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10 essential ingredients to start, grow and
sustain a truly successful business
by Nicola Huelin

© 2015 Nicola Huelin. All rights reserved.

Creating a successful
business is a journey…
You may not realise it yet, but creating a business is a real journey…
…and I can tell you from experience, that starting, growing and sustaining a truly
successful business, is THE most amazing journey of a life time! I’m Nicola Huelin,
award-winning business coach & mentor, transformational speaker, author of The
Invisible Revolution and founder of Mpower for mums in business a business
community specifically for mums in business like you.
I am on a mission to empower one million Mumpreneurs. But these early challenges taught me so much. They ignited
my personal mission to figure out what it really takes to
Over the last 3 years, I’ve had the honour of bringing create a truly successful business without sacrificing my
together, coaching and mentoring hundreds of women health, sanity and quality of family life. After all, it had to be
across the UK, giving them the support, inspiration and possible, right?
connections they need to get their dream business out of
their head and into the world and create a family life money With time, I learned there are 10 essential ingredients for
can’t buy in the process. creating and sustaining true success.

Why am I on this mission? Well it’s not just because I’m I saw so many women struggling, buying umpteen different
a business coach with over 20 years in business, and it’s training courses, copying ‘gurus’ instructions to the letter
not just because I’m a Mum, it’s so much more than that. because they were told this was the ‘magic formula’, and
I hold a deep, personal belief that mums in business are spending so much time, energy and effort without getting
a very special group of women who’s collective journeys the results they deserved.
are helping to shape a new world; a world where we are
redefining success, creating a new definition of what it When I starting sharing these 10 success ingredients with
means to live a „rich’ life, and in the process we are leaving women through my one-to-one coaching programmes,
a richer legacy to our children which is about so much more often what was holding them back from the clients and
than money alone, and ultimately we are raising future results they wanted was just one missing ingredient.
generations who will be truly empowered to make this
world a better place for everyone. I knew I had to share these lessons (lessons I’d had to learn
the hard way) with more women, and that’s why I created
This guide is specifically for mums in business; female this guide.
entrepreneurs, freelancers, soletraders and small business
owners, who dream of having a successful, fulfilling business The Startup to success journey (and I’m talking about
that gives them the flexibility and financial freedom they success in a way that allows you to enjoy the journey as
need to enjoy family life and motherhood to the full. much as the „destination’) isn’t always easy, if it were, then
everyone would be a super-successful business owner (and
From my early twenties I’ve been blessed to be able to there’d be nobody left to working in the corporate world
follow my two greatest passions in life; being in business and hahaha). This said, with the right ingredients in place, and
being a Mum. My 22 year journey in business has been a armed with the blueprint and tools for success that’s right
rich and rewarding one. After a successful 10-year career in for you, the journey of turning your big vision into reality can
the corporate world I left the world of business consultancy be a simple and more enjoyable one.
to pursue my own entrepreneurial dreams. Despite all my
business experience (and being qualified up to the eyeballs I want you to enjoy the kind of life that money
with various business and marketing degrees and postgrad cannot buy!
studies), my first years as an entrepreneur were really
tough, frustrating and disappointing and almost led me to That’s why I’ve created this Startup Success kickstart guide
complete burnout. and all of the other Mpower resources – to give you the
support and inspiration you need, and to guide you step by
step in your journey to success, whatever success looks like
for you, in a way that’s right for you!

Are you ready to turn
your vision into reality?
I’ve met a lot of mums in business over the years, in my community, and through
my talks and events, and what I see so often is that so many are often really
struggling, overwhelmed and feeling lost.

Maybe this feels a bit like you right now… On top of all this, you are a good Mum, and as good
Mums do, you have the additional worry about being
Perhaps you have lots of ideas but you don’t know able to keep all the balls in the air; being there for your
where to start, and the idea of starting your own children and partner (single Mums, the challenges can
business feels daunting. feel even tougher for you, I know I’ve been there too),
the washing, the cleaning, the ironing, the shopping, the
l Perhaps you’re struggling to get noticed or can’t ‘generally having to be everyone else’s rock and support
seem to get enough clients, worrying where the system’ when you’re not too busy running around
next client is coming from, spending too much time tidying up after everyone. Sound familiar?
spinning the Marketing wheels and cashflow is ‘feast And now we want to add starting, growing and
or famine’. running a successful business on top of all this …?

Perhaps you often feel overwhelmed and lost, …of course we do!
like you’re going round in circles or in a fog, or
procrastinating over an ever-growing to-do list.
You would love more clarity and focus.

Maybe deep down you know you have so much to ? ?
give, a real talent, experience, ideas and gifts, but
you’re not sure what it takes to turn that into a ? ?
viable business.

Your results and growth simply don’t reflect the
time, money and energy you’re putting in and you
don’t have the flexibility and quality family time you
went into business for in the first place.

Maybe you’re up and running, but it all feels too
hard, too overwhelming, too draining; like pushing a
big bolder up a hill.

Maybe you’re worried that if you have to keep doing
things in the way you are currently doing them it will
lead to burnout.

W h a t i f
Becoming your own boss is one of the most personally Creating a successful business can seem overwhelming,
and financially rewarding adventures you can embark I know, I’ve been there many times. However, I would
on, and the flexibility and freedom it allows us to create argue that the most challenging part is not to earn
in our family lives, is priceless. money, it’s to build and sustain a successful business
without sacrificing your health, sanity or ability to enjoy
The reality is though, no matter how talented, smart the journey, and finding the right formula so you do it in
and determined you are, it can also feel pretty scary. a way that ADDS to your quality of family life.
Even if your heart dreams of becoming a successful
business owner, that little voice in your head could be Every business owner, sole-trader or freelancer I’ve
saying something like: ever met in the last 20 years has wanted their business
to be successful. Nothing surprising there!
l What if I’m not good enough?
However, what has always surprised me is that although
l What if I fail? these same people say they want to start their own
business in order to create a better life for themselves
l What will people think of me? and their loved ones, the majority of these business
owners admitted to feeling overwhelmed, stressed,
l What if I lose money? anxious, confused, frustrated, fearful, or exhausted in
their daily attempts to learn and do enough to get their
l What if I become too successful? business off the ground and achieve and sustain the
sort of results they deserved.
l What if I can’t cope?
In the vast majority of cases, any ‘quality-of-life’ benefits
l What if I get it wrong? were still something they hoped they would start to be
able to enjoy once they had invested more time, more
l What if I get taken advantage of? money, more energy...the ability to enjoy success always
seemed to be something that they would be able to
l What if people think I’m a fake? experience ‘one day’!

l What if I don’t have what it takes?

l What if I can’t get enough clients?

I don’t want this to be you!

The aim is to achieve your OWN definition of success, In the remaining sections of this guide, I will help you to:
not somebody elses. In a way that feels right for you
and authentic, carving your own path, not following l Discover the 10 essential ingredients that all
somebody elses, and most importantly, to be able to successful business owners need to have covered
enjoy the process. in order to start and grow a successful business,
and be able to sustain that success without
Whether you fit into the category of ‘Business Start- compromising their quality of life.
up’ or ‘Business Builder’, you will want to take time to
complete the rest of this guide because it will teach l Understand why each of these ingredients is so
you the 10 foundational ingredients you need to have important and the impact on you and your business
in place, not just for Startup, but for every stage of the if you don’t get the mix right.
l Understand which of these 10 ingredients you
If your business is something you’re very passionate might be missing or not have enough of, limiting your
about, which indeed it should be, there is a huge results, future success and ability to enjoy
temptation to want to get ‘stuck in’, to rush out and buy the journey.
domain names and get your first set of business cards
done, build your website and come up with a company l Discover what you can do to get all 10 of these
name so you can get it registered and crack on with ingredients.
getting clients.

This is totally understandable, but before you do any

of that please take the time to read each section and
reflect on the questions asked.

What’s NOT in
This Guide?
Let’s start by saying what’s not covered in the guide. I’m not going to talk to you about
the one-off logistics of setting up your business, the more administrative aspects, this is
information you can easily find from official sources on the internet or in a good book.
and in reality, that is NOT the hard bit, it’s not the most important information I can share
with you at this stage of your journey.

I want to focus on what it takes, the essentials you will need You need to have the complete and balanced overview
on an on-going, daily basis to build, grow a business which of everything you need for your personal and
will really be the keys to getting your dreams of business professional success.
success and a happy family life out of your head and into
the world, and on your way to creating a life that no amount Think about it, if you were going to build your dream house,
of money can buy. you wouldn’t start to try and build it without putting the
proper foundations in place…what would be the chances of
Together we’re going to reflect on what I call the ‘Yin and it being sustainable, I can guarantee the cracks would start
the Yang’ of your own unique recipe for business success. to show after a certain time. In business, the first place the
What do I mean by that? cracks start to show are in YOU!

Well, the Yin of essential business knowledge, the more The last 10 years I spent as an entrepreneur starting and
‘tangible’ stuff if you like, proven strategies and techniques growing various online and offline businesses gave me the
that you need to know about; like Marketing, Sales and personal experience of how easy it is to fall into one of the
Planning, for example. Then there’s also the Yang, the three common traps traps, all three have happened to me
‘internal’ equivalent of business critical resources, the and now I see it so frequently with the women I work with
knowledge, resources and potential you have inside you today as a business coach:
already that we need to tap into, nurture and activate.
The amazing business ideas which never see the light
Together, these internal and external elements form the of day
critical ingredients you will need to create ‘Foundations and
Flow’ for true success: strong foundations for your business
The business which offers amazing quality services/
and lifestyle and ‘flow’ in your being, doing and thinking to products but never gives you the results you were
get results with more ease, fulfilment and joy. hoping for despite all the time, energy and money you
invest in trying to make it work.
I know from years of experience that it only takes one
missing ingredient to hold you back from getting the
The business which is massively successful financially,
success and lifestyle you are capable of and truly deserve. but grows into a success monster, and before you know
It’s a bit like baking a cake. There are a number of different it has taken over your time, your quality of life and
ingredients, and the sort of cake you want to make requires being in business looks nothing like the type of success
flour. What are the chances of your cake looking and tasting you initially dreamed of you’ve create a brand new
like you want it to if you don’t have enough, or any, flour! “time trap”.

Also, although there are many great business resources out One of my favourite words is “AND”, I don’t believe t
there, they often only represent one tiny piece of the jigsaw hat things have to be so “EITHER-OR”! By the end of this
puzzle. When we don’t have the full picture, it’s easy to get guide you’ll have the complete overview, you’ll know what
lost searching for ‘the next best thing’ that’s going to be the it takes and where to focus to avoid these three scenarios,
answer to your marketing, business and lifestyle prayers, and have business success AND a great life AND be able to
but this can often lead you down different costly and enjoy the journey!
timewasting paths, because you don’t have the big picture.

Why is This Guide Free?
Have you ever wished you could go back and give advice, knowledge and answers
to your younger-self’?

Have you ever wished you could give your younger-self all All I would ask in return are two simple requests:
those ingredients which would make things SO much easier;
the wisdom of the lessons you’ve had to learn the hard way? If you find this guide useful and would like to share it with
others you think might benefit, please don’t just forward
Perhaps you’d like to tell yourself how to avoid the mistakes them this guide. Ask them to visit and
it’s so easy to make, show yourself the big picture which download their own free copy directly. Why? Because I’m
you’ve only been able to piece together through years of continually improving this information and they will get the
personal learning and discovery. Show yourself how to avoid latest version, they will also get notified when more free and
re-inventing the wheel, give yourself all the ingredients you invaluable resources become available.
need to achieve what’s important to you, and be able to
enjoy the journey every step of the way... no time or money The 10 success principles and information I share in this
wasted, no regrets! guide are taken from my book The Invisible Revolution
where you can find out more about how mums in business
Well that’s me! are succeeding and using the 10Ps and four other
ingredients to make things happen.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, and although I cannot go back
in time and advise my younger-self, I can share what I have
learned about what it really takes to start and grow a truly
successful business in a way which enhances your overall
quality of life, with YOU!

I’m hugely passionate about empowering women in business

with the lessons I’ve had to learn the hard way during my 20
years in business. Not learning some of these ingredients for
success earlier in my entrepreneurial journey came at a very
heavy personal cost to me, my health and my family.

Sharing and teaching these invaluable success principles is

more than just my business as a Women’s Business coach
& mentor, it is a ‘Calling’, it is my mission in life to empower
one million mums in business across the UK, helping them to
literally transform their business success and their ability to
enjoy life to the full, on their terms, every step of the way.

Who am I To Talk
about Success?
I’ve already told you a bit about myself in the intro, but if you’re intrigued about my
success story, here’s more juicy details…if you’re keen to just get stuck in to the 10
ingredients I won’t be offended if you want to just skip this chapter and move on!

Can you remember the main reason you wanted to no way I can have the sort of career I want and have
start your own business? children. I bet you dinner at the Ritz that I will never
have children’. As a poor student that was the most
Perhaps work-life balance was an issue for you, and extravagant thing I could imagine!
by starting your own business you wanted to have
more flexibility, choice and control in your life? When we graduated, all my friends went travelling, not
me, I launched my career!
Perhaps you simply wanted to be your own boss,
and do business on your terms? A Meteoric rise…

Perhaps it was about doing something you really I’d started work in Marketing, in a high-tech company
loved, that would make you look forward to based in Sophia Antipolis, France (often referred to as the
Mondays and have you jumping out of bed every ‘French Silicon Valley’.) I was quickly given more and more
morning? responsibility. I loved it and I was good at it! My career went
from strength to strength: I did postgraduate business
l Perhaps a combination of all three? studies, I was frequently promoted, and led teams on high-
profile, big budget projects. I was already very successful
I remember the reason I decided to start up my first and moved into the world of Business Consulting!
Of course, I lost my university bet! Having met my husband,
A piece of Ribbon that would change my life forever… we’d started a family. When my daughter was born, I
enjoyed taking 6 months maternity leave, but I remember
If you’d have been with me on March 23rd 2003, you’d how ‘desperate’ I was to get back to my work. When I did go
have been sat next to me on a train returning home from back, with the right childcare in place, things were great and
London staring at a small piece of ribbon in my hand. it was very much ‘business as usual’.
And if I’d have told you what I knew about that piece of
ribbon, it may have changed your life forever too! It wasn’t always easy. Business consulting was a very male-
dominated world to work in. I was only 1 of a handful of
But first come back in time with me, ten years earlier, women out of 150 consultants, and by my late 20’s I was
where as a university student, I had already met the managing men 20 years my senior. Awkward! (but they got
first love of my life: Business! University was a great used to me hahaha).
time, I made some wonderful friends, but I was already
very focused and ambitious: Now, there were moments when this rate of progression
and level of success felt quite scary, but my hard work and
I didn’t want to get married… love for what I did paid off, literally…I had an army of people
I didn’t want children… taking care of things for me (gardener, housekeeper…), I had
I wanted a career! become the main breadwinner of the family. My career was
really rewarding, I got a great sense of satisfaction from my
I remember how convinced I was when I said to my work and I felt proud of my professional success.
closest university friends ‘Children, no way, there’s

Things were relatively easy in the beginning. With I can still picture myself clutching that piece of ribbon. As
only one child I juggled everything without too many a busy executive Mum, the ‘Ribbon of Life’ story, so simple
problems. But as time passed, our family and careers yet immensely powerful, had touched me profoundly.
grew and so too did the challenges. My roles became It’s a story I now share in my talks and with my clients,
more and more demanding, and with more children so very powerful in highlighting the importance getting
came increasing family demands. I had more and more things right in your business, of finding your true sense
to do with seemingly less time to do it. Luckily, my of purpose, the costs of remaining stuck in the status quo
project management and organisational skills were my and above all, the importance of always pursuing your
saving grace at that time. OWN definition of success.

To anyone looking in from the outside… I had finally opened my ideas to the personal sacrifices I
was making, and realised the real cost of not having the
By the time I turned thirty, to anyone looking in from right kind of choices, flexibility, balance and results in my
the outside, I’d already cracked it… life. At that point, I had not yet discovered the answers,
I had the fantastic job title this was something which was going to take another
The huge salary major life lesson, and I was going to learn it the hard way!
The amazing lifestyle
I had it ALL! The ‘Peak Performance’ training was designed to fuel
transformation and success within a male dominated
But that was about to change… business paradigm so at the time, I didn’t realise I only held
a small piece of the jigsaw in my hand. After the training,
The warning signs were already there. shaken into action by the impact of the Ribbon of Life
It was the start of a normal working week for me, my metaphor, I did two things in the month that followed…
alarm went off at the usual time and I went through my one of which brought joy, while the other taught me my
usual routine getting ready to leave for a day at the office. most important life lesson to date…the hard way!

As I walked out the door to leave for work, I turned The best and worst times
around to see my beautiful 3 year old daughter playing
and laughing with my housekeeper. The first thing I decided, thankfully, was to have another
child, something I really wanted deep down but had
I had all the success in the world, but she had time with been putting off, fearing the impact on my career and
my daughter. my ability to cope.

It was in that moment, I realised…I was JEALOUS OF However, I also made the decision to walk away from
MY HOUSEKEEPER. my corporate career and follow my husband in his
dream of setting up his own gastronomic restaurant
January 2003, the email which would change in a small village in the South of France. Now you may
everything… be asking, what on earth could be so bad about that?
Following your husband’s dream, all being together as a
The global consulting company I worked for picked family, starting your own family business in the South of
a handful of people to take part in a six-month ‘Peak France? Sounds idyllic, doesn’t it?
Performance’ programme to be ‘fast-tracked’ within the
organisation. I remember how privileged I felt to be part Although the restaurant was a huge success financially and
of that group, and as I read the email invitation something we saw more of each other (as we lived above the restaurant),
told me deep down this was a huge opportunity, and it I can honestly say it was the worst time of my life. For the first
could even change my life. How right I was! time ever I felt lost, trapped, and overwhelmed.
But wasn’t I at least seeing more of my children? Yes,
It was only the first weekend of the programme, and but therein laid the problem; ‘seeing’ my children,
there I was sitting on the train travelling home from was not ‘being’ with my children, I was so frustrated,
London, staring at the small piece of ribbon in my hand. stressed and overwhelmed that when I did spend time
‘This is not right’ I thought to myself ‘something has to with my children, I was far from being the best version
change’ gripped by a sense of fear and guilt I had never of myself and actually had very little left to give them.
known before.

I’ve often reflected on this period, trying to figure My life, and my children’s lives, had been shattered in to
out why it was such a difficult time for me. I’d always a million pieces, we weren’t just starting from scratch,
worked, was used to working very hard while juggling we were at a complete ‘ground zero’.
everything. I’d spent years working in restaurants as a
student to finance my studies, so I knew the problem The first five years continued to teach me some very
wasn’t the job itself. powerful lessons; spending time as a single mother,
parenting a special needs child, raising a blended family,
After two years of pushing myself to continue down escaping an emotionally abusive relationship to name
this path, I eventually burned out both emotionally and but a few.
physically. With all the alarm bells ringing, we sold the
restaurant and my biggest life lesson had been well and Truly understanding and mastering what it took to
truly learned…there was more to this success formula create true success, even when life is dealing you
than I thought. some major blows, which bring you to your knees, has
enabled me to take control of my life through authentic
The lesson that changed my life forever choices and purposeful action aligned with my deepest
values, and to prosper and be happy in the face of life’s
I gave myself a couple of years to recharge my batteries, ups and downs whilst being successful in business and
I attempted to make up for ‘lost time’ with my children raising truly amazing children.
and returned to my own ‘path’ with a deepened passion
for self-development and self-discovery, and to pin They say ‘life begins at forty’, and this was about to ring
down this illusive success and happiness we all seek as true for me, although my saying goes ‘Life begins at 42!’
working and entrepreneurial mothers.
As a result of what I have learned and lived over
What I came to understand is that my decision to leave the years, combined with my formal training and
my job and start up a business was not a choice I made qualifications in business, marketing, life coaching and
from a sense of passion or purpose, it was a ‘way out’ project management, I founded unique programmes for
driven by fear, guilt and a sense of what I ought to be women who want to create a successful business and
doing. Your body and your emotions are so good at have a great quality of life. So too was born the amazing
warning you when you are not living an authentic life. Mpower community; smart, talented women who want
Lack of fulfillment and purpose had turned to boredom to build a business they love, while taking care of the
and frustration, then stress, next being overwhelmed ones they love the most.
and feeling depressed and ultimately physical and
emotional burnout. Within two years of starting Mpower:

With a renewed understanding of the importance l I got my first VIP client before I’d even had time to

of pursuing my own dreams, purpose and passions, launch my website

I spent the next 10 years living and working all over l I have smashed all my financial goals
the world with my family; five countries over three l I’ve won multiple awards including ‘Most inspiring

continents, I was very successful, working in various Coach/Mentor,’ ‘New Business of the Year’ and
senior management roles, running voluntary projects, national finalist for ‘Best Supporting Business’
and most importantly for me…starting and running l My work has been featured on international TV
my own businesses. Always continuing to deepen my l My client books have been consistently full working

understanding and practice of the formula for achieving exclusively with my ideal clients
my own definition of success and balance. l I am regularly invited to give talks to amazing
audiences (my most recent talk was to share my
Life continued to send challenges my way, when I lost ingredients for success with 120 coaches and
my husband of 17 years, having spent my entire adult changemakers at a summit in London)
life living and working all over the world, I returned to l and I was even invited to a ‘Women of The Year’

the UK in the Christmas of 2010 with one suitcase and luncheon in Sussex with Lady Camilla and Sir
two children. For the first six months I slept on the floor Winston Churchill’s granddaughter because of what
in my grandmother’s front room on a piece of foam. I’ve achieved through my work

Last month (as I write this guide) I sent out invoices for £8k. Today, not only does my business continue to go from
strength to strength but my personal life does too:
Now this is not ‘build a 6 or 7 figure business overnight’
hype, and perhaps £8k/month doesn’t sound like a lot of l I have two happy, confident and amazing children

money to you…but for me it’s not really about the money… who are totally thriving and who blow my mind away
it’s more than that, money is just one part of my personal daily with how truly awesome they are.
definition of success. It’s actually more about HOW I was l I have met the love of my life, Graham Wilson.

able to achieve, particularly given the circumstances: l I have gone from ‘the girl who couldn’t run to
save her life’ to being able to run 8.5 miles within
l The £8k invoices I sent out were only 3 clients 2 months, and entering a half-marathon in March
l They were sent out just having taken 6 weeks
 2016 (that’s 13 miles, yay).
complete holiday (which I do every year) l I conquered a life-long fear of public speaking and

l I only work 25-30 hours a week, being a single Mum

 within 12 months was invited to 10 professional
this balance and flexibility is crucial speaking gigs, including a 40 minute talk to an
l I had just been through THE most challenging and
 audience of 120 at a London summit, and my now
traumatic year of my personal life my aim is to do a TED Talk!

I am often asked ‘How do you do it?’ and asked to So how do you go from ground zero to this amazing
share the secrets of my success. Which is exactly what place I find myself in today, and how do you build and
I’m going to do right here in the remaining pages of maintain a successful business during that time and not
this guide. But before I do, I need to let you into a few be derailed even when life continues to throw major
important secrets first: curve balls which could signal the end for most business
Secret number one…
What are these powerful lessons I learned which
I’m, nothing special – REALLY REALLY... I’m nothing literally propelled me from Ground Zero Startup to my
special (of course my Mum would totally disagree, but ultimate definition of success?
she is totally biased)…
I’m just me What I learned is that the journey to true success
I’m just a Mum requires 10 essential ingredients to be in place. I call
And I was once a newbie to being in business for them the 10 success principles, or the 10Ps of success.
myself…just like you.
Each principle is an important lesson to learn, that when
Secret number two… you do, when you understand and master this lesson
will not only propel you towards your success, but
Well actually it’s not a secret, because I’ve just also make every step of that journey the most amazing
touched on it in my story I’ve just shared with you… experience of a lifetime.
I’ve had it really tough!!!
No matter how successful you may have been in your
It’s easy when we look at others to assume that they previous career, no matter how many business degrees
somehow have something we don’t, that they had it you have or where you were educated, and no matter
easier, a head start, more money, a lucky break, some how talented, driven and smart you are, we all need
unfair advantage/opportunity that we don’t have. these 10Ps to succeed and enjoy success!
As I mentioned earlier, when I started my most recent
business journey, I really was starting from SCRATCH!
I started my current business, not even from scratch,
but from ‘Ground Zero,’ a financial, logistical and Let’s discover the 10Ps…
emotional complete GROUND ZERO!

The 10Ps of Startup
Your unique recipe for achieving and sustaining your own definition of success,
creating the results, lifestyle and happiness you deserve, needs to contain
10 essential ingredients.

These ingredients, or the 10Ps as I call them, required to build the critical
foundations for your business and create the flow of happiness and ease on the
journey of turning your dream into a reality.

Plucky Precious
Passion People

Paramount Priceless
Purpose Platform

Performance Productive
Mindset Action

Personal Perfect
Values Authenticity

Let’s get started…

The next ten sections will describe each of these 10 By reflecting on the answers to the questions in each
‘essential’ ingredients. section, you will be able to ‘score’ how well you currently
Each section will give you: cover each ingredient, then map them on to your
Foundations and Flow model at the back of this guide.
l An introduction to what the success ingredient is and
 This will give you a great visual benchmark of how much
why it is important coverage and depth you have for all 10 areas, highlighting
where you need to focus for success.
l  set of simple yet powerful questions to help
you evaluate if you have the ingredient covered For the purposes of this introductory guide (I go into
or whether it’s an area of weakness to be more detail in my book The Invisible Revolution), success
improved/developed ingredients are listed in no particular order and I won’t talk
about the interdependency and connections between the
different ingredients...


Paramount Paramount – ‘More important than anything else.’

Purpose – ‘The reason for which something is

done or for which something exists.’

Whether you’re setting up a new business, or working on getting more clients, it is critical
to be clear about your ‘Purpose’; the reason WHY you do what you do over and above
making money.
Let’s get started… How do you score when it comes to ‘Paramount Purpose’?

In today’s world, in order for a business to be truly Answer the following questions, being very honest with
successful, and for a business owner to feel truly fulfilled, it is yourself, to gain insight into how you currently score when it
important to be clear about why you are in business beyond comes to having ‘Paramount Purpose’.
simply making a profit. If you are only in it for the money,
and money alone, then you might want to consider paid
employment instead. I’m not kidding!

Building a successful business is not always easy, it can take

time, and if money is your one and only driver, you will not go
the distance (for more reasons than I can explain in this short
guide, but I will in my book).

Your purpose is what will act as a guiding beacon throughout

your business journey, helping you to make the right
decisions, pursue the right opportunities, follow the right
path, and ultimately attract the right people and clients;
customers don’t buy what you do or what you sell, they buy
your ‘why’.

Paramount Purpose - Questions for reflection:

Have you ever sat down and given careful thought about the real reasons which drive you for wanting to be in business?
Have you thought about your ‘Purpose’ holistically, both from the perspective of founder of a business AND founder of an
amazing family?
Do you have a meaningful reason for wanting to start and grow your business, above and beyond making money?
Can you explain clearly and simply why you do what you do?
Have you ever written down your ‘Purpose’ behind why you do what you do?
Do you feel strongly about the difference your business makes for your clients?
Do you feel like your business is something you are ‘meant to do’?
Do you feel ‘inspired’ pulled towards creating and growing your business?
When faced with decisions about which direction to take, or choices to make regarding new opportunities, how guided do
you feel by your purpose?
Does your ‘purpose’ give people something to believe in?
Does your business inspire others?

Having reflected on each of the questions above, how would you rate your sense and clarity of purpose for being in business
and doing what you do, and that purpose being of paramount importance over and above purely making profit?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = No sense or clarity of purpose beyond making money)
10 (highest = Absolute sense and clarity of purpose over and above making money).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model at the back of this guide.


Pareto Pareto – ‘The 80/20 principle (by Italian economist Villfredo Pareto
1848-1923) which states in the realms of business that 80% of
results, come from 20% of our efforts’.

Plans Plans – ‘An orderly or step-by-step conception or proposal for

accomplishing an objective or goal.’

Do you have a great dream, concept or idea, but you lack clarity about how to turn it into
a reality?
How much clarity do you have about what you need to do, how you need to do it and
when you need to do it by?
Are you simply working day to day from an ever-growing, never-ending to-do list?
Time is precious for everyone, and as a mum in business, There are some essential plans that every business owner
believe me, time is your most precious resource. Have you must put in place if they are serious about succeeding.
ever heard of the pareto principle? Entire books have been
written about the pareto principle, it exists in science, nature All of the plans and planning tools I give to my clients are
and in business. When it comes to planning, the pareto designed to cover not just their business, but to integrate their
principle states that 80% of your results come from 20% of lifestyle and personal plans too. When planning is done in the
your efforts. What we need to do, is ensure you are working right way, it changes from being something seen as a burden
in that “20% zone”. This is what I help mums in business do, or a chore, to an amazingly simple way to take something
create and follow their own pareto plan that means they are in seemingly complex and potentially overwhelming like starting
the 20% zone working on their business, so they don’t waste a new business from scratch, comparable to
80% of their precious family time doing the wrong things in
the wrong way. being faced with a mountain to climb, to something very
simple and straightforward, a journey that is broken down into
Many creatives, heart-centred entrepreneurs, or people who clear, manageable and simple phases that can be undertaken
are new to business, hate the idea of planning. It either scares with confidence, one step at a time.
them, they believe it will restrict them, they think that a to-do
list will do, they see it as a waste of time, or they’re not sure To give you an idea of how simple yet powerful these
where to start. planning tools can be, I teach my clients how to use an ‘agile’
task manager which is based on a planning tool I used to
It’s not just because I spent many years working in project successfully deliver multi-million, highly-complex, fast-
management that I say this, but you absolutely, 100%, need changing projects in the IT world and it involves nothing more
to plan in business. Benjamin Franklin put it very succinctly ‘If than an A4 sheet of paper and some post-it notes. Genuinely,
you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!’ Again, let’s think of that simple, yet that powerful!
the example of building your dream house. If you are investing
precious time, money and energy into building the house of In the Mpower Academy, I don’t teach ‘Time Management’, I
your dreams, which you want to be sustainable and look as teach Time Mastery, and it all begins with having the right big-
great in reality as it does in your dreams, you wouldn’t just picture (strategic) plans in place, before you get down to what
start building without first working with the right people to actions you want to take on a daily basis.
produce a set of plans. Plans to check that the house you want
is ‘doable’, that the design is ‘viable’ and then use these plans to When it comes to planning, if you jump straight into thinking
guide you and the people who will help you to build it. about your to-do list or taking action and you haven’t
completed the right sort of ‘big picture’ and strategic planning,
People usually have one of two reactions when I start talking you will find it an incredible struggle to achieve your goals
about planning; their eyes glaze over or they look like a rabbit or get the results you want. Taking time to get your strategic
caught in headlights, but I’m not talking about huge, complex planning in place, is even more important if you are a mother,
documents, which take forever to produce and then just sit with other important commitments and responsibilities
heavily on a shelf collecting dust, no. I’m talking about simple outside of your business.
planning tools which are easy to create, and when done the
right way will act as powerful tools and resources to help you
stay on track and get the results you really want.

So how do you create a ‘Pareto Plan’? the event, imagining how you would like it to be...who you
want there, what kind of venue and atmosphere you want
Creating a ‘Pareto Plan’ that gets you in that 20% zone is a to create, how you want everyone to feel during and after
four-step process. Although I can’t cover everything here in the event, what you want people to get out of it, what you
this guide (but don’t worry, everything is covered step-by- want to give people, what kind of experiences, feelings and
step in the Mpower Masterclasses to take you through the memories you want to create for everyone. You might play
whole process), I do want to make sure you discover and the images in your head and daydream about your future
understand the essential starting point, something that so event, you might write down some ideas, you might talk
many people don’t know about or tend to skip (and which through your ideas with others... what you would be doing, is
costs them dearly further down the line). spending time up front creating your Vision for the event.

Let’s start with the all important first step, which is to get Having this clear Vision of how you want things to be at the
absolute clarity on your INSPIRATIONAL VISION. event, gives you a much greater chance of knowing what
steps to take between now and then to actually make the
All successful people have one thing in common: they have a event happen in the way you want it be. Your ideas will no
clear, compelling and Vision. doubt evolve as you get started, probably making it even
better than you first imagined, but having that initial clarity
What is a Vision? of your dream event, gave you an essential starting point,
something to work towards, to aim for.
Vision – ‘the ability to think about or plan the future
with imagination or wisdom’. Why wouldn’t you do the same with your business and your
own life? They are just as precious, and your whole life is a ‘once
Why is having a clear Vision so important? in a lifetime’ experience, so why wouldn’t you want to spend
time getting clear about how you want things to turn out?
I often hear people say things like ‘well, I don’t like to think that
far in to the future’, or ‘I just prefer to go with the flow’, ‘I’m too Your Vision needs to be not just any old vision, it needs to be
busy with this years goals to think about anything bigger’ and an INSPIRATIONAL Vision. Not just an exciting one, not just
‘what’s the point of dreaming about the future, when I have no a motivating needs to be a really inspirational one.
control over what might even happen tomorrow’
Why do I need an Inspirational Vision?
Think about it this way...
When it comes to thinking about your vision, it helps to
Imagine you are going to organise the most important family compare creating your dream business and creating your
party of a lifetime, all of your closest and most beloved family ideal life, to climbing a mountain.
and friends will be there. This event is your way of saying
thank you to everyone in your life, to celebrate life and spend Your Vision, is your big vision of the future, and it’s the
special times together. It’s going take a lot of time, money equivalent of the summit of the mountain. It’s where you’d
and energy to make this happen, but this feels like THE like to be in 2, 3, 5 10 or maybe even 20 years from now
most important thing for you to do. It’s a once in a lifetime (depending on how far in the future you like to imagine).
opportunity and it means more to you than anything to get
this right, for you and your loved ones, before it’s too late. Think about standing in front of a look up and
see the summit way up high. You might feel very excited to
Tell me, how would you prepare for this once in a lifetime begin with, but excitement can quickly wear off, especially
event? Would you put it out of your mind completely until when you start to sense the time and energy it’s going to
the day before and then just randomly go out and hope to take as you begin your journey up the mountain. Although
find everyone and everything you need at the last minute? I you might have initially felt excited, any minor set back
doubt it, but if you did, imagine what the chances are of your or challenge is going to quickly wipe out any feelings of
precious, once in a lifetime event turning out to be anything excitement. Excitement is temporary.
like you had hoped.
The same applies to feeling motivated. You might begin your
Chances are, before rolling your sleeves up and getting journey up the mountain feeling totally motivated to reach
stuck in to preparing, organising and actually making things the summit, but there’s a snag. You see, motivation is created
happen, you would probably spend some time thinking about ‘externally’, we are motivated because of external factors.

You could feel motivated because of what other people You begin to transform your thoughts, feelings, energy
say or do around you, but all it takes is for those external and beliefs in your current reality, and open up doors and
motivating forces to disappear or loose their motivating pathways to the vision that you hold so clearly.
force, and you will quickly slow down, loose momentum and As Jack Welch, former Chairman of General Electric, said
most likely stop in your tracks, no matter how motivated ‘Good Business Leaders create a vision, articulate the vision,
your were initially to make the climb. Motivation is external. passionately own the vision’

What you really need is INSPIRATION. Where you want your business to end up, what sort of
lifestyle you want to have throughout your business
Inspirational – ‘a force that makes you feel hope, journey, will impact on how you decide to run your
encouraged and motivated mentally or emotionally, and business, and the actions you’ll take and the results you’ll
bring out the best in yourself’ get over the next 3-6 months, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years,
and more, so spending some time thinking about your
Now you might be asking yourself what’s the difference inspirational vision and all your desired outcomes in
between motivation and inspiration. Well the difference is business and life in general, is essential.
quite simple: motivation comes from the outside, inspiration
comes from the inside. It’s also important that you Inspirational Vision is aligned
with your Paramount Purpose, the
When you start your climb, if
making the journey to reach that ‘Good Business two go hand in hand. If they are not
aligned, no matter how much effort
summit is something that inspires you put in, no matter how good your
you from within, it doesn’t Leaders create a plans are, no matter how organised
matter what crops up along the and effective you are with your time,
way, you will always have the vision, articulate the you will find it a struggle to achieve
inner resources to keep giving what’s important to you in a way that
the best of yourself in order to vision, passionately feels right.
continue along that path that you
have kick up the ass own the vision’ Many people don’t know how to get
required, nobody checking over clarity on their vision, their mind
your shoulder required, nobody Jack Welch, goes blank, they don’t know where
shouting motivational quotes former Chairman of General Electric to start. That’s why the ‘Dreams to
required...your vision of where Reality’ Masterclass series, in the
you are heading provides this inspirational magnetic force Mpower Academy, starts with two Masterclasses which are
which pulls you forward, from the inside. always combined:

The vision we have for our business is often something ‘Finding Your Paramount Purpose’ and ‘Creating Your
vague floating around at the back of our minds and it is Inspirational Vision’ go together, so as you work through
important to have a clear vision so you know where you the exercises in each Masterclass, you can ensure both are
are headed. If you want to build a business which is both powerfully aligned. You’ll also be taught the ‘H.E.R. L.I.F.E.
successful AND gives you a certain family lifestyle, then this and Business’ vision system, to ensure that you create your
must be part of the picture from day one. Vision in way that encompasses all areas of your life that are
important to you.
Stephen Covey in the ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective
People’ states ‘begin with the end in mind’ and this is what So, I wanted to give you the first of the four elements
spending time getting clear about your vision and desired of your Pareto Plan, having a clear and compelling
outcomes, is all about. Inspirational Vision, but I there’s actually another part
of your Pareto Plan that I want to talk to you about
Spending time getting creative and crafting your Vision, is here in this guide because I know from working with
the same as setting your intentions, and when you spend my clients that it tends to be the biggest ‘Black Hole’ for
time in that ‘Vision Zone’ thinking about your vision of how people who are new to being in business.
you want your business and life to be, allowing yourself to
see, feel, smell, hear...truly experience...that vision, then you
begin to live that vision energetically in the here and now.

Part of your Pareto Planning will involve creating a one-page way, you will spend all your time, money and energy chasing
business plan plan, your unique blueprint giving you a 12-month clients, and this will never give you the foundations you need
strategic snapshot of how you will get your business success for creating and growing a business which allows you to
out of your head and into the world. There are five parts to your focus on what you love doing, and have time for the people
one-page business plan and one of these is strategy.. You have you love.
a vision (which is the ‘WHAT’ you want to achieve), but you will
also need the strategies (the ‘HOW’ you are going to achieve it). So how do you get more visible with confidence, attract
your ideal clients with ease and sell without feeling pushy or
You’ll need to get absolute clarity on a number of different salesy? The Marketing strategy and systems I teach and help
strategic areas for your business journey (finance, processes, my clients to set up for their businesses is based on what I
product, people, innovation, time management, marketing, call ‘20:80 Attraction Marketing’.
sales, etc.)

When you own your own business, you will need some
business knowledge and skills.

However, you don’t need to go out and do a business degree,

or spend years learning everything there is out there on the
internet. You need to T-shape your business knowledge and

What do I mean by that?

The vertical stem of the ‘T’ represents the depth of your core
expertise. Obviously, you are going to be an expert with very
deep knowledge in whatever it is you do in your business –
your core service offering.

The horizontal bar of the ‘T’ represents your business

knowledge. We haven’t all done degrees in business
and MBA’s, but the good news is you don’t need to. But
as a business owner, you do need to have an ‘umbrella’
understanding of the different areas of business, which Instead of ending up in a situation where we feel like
will allow you to set up, run and manage your business you’re forever chasing your next client, we want to create
effectively (even if you choose to later outsource certain an environment, a platform, where we become like the
aspects of your business activity). light in this picture…we choose our spot and we shine our
light through our powerful marketing conversations and
You need to ‘LOVE’ whatever it is that ‘you do’ that makes relationships, and the most beautiful ‘ideal-client-butterflies’
up the stem part of your ‘T’ in order for your business to are attracted to our light and drawn to us.
become both successful and sustainable.
When you create your Pareto Plan, ensuring you have an
In addition to your core offering, which again I’m assuming effective ‘Attraction Marketing’ strategy is going to be key to
you both love and are really good at, there is one aspect not creating a new time trap for yourself, where you spend
of business, which, no matter what your business is about, all your time trying to find new clients.
you need to develop a deeper ‘stem’ understanding:
and that’s Marketing. Marketing will be an important area for you to
master, it is the lifeblood of your business, so I’ll
When ‘YOU are your business’ you cannot simply outsource include six key basic points here for you to think
your marketing, and Marketing is so important. about to help get you started…

The fact is, without clients you have no business.

The fact is, if you don’t master your marketing, in the right

Know and hyper-focus on your ideal client when you Stand out from the crowd, develop your own powerful
develop your Marketing strategy and core Marketing brand, both an authentic personal brand as an
messages. This is more focused than your target-market or entrepreneur and a compelling signature brand for your
a niche, this is your absolute ‘ideal client’, etc. services and products. Once you have your signature
brand, that’s great, but remember in order to stand out
By focusing on your ideal client, when it comes to your from the crowd, above and beyond your brand you need to
marketing messages and initial offerings, ultimately you „tune’ your messages to your ideal clients „frequency’. The
are going to be able to do your best work, these are the „struggle’ needs to be in their words/language. No jargon,
clients who will energise you, sustain your passion for what no agenda, just their language.
you do, you will give the best and they will get the best
results win/win. Get absolute clarity about your ideal client BASICS SIX
and hyper-focus on them. Focus on your benefits – Be clear about your ‘core
benefits’. Don’t talk how you do what you do. People
Many people worry about who they might be ‘excluding’ don’t buy your services, they buy results. People don’t
or missing out on by doing this, but I can assure you that buy ‘drills’ they are buying ‘holes’. Not only about the
there are more clients out there than you can ever cover benefits, but what makes you unique in the way you
in a lifetime, and this focus on ideal client will make your deliver those benefits.
Marketing so much easier.
Focus should be 20% on your marketing ‘strategy’ (the
BASICS TWO channels/tools) and 80% on message clarity. No matter
Get clear about where your ideal client ‘hangs out’ – Easy which channels you use or how you master them, if your
to do if you have clarity on who your ideal client is. message is not right, your marketing will
remain ineffective.
Begin with a focused two-prong Marketing strategy. It Of course I can’t cover everything in this kickstart guide,
seems there are 101 different marketing channels, but these are just some pointers to get you started, some
really there are 14 types and they all fall under one of important insights to get you thinking about the important
three categories (online, offline and personal contact), and things from the start, the Mpower Masterclasses will
you only need to choose 2-3 types (and aim to master just guide you through the process of creating your Pareto
one). The 2-3 you choose will depend on your personal Plan and a monthly action plan, step by step.
strengths and preferences and which ones are best suited
to your ideal client. In the meanwhile, let’s look at the Pareto Planning
questions, to see how much you already have in place.
The temptation is to use a ‘scatter gun’ approach, so easy
to assume that the more channels you use, the more How do you score when it comes to ‘Pareto Planning’?
people you will reach and the more clients you will get,
this is not true. You will spread yourself too thinly, waste Answer the following questions, being honest with
time and money, and dilute your message impact. You need yourself, to understand how well you score when it comes
powerful ‘laser’ focus in your methods too. to ‘Pareto Planning’.

There are three ‘phases’ to your marketing cycle, and
you also need to make sure you are focusing on the right
stage (for example, when you are first starting out in your
business, 80% of your marketing efforts needs to be on the
first phase of ‘filling the pipeline’, but you must not neglect
laying the foundations for the second and third phases,
and then gradually focusing more of your time and effort
on nurturing and developing your relationships within the
‘pipeline’ and then converting your potential clients in to
paying clients.

Pareto Planning- Questions for reflection:

Do you have a vision statement and/or vision board?

Do you have a Vision which is A-J (Aligned, Bold, Clear, Desired Outcomes, Emotional, Future Focused, Guiding, Holistic,
Impactful, Joint)
Do you have a clear set of written ‘desired outcomes’ and goals?
Have you created a strategic roadmap?
Do you have a Business Plan?
Have you mapped out your Business Model?
Do you have an effective 20:80 Attraction Marketing Strategy?
Have you got the right degree of focus in your Marketing actions?
Do you have tools to help you manage your goals, priorities and tasks on a quarterly, monthly, weekly and daily basis?
Are you confident your plans get you in the 20% zone? (20% of your efforts lead to 80% of your results)
If you have the right plans in place, do you use and update them as regularly as needed?
Having reflected on each of the questions, how would you rate your current levels and usage of planning to ensure your
actions and efforts are keeping you focused, prioritised and working in the 20% zone?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = No plans or use of plans)
10 (highest = All strategic, tactical and action plans in place and used regularly to keep me confidently in the 20% zone).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Personal Your Values are what is important to you in life.

Knowing your core personal values helps you understand what drives you – what you
enjoy, inspires you and would like more of.
Knowing your core personal values helps you
understand what drives you – what you enjoy, inspires
you and would like more of.

By building a life and lifestyle around our values we

create a life that is more satisfying and meaningful to us.
Life feels more in flow.

Values change over time, particularly when we become

parents, and deepen as you understand yourself better
– they are always moving. Your Values can also be
situational - so what is true for you in business may
not be true for you at home.

When it comes to Values, there is no right or wrong – You will find that any decision and course of action you
only who WE are! consider will either honour your values, or not, and
knowing what your core personal values are is a great
True success can only be achieved when we do so tool in making important decisions and deciding on the
without compromising our core personal values, best way of doing things.
otherwise we can look successful to people from the
outside, however, we won’t feel successful and be able When your personal values are not met in life, this will
to enjoy our ‘success’ on the inside, it will feel hollow have a ripple effect, and will absolutely show up in your
and unfulfilling. business, particularly in the way you do Marketing and
how you interact with others.
Our values are often something we are not consciously
aware of, but spending time to understand these, and If your vision, plans, goals and action conflict with your
then prioritise them, provides us with a benchmark to core values, it doesn’t matter how business savvy you
decide whether a particular course of action is the become, it will become a struggle to turn your vision
right one, or wrong one, for ourselves and therefore into a reality and achieve the results you dream of.
our business.
How do you score when it comes to
‘Personal Values’?

Answer the following questions, being honest with

yourself, to understand how well you score when it
comes to knowing and understanding your
‘Personal Values’.

Personal Values - Questions for reflection:

Do you know your top 8 core personal values when it comes to business?
Do you know your top 8 core personal values when it comes to life in general?
Do you understand how aligned your business vision and business plans are with your core personal values, or where they
may be in conflict?
Do you know to what extent your core personal values are currently being met in your personal life?
Do you understand the impact that unmet personal values can have on your business?
Does your business support your life values?
Do the people involved in your business share your values?

Having reflected on each of the questions above, how well do you understand your top 8 core personal values, how they
differ between business and home life, and the extent to which they are aligned with all aspects of your business?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = No understanding, alignment and fulfilment of core personal values) to
10 (highest = Complete understanding, alignment and fulfilment of core personal values).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Plucky Plucky – ‘Having or showing determined courage in the face of difficulties.’

Passion – ‘Passion is when you put more energy into something than is
required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, passion is

Passion putting as much heart, mind, body and soul in to something as possible.’

In the words of Confucius ‘Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a
day in your life’.

I can guarantee there will be ups and downs on your How do you score when it comes to ‘Plucky Passion’?
business journey, that’s normal. I can guarantee there
will be days when you say something to yourself along Answer the following questions, being honest with
the lines of ‘Why am I doing this’. There will be moments yourself, to understand how well you score when it
when you feel like giving up. All the successful people comes to ‘Plucky Passion’.
you admire have had these days and moments too. The
only difference between them, and the people who did
not succeed is they kept going.

What keeps us going in the face of difficulties and

challenges, is our passion.

Passion for what you do, is one of your most precious

resources. It will make you ‘plucky’, giving you
determination and courage in the face of difficulties,
obstacles and challenges.

Passion is not just something you think about in your

head, it is something you have at the heart and soul level
too. It’s the goosebump factor and the heart beating
faster, it’s the way you light up even when simply talking
about what you do.

Plucky Passion - Questions for reflection:

Would you say you LOVE what you do?

Do you often talk about what you do?
Does your business ‘light you up’?
Do you feel drawn to your business, perhaps almost obsessed?
Do you find it hard not to think about your business, even when you’re on holiday?
If money were no object, would you still want to do this sort of business?
Do you look forward to Mondays?
Do you wake up excited for the day?
Do you feel it’s all worth it?
On the days you might ask yourself ‘Why am I doing this?’, can you easily find the answer?
Does your business feel more like a ‘calling’ than work?
Do other people ever comment that they can tell how passionate you are about what you do?
Is your business ‘The One’, not just a stepping stone or bridge to what you REALLY want to be doing (when you have more
time, experience, money, courage, etc.)?

Having reflected on each of the questions, how much passion do you have that is so strong it will give you determined
courage to face any difficulties as they arise?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = No Passion) to
10 (highest = Total Passion).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Precious Precious – ‘Of great value; beloved person, highly esteemed, cherished.’

People – ‘In the context of this success ingredient, there are four
different types of people vital to success in business – read on to find

People out who they are.’

In business terms, your success is directly related to the strength of your network.

Anybody who is serious about having a successful business and credibility. Members of your tribe/community won’t
WITHOUT having to sacrifice your health, quality of life, necessarily be potential clients, but they may become your
time with loved ones or sanity…you need to be building your fans and ‘champions’ as they get to know what you stand for,
connections with the right people on FOUR different levels: what you do and why you do it. It only takes 1000 raving fans
for a small business to be highly successful (google ‘1000
raving fans’ and check out the article that was written on this
1. Business People topic). Note: An email list is not a tribe or community.
2. Support People
3. Tribe/Community People Dream Team People
4. Dream Team People You also need to think about your ‘dream team’. It’s natural to
often start off as a one-woman band when you have limited
resources, and in the early days we are often best placed
to be the central driving force to get things moving. This
Business People is fine when your business is in it’s infancy…the new born
When I say you need to strengthen your network of which needs to dedicated focus from its mother, but as your
business people, I’m not talking about clients here. Of course business starts to take-off your business network will need
clients are essential, if you don’t have clients you don’t to encompass some business support to free up your time
have a business, but getting clients is covered under your from doing the things you don’t like doing in your business.
Marketing and Sales plans and actions.
Ultimately, this will give you more time and energy to focus
What I’m referring to here is building the right connections working on the parts of your business which you enjoy the
to leverage your reach and your impact by creating a network most, and require your specialist knowledge and skills. This
of professional contacts who will grow to know, like and trust doesn’t mean that you have to hire staff, in today’s modern
you to potentially become your ‘champions’ (people who will marketplace it is very easy to outsource work or hire
rave about what you do to others), perhaps referral partners, freelancers by the hour.
or even joint venture partners. Remember, it’s important to
think ‘quality not quantity’, the strength of our network is As part of the dream team, every business person, no
not about big numbers, it’s about the depth and quality of matter what their qualifications or business knowledge
relationships you build with the RIGHT people. and experience should have a business coach or a mentor.
Even though I’m a coach and a mentor myself, I have my own
Support People business and personal coaches, and wouldn’t be where I am
The concept of needing people, extends beyond the business today without them, because they help you to develop your
arena for us mothers. By ‘Support People’, I’m talking about success mindset, to grow quickly beyond your comfort zone,
your support network. Either important people in your life, to stay focused and accountable, to stay on track and avoid
or professionals/companies, who provide you the support the costly errors it’s so easier to make.
and back-up you need logistically and emotionally on the
home front. If you are investing time, energy and money in How do you score when it comes to ‘Precious People’?
to starting and growing your business, you will need some
support on the home and childcare, for example. Answer the following questions, being honest with yourself,
to understand how well you score when it comes to
Tribe/Community People ‘Precious People’.
Starting and leading your own tribe or community is not only
an incredible way to meet new people who share similar
passions and values, it is also a great way to raise your profile
Precious People - Questions for reflection:

How strong is your business Network?

(By strong I mean a combination of good numbers of the right people and depth of relationship)
How reliable and helpful is your Support Network?
How big and engaged is your Tribe/Community?
Do you have the right Dream Team?
How easy do you find it to make new connections?
How easy do you find it to nurture connections in to meaningful relationships?
How often do the right kind of people approach you wanting to connect?
How confident do you feel about building relationships with people outside your family and friends?
How comfortable are you talking to people you don’t know?
How easy do you find it to ask people for help?
How much emotional support do you feel you get?
How much help do you feel you get with things outside of your business?
How easy do you find it to get results through other people (staff, freelancers, hired companies, etc.)?
To what extent do you feel things will only be done well enough if you do them yourself?

Having reflected on each of the questions, how many of the right types of ‘Precious People’ do you have around
you right now?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = You don’t have all FOUR types of ‘People’ or the right people) to
10 (highest = The right number and right people in all FOUR categories).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Priceless Priceless – ‘So precious that its value cannot be determined –

incalculable value – having a value beyond any price – So valuable
nobody would ever want to sell it or be able to buy it.’

Platform Platform – ‘In the context of this success ingredient, our platform is
all the other important, foundational areas of our life which form the
foundations upon which we build or business’ – read on to find out more.

It’s a common mistake to assume we can separate our business from the rest of our life,
but the reality is you can’t. Your business success is intrinsically linked to all areas of your
personal life.
income to meet your family’s needs?
Your ability to get the results you are striving for in your l 5 Does your business generate healthy profits? (it’s one
business, and your ability to enjoy working on and in your thing to have a good turnover, but it’s profit that really
business depends heavily on how good things are across counts at the end of the day).
all important areas of your life. l 5 If you are in the process of starting up and don’t have

clients yet, do you have enough funding (self-funding

If you’re struggling or having real problems, issues, drama or from external sources), to finance your business
and difficulties in a key area of your life, this will have a activity for the necessary period of time? (successful
ripple effect throughout your life, and inevitably this will and sustainable businesses, just like Rome, are not
impact the results you are able to achieve in your business built in a day).
and your ability to turn your inspirational vision in to reality.
l 5 D o you have enough savings to give you and your
family the financial security and peace of mind that you
have a ‘cushion’ or a ‘rainy day’ fund?
l 5 Do you have money invested that is working for you,

for your family’s financial future independence?

Physical & Mental Health

As a solopreneur, sole-trader, small business owner…
you are your business. Your health is your number one
biggest business (and life) asset. If you lose your physical
or mental health, the impact on you, your family and your
Below are 8 areas of life which are typically very business can be catastrophic. I’ve specifically mentioned
important to most people. both physical and mental health here, because both are
equally important. There is less of a taboo about mental
Income & Investment health issues, but it is still there. Our mental health, is just
When you’re working on starting or growing a business, as important as our physical health, and losing either is
it’s important to have peace of mind that you can survive equally debilitating.
financially. Financial desperation is not only a terrible l 5 Do you feel healthy and fit?

source of anxiety, stress and worry, it can really hold you l 5 Do you take care of yourself by eating healthily and

back in your business success, because whether you are getting regular exercise?
aware of it or not, financial stress and worries will show l 5 Are you worried about your mental health?

up in the way you run your business and how you interact l 5 Are you worried about your physical health?

with your clients. Clients and potential partners will l 5 Do you feel happy about the way you look and feel?

sense underlying currents of stress, fear, desperation, no l 5 Do you struggle with chronic anxiety or depression?

matter how hard you might try to hide it…and the energy l 5 Do you suffer from physical or mental illness that is

and subtle behaviours associated with ‘lack’, ‘fear’ and not being addressed?
‘attachment to outcome’ will act as a barrier to getting the l 5 Do you know you should be doing more to look after

positive outcomes and results you really want and deserve. yourself physically/mentally?
Consider these questions: l 5 Do you feel emotionally ‘on track’?

l Does your business have a healthy cashflow? l 5 Do you feel grounded and centred?

l 5 Do you have a regular and consistent household l 5 Do you feel positive about the future?

Motherhood & Children Balance & Freedom
l 5 Are you happy with the relationship you have with l 5 Do you have a sense of balance between your business
your children? and your home life?
l 5 Are you confident in your parenting? l 5 Do you feel free to make important choices about your

l 5 Are there things you are struggling with in your role life and business?
as a mother? l 5 Do you feel you have choices about how you spend

l 5 Are you able to enjoy motherhood in the way your time?

you want? l 5 Do you feel you have control over your life?

l 5 Are you able to enjoy enough quality time with your

children? Fulfilment & Growth

l 5 Do you feel you get the support you need when it l 5 Do you feel fulfilled by life?
comes to parenting? l 5 Do you feel fulfilled by your business?

l 5 Do you feel that you are learning and growing in

Family & Friends your life?

l 5 Are you happy with the friendships you have? l 5 Do you feel that you are learning and growing in

l 5 Are you happy with the relationships you have with your business?
members of your extended family?
Add your own important life areas…
Love & Romance
l 5 If you are currently in a relationship, are you happy Think about each area with regards to your own life, and
in this relationship? Does it bring out the best in be really honest with yourself
you, is it loving, supporting and caring? Of course, all
relationships will have their ups and downs, that’s Having reflected on each of the important areas of your
normal, but this question is one to really reflect on. life which make up your ‘Priceless Platform’, give yourself
They say that one in four women will experience an a score from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest), to reflect how
abusive (physical and/or emotional) at some point fulfilled, satisfied, happy, content you feel with these
in their lives, and I know from personal experience combined areas of your life, which make up the platform
that emotionally abusive or ‘toxic’relationships can for you to pursue your business goals.
be just (if not more) destructive and wounding as the
physically abusive ones, not just for us but also for our My Score:…………….
l 5 If you are not currently in a relationship, how happy Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.
and content do you feel not being in a relationship?
Getting to a place where you can truly love yourself,
and not be dependent on another person’s love for our
own happiness, is important in our ability to enjoy life,
and also for attracting the right sort of future partner
in to our lives (if that is something we want in the
l 5 Do you get to spend enough quality time with your


Interests and Passions

l 5 Are you able to pursue things you love doing outside of
your business and role as a mother?
l 5 Are there things you really want to do, which are

important to you, but you never seem to get the time

to do them?


Productive Productive – ‘Yielding large amounts of positive results,

producing abundantly and readily.’

Platform – ‘The process or state of taking action or doing something.’

Action Note: there’s a twist to both these classic definitions when it

comes to thinking about what productive action is when are on
your startup to 60k journey– read on to find out more…

No matter how much you know, how wonderful your vision or brilliant your plans,
if you don’t take action, it simply won’t happen.
I’m not talking about taking action for action’s sake, I’m
talking about taking focused, consistent action in line with
your vision and your well thought through plans, working
smarter not harder to focus your efforts on the 20% of
actions which are going to reap those 80% of results in life
and business.

How well do you feel you manage your time? Lots of people
talk about ‘Time Management’, I prefer to teach people what
I call ‘Time Mastery’. Time Mastery involves getting all 10 of
these ingredients right, so that you can be in the 20% zone
we spoke about, achieving your goals confidently through
simple step by step actions (because the most effective
strategies to support your vision, goals and roadmap have
been broken down in to simple step by step actions and
tasks in your pareto plans) and always carrying things out
with ease and flow (thanks to your empowering beliefs and
performance mindset).

I sometimes say to my clients that it’s important to take So part of the ingredient for success when it comes to
‘Imperfect action’? Why would I ever say this? When you are action, is to NOT take action, to be purposefully inactive: not
working on something you are passionate about, care about, through procrastination or because we don’t know what to
and when you’re used to being successful in what you do, do or how to do, but simply because we are smart and we
it’s easy to get caught up in analysis-preparation-paralysis. If know that we need to regularly recharge our batteries. We
you’re like me, you might sometimes have a tendency to be need to put our own oxygen mask on first (I’m sure you know
a bit of a perfectionist; you want everything to be ‘just right’, the analogy already), we need to realise that sometimes we
‘spot on’. So my advice, when you know you’ve done your need to slow down in order to get better and faster results
homework, and done the groundwork, is to ask yourself ‘is (remember the story of the hare and the tortoise?). This is
this good enough’ or ‘am I ready’ and if you’re in the 80%+ not being selfish, it’s being self-FUL. This is not being lazy, it’s
mark then just take ‘Imperfect Action’. being smart, because we realise that life is not a sprint, it is a
marathon, and there are no medals for burnout!
There’s a bit of a twist when it comes to defining what
‘Productive Action’ means, particularly for women, and How do you score when it comes to ‘Productive Action’?
even more so if you are heart-centered, passionate and/
or a parent. We are really good at being busy, taking care Answer the following questions, being honest with yourself,
of everyone else, picking up after everyone, constantly to understand how well you score when it comes to
assessing everyone’s needs and squeezing every last drop ‘Precious People’.
out the day… sound familiar?

Productive Action - Questions for reflection:

How often do you find yourself procrastinating?

How often do you feel you have wasted your time/day?
How often do you have difficultly completing tasks?
How often do you feel overloaded and overwhelmed by the number of things to do?
How often do you find yourself carrying out the same repetitive tasks?
How often do you do things that could be delegated or outsourced to other people?
How organised do you feel when you are carrying out your tasks/actions?
How often do you feel exhausted by all that you do?
How often do you get dragged off on a tangent?
How often do you end up focusing on the urgent rather than the important?
How often does your time get sucked up by Social Media, surfing the Internet or housework (when these could wait)?
What sense of great accomplishment and huge achievement do you have at the end of each day?
How much ‘me-time’ or down time do you have?
How often do you change your priorities at the last minute due to demands from others?
How often do you say yes, when you really want to say no, and regret not saying no afterwards?
How much of a perfectionist would you say you are, resulting in spending far too much time on detail that probably goes
unnoticed, particularly for the amount of time spent?
How often do you get stuck in ‘analysis paralysis’, overthinking, over-analysing and wondering where to start?
How often does it feel like trying to complete certain tasks is like Chinese torture, or trying to get blood out of stone?
Are there things you want to do but you find yourself procrastinating?
Are there things you really want to do, but you feel scared, worried or anxious and it stops you taking action and getting
things done?
Do you feel as if you’re ‘in flow’, in the zone, swimming with the current?
Do you get so into what you are doing that time seems to fly by?
Are you able to focus your attention on the task in hand, without being plagued by distracting thoughts?

Having reflected on each of the questions above, how good are you with maintaining ‘Productive Action’?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = My action levels are zero) to
10 (highest = My actions are the right ones, at the right time, at the right pace).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Perfect Perfect – ‘Absolute/Complete – Completely free from

faults or defects – Lacking nothing essential to the whole –
Complete of its kind and without defect or blemish – flawless.

Authenticity Authenticity – ‘The quality of being authentic (Authentic:

not false or copied; genuine – real – conforming to fact and
therefore worthy of trust, reliance or belief.’

Yes, business success requires a certain amount of Business IQ (the knowledge about the
right way to do things, how to create the best strategy for you and your business, but you
get help from experts, coaches/mentors training programmes and books for the bits you
don’t know or haven’t done before).
Then of course, there is the all important Business EQ Be OK with being Marmite…powerful and unique YOU,
(our emotional intelligence), covered in this guide by the that your ideal clients will love, and those that don’t love
Performance Mindset ingredient. you…that’s OK. Think about how you are currently in your
business and your communications, and get really honest
What people often underestimate when they go into with yourself about whether your trying to please and serve
business for themselves, particularly if they have worked everyone and by trying to do so are presenting as vanilla.
in the corporate world for some time, is the importance of Vanilla which is ‘nice’, but in the business world just blends
what I call ‘Business AQ’: Business Authenticity. into the noise and all the other vanillas.

Being successful in business, is very related to your ability Women are often natural carers (maternal instinct), we want
to be YOU in your business. That may sound simple to help everyone possible, we don’t like to feel like we are
and obvious, but to be the authentic, unique version of being exclusive, or leaving people out. But in your business you
yourself in whatever it is you do, actually takes courage cannot set out to please everyone, and if you try it’s a definite
and sometimes a bit of practice. recipe for your business messages being weak, not attracting
any clients, fizzling out, and you burning out in the process.
Even if you sell products, ultimately, when you meet
people (through networking for example) it’s you that I’ve called this ‘Perfect’ Authenticity because, although we
they are meeting and hearing, not your products. People all know there is no such thing as perfection, when you show
buy from people they like, and people will only be able to up authentically in your business, as the real, unique YOU,
really connect with you and like you if you are being your with your unique set of strengths and weaknesses, your
true authentic self. ways of being, your imperfections and your idiosyncrasies,
your personal story with the challenges and fears you’ve
Finding your voice is also about getting really clear about faced, the mistakes you’ve made and the obstacles you’ve
your own personal story, and how that relates to your had to overcome...all of these things which make up you, are
business today and why you do what you do. by default PERFECT in the business world. Why, because
they make you unique, they make you real, and people can
only develop trust with people they get to know. If you are
not authentic, others will sense they are not really seeing
the real you, and you will never be able to develop the sort of
trusting relationships that successful businesses depend on.

How comfortable are you with being Marmite, with showing

up 100% as the real YOU?

How do you score when it comes to ‘Perfect

Marmite…to find and use YOUR true, unique self, story
and voice in everything you do, and be your authentic Answer the following questions, being honest with
self you need to become like Marmite. Just like Marmite, yourself, to understand how well you score when it comes
some will love it and some will hate it (not love it). to ‘Perfect Authenticity’.
Perfect Authenticity - Questions for reflection:

Do you understand how to build a powerful authentic personal brand?

Have you found your authentic voice in business?
Do you understand your unique talents and gifts?
Do you have the confidence to show up as the ‘real you’ in your business?
Are you comfortable sharing your story with others (besides friends and family)?
Do you have a strong sense of identity?
Do you have a strong sense of personal style?
Do you find that you attract the right sort of people in to your life?
Do you feel confident finding your own way of doing things?
Do you feel confident sharing your own opinions, insights and views?
Do you listen to and follow your intuition/gut feelings?
Can you feel strong and confident without needing external validation and praise?
Do you feel a sense of inner courage and strength?
Do you feel a sense of self-worth and that you deserve good things?
Do you feel comfortable to shine and be highly visible?
Do you feel relaxed about how others may perceive you?
Are you clear about your own strengths and weaknesses?
Do you fully appreciate all of the value you ALREADY have through your unique talents, experiences and gifts?
Are you already able to see what it is that makes you unique and special?
Do you want to please everyone and aim to be liked by everyone?

Having reflected on each of the questions above, how good are you at being ‘Perfectly Authentic’?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = I am 0% authentic and showing up as the ‘real me’) to
10 (highest = I am 100% authentic and showing up as the ‘real me’).

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Powerful Powerful – ‘Having great power or strength/influence, make

someone stronger and more confident especially in controlling
their life and claiming their rights.’

Beliefs Beliefs – ‘The feeling of being certain that something is true or exists.’
You are what you believe!

In understanding how our beliefs affect our ability to succeed, the first thing we need to
understand is how our beliefs are formed. It has been said that the human brain is a truth
seeking mechanism. In our early childhood the experiences we have can be positive or
could be negative. What the brain does, is attempt to prove that those experiences are
right, so it goes in search of proof.
For example, many people have a fear of public speaking, Positive beliefs which support the outcome we desire, are
which can be traced back to a negative experience at school, called ‘Empowering Beliefs’, and negative beliefs which
when the class chuckled as you read out a piece from a book. affect our ability to get the results we want are called
From that initial childhood experience, what the brain then ‘Limiting Beliefs’. A lot of the time, we are aware of our own
does, every time you stand up in front of a group of people, beliefs, however, a lot of the time our beliefs are what we
is it collects proof that that is call ‘unconscious’, they were formed
a negative experience, until in childhood and although they are
eventually you have a belief
system that says that presenting
Whether you believe very powerful in affecting the way we
think, respond and behave as a result,
in front of a group of people is a
bad thing.
you can or believe we are not always aware that they
exist and the extent to which they

Our belief system drives our

you can’t, you’re have control over us.

perception of how we see the

world, the self-talk we give to
absolutely right ~ There are many different areas where
our beliefs can affect our success
ourselves, and how we feel in in business, as you’ll see from the
that situation. All these combine Henry Ford questions below.
to drive our physiology which
creates either a coherent or a stress response. How do you score when it comes to ‘Powerful Beliefs’?

If we have a negative belief, the system is designed to switch Answer the following questions, being honest with yourself,
off the thinking part of the brain, which then drives our to understand how well you score when it comes to
behaviour and action, this of course will then determine the ‘Powerful Beliefs’:
results you get, which will then reinforce your belief system.

So in the case of a negative belief around our example of

public speaking, we hear the word ‘public speaking’ and our
mind goes in to panic, our self-talk kicks in along the lines of
‘I’ll look a fool’ and ‘it’ll all go horribly wrong’, and of course
it does because we made it so. The great thing about belief
systems is they can be changed. If you change your belief
about a situation, you will break the self-fulfilling prophesy
cycle, and you will change the outcome.

Powerful Beliefs - Questions for reflection:

How aware are you of your own beliefs?

What do you believe about success?
What do you believe about successful people?
What do you believe about money?
What do you believe about your own abilities?
What do you believe about what makes a good mother?
What do you believe about your children?
What do you believe about your self-worth?
What do you believe about business?
What do you believe about love?
What do you believe about time?
What do you believe about YOU?
Have you ever worked with a coach to uncover your unconscious beliefs around any of the above topics, which could be
holding you back without you realising?

Having reflected on each of the questions, how good ‘Powerful’ are your beliefs?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = I don’t know what my beliefs are or how they might be limiting me) to
10 (highest = I am aware of my conscious beliefs which are empowering, and I have done work to discover and overcome my
subconscious limiting beliefs)

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.


Performance Performance– ‘Accomplishment of something and

how well it is done. High performance = above
average or superior standard.’

Mindset Mindset – ‘A person’s usual attitude or mental state.

A particular way of thinking, a person’s attitude or
set of opinions about something.’

Here’s something I believe to be true: Business success is 20% skill and 80% mindset.
Your mindset, the way you think and the way in which you handle your resulting emotions
and behaviours can make or break your business.
We are all different, and without spending time with you Presence
individually it’s difficult for me to say which of the many How often is your mind fully in the moment? How often are
facets of ‘mindset’ are most likely to impact your ability to we with our children physically, but our minds are partially
make your vision a reality, but here are the top 3 I tend to elsewhere? (swirling with urgent, pressing and passionate
come across most frequently when I work with women thoughts about our new business and what we need to do
in business: next to make it a success) If we are going to take on the
challenge of building our own business, and let’s face it, it
Fear does take effort and it can be challenging, we at least need
Fear comes in all shapes and sizes (from full blown to be able to enjoy the benefits, and enjoy the journey. After
anxiety attacks, to milder forms of fear hidden under all, success is as much, if not more, about the way we travel
stress or behind procrastination). We all have a different rather than simply reaching a final destination.
relationship with fear, both in life and in our work. Where
is your head at when it comes to: simply being aware of It’s important that we are aware of our thoughts and
and understanding your fears, overcoming yours fears, emotions, and that we are able to regulate how we respond
embracing new challenges and getting out of your comfort to our thoughts and emotions and therefore control the
zone, recognising and shaking off procrastination, being impact these have on our behaviours and actions, in a way
comfortable with ‘putting yourself out there’ in a way which which enhances our ‘performance’ and ability to get the
may make you feel vulnerable, approaching what you do results we want in business and life.
with genuine confidence.
How do you score when it comes to ‘Performance
Self-talk Mindset’?
How critical is your self-talk? I challenge you to listen
and take careful note of how that inner-voice talks to you Answer the following questions, being honest with yourself,
throughout the day. What do you catch yourself saying to to understand how well you score when it comes to
yourself, especially in those moments when you are doing ‘Performance Mindset’.
something which takes you outside your comfort zone,
or you are still learning so perhaps don’t get it right the
first time round, or perhaps you feel lost or confused by
something new or unfamiliar. In these situations, is your
self-talk similar to how you would talk to your own child
if they were in the same situation as you, is it supportive,
comforting, loving, nurturing, emphatic and kind? From
my experience of working with women in Business, I can
bet that 90% of the time it isn’t, in fact I’m guessing that
we would be horrified if we or anyone else spoke to our
children in the way we often speak to ourselves…and yet we
wouldn’t dream of talking to others that way, because we
understand the power of the spoken word!

Performance Mindset - Questions for reflection:

How much control do you feel you have over your fears?
Are you able to stay positive and self-motivated?
Does that ‘little voice’ in your head encourage, praise and support you?
Are you able to be fully present in the moment, or is your mind always distracted or racing at a 1000 miles per hour thinking
about all the other things you should be doing?
How are aware are you of your own emotions?
How good are you at empathising with other people?
How noisy is your ‘internal chatter’, do you know how to lower the volume?
How good are you at ‘switching off’ when you need to?
How good are you at stopping bad habits?
How much time do you spend going over what is wrong about your past?
How much time do you spend worrying about the future?
How often do you find yourself judging other people?
How often do you compare yourself to others?
How often are you plagued by guilt?
How often do you react to a situation or person in a way that you later regret?
How in control do you feel of your emotions?
How in control do you feel of your reactions when faced with difficult situations?
Are you able to accept and let go of things which are not within your control?
Are you already able to feel emotionally centred and grounded despite what is going on around you?

Having reflected on each of the questions above, to what extent do you have a ‘Performance Mindset’?

Give yourself a score between

0 (lowest = My mindset; thoughts and ability to be aware of my emotions and manage the resulting responses and actions
are not high performing) to
10 (highest = My mindset; thoughts and ability to be aware of my emotions and manage the resulting responses and actions
are 100% high performing)

My Score:…………….

Now map this score on to the 10Ps Success Model.

My 10 Essential P’s for
Startup to Success
Measuring Foundations & Flow

Date completed:_________________________

10 10

10 Plans 10
5 5
Plucky Precious
Passion People

5 5

Paramount Priceless
Purpose Platform

5 0 5 10

Performance Productive
Mindset Action
5 5

Personal Perfect
Values 5 5 Authenticity
10 10

10 10

Record your thoughts & observations here:


What Next…?
First of all, well done for completing this guide, I’m so happy you have now discovered the
10 essential ingredients for true success to your journey.

Having reflected on each set of questions and given I really want you to:
yourself a score, make sure you have mapped all 10
scores on to your Success model at the back of this guide. l 5 M
 ake real progress in your business

You now have an initial overview of 10 things that l 5 B

 e able to enjoy life to the fullest
need to be in place to create solid foundations for your
business and be able to create sustainable growth and l 5 F
 eel more flow and ease in your life
success, AND be able to enjoy the journey every step of
the way. l 5 L ook back in 12 months time having
achieved everything that’s most important to you!
By reflecting on the questions in each of the sections,
you should now also have clarity about which of these
ingredients you might have overlooked as you build your I can definitely help
business. For those of you who have been in business for
a while, but have been struggling to get the results you you and it would be an
really want, you can hopefully now see the areas where
you need to focus on moving forward. honour to help you get
your dream business and
So what now?
family lifestyle out of your
What do you do if you realise there are areas you need to
improve and develop but you don’t know how?
head and into reality.
What if you have all of the 10Ps mastered but you don’t
So here are some next steps to help you:
have a plan of how to actually make it happen; you have
the ingredients but you haven’t figured out your recipe
Firstly, please do make sure you have joined all the other
and you have have all the tools in your toolkit and feel a
like-minded and like-hearted women in our Mpower
bit lost about what to do next?
Facebook Community and all the resources on our
website including my book The
I realise you may need some more information or support
Invisible Revolution which will take these and other
to MAKE IT HAPPEN…particularly when it comes to
success principles further.
knowing how to create your own plan (I like to call it a
success blueprint), and part of that will be understanding
On the next page is my gift to you, to help and support
what to do when it comes to Marketing and
you in getting clarity on how to move forward and making
understanding how to get more visible with confidence
it happen…
and attract your ideal clients, because getting clients is
the life blood of your business).

kickstart session
Get the support you need to make it happen

If you are serious about starting, growing and sustaining In this 60 minute one-to-one supportive and confidential
a successful business in a way that adds to the quality of consultation via Skype/telephone, I will work with you to:
your family life, getting results AND being able to enjoy the
journey, you are ready to put in the effort and get these 10 l  reate a sense of clarity about what you want to achieve
5 C
ingredients for success working for you, then I would like to in the next 12 months
offer you a complimentary one-to-one session…
l  ind out how to get the 10 essential ingredients in place
5 F
and working for you

l  iscover the #1 thing that could stop you getting the

5 D
results you want

l 5 H
 elp you feel clear and confident about your next steps

I am only offering this complimentary session to those who

have worked through this guide and send me a copy of their
completed ‘10Ps Model’

There is no sales pitch, that’s not how I do business, simply if

there’s a match between the support you feel you need and
what I do, I can give you a brief overview and answer any
questions you might have. I am committed to helping you get
the success and happiness you and your family deserve.

Contact me to book
your Complimentary
Session today...
or visit

© Nicola Huelin 2015 Copyright in this document belongs to Nicola Huelin.

You may not allow others to copy it or use it for any purpose.
About the Author
Nicola Huelin is a multi-award winning women’s business coach & mentor,
inspirational speaker and author with over 20 years’ in business; combining corporate
experience as an executive and senior business consultant within multiple industries;
Telecommunications, IT, Public Sector, Education, Hospitality and 12 years an
Entrepreneur, Freelancer and small business owner.

Nicola holds an Honours degree in business economics with Founder of Mpower Mastermind groups, Nicola’s work has
a specialism in Marketing from Southampton University and been featured on international TV, and has received multiple
postgraduate qualifications in business, change and project awards, including:
management and was an approved Marketing Advisor on the
government’s Business Growth Voucher programme. l 5 M
 entor of the Year, Women in Business Excellence ,
Sussex Edition 2016
A registered AMAC coach (Associate member) with the
Association for Coaching, Nicola is a fully qualified Small l 5 B
 est Parent in Business (London & South East),
Business Coach and Personal Transformation Life Coach, Mumandworking awards, 2016 finalist
and holds a diploma in Small Business Coaching, Group
Coaching and Personal Transformation Coaching from the l 5 M
 ost Empowering Coach/Mentor, Women are
Animas Centre for coaching, London. All coaching training B.E.S.T. awards, Winner 2015
fully accredited and recognised by The International Coach
Federation, The Institute of Leadership Management and l 5 B
 est Supporting Business, National MumpreneurUK
The Complimentary Therapists Association. business awards, Finalist 2015

Trusted for her expertise, caring and down to earth approach l 5 B

 est New Business, Women in Sussex awards,
and holistic philosophy when defining and achieving success, Winner 2014
as well as having combined a successful career and business
success with raising a family, Nicola has become a highly l 5 S ussex Woman of the Year, honorary luncheon hosted
sought after women’s business coach and mentor to other by Lady Camilla Parker Bowles and Edwina Sandys
mums in business and is on a personal mission to empower (granddaughter of Sir Winston Churchill).
one million mums in business.
Nicola is author of the book The Invisible
Revolution - join the empowered mumprenuers

Nicola is regularly asked to share her business expertise

and her inspirational personal story talking to large
audiences around the UK, for example the London Summit
for changemakers, women’s business networks, European
business schools, Mums Enterprise Roadshows and The
Work & Family Show (Excel London).

Nicola is currently preparing a TED talk on the growing

power of Mumpreneurs within the UK economy.


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