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sets out to make a complex place rather simpler by breaking problems into

manageable units and then setting out a few key tasks that have to be
completed in order to resolve each issue and so reach the overall target.

Critical thinking

I have a behavior to rush off to solve any problem quickly but many a time if I don’t critically think of the
“root cause” I usually have to revisit the symptom or symptom.

So I think thru of root cause and the potential causes to the problem; then think about if implementing
the recommendation what are the potential possible consequences down the road

Continue breaking the problem into a smaller problem

Laying out Problem Statement

Insight will appear if you keep asking yourself why something happen.. Use the 5 whys of critical thinking
Answer the seven so whats? What’s the implications of something you recommend… ask what’s the
consequences to the recommendation? This will help to avoid future problem
Willingness to expand the problem, define the core issue of the problem

Always use the 80 20 rule, if u solve this will it have a disproportionate impact on the org? 20% effort
could solve 80% of problem.

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