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Tamagotchi is a virtual pet created by Akihiro Yokoi in Japan. It is like the Iphone for
the kids back in the day but inside this toy is a pet that you need to take care of. How
about 20 years from now? What would Tamagotchi be like? I would like to create the
advance version of Tamagotchi that it will be at the same level of other technology

I would call this Cellgotchi because it will work just like cellphones but the difference
is the appearance and their advances. Cellgotchi is much more advance than
cellphones because it can be also at the same level as those ICT devices. This device
can also work like laptops and computer because it can store files and has more
advances with the features.

Instead of being just a toy for kids, it will now also work like a phone but the
appearance will be the same as it is portable and easy to carry. There will be apps
inside the toy and you can communicate with others through it like a phone. Especially
for the kids and their parents so that they could communicate through this device. It can
also be a tracking device for the kids so their parents could track them. However, this
device is not only limited for kids. For it is now an ICT device, everyone could have it
because of its pocket friendly design.

This device will contribute a lot for the advancement of ICT device for older
generation could also use this for their everyday life. Kids might be the target of the
market but the elders will also be part of it as Cellgotchi will be their commonalities with
each other. Kids will not find this as a boring device and it will not also harm them
because of the excessive use of this device for it is not like tablets that expose them to
the bad side of ICT. This will also help people to reduce their screen time on other
devices that doesn’t do any good for them. With this device, they can focus on their
main goals as a consumer of ICT devices without the distraction of any other things.
Therefore, this device will be the future of ICT.

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