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The proposed study on understanding the impact of workload on teacher stress levels is a relevant and
timely investigation that addresses a critical aspect of the teaching profession. The introduction provides a
clear rationale for the study, emphasizing the noble yet challenging nature of teaching and the significant
role that workload plays in contributing to teacher stress. The recognition of the multifaceted responsibilities
of teachers and the potential consequences of high workload on teacher well-being and classroom
effectiveness sets the stage for an important exploration.

The literature review demonstrates a thorough understanding of the existing research on teacher workload
and stress. Drawing on studies by Arvidsson et al. (2019), Jendle and Wallnäs (2017), Zhou and Ning
(2020), Li et al. (2021), and Desouky and Allam (2017), the review captures the various dimensions of
teacher workload, ranging from administrative tasks to technological adaptations and student-related
responsibilities. The inclusion of international studies, such as those from Sweden, adds a cross-cultural
perspective, recognizing that teacher stress is a global concern.

The purpose of the study is well-defined, emphasizing the need to gain a comprehensive understanding of
the impact of workload on teacher stress levels. The study's objectives, including identifying coping
mechanisms, exploring organizational support, and contributing to the existing body of knowledge on
teacher stress, add depth and clarity to the research focus. The emphasis on organizational support
recognizes the role of the broader educational system in mitigating teacher stress, highlighting the potential
impact of administrative decisions on teacher well-being.

The significance of the study is clearly articulated, acknowledging its importance for educational
policymakers, administrators, teachers, and the broader field of educational research. The study's potential
to inform targeted interventions, policy decisions, and support systems is emphasized, recognizing the
cascading effects on the entire education system when teacher stress is effectively addressed. The study's
acknowledgement of the potential benefits for teachers, administrators, and policymakers aligns with a
holistic approach to addressing teacher well-being.
The research questions are well-crafted, covering specific aspects of workload, stress levels, coping
mechanisms, organizational support, and potential consequences on teacher well-being and classroom
effectiveness. The questions align with the study's purpose and objectives, ensuring a focused and
comprehensive investigation into the complex relationship between workload and teacher stress.

The nature and limitations of the study are transparently presented, acknowledging the qualitative
approach's strengths and limitations. The decision to focus on elementary school teachers is justified,
recognizing the unique challenges they face. The acknowledgment of potential biases and limitations, such
as researcher bias and the study's scope, demonstrates a thoughtful consideration of the study's
boundaries. The commitment to ethical considerations, including informed consent and confidentiality, adds
credibility to the research process.

The methodology is well-justified, with a clear rationale for choosing a qualitative approach. The use of in-
depth interviews with a purposive sample of 25 elementary school teachers allows for a nuanced
exploration of their experiences. The incorporation of document analysis adds depth to the study by
contextualizing teachers' experiences within the broader organizational framework. The rigorous data
analysis methods, including inductive thematic coding and member checking, enhance the study's
credibility and validity.

The target population is well-defined and justified based on the study's focus on elementary school
teachers. The purposive sampling approach ensures a diverse representation, considering variations in
teaching experience, grade levels, and school contexts. The study's intentional focus on elementary
teachers recognizes the unique challenges and workload dynamics within this subgroup, providing a
specific lens through which to explore the research questions.

In conclusion, the proposed study on understanding the impact of workload on teacher stress levels is well-
conceived and addresses a critical gap in the literature. The introduction, literature review, purpose,
research questions, and methodology together form a coherent and robust framework for conducting an
insightful investigation. This study has the potential to contribute practical insights to addressing teacher
stress, inform educational policies, and promote a healthier and more supportive work environment for
teachers, ultimately benefiting the quality of education provided to students.

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