it more than me, omega.’’

Normally, Hoseok hates to be referred to by his sub-gender, he finds it primitive and

disregarding in most instances. Yet, the way Agust says it makes his stomach twist, not in a
bad way but in a way that has his toes curling and heat rushing to his skin.

Hoseok accepts the piece of meat, all the arguing he has left in him dies down on his tongue.
A hue of pliant embarrassment flushes over him, his shoulders dropping and he refuses to
meet the alpha's eyes who seem full of himself, smirking at him in triumph.

After the food is long gone, the dishes soaking the soap water in the sink, Hoseok has Agust
lying still.

‘’Take your shirt off,’’ the omega says.

Agust raises an eyebrow, ‘’Tryna get me out of your clothes, already?’’ Something playful
dances between his words and Hoseok itches to smack his arm, blushing.
‘’Skin-to-skin contact is better for healing. Asshole.’’ Hoseok says promptly, but there's no
real bite behind his tone.

Hoseok closes his eyes after the alpha slowly pulls his shirt off and focuses on channeling his
ki. He ignored the molten heat pouring into his veins, he knew that a very attractive half-
naked man was staring intensely at him behind his eyelids. He searches to reach his inner
core, letting out slow exhales as he tries to guide it. His palms are sprawled across the man's
stomach, gently adding pressure, making sure to stray from the wound.

It turns out to be a much easier task the more he does it, feeling himself flow naturally to free
Agust’s pathways. He can sense that the darkness within the alpha has been clouded, he
doesn't know if that is bad or good. There's a prickling sensation that tingles his joints,
traveling through Hoseok’s body. It stings but he knows something is happening, more of his
ki has started flowing into Agust.

Agust himself is quiet, but his body shudders at times, limbs jolting like electricity surges
through his veins. He had much impressive control over his own body, Hoseok notices.

Some time passes before Hoseok sees tiny dots of white in his vision, his body turning into a
sluggish mush. His labored breathing makes his chest tighten, the omega has to fall back onto
his behind. His chest heaves, engulfing more air as small tremors crack down onto his body.
On the positive side of things, the omega is getting a hang of channeling more of his ki but at
the same time, his own ki is treading a dangerous line of becoming tapped out.

He wonders what will happen if his ki drains continuously, dropping to zero. Would he ever
recover from it?

Hoseok feels a hand gently place itself on his arm, ‘’You okay?’’ Agust asks him, a
concerned furrow in his eyebrows.

The omega shakes, lips stretching into a tired smile. ‘’I’m fine, just need a moment.’’

As the omega regains his breath, he watches how Agust still hasn't covered up his shirt.
Hoseok blushes and tears his eyes off his broad exposed chest but his eyes linger a beat
longer on the scars.

‘’I could heal them for you, the scars,’’ Hoseok says, feeling like it wouldn't hurt to offer.

‘’Don't bother, they're…. Battle scars. Reminders of what has been lost.’’ Agust tells him
quietly, and a cloud of somber dread hangs above him. His jaw tightens, and his red eyes
stare into the empty space between them. Hoseok feels bad for even asking but is surprised
that Agust even bothered to answer when he had no obligation to do so. The alpha had opted
to show a vulnerable, raw side of him. A side that Hoseok wasn't sure what to do with.

The omega gets up slowly, knees wobbling but he still manages to stand upright.

‘’Okay.’’ He says softly, wanting to bury himself in his bed and regret even asking in the first
place. The omega stops by the edge of the room, eyes drifting towards Agust who has laid
down facing the wall.
‘’Uhm, Agust?’’ Hoseok calls for him, shifting his weight around nervously. His fingers
clenches at the seams of his shirt, playing with the threads aimlessly. Hoseok doesn't know
why the air feels so stuffy, why it has now become that much harder to breathe.

‘’What?’’ Agust gruffs.

The omega contemplates for a second, a million thoughts running in his head. He lets out a
shaky breath, hating how his own voice feels so small. ‘’Good night,’’ Hoseok says faintly.
Quick on his heels, turning before he can give the alpha a chance to reply.


The omega hears, barely above an octave, almost said tenderly.

But that couldn't be the case, right?

Hoseok shook his head and hurried back into the comfort of his bed where he desperately
tuned out the rapid speed of his beating heart.

Hoseok wakes up the next morning in a pool of sweat, slick, and drool. Everything feels hazy
and blurry. He tries to rub the sleep away, mustering enough strength to pull himself up but
whines when he only flops back down. His limbs are sore, down to his bones. If different
from the past few days, it was more visceral, having a grip around him that rendered the
omega immobile. Hoseok can feel the heat radiating from his body, his blanket trapping him
in a hot cocoon of his potent scent.

Fuck, his scent lingers heavy in the air. Hoseok sniffs around wincing at how the vanilla and
citrus infiltrate all his senses pouring from his swollen scent glands. This had to be his
preheat sneaking up on him, yet the omega was usually good at keeping track of it regularly.
Why had it come this early, and at such an unfortunate time?

The omega rolls around, every position just makes him uncomfortable.

Had Agust’s presence in his space sped his heat? It wasn't unheard of that being exposed to a
steady flow of alpha pheromones could have an effect on unmated omegas over time.

But Hoseok swears he hadn’t smelled any scent coming from the alpha these past days at all.

Pheromones weren't a day-to-day issue. They only heightened turning potent when an omega
was nearing heat or an alpha was close to breaking into a full-blown rut. Betas were partially
immune, nullifying the pheromones, and thus were not affected.
Whenever Hoseok reached the height of a heat he would spend it in his hut alone, bearing the
brunt of it until it passed a few days later. He had never spent it with another, let alone an
alpha. Which makes things now very much complicated as Agust was in his vicinity. His
wolf was practically begging for him to come take his pain away.

Hoseok feels a gush of slick leak between his legs, his thighs quivering as the wetness drips
down at a snail's pace. Time feels like a foreign concept, the only thing that Hoseok can
comprehend being the unbearable ache blooming within him. He feels so weak, burying his
face into his pillow and biting down to hinder himself from letting out the low moans
bubbling in the back of his throat. His body curls in on itself, and the omega shudders.

He doesn't notice the gentle knocking or the steps of someone entering his bedroom.


Hoseok clenches his legs tightly at the low register of the voice, going dizzy.

‘’Leave,’’ the omega blurted out trying to sound coherent.

Yet Agust doesn't budge, standing grounded by the edge of his bed.

As the alpha stands this close he has a front-row view of the omega’s deep distress. Suddenly,
those pheromones Hoseok couldn’t smell before seeping in. Hoseok’s heat-riddled mind is
finally able to get a clear whiff of them;

Cedarwood and honey.

Fitting for the alpha who was both calm and sickly sugary in the omega’s eyes.

‘’Are you in heat?’’ The alpha asks.

Hoseok peaks his head through his thick wool blankets, eyes glossed over. ‘’Preheat.’’

The omega just made a grave mistake as he soaked up the sight of the alpha. A worried
expression etched on his face, lips parted unsure of how to respond. He probably had little
experience in situations like this, not familiar with how to deal with omegas in general,
guessing by his seemingly brute nature. Agust looked like he didn't know what to do with
himself, unsure if he should approach or stay as far away as possible. It was comical, Hoseok
would laugh if he wasn't in prickling pain.

‘’Fetch me my suppressants, they’re in the cabinet in the bathroom,’’ Hoseok tells him with

The alpha listens, and in the blink of an eye, he disappears from Hoseok’s sight and returns
with the correct bottle of pills. He crouches down on his knee, eye-level with the omega, and
hands the bottle over. Once their fingers brush against each other, Hoseok feels a wave of
cold water pour down his back. He suppresses a low purr, mortifying embarrassment he
would never live with if he let out in front of the alpha.

Hoseok takes a few pills, throws them in his mouth, and swallows harshly. The suppressants
can take up to an hour before fully having the full effect, and omegas are encouraged to use
other means to alleviate the pain in the meantime.

‘’Thank you.’’ Hoseok breathes, ‘’They take a while to work, but they’re efficient.’’

Agust seemed relieved, but sympathetic towards the evident pain the omega is in.

’’Sorry,’’ he says, and Hoseok stares at him with a look of bewilderment.

‘’Why are you sorry? You can't control it if anything just stay.’’

Hoseok felt his face ablaze, a pretty red blush dusting his cheeks. A part of him wanted the
alpha to get out, but his wolf had other plans. The longer the alpha stayed with him, the more
dizzy his head became, on the brink of gagging for the knot he knew was forming under the
man’s loose pants. He fought the urge to pull the alpha close and bury his face in the other
man’s neck. It was gross how badly the omega wanted to bathe in the alpha’s pheromones
until the only thing he knew was the strong scent.

Agust opens and closes his mouth at the request to stay, like a fish out of the water
completely stunned.

Hoseok let the blankets fall off his body, and pool around his waist. The omega had forgotten
that he usually slept in an oversized shirt, which now hung low on his torso. Defined
collarbones along with his flushed chest on display, and his skin glistened with a sheen of
sweat. Peaking through the thin material was also a glimpse of his nipples.

Warmth spread across the alpha’s face, and his gaze shifted. The alpha quietly took a seat
down on the ground, fixating his eyes on anything other than the omega. Hoseok didn't know
why that irked him, he wanted the alpha's eyes purely on him. A sudden possessiveness
formed in his stomach, and the omega let out a growl.

That startled the alpha who snapped his head in Hoseok’s direction, which pleased the

‘’Can you scent me, please?’’ Hoseok husked, voice sultry sweet, climbing towards the alpha
like a predator would his prey.

The alpha hesitated for a brief moment, looking down at his lap. Hoseok pursed his lips,
annoyed, more of his pheromones releasing, urging the alpha on.

Once the alpha lifted his head, Hoseok saw just how much of an effect he had. His pupils
dilated, and the intense red expanded taking over. The omega pushed his top lip with the tip
of his tongue, wetting the surface as he gave the alpha a hungry stare.

‘’Okay,’’ Agust whispered, standing up to finally take a seat on the bed.

Hoseok scooted aside, giving the alpha room, and moved closer to the alpha who stiffened.
‘’Relax. I’m not gonna bite you.’’ The omega teased, and the reaction the alpha gave made
Hoseok want to push his buttons further.

Agust leans into him, and the omega registers just how large the other man is. His broad
shoulders engulf his whole body, gently pushing him to lie down on the bed. He tenderly,
shaking fingertips brushes Hoseok’s hair away, exposing his neck. Hoseok can taste the
tension that rises as Agust melts against the warm skin, lips ghosting across the swollen
gland. Hoseok shudders, lips tightly pressed close, trapping the rumbling purring in his chest.
The alpha is so close, oozing pheromones that make the omega salivate.

Once Agust begins to scent him, the omega keens. His waterline runs wet as tears swell,
vision becoming blurry. His arms enclose around the alpha's wide shoulders, fingers digging
into the man’s muscles. More of the succulent pheromones completely wash over Hoseok
who inhales deeply. Everything feels so right, so good that Hoseok lets himself slip.

Going scent drunk could have omegas dropping into a dangerous head-space, and make alpha
thread the edge of turning feral.

Agust pulls back from the omega’s slender neck, hovering above him, the distance so close
yet so far. Their faces mirror an equal look of pure desire, lips barely a few millimeters away.
Hoseok can taste him on his tongue, their heated breaths mingling.
There's a pregnant pause between the two, staring longingly into each other's eyes, a heavy
dizziness arisen.
Hoseok then feels the alpha pull away, a tormented expression on his face. His teeth have
elongated, sharp canine flashing meaning the alpha’s body was tapping into his animalistic

‘’We aren't supposed to mate with omegas. We can't… it's forbidden. I'd be breaking a sacred
vow.’’ Agust tells him, voice utterly broken. His body trembles, trying not to give in.

But temptations were unbearable.

The omega was unbearable in his insatiable lust, a pretty blush blooming on his high-cheek
bones. Pale doe eyes shimmering with tears looking like an unreal dream, like the goddess of
beauty took deliberate care in crafting the delicate man. His lips were wet with the shine of
his drool, plump, and curved into a pretty frown. A mole resting on his cupid bow that the
alpha wanted to taste desperately. The omega was an ethereal blessing, too beautiful for the
alpha to ravish. Long lavender strands, and silky soft framed his elegant features. He wanted
to rake his blunt nails through the omega’s hair and pull on it until the other helplessly
begged for him to stop.

The alpha could not, he was not allowed the pleasures of life. He had sworn an oath to his
goddess, his life did not belong to solemnly himself. He had other responsibilities, he had
gotten too astray from his mission. The omega was simply a temptation brought to test him.
He had to resist, prevail, to survive meant to sacrifice-

A frustrated cry breaks the silence.

‘’Please-, ‘’ Hoseok hiccups, tears trailing down his face, ‘’Alpha.’’ Hoseok begs, fluttering
his lashes.

A string snaps in half and the last of the resolve dissipates into thin air.

Just as the alpha is about to feast on the willing sweet-smelling omega, and sink his teeth into
the supple skin, they get interrupted by knocking on the door. The heated moment stops, and
Hoseok lets out a high-pitched whine.

‘’Stay, I’ll go answer,’’ Agust tells him in a hushed tone, dragging himself up reluctantly.

The omega swoons, wanting to be obedient and not upset by the alpha’s orders. But then
Hoseok remembers who Agust truly is, a known ninja and still a possible spy from another

Hoseok quickly stood up running as fast as he could muster. ‘’Wait!’’ He tries to yell after the
alpha who is already by the front door squaring up with none other than Namjoon.

Namjoon looks alarmed, his face twisted into a grimace riddled with confusion..

Oh, god, the omega thinks. They look like they just fooled around for hours, Hoseok’s hair a
messy, unkempt bird's nest. The clothing and skin glistened with sweat from the heat and to
top it off their pheromones interwoven and indistinguishable from one another.

‘’Who is this, Hobi?’’ Namjoon says, failing at keeping his usual calm composure, anger
flashing in his eyes.

Hoseok blinks and says the first thing that floods his mind. ‘’A fellow student of Sire Yul.’’

‘’Really?’’ Namjoon questions, not convinced in the slightest but he doesn't press the issue
further. Hoseok pulls on Yoongi’s arm and stands in front of him. He cannot have them lurch
at one another and go at it. He had to defuse the situation and be a peaceful mediator. ‘’So,
what’s up?’’ Hoseok asks, letting out a nervous laugh.

Namjoon has his arms crossed over his chest, standing tall and imposing. The obvious want
to come off as a threat to Agust who doesn't seem fazed in the slightest. ‘’I thought I'd check
up on you since it's close to your heat and all.’’ Namjoon looks at Hoseok with something
soft in his eyes.

This makes Agust raise an eyebrow, ‘’You keep track of my omega's heats?’’

Hoseok blushes purposely, the alpha's words rattling him to his core. His eyes widened, and
Namjoon scoffed unimpressed. ‘’Excuse me. Your omega?’’ The other alphas' voices have
grown venomously low and Hoseok can sense danger approaching.

‘’Ignore him!’’ Hoseok stutters, shoving the alpha further into the hut. ‘’Things have been a
bit hectic but everything is fine. I swear I’ll go back to my usual rounds soon.’’

The omega chooses to skip the heat talk, not finding him to bring it up when the two alphas
posturing on the verge of breaking into a fight.
Namjoon looks suspicious, leaning close to the omega who blinks. ‘’Hobi, are you okay?’’
His voice is concerned and Hoseok tilts his head feigning innocence. ‘’Yes, of course. Why
wouldn't I be?’’

The alpha glances at Agust who stares daggers at the two talking.

‘’I can't get a good read on that guy, something seems off about him.’’

Hoseok pats Namjoon’s shoulder ‘’Don't worry, Sire Yul would never send anyone bad
here.’’ Hoseok prays that his faked confidence is reassuring and that the alpha buys his spiel.

Namjoon sighs, choosing to entrust the omega. ‘’Right. Just be careful and if that alpha tries
anything let me know, okay?’’

Hoseok nods, ‘’I will. And thank you for checking up on me, Namu.’’ He smiles, flashing the
other man a bright heart-shaped smile that causes Namjoon’s heart to melt.

They say their goodbyes and Hoseok closes the door shut, turning towards Agust who looks
at him.

‘’Who is that ninja?’’ Agust has the audacity to question the omega accustory and Hoseok
feels like pulling out his hair.

‘’Someone who you don't mess with! Why would you say that I'm your omega!! You're not
keeping a low profile as an outsider.’’ Hoseok huffed, his heart pounding in his chest.

Agust clicked his tongue, ‘’Am I supposed to be nonchalant about an alpha who shows up to
your door unannounced and inquiries about and keeps track of your heats?!’’

The alpha raises his voice, almost infuriated and Hoseok shakes his head.

‘’That's none of your concern. Namu, uhm, Namjoon is my longest friend and an elite in the

Agust sneers, ‘’I can beat him easy.’’

Hoseok rolls his eyes at his confidence, ‘’No. Not with the state of your ki, you cannot.’’

Agust gives him a hard stare but keeps quiet.

‘’Just, do not answer the door anymore.’’

‘’Fine, I respect the rules of your home.’’ The alpha says, and Hoseok can relax again.

The suppressants have seemed to finally kick in, the heat in his stomach fizzling out. He
doesn't feel like a pile of wet sand, and his body slowly regains strength. His pheromones
gradually stop pouring from the scent glands.
‘’Ah, finally, I feel like myself again.’’ Hoseok sighs, rolling his sore shoulders, and

Agust looks disappointed, a pout on his lips. ‘’So you won't need me to scent you…’’.

Hoseok cannot help but burst into a fit of giggles, ‘’Well, scenting helps. Just a tiny bit
though. Honey and vanilla is a really comforting scent, so I don’t mind it that much.’’

A small smile blooms on the alpha's face, and Hoseok swears his heart skips a beat.

‘’Uhm, the garden needs tending to,’’ Hoseok blurts, running a hand through his hair
haphazardly. He doesn't feel confident enough to meet the alpha’s eyes.

‘’On it.’’

Later in the evening, Hoseok and Agust awkwardly share a meal the omega prepared.

The tension is thick and could be cut with a knife. Hoseok doesn't even look the other man
sitting opposite of him in the eye. Something had shifted drastically, their relationship stood
on a hill, almost tipping over into a sea of unknown.

Hoseok’s heat threatened to flare up if he looked into those red eyes for too long, and felt like
the alpha knew very well what kind of effect he had. Agust’s eyes were locked in on the
omega, and he hadn't torn his molten gaze away once during their dinner.

Hoseok’s stomach twists, his appetite lost and replaced with a hunger rice cannot satisfy. He
places the chopsticks down, ‘’I’ll clean up, just wait for me in the living room.’’

But, Agust doesn't budge.

‘’No. I’ll clean, and you wait for me in the bed, it’ll be more comfortable when you're done.’’

Hoseok's breath gets stuck in the back of his throat, the considerate and sweet tone makes the
omega swoon. He cannot deny the alpha and gets up quickly. His face beat red and he cursed
himself for visibly turning into a mess whenever the alpha showed any sign of kindness his

The omega has managed to take a quick shower and change into more suitable clothing when
the alpha knocks.

‘’Come in,’’ Hoseok says shyly and his heart aches as he sees the pruney fingertips and
rolled-up sleeves of the other man. The awfully domesticated sight makes Hoseok feel warm
all over.

Agust stops by the edge of the bed, clearly waiting for Hoseok to allow him to enter.

‘’Get in here, already,’’ the omega is almost driven mad, how was this alpha so polite and
The alpha lays down, moving around until his back is flat on the bed. His weight dipped into
the mattress, causing Hoseok to slide against him. The omega gently lifted his shirt to expose
the man’s lower abdomen. Hoseok knew if he stripped bare of his shirt, he would not be able
to resist the urge to jump his bones.

However, the angel was a bit off, the omega struggling on his knees sinking into the soft
mattress. The alpha, noticing how much Hoseok grappled with finding the right position,
simply brought his hands on each side of the omega’s hips.

‘’Just get on,'’ the alpha told the omega, velvety smooth.

Hoseok blushed, but listened, straddling the man’s lap. It resembled that night when the man
first woke up, but this time Hoseok was on top, and things were much less hostile.

The omega swallowed hard, this seemed very compromising. Hoseok’s ass planted on
Agust’s groin, only two thin layers between their sex. Hoseok braced himself, knees
clamping tightly around the alpha’s middle, sweaty palms resigning on top of his taut and
defined stomach.

‘’Okay,’’ the omega let out a shaky breath and began channeling his ki.

The pathways seemed to be halfway opened by now, still a bit to go yet Hoseok felt that they
made great progress.

Agust’s large palms gripped his hips tightly, slipping underneath the material of his shirt and
making contact with Hoseok’s soft skin. It was the same bruising grip from that night
replaying in the omega's head. Hoseok bit his lip, heat rising to his face as waves of raw
electricity coursed through his veins. Long, calloused fingers press into his skin, leaving
colorful marks behind as Hoseok channels more of his ki into the alpha.

Hoseok pants, chest tightening as the alpha presses him down onto his body. He bites back a
needy moan, Agust's heavy breathing echoing in the room, heating up the space between
them. His eyes are shut, a deep frown on his face, the alpha's bottom lip trapped between his
surprisingly small and cute teeth. Hoseok’s back arches slightly, he can feel himself grow
damp embarrassingly fast, slick leaking. He wants to curl into a ball and be dropped into a
hole. This was not happening, Hoseok winced, a steady flow of slick leaking.

The alpha isn't holding up much better, and Hoseok gasps when the hard length of his dick
twitches underneath him. He feels it too, at least the omegas weren't alone in his obvious
lustful desire that makes every move between ripple into a pleasure. Hoseok feels the alpha’s
fingers making soothing circles on his sharp hip bones, stroking the bruised skin in an
attempt to apologize for his previous vice grip. Hoseok ignores it or tries to focus on
channeling his ki. The loud beating of his heart is deafening, adrenaline surging in his veins.
Waves of fire have the omega shivering, letting out low groans as he feels his body withering.

A spring coils tightly in the pit of Hoseok's stomach as his ki flows nonstop, the alpha lets out
a shuddering moan, head thrashing back. Hoseok slowly opens his eyes, breath hitched
watching how the alpha's long midnight hair halo around his head. He resembles an angel in
the omega eyes, who feels a molten fire pool in his limbs.
He quickly jolts off the alpha, and Agust lets him go like he has been burnt.

‘’That's enough for today,’’ Hoseok breathes, chest heaving as he tries to cover his soiled
pants, blush burning his face.

The alpha nods, a visible wet patch on his pants. The crimson orbs flutter dumbly, long dark
lashes cast an array of butterfly shadows across his cheeks. It takes a second for the alpha to
gather himself but he gets up slowly to exit the room after bidding the omega a good night.

Hoseok sinks into the bed, body buzzing, the heat between his thighs pulsing and aching.
‘’Fuck,’’ the omega whines, slipping his thin fingers underneath the waistband of his pants
with only thoughts of the alpha running in his mind.

The height of Hoseok’s heat arrives much faster than expected, the suppressant seeming to
have zero effect after the omega devoured half the bottle.

It has gotten progressively worse into the night, the heat of molten arousal cracking down
onto his trembling body.

Hoseok sobs into the pillow, fingers crooked into his wetness, pumping in and out. Slick
drips down his hand, pussy walls clamping down onto his digits. It is not nearly enough, all
he can think of are large pale hands, long thick fingers that could stretch him wide. He curses,
whining pitifully.

The hut was relatively small, thin walls between each room meaning that all the time the
omega spent crying out in pure frustration traveled to the living room where Agust was.

Hoseok smells him before the alpha knocks, ‘’Omega?’’ His voice is low like he can feel
Hoseok's frantic desire to be filled to the brim, to choke on a fat knot.

Hoseok can hear the claws dragging down the door, ‘’Can I help?’’ Augst pleads.
‘’No, go away. You can’t-’’ Hoseok cried out. His wolf is angered and roaring at him, ‘Stop!
We need our alpha’s knot.’ Hoseok hates how much he agrees with that sentiment.

Agust’s low whine gets stuck in the back of his throat, ‘’Please. I cannot stand to see you in

Hoseok bites his lips, the words cut through his defiance and open room for his desire to leak

‘’It hurts, omega.’’

And Hoseok caves embarrassingly fast, ‘’Come in.’’

The alpha enters and Hoseok has his back turned against him, trembling. He approaches with
slow steps, his pheromones thick, and Hoseok wants him badly in him, on him, around him.


This time, he doesn't ask for permission and takes a seat on the bed. ‘’I wanna help,’’ his
voice dripped with a raw desire, the kind that ran unashamedly deep.

But, Hoseok can’t help but be a little mean. ‘’Oh, you want to even though you can’t?’’ The
omega fails to mask the hurt in his voice, the words the alpha said earlier still heavy on his


‘’You wanna help me by giving me your knot?’’ Hoseok eggs on, finding grave pleasure from
the utter sound of desperation from the alpha's short replies.

He nods, ‘’Yes. If Omega wants.’’

A satisfied smile blooms on the omega’s face, he finally turns around and his gaze locks with
alpha’s. He beckons the alpha with his fingers, a sly smile playing on his lips when Agust
moves towards him with uncoordinated and hurried movements.

‘’Pretty alpha, you want a taste?’’

Hoseok presses his wet fingers against Agust lips, coated with his slick juices from his
previous naughty deeds.

The alpha parts his lips and darting his tongue out, licking Hoseok’s fingers with slow
strokes. His eyes flutter shut, a groan escapes him as the euphoric taste dances in his mouth.

Hoseok watches in awe, the hungry beast slurping on his fingers.

The alpha needs more.

''Agust," Hoseok breathes once the alpha infiltrates his space. He pushed the omega down
until Hoseok was flat on the bed, tugging down his pants

"Yoongi." The alpha says breathless.

Hoseok narrowed his eyes confused, "What?"

"My name, I want omega to say my name."

The alpha had told him a code name this whole time. Hoseok looks down, red eyes staring
back at him hopeful.

"Yoongi," the omega says softly.

And the alpha, now known as Yoongi, is delighted. He presses wet kisses on Hoseok’s lower
abdomen, licking a fat stripe across Hoseok’s naval. His fingers successfully pull down
Hoseok’s pants exposing his glistening pussy.

Yoongi mouth waters at the sight of the folds, all smooth and delectable. It is fleshy pink
when he parts the outer lips, dick twitching in the confines of his pants. He is quick to sink
his face into the heat, inhaling the omega's scent, delving the tongue in.

Hoseok's eyes fly open moving unashamedly loud, feeling a more slick gush from his leaking
pussy. Arousal burns in him, the ache is so profound that he instinctively closes his legs
around Yoongi’s neck, ankles crossed.

The alpha couldn't be happier, lapping up the delicious wetness with broad strokes of an
unfairly skilled tongue. He hums, fingers wrapping around the meat of Hoseok’s supple
thighs. Hoseok arches his back as he feels the alpha plunge his tongue inside of him to get a
better taste. Yoongi eats up anything the omega gives him, a new rooted hunger overtaking
him. The omega's potent slick coats his mouth in a saccharine fluid that glides down his
throat with ease. The wet squelching sounds are depraved and obscene, burning Hoseok’s
ears as he finds himself engrossed in a delirious high he never wants to come down from.

His eyes are screwed shut, mouth permanently wide in a silent wanton cry, his thighs
quivering violently once Yoongi turns his attention to his clit.

He flicks it with his tounge, assaulting the engorged bud with quick teasing strokes causing
the omega to see stars in his vision.

The onslaught of Yoongi’s pretty mouth on his cunt makes Hoseok lose his mind, withering
on the bed while a fresh set of tears begin to stream down his heated cheeks. His fingers pull
on the alpha's long locks, urging him to not stop as the omega grinds his hips faster.
Yoongi lets out a pleased sound, wanting the omega to reach his peak before they continue.

It doesn't take too long until that familiar pool of fire coils in Hoseok’s core. Rippling
shockwaves erupt within him, the omega's heated body turning tense as his back arches off
the bed in a wanton cry. His heart feels full, euphoria within an arm's length as he falls head
first into a sea of pleasure. Time slows as Hoseok ragged breathing fills the room as the
omega comes down from the orgasm.

Yoongi takes the brunt of it all, happily feasting on the omega’s come, playing with his
juices. Hoseok's hips jerks, his limbs going limp as he whines at the overstimulation.

A string of broken staccato sobs pouring from his mouth. The omega feels his legs turn into
jelly, and his strength alleviates from his body. Hoseok searches for his breath, slow exhales
making his chest rise and fall while Yoongi uses a show of strength to easily push Hoseok's
shaking thighs apart, uncrossing them from around his neck.

Hoseok groans, saddened yet letting the alpha do with him as the man pleases. Yoongi
spreads the omegas legs as far as they can go, pulling back for a moment to let his breath
catch up to him.

The omega dares to crack his eyes open and see the debauchery. Yoongi’s face was dripping
with his slick, completely soaked and the alpha was desperately licking his lips to taste the
remnants. Hard, labored breathing makes his chest rise and fall, his eyes glowing a dark
shade of red.

The omega has drool and spit adoring the corners of his mouth, and Yoongi leans close to lap
it up. Hoseok scrunched his nose, feeling the stickiness from his slick transfer to him but
Yoongi’s sweet kitten licks melts away any form of disgust. The alpha proceeds to plant
many wet kisses down Hoseok’s neck, and jaw. Sucking harshly on the taut skin of the
omega's defined jawline.

Hoseok squeezed his eyes shut, shuddering moans coming from his mouth as he gripped
Yoongi’s shoulders. The alpha then cupped his cheeks, grasping his chin tilting it upwards to
meet his lips in a slow sensual kiss. Hoseok pants into the open mouth kisses the alpha gives
him, letting out a mewl once the same tongue that made him come hard wraps around his.
Yoongi kisses are passionate, lazy yet determined to uncover every inch of his mouth.
Distracted, Hoseok doesn't register that the alpha's fingers have traveled down south. Yoongi
grins into the kiss once Hoseok gasps feeling nimble finger prod at his vulva. The alpha lets
his thick and long fingers slide against the swollen folds with careful motions.

Almost bewitched at how the wet drenched outer lips glistened, before dipping his larger
digits between the fluttering folds.

Hoseok almost screams out.

Yoongi’s fingers tease against his tight hole, circling the muscle with lazy strokes until
Hoseok feels himself go insane. "Yoongi, alpha, please-" Hoseok turns into a babbling mess,
rutting his hips against hand. Yoongi takes great pleasure in how needy the omega is, pushing
a finger in slowly.

It's tight, warm and wet.

Yoongi’s fingers are purposefully stretching him at a steady slow pace, licking his tears away
and nuzzling his scent gland. Hoseok keens, feeling completely trapped in the alpha's mercy.
It should feel scary but the pleasure was indescribable.

Yoongi added another finger, his mouth latching onto Hoseok’s perky nipple. He rolled the
stiff bud with tongue, his fingers flicked the other, twisting before pulling at it.

At the speed they were going at the omega was fearing for his life, the alpha had been
insatiable. He was going to be swallowed up whole at this point.

"Please, you're gonna eat me up at this rate." Hoseok whined, gasping once Yoongi’s flushed
blunt tip slapped against his wet folds rubbing at them teasingly. Hoseok hadn't realized that
the alpha had even pulled out the impressive sized dick, a heavy knot forming at the base
which made Hoseok keen.

"You taste fucking delicious, I wouldn't be opposed to it omega." Yoongi sings, a Cheshire
grin on his face. Hoseok’s heart drops into the pit of his stomach, petrified at the convincing
tone. The alpha's red eyes held his gaze, swimming with dark mischief rubbing the tip of his
dick into his vulva, painfully.

"Shut it," the omega stutters. He is at the point where the teasing has dissolved into pure
torment, gagging for the fat knot that leaks pearly beads of pre-cum down onto his pussy lips.

The alpha suddenly sinks into the stretched entrance, and Hoseok’s world gets pulled beneath
him. He hisses harshly at the size, getting adjusted with shallow breaths as Yoongi continues
to part him. He feels a mixture of pain that slowly bleeds into pleasure, his vision flashing
white. Yoongi's face is red, determination burning in him to fill his omega to brim and breed
him. Fingers dig into Hoseok’s skin, pulling the omega’s weight back down on his knot that
barely managed to fit.

Once the knot is fully in, they both take a moment to let out a deep exhale.

"Gonna breed you, omega, gonna make us a family."

And Hoseok can't even reply to the barbaric line of thinking once Yoongi thrusts into him
with a set rhythm. The alpha grids his hips against Hoseok’s, bringing the omega’s knees to
his chest as he folds the other man in half before impaling him on his dick.

Yoongi’s leans over the omega with his face ghosting over Hoseok's neck, elongated canine
teeth gracing the skin of his swollen scent glands. Hoseok should hurry up and tell him no
before the alpha gets the wrong idea, to tell him that it's a bad stupidly dumb idea but it's
harder and harder to fight the feelings. He wants it bad, more than he can even fathom.
Something has happened, something that left the omega unable to reason with logic.
Something that has his heart working overtime, beating against his ribcage in bruising
thundering pounds.


He wants the alpha to be his home. There's a hint of urgency in this want, he has been too
patient, he had been fighting the feeling for too long. All the signs were there, the omega had
just turned a blind eye to them.
But now, now that the alpha was fucking him with uncoordinated, staggering snaps of his
hips. While the alpha held his hands lovingly, fingers intertwining, slotted against one
another like lost puzzle pieces. It had now become harder to deny, impossible to ignore.

Hoseok felt complete for the first time in a long time. After feeling broken, alone and like
something was missing from his life, the alpha had crashed into his canvas and left him a
mess of colors only he could find the beauty in.

Yoongi kept running his nose along the slender neckline, and Hoseok clutched his legs
around him pressing the alpha to move after, heels digging into Yoongi’s lower back.

"Bite me," Hoseok choked out, and the alpha's hips stopped, body turning still.

He grips Hoseok’s jaw, tilting his head so their eye's meet, wanting to confirm it. A million
emotions flashes in Yoongi’s face, his sweaty hair pushed back and Hoseok simply presses a
chaste kiss against his swollen raw lips. "Bite. Me." The omega reiterates with a sensual and
sinful roll of his hips against his large knot that twitches.

A dark look takes over Yoongi, completely engulfed by animalistic yearning and craving. His
teeth sink into his omega, deep until blood is drawn and Hoseok’s walls tightens unbelievably
hard around him, threatening to cut the circulation off. It's painfully beautiful, the tears in
Hoseok's pretty eyes, the blood dripping from Yoongi’s mouth and the grip around Hoseok’s
neck as he holds the convulsing omega still as the alpha selfishly has his fill. Never once does
Yoongi’s hips stop rocking together with Hoseok’s, pumping him full of his seed as comes
with a loud cry of Hoseok’s name on his lips.

Yoongi thrusts deliberately slowly, enjoying watching the obscene stretch of the omega's
pussy around his knot, watching it get swallowed up so greedily.

Hoseok whines, cupping Yoongi’s face pulling the alpha out of his trance. "You can't put a
pup in me," Hoseok breathes. The alpha was turning drunk of the heavy pheromones that
hang in the air, his instincts screaming to breed his omega until he was plump and pupped.
"Okay, I'll try not to but I make no promises." Yoongi hums, gently nuzzling his nose against
Hoseok’s. A shockingly sweet gesture when you looked past how said the alpha currently had
the omega split in two on his know, and a tightly choking grip around Hoseok’s neck.

"I'll only let you fuck me once, so make the best of it." Hoseok moans, if this continues into
the night, the omega fears for his life. He was definitely getting devoured by the hungry alpha
who pummeled his knot into him like this was what he was made for.

Yoongi growled at that statement and Hoseok pitied him. "If you do it well enough, maybe
I'll let you go again. "

The alpha lets out a content purr, chest rumbling as he presses his knot as far as it can go into
the omega tight pussy, "I'll fuck you so good, omega." He breathes against Hoseok’s ear,
nibbling on the omega’s earlobe.

"Yeah? You gonna be a good boy and fuck your omega?"

Yoongi simply nods, panting against his neck as he grinds his hips faster, rutting against the
omega with carnal desire. His knot reached deeper after each thrust, stretching the tight walls

Some time had passed, Yoongi was busy lapping over the bite mark etched over the omegas
scent gland. His fingers were rubbing slow circles on Hoseok’s trembling swollen clit, his
knot nestled deep into the omega's womb. They were locked together, and Yoongi felt light as
a cloud. He never knew omega’s warmth could be this addicting, maddeningly ecstasy he
wouldn't dare let go of once he had tasted it. This omega was his, his to breed, his to protect
and nothing could stop him.

"Omega," Yoongi murmurs in a haze of delirium, a dumbstruck smile plastered on his face.
"Hmm," Hoseok whines, all high-pitched and low.

"Am I fucking you good?" He seeks validation, the alpha had given his omega many earth
shattering orgasms and had the unwavering need to satisfy him more.

Hoseok can only nod, the pulsating knot buried in him has him at a loss of words. "So
fucking good," Hoseok tells him truthfully with a deep sigh.

Yoongi beams at the praise like a good pussy whipped alpha should, wagging an imaginable
tail. Breathes in more of his omega scent, eyes threatening to roll into the back of his head.

Yoongi whines when he feels his deflated knot begin to slip out of Hoseok’s used hole,
pushing two of his fingers into the sore swollen heat trying desperately to push his come

"Stop," Hoseok hisses and the alpha pouts against his skin. Hoseok can basically see the
downward turned ears, his low bratty whines causing a fondness to bloom.

"It's leaking."

Hoseok swats the hand away. "Sore. Too much," the omega groans.

"Sorry, sorry…'' The alpha quickly retreats, rubbing his release into Hoseok’s skin, marking
him up with scent.

Yoongi lets his knot slide out of the omega, and Hoseok winces at how much the alpha had
pumped him full with, feeling it leaking down his thighs.

The alpha then flips Hoseok onto his back, folding him in half.
Hoseok lets out a startled gasp, "Yoongi?" The omega is perplexed, his body aching from the
alpha’s endless and rough fucking, brain too fuzzy.

But, the omega can only stare as Yoongi brings his mouth back onto his vulva. "Kissing the
pain away." Yoongi coos at him and Hoseok's heart is racing, blood roaring in ears.

Yoongi dives into him a second time, this time to elevate some of his soreness. Gently the
alpha rubs his tongue along the entrance, stretched wife to accommodate the alpha's large
knot and leaking with his seed. Hoseok's head falls back onto the pillow, body shuddering as
Yoongi eats him out like he is a delicious treat. Humming as he even cleans up the come
mixes with Hoseok’s sweet slick, lapping it up with ease.

Hoseok swears this alpha was going to be the end of him. The person to cause his demise
through sinful orgasms that drove him mad.

Yoongi gets hard, blood rushing to his dick as he pleases his omega. The alpha ruts against
the mattress, humping it shamelessly and Hoseok cringes at the thought of cleaning up his
sheets again. The bed creaks at the onslaught, the humping making Hoseok’s a tad bit
delirious as he cannot dim the hunger that festered within him. His alphas bringing out the
most debauched, deviant and sick sides of him he kept hidden behind lock and key.

"C'mere, stupid alpha," Hoseok says softly, knowing there would be no true peace until
Yoongi had a knot buried in him.

Yoongi climbs up his body, leaving behind trails of quick kisses. He gently guides and lines
his erection with Hoseok’s soft hole, taking it slow.

"Fuck," Hoseok breathes. He could never get used to that size.

Yoongi then sinks into him, Hoseok’s wet pussy greedily taking him once more. Yoongi
peppers kisses all over the omega’s pained face, drinking up the broken whimpers.
Hoseok is kept up all night with Yoongi non-stop ravishing him until the omega passes out
from exhaustion. A knot lounged into him, locking him in along with a vice grip around his
waist making sure that the omega won't drift away. The alpha continuously scents his
sleeping omega, making sure his knot is snug and fit before sleep sweeps into his tired bones,
a wide gummy smile permanent on his face.

Deep in the thick forest two strange clad ninjas with white animal masks seem somewhat

‘’Have you tracked down Yoongi-hyung, yet?’’ The pinkette asks, lifting the mask from his
face, and wiping off blood from his blades. His eyes turn towards his comrade who is sitting
with folded legs on the ground, his eyes shut, and fingers clasped in peculiar hand signs. The
veins around his eye socket are protruded, pulsating with blood. A flock of black crows
circles above his head high in the sky, one crow swooping down returning to land on his
shoulder and chirping into his ear.

‘’Yeah, his scent is all over the forest. His last coordinates were around here somewhere.’’
The electric blue-haired ninja says calmly, rubbing the chin of the crow on his shoulder
before the bird takes flight. He raises to his feet, dusting his coat with a frown plastered on
his face. ‘’I can’t seem to get a read of hyung’s ki. Whoever he encountered must’ve gotten
him good.’’

The pinkette grins, yellow eyes glowing under the moonlight. ‘’Those pesky Star ninjas were
weak, Yoongi-hyung couldn’t have lost to them.’’ He plunges his blade deeper into the fallen
star ninja underneath his feet, rejoicing in the painful screams of agony and gurgling of
blood. The pinkette grabs the ninja by his hair, ‘’I refuse to believe the Anbu chief of the
Moon tribe lost to these weaklings.’’ He silences the star ninja with a swift strike across his
neck, dropping his grip and watching the limp body flop on the ground. A pool of blood
oozing into the soil.

The blue-haired ninja curls his lips, ‘’I highly doubt it.’’

They observe their surroundings, there are an estimated number of a dozen or so fallen Star
ninjas around them. They must be close to the village.

‘’If he truly lost, then I'd kill him myself and destroy that entire village-,’’ the electric blue-
haired ninja sneers equally as bloodthirsty.

The pinkette smirks,‘’-to restore honor to Anbu and the Moon goddess.’’
A wicked and sinister laughter echoes in the forest as they make their way straight towards
the same direction of the village.


End Notes

A/n: can u guess who the two ninjas at the end are?! I made it really easy IJBOL
This was actually fun to write, and I'm laughing at how I Itachi-fied Yoongi. I couldn't help
myself LMAO
So, leave a comment, feedback and thoughts?! I adore and welcome it all!

Have a great new year and I hope 2024 is nothing but kind to you and that you prosper into
the best version of yourself ♡

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