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Hasta mañana a la medianoche

Ad: smart bracelet.

Hi, everyone. In this opportunity, I would like to show you

Cellbracelet. Our enterprise developed the first version of this
product, and we are the only one on this innovation. This
bracelet will revolutionize the tech market during this decade.
This accessory displays a hologram in your arm and you can
swipe without touching a physical screen. We started to make it
several years ago with many prototypes, but finally, we reach
it!. Cellbracelet is going to be released the next month, and you
can afford it for 450 $ with a 10% discount after one week is
released. Moreover, it is including new features which ordinary
smartphones don’t have. First, It’s completely flexible. You can
manipulate it and change it in any shape and size. on the
second hand, the accessory projects a 3d-medium-rotating
image over your arm above. Your contacts also can see you
and talk to you by this feature. We are working with enterprises
for more features looking forward. So, What are you waiting too
much to buy it ?! Go to any of our stores right away.

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