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Elmi rəhbər: Gülnar Hüseynova
Tələbə:Tağızadə Cavidan
1.How to solve problems
2. Daily problems
3. Some Expert Solutions for Your Everyday
Friendship Problems
1. How to solve problems
Everybody can benefit from having good problem solving skills as we all
encounter problems on a daily basis. Some of these problems are obviously
more severe or complex than others. It would be wonderful to have the ability
to solve all problems efficiently and in a timely fashion without difficulty,
unfortunately though there is no one way in which all problems can be solved.
You will discover, as you read through our pages on problem solving, that the
subject is complex.
However well prepared we are for problem solving, there is always an element
of the unknown. Although planning and structuring will help make the problem
solving process more likely to be successful, good judgement and an element of
good luck will ultimately determine whether problem solving was a success.
Problem-solving and decision-making. Ask anyone in the workplace if these
activities are part of their day and they answer 'Yes!' But how many of us have
had training in problem-solving?We know it's a critical element of our work,
but do we know how to do it effectively?People tend to do three things when
faced with a problem: they get afraid or uncomfortable and wish it would go
away; they feel that they have to come up with an answer and it has to be the
right answer; and they look for someone to blame. Being faced with a problem
becomes a problem. And that's a problem because, in fact, there are always
going to be problems! There are two reasons why we tend to see a problem as a
problem: it has to be solved and we're not sure how to find the best solution,
and there will probably be conflicts about what the best solution is. Most of us
tend to be "conflict-averse". We don't feel comfortable dealing with conflict
and we tend to have the feeling that something bad is going to happen. The goal
of a good problem-solving process is to make us and our organization more
"conflict-friendly" and "conflict-competent". There are two important things to
remember about problems and conflicts: they happen all the time and they are
opportunities to improve the system and the relationships. They are actually
providing us with information that we can use to fix what needs fixing and do a
better job. Looked at in this way, we can almost begin to welcome problems!
(Well, almost.) Because people are born problem solvers, the biggest challenge
is to overcome the tendency to immediately come up with a solution. Let me
say that again. The most common mistake in problem solving is trying to find a
solution right away. That's a mistake because it tries to put the solution at the
beginning of the process, when what we need is a solution at the end of the
process. Effective problem solving does take some time and attention more of
the latter than the former. But less time and attention than is required by a
problem not well solved. What it really takes is a willingness to slow down. A
problem is like a curve in the road. Take it right and you'll find yourself in good
shape for the straightaway that follows. Take it too fast and you may not be in
as good shape.
Working through this process is not always a strictly linear exercise. You may have to
cycle back to an earlier step. For example, if you're having trouble selecting an option,
you may have to go back to thinking about the interests.

This process can be used in a large group, between two people, or by one person who
is faced with a difficult decision. The more difficult and important the problem, the
more helpful and necessary it is to use a disciplined process. If you're just trying to
decide where to go out for lunch, you probably don't need to go through these seven

 Don't worry if it feels a bit unfamiliar and uncomfortable at first. You'll have
lots of opportunities to practice! How you deal with challenges will often
determine your success and happiness. If you’re stuck on how to solve a
problem, try defining it and breaking it into smaller pieces. Choose whether to
approach the problem logically or whether you should think about how the
outcome might make you feel. Find ways to creatively approach your problems
by working with other people and approaching the problem from a different
perspective.  Find the real problem, not just the symptoms that result from the
problem. When defining the problem, do not consider things that are
extraneous matters, only what the actual problem is. You can consider the
other issues later. Become familiar with the problem and understand it fully.
For example, if your room is constantly messy, the problem might not be that
you’re a messy person. It might be that you lack containers or places to put
your items in an organized way. Try to be as clear and thorough as possible
when defining the problem. If it is a personal issue, be honest with yourself as
to the causes of the problem. If it is a logistics problem, determine exactly
where and when the problem occurs.
 Determine whether the problem is real or self-created. Do you need to solve this
problem or is this about something you want? Putting things in perspective can
help you navigate the problem-solving process.  Recognize the decisions you
need to make and how they will contribute to solving your problem. Making
decisions can help you move forward in solving your problems, so start by
deciding on what to focus on, what needs to get done, and how you will go
about doing it. For example, you might have several problems to solve and
need to decide which ones to tackle first. Solving one problem may ease
tension or take stress off of another problem.
 Once you make a decision, don’t doubt yourself. Be willing to look forward
from that point on without wondering what would have happened had you
chosen something else. An overly-complicated problem can feel overwhelming
and be difficult to solve. If there are multiple problems, break them down into
smaller parts and deal with them individually. If you can break the problem
down into the smallest terms, this will help you in understanding it and finding
a solution. For example, if you need to turn in many assignments to pass a
class, focus on how many you have to do and approach them one by one.
Try to combine and solve problems together whenever possible. For example, if you're
running out of time to study, try listening to a recorded lecture while walking to class
or flip through note cards as you're waiting for dinner. Familiarize yourself with the
knowledge and information you already have. Then, seek out what you need. Inform
yourself of all possible information, then organize it in a meaningful way. For
example, if you’re trying to pass a cumulative test, figure out what you already know
and what you need to study for. Review everything you already know, then start
learning more information from your notes, textbook, or other resources that may help
you. Come up with a Plan B (or more) so you’re not locked into one solution. Once
you’ve come up with possible solutions, think about how each one would play out.
Consider possible outcomes and how they would affect you and those around you.
Create a best-case scenario and a worst-case scenario in your imagination.

 Pay attention to know these scenarios make you feel. Your resources may
include time, money, effort, travel, etc. If solving the problem is a top priority,
you may need to allocate more resources toward solving the problem than you
otherwise would. Think about what resources you have that you can give
toward solving your problem. For example, if you have a deadline, you may
skip cooking dinner or going to the gym so that you can give that time to your
 Cut down on unnecessary tasks whenever possible. For example, you might get
your groceries delivered to you to save on shopping time. You can spend that
time instead on other tasks.
 Think of different ways to solve your problem. Knowing that there is more than
one way to approach the problem can help you realize that you have choices.
Once you’ve thought of some alternatives, decide which ones are plausible and
which ones you can forget about. If you’re making a complex decision, write
down your alternatives. This way, you won’t forget any options and will be
able to cross off any that aren’t plausible.
 For example, you might be hungry and need something to eat. Think about
whether you want to cook food, get fast food, order takeout, or sit down at a
Try different approaches to a problem. If you’re solving a straightforward problem,
then analytical or logical skills will aid you best. Other times, you may need to rely on
your emotions to guide you. Often, problems require a combination of thinking skills,
your feelings, and maybe even your gut to come to a solution. Don't be afraid to utilize
these ways of approaching problems, but play around with them and see what works
best for you.
Problems like accepting the job across the country that offers good pay but takes you
away from your family may require different ways of approach. Consider the logical
solution, but also consider your thoughts, feelings, and the way the decision affects
others.  If your problem is not immediate, ask advice from other people. Maybe you
know someone who has faced a similar problem in the past who can weigh in and give
you some feedback. Whether you follow their advice or not is up to you, however, it
can be helpful to gain some different perspective.
For example, if you’re buying a home and not sure how to make your final decision,
talk to other homeowners about their thoughts or regrets about buying a home. If
you’re working toward a goal, notice how things are coming along. If you’re making
progress and going in a positive direction, keep going. If you’re realizing your
approach isn’t the best, then think about solving the problem in a different way. You
may need to come up with some new strategies to better solve your problem.
 For example, if you’re having financial difficulties, notice how your efforts are
affecting the money coming in and the money you’re spending. If keeping a
budget helps, keep with it. If using cash exclusively is a headache, try
something else.
 Keep a journal where you record your progress, successes, and challenges. You
can look at this for motivation when you are feeling discouraged.
 An obvious problem might have some underlying problems that would be better to
resolve. If you’ve solved a similar problem like the current one in the past yet it keeps
coming up, explore whether there may be some underlying causes. You may be able to
solve a problem for good.
 For example, if you’re overwhelmed by having a long to-do list, maybe the
problems isn’t the list, but not saying “no” to things you can’t do.
 If you're feeling stressed, angry, or overwhelmed, you may be burned out. Make
a list of things that cause stress or frustration. Try to cut down on these in the
future. If you start feeling overwhelmed again, it may be a sign that you need
to cut back.

2. Daily problems
Social problems are issues present in a society. In order to be a social problem,
there must be a group in that society who believe the issue or condition to be
undesirable or negative. Social problems are issues that, if solved, will make
life and society as a whole better in some way.
Marlow is officially the most deprived and worst place of living in the United
Kingdom due to its social problems and factors of life. The town was given this
particular position because of its frequent social problems, including: High
levels of crime, high levels of unemployment, high levels of urban poverty,
high levels of drug abuse and the lowest income on average in the country.

3.Some Expert Solutions for Your Everyday Friendship Problems

Friendships can bring joy—or sorrow. Since there's no rule book on what to do when
things get tense or go south, we talked researchers, authors, and therapists to learn how
to manage the common relationship difficulties we all face. Friends are crucial for our
physical and mental well-being but these relationships aren't always smooth sailing. In
fact, it's common to experience some serious hurt from your friends and a major way
this happens is through broken promises, says Jan Yager, PhD, friendship coach,
sociologist, and author of When Friendship Hurts and Friendshifts. Perhaps
he canceled plans at the last minute or she declined to attend an important party. But
while it may sting, the first thing to do is remember that no one is perfect, she says. "If
you bring a fantasy about what the ideal friend will do in any situation to a
relationship, you are setting yourself up for disappointment," says Dr. Yager. She has
an example from her own life: "When my dad passed away, a friend didn't go to the
funeral. Rather than fume, pull away and be angry, I decided to casually ask her why. I
said, 'I was surprised not to see you at my dad's funeral. It's OK, I'm just curious.'"
Turns out that her friend's dad recently passed away too and she just couldn't handle
another funeral. "Never in a million years would I have guessed what was going on."
Not sure what makes a good friend? These are the eight types of friends every woman
needs in her life.It's common for relationships to experience periods where things are
unbalanced. Maybe one friend is going through a breakup and needs extra support or
perhaps it's possible another friend simply has more to discuss at any given time. This
is why it's so important to ask for what you need, even if it puts you in a vulnerable
situation, says Leslie Jay, LMHC, a professional counselor. "Try saying 'I'm happy to
be able to hear what you're going through. Sometimes I need to talk. Could you listen
to my problems?' or 'I noticed I'm always sharing about my life. I want you to tell me
something about your life,'" she suggests. To make sure you're giving as much to your
friends as you're getting, practice these 9 skills for becoming a better listener.
Have a friend disappear on you is tough, especially if you felt close or if the
connection seemed promising. Maybe after a fun night out, your friend didn't reply to
messages or left an email unanswered. If you linger on the heartache of being ghosted
for too long, we can start to feel resentful and angry, says Dr. Yager. "The basic thing
about friendship that's so important to remember is that it's optional," she continues.
This goes for both parties. We choose others and others choose us. The challenge is to
not to label your self "unchosen" and miss out on meeting new friends or cultivating
deeper relationships with existing pals. Keep in mind that it makes sense to feel pain
after being ghosted, so give your self some time. Carlin Flora, social science writer
and author of the book Friendfluence, says, "One piece of advice is to stop trying to
figure out why. It's better for your mental health to accept that you really don't know
the reason why. Sometimes, you really don't know what's going on with other people."
No one likes feeling left out. There's no worse feeling than when you check Facebook
Monday morning to find out that your friends went on a weekend getaway without
you. Scott Christnelly, LCSW, a therapist with Talkspace, says, "I encourage clients to
express their feelings about it but also not to jump to conclusions." Then find someone
else to talk to—maybe a counselor, a family member, or a close friend (not one who
went on the trip)—to explain how you feel. Maybe through that conversation, you can
brainstorm what might have happened and how you will respond. In the meantime,
take care of your own needs with these 50 science-backed tips for beating loneliness.
These days, with packed calendars and competing obligations, rescheduling plans with
friends is all too common. Arranging hangouts with pals can take weeks of back-and-
forth. Jay explains that direct communication is key to overcoming this hurdle. Say, "I
really want to see you this week. I know we're both busy, but how about XYZ?" Direct
communication can leave you feeling vulnerable, she says, "but the reward always
outweighs the risk." These 22 heartwarming stories of true friendship will remind you
just how important it is to make time for friends. Maybe you're still single and your
BFF is married. Maybe your best pal is traveling the world and you're broke, stuck in a
cubicle, paying off student loans. Even though you love your friends, you can end up
feeling jealous of them. Before this happens, use the envy to your advantage.
Sometimes jealousy reveals our deepest desires, says Dr. Yager. Healthy envy can
motivate you to become better and be inspired by your friend's success, she says. She
points out that it could be the other way around as well: Your friends might be jealous
of you. Either way, Dr. Yager says, "Self-talk can help. Remind yourself of what you
do have and that your jealousy is only a temporary feeling that now that you're aware
of, you're going to work to not let it ruin your friendship." Envy isn't all bad. Here's
how to make jealousy work for you. Breaking up with a close friend can be one of the
hardest types of breakups to deal with, Flora says. "We don't talk about the trauma of
losing a friend," she says. What makes grief worse is that you may not feel permission
to mourn the loss in the same way you would separating from your partner. "Imagine
someone telling their boss that they need to take a day off work because they had a
falling out with a friend. It would be seen as bizarre. Now, imagine what would
happen if someone asked to take a personal day after a divorce. The boss will say
sure," she explains. Friend breakups can be just as traumatic as a romantic split or
family estrangement, and it's important to honor that pain. "Acknowledgement is big,"
says Flora. "Acknowledge that friendship is beautiful and rewarding and that its loss is
significant." Sometimes a breakup, while painful, is for the best—make sure you know
the 9 clear signs you're in a toxic friendship. It's easy to look back on the friendships
of youth with longing but if you're always looking back, you'll have a tough time
getting new relationships to live up to rosy memories. As you encounter new friends,
look for common core beliefs, such as a value for creativity or spirituality. "Shared
values are the best predictor of longevity in a friendship," Dr. Yager says. Not only
can shared values potentially make a friendship last, but they will influence your well-
being in powerful ways. In her book Friendfluence, Flora writes, "Friendships subtly
steer our beliefs, our values, and even our physical and emotional health. Although
resolutions to enact new diet and exercise plans and vows to change our character are
all too easy to break, if we befriend people whose philosophies and habits we admire,
we naturally start adopting aspects of their personalities and lifestyles through a
positive desire to be with and to be like our friends." You're bored
If your problem is that you feel the friendship is stuck in a rut, breaking out of this
"blah" pattern might take work. "Kick the friendship up a notch with new
experiences," Dr. Yager says. "You can try adding new people to the friendship. If you
and your friend always go for coffee, ask one or more new friends to join you. If it's
two couples that always get together, try meeting your friend alone so you can bond in
different ways. Go to the movies or take in a show. Take a cooking class together or
start a book club." If even chatting has gotten boring, these riveting conversation
starters will help get it flowing. Not feeling like a priority
Remember that all relationships ebb and flow so before you jump to any conclusions,
take time to think through all the possibilities, Dr. Yager says. "There can be work,
family, romantic relationship, or even other friendship challenges that your friend is
dealing with that have nothing to do with you," she says. "Try to find out what's going
on in your friend's life that might be causing her to pull away. If your friend is really
not responding to you because of you or the friendship, see if you can figure out
what's bothering her." If you're not careful, you can damage your friendship, like
these nine ways that paranoia can ruin your relationships.

Growing apart
It's a sad fact of life: Many friends end up simply growing apart. For instance, when
one friend moves on from a "partying stage" during emerging adulthood and no longer
has much in common with a former drinking partner. Jay often sees clients who are
navigating friendships that are no longer healthy for them. She says the friend who is
moving forward can experience guilt and shame for leaving the other behind. The key,
Jay explains, is letting friends play roles in your life. Don't expect too much from any
one friend. When you feel ready for a wild night out, call that friend up. "Let people
be a certain puzzle piece rather than an entire puzzle," Jay says. You don't have to
grow apart, however. Use these 14 secrets to make and keep lifelong friendships.

The result
We managed to work ourselves out of the problems by never giving up, by facing
them head on, instead of ignoring them, and by always looking for new ways to deal
with the problems.

In retrospect, the problems and the way we dealt with them became important and
valuable experiences, both personally and in business.

In 2014, when the global oil crisis struck, I worked as a senior manager in a major
international company within the oil industry. Companies in the oil industry around
the world were struck hard with the sudden and brutal drop in new orders.

Through 2015, my management team and I had to downsize from 120 to 45 people.
This was a 62% reduction in the staffing, with several exceptionally- skilled people
losing their jobs. It was a tough challenge both practically and emotionally. Instead of
seeing it as a problem, I decided to see it as the most important and rewarding
leadership challenge and experience I had been given so far.
1.Psychology, Second Edition. New York: Worth
2.What is a problem? in S. Ian Robertson, Problem
solving, Psychology Press, 2001.
3. D'Zurilla, T. J.; Goldfried, M. R. (1971). "Problem
solving and behavior modification". 

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